[Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

2nd of Cylus 723

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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

PCs involved: Eliza
PC Role in this: Private Citizen
Link to thread: Here 'tis.
Brief summary of what’s going on: Eliza has spent the 2nd of Cylus indoors sheltering from the cold and otherwise reading about business management, playing her gittern and singing. By the early morning of the 3rd trial, she notices the worsening storm, surmises that it will only get worse, and sends out a message to the authorities, offering temporary shelter in her home from the storm for those identified as being in need. She has also requested supplies to care for those who might arrive, in the form of cots, blankets, food and fresh water, medicine and maybe the services of a healer if one is available. Assuming any refugees are sent her way, of course.
What impact are you hoping this thread will have? Save a few lives if she can.
How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather?
More than likely to survive.
This thread is: Up for review.
 ! Message from: Peg
Noted. Eliza is able to help very much so. They send people and supplies. After a day or two, though, it becomes obvious that this snow isn't letting up and Eliza is in the situation of having more people wanting to come in - and food being an issue for all of Beacon. There are items of food to be had but, on the outskirts of Beacon, she's kind of stuck. If she tried to go to Scalvoris town, she'll probably freeze to death. But Beacon's resources are running low.
 ! Message from: Peg
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            Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

            PCs involved: Woe. And letters sent to Balthazar, Vega, Faith, and a couple of NPCs.
            PC Role in this: Egg of Egilrun
            Link to thread: We are the Night
            Brief summary of what’s going on: Woe is seeing the flurry at the beginning of the day. Five hours before the snow hits, he gets moving out of Onyx Hall and begins warning people. he sends his dragonling to Almund to watch over his people there. He sends out letters to several important people.
            What impact are you hoping this thread will have? Early warning for the people contacted, and organization for Egilrun.
            How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? He's got the blessing of Ziel which means cold immunity. Very likely. he's also got a initiative bonus.
            This thread is: Finished.
             ! Message from: Peg
            Reviewed! This thread will be fundamental for Egilrun. You will find that people work together far better because of this stuff. He'll have more helpers etc. Onyx Hall will become a sort of "central hub" and the entire population of Egilrun look to him. This will be a test of Woe's leadership as, over the next few hours and days, people turn to look at him to answer all their problems. The plus point of this is that it means people do what he says, and he is able to get stuff done. The down point is that, whether they be the Elements stationed there, or the urchins in the street - they're looking to Woe. Food is going to become an issue within a few days, also, and he needs to start dealing with that now. You can assume that there are NPCs in place who are competent and do their jobs. But Woe has made himself a focus.
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                      Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

                      PCs involved: Kura Wolfsdotter
                      PC Role in this: (eg: Element, Merc, Council Member, Order of the Adunih, Just Me!) Albarech of Scalvoris
                      Link to thread: [Winter Storm] Digging Out
                      Brief summary of what’s going on: Kura gets alerted that the snow stops and she sets out to make sure all of her helpers are working on digging duty, sends out people to check on the rest of the island, and gives the order to use boiling water to melt the snow.
                      What impact are you hoping this thread will have? Increased survival rates from the boiling snow thing helping people dig faster to rescue the injured and cold. Communication with the rest of the island.
                      How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? Still immune to the cold.
                      This thread is: Up for review / Just started. Up for review.
                       ! Message from: Peg

                      Reviewed! Consequences assigned:
                      Scalvoris Town gets opened up more quickly than it would have otherwise, and this means that help can get out quicker and easier to where it's needed.

                      An increase in cooperation between the Order of the Adunih and the Elements does well for Scalvoris Town

                      Also - please submit to the State of Play thread, thanks!
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                                Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

                                PCs involved: Woe
                                PC Role in this: (eg: Element, Merc, Council Member, Order of the Adunih, Just Me!) Egg of Egilrun
                                Link to thread: Here it is
                                Brief summary of what’s going on: Woe is buying out the provisions of the various other establishments in Egilrun. He spent 40 wp to do so, however much taht results in adding to the days of provisions for Onyx Hall and the homeless and other unfortunates sheltered there, up to you.
                                What impact are you hoping this thread will have? Hopefully save lots of lives and extend the food supply.
                                How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? Very, Ziell marked.
                                This thread is: Up for review
                                 ! Message from: Peg
                                Reviewed! The thread has been assigned consequences:
                                Cordelia's insistence on profiting from the misery of others is something she's quite proud of. She boasts of the deal she got from Woe and this does nothing for her reputation. Please submit to the State of Play.

                                As a consequence of hearing about Cordelia's insistence, the people Woe sends to collect the supplies also take the time to first speak to all of those in Onyx Hall and then to go around and gather food and supplies from homes. They will have enough for the duration of the snow storm with the supplies from Lemon Messy, too.

                                Also - the following Loot:
                                As a result of his generosity, Woe is able to make purchases in Egilrun at a 50% reduction in cost. No matter what he's buying. This lasts for a full arc and may last longer
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                                          Words Like Violence, Break the Silence
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                                          Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

                                          PCs involved: Gennadiya Lyosha
                                          PC Role in this: Order of the Adunih and Myself
                                          Link to thread: This is the thread where arranged. this is the Letter informing Kura
                                          Brief summary of what’s going on: Genna arranges for food and livestock supplies. Genna spent 15 xp on food stuffs, and 15 on live stock.
                                          What impact are you hoping this thread will have? Keep people from starving after the event.
                                          How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? Very prepared.
                                          This thread is: Up for review / Just started. Up for Review.
                                           ! Message from: Peg
                                          Reviewed! The following consequence was given:

                                          This will significantly impact the recovery from the snow storm in Scalvoris and will boost both Gennadiya's and the Order of the Adunih's reputation. Please post this thread in the State of Play tracker, thank you!

                                          And the following Loot
                                          Genna gets a "care package" from the children at Luna's Dream orphanage on behalf of Scalvoris. There are drawings and thank you cards made by the children. There is also a selection of sweet and savoury treats, a bolt of masterwork+ fabric (perfect for a wedding dress!) and a selection of "pamper yourself" spa-like treatments and so on. It's almost like they know her
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                                                    Eliza Soule
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                                                    Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

                                                    PCs involved: Eliza
                                                    PC Role in this: Private Citizen
                                                    Link to thread: Making Something From Next to Nothing
                                                    Brief summary of what’s going on: Eliza continues to care for those refugees from the storm that have been sent, or have made way on their own to Story Book Manor. Knowing that food may begin to run low if the storm doesn't end soon and if more supplies can't get through, on trial four of the storm she begins to ration what they have in hopes of making it last long enough. She enlists some of those sheltering to help care for the others and organizes them to do tasks like cooking, hauling wood, clearing drifts and then helps in the kitchens. On trial five, she uses her mortaborn ability Heartsong to draw/. Shecreate a large cadouri bear suited to living in, surviving and thriving in harsh conditions. She brings him to life and sends him off to Scalvoris with domain bags in hopes he can secure foodstuffs and bring them back to the house. Also on trial five she calls upon her Adored ability Cooling/Warming Trend to heat up the area around Story Book Manor, roughly the size of a city block, by ten degrees. She wonders if it will be enough to help melt the snow, but has to try anyway.
                                                    What impact are you hoping this thread will have? Save a few lives if she can.
                                                    How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? More than likely to survive.
                                                    This thread is: Finished/Up for review.
                                                     ! Message from: Peg
                                                    Reviewed! It has been given the following consequences:

                                                    The people there are well looked after and Eliza gains a reputation as a very useful person to know. This will also significantly impact the recovery of Beacon.
                                                    Sufficient food and supplies for another ten days, brought from Scalvoris Town.

                                                    Curveball: Eliza gets approached during the storm to ask if Bertrum might help out in other ways - he seems to be immune to the cold after all! (Optional plot if you want it!)
                                                    word count: 351
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                                                              Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

                                                              All reviews (except ones with me ) done. Keep the snow storm coming!
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                                                                        ~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

                                                                        Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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                                                                        Vega Dweeb
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                                                                        Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

                                                                        PCs involved: Vega
                                                                        PC Role in this: Citizen
                                                                        Link to thread: These stories don't mean anything.
                                                                        Brief summary of what’s going on: This is just the pre-cursor for Vega's father's funeral - I actually don't expect it to have any impact, but it's on the Sea of Light, as the funeral will be, so I put it here. .
                                                                        What impact are you hoping this thread will have? Snowstorm? None.
                                                                        How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? Very. And very
                                                                        This thread is: Finished.
                                                                         ! Message from: Pig Boy
                                                                        The settlement will find their spirits buoyed by Vega's observance of tradition even in the midst of the disastrous blizzard. She'll find everyday settlers stepping up just that little bit more to cheer each other up through the rest of Cylus.
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                                                                                  Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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                                                                                  Vega Dweeb
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                                                                                  Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

                                                                                  PCs involved: Vega & Jasper
                                                                                  PC Role in this: Citizens
                                                                                  Link to thread: Hazy Shade of Winter
                                                                                  Brief summary of what’s going on: Sweetsong has gotten itself moving quickly. We decided to put it in the tracker now because Jasper's Diri has just made a very helpful offer, lots has been done etc. We're happy to either continue, put to review, or be reviewed. Up to you.
                                                                                  How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? Very. And very
                                                                                  This thread is: Possibly finished, possibly waiting a modnote. :D
                                                                                   ! Message from: Pig Boy
                                                                                  The preparations and execution by Jasper and Vega increase the chances of survivability of the rest of the settlers by leaps and bounds.

                                                                                  Ashan has taken notice of Jasper's involvement and spiritual observance. He will find himself with a minor version of Verdant Protection follows him throughout Rebirth, and the plant life will aid him in subtle ways.

                                                                                  Xiur and Daia have smiled upon Vega, and they send their servants to Vega in lucid dreams to inform her that she's on the right track, and also to share in the grief of her father's eventual passing.

                                                                                  Sweetwine accepts the temporary service of Eldloga, and chooses to extend a share of his power to Jasper for the duration of the Cylus gloom. In exchange, Sweetwine empowers Eldloga and uses his ability for bonfires to carry the communications of any Song-Forged to any other Hearth on the Island. This includes visual representations in flames and auditory representations. For this boon, he not only allows the temperature enhancements over Sweetwine, but also grants Jasper all of the specific Song-Forged abilities so long as he holds to the creed of Eldloga not to use his powers or any of Sweetwine's for violence or destruction. Should he use the powers of Eldloga or Sweetwine to undermine the credo of Eldloga, they will terminate their connection, and Eldloga will return as he was to Jasper.

                                                                                  Otherwise this will terminate with Ashan's Dawn on the 1st of Ashan 723 with an offer to join the Song-Forged, if Jasper wishes it. If he doesn't wish it, Eldloga will return to normal at 1st of Ashan 723 and return to Jasper's service.
                                                                                  word count: 380
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                                                                                            Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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                                                                                            Darius Baer Bottom
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                                                                                            Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

                                                                                            PCs involved: Darius Baer. (Faith Augustin is also there, but she is only mentioned in the background and will not be posting in this thread.)
                                                                                            PC Role in this: Settlement leader.
                                                                                            Link to thread: Holed Up
                                                                                            Brief summary of what’s going on: The settlers have evacuated Hopetoun and found shelter in the Hopetoun Hole. There, they commemorate the Reclamation Trial / Black Baer Trial.
                                                                                            What impact are you hoping this thread will have? A boost to morale for the settlers by providing some focus on the challenges they have already overcome in the past; a greater sense of community from sharing this time together and helping each other.
                                                                                            How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? They have plenty of food, courtesy of preparations for the Havenites who were going to visit for the Reclamation Trial. Faith has used her box of tricks to make the weather conditions much more bearable, and their location away from the snow and closer to the heart of Faldrass, should keep them warm.
                                                                                            This thread is: Just started.
                                                                                             ! Message from: Peg
                                                                                            Accepted. This is a very strong example of Darius' values, and does indeed provide a boost to the people of Hopetoun. I will review the thread when it's done.

                                                                                            As a result of this, people will be more inclined to work together during the snow storm (and beyond). During the ceremony / BBT / RT - some of the settlers will share with Darius that they are worried that something has happened to Faldrass. If Faldrass was fine, why wouldn't he (they reason) help them? Others are worried that they've somehow irritated Xiur or the other Immortals - maybe it's Ziell? Basically, you get to deal with a bit of a crisis of faith, with people looking to Darius to help them.

                                                                                            When finished, this will strengthen their resolve and determination to beat this snow storm. This will give Hopetoun a positive boost to their outcome. Please ensure this also goes into both the Forged tracker and the Hopetoun tracker when finished as it will provide you with a bonus.
                                                                                            word count: 352
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