[Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

Pirate Attack Tracker: Hopetoun

This is a tracker for the Pirate Attacks on 26th Cylus in Scalvoris. Please see the Calendar if you are unsure of that that is.

Slight change of plan here - since we have a few folks working in the same place but not the same post, we're going to do it like this.

a) Basilisk will take care of Sweetsong and Egilrun (cos, yanno, my pc is there)
b) I'll do the rest!

Rather than modnote individual posts, I'll list things here.
So, without further ado:

Before Midnight
At 10 to midnight, Darius is alerted that the lighthouse is giving warning. With the resources at their command, they see that there are three large ships anchored far off shore. As more information comes in, they learn a few more things.

1. The ships are deliberately and obviously meant to be stealthy. Black wood, black sails etc.
2. They all fly the same flag. It's a strange, disturbing beast. He's never heard of the flag being flown but once he sees it, he has no doubt what the beast is, or where he saw it .
3. Each ship will release - at 1am - 10 rowboats. Each rowboat has 6 people in.
 ! Message from: Hopetoun Objective: Before midnight: Be clear about what you're doing
Who do you inform? What information does Darius give Elisabeth? I'd suggest this needs clarity for what happens next !! This is a collaborative thread. Once you've both posted initial posts (please give me details in those posts, let me know what you will be doing or what you plan to do) - I'll modnote those posts.
Midnight - 2am: What you see / what happens.
 ! Message from: Hopetoun: Midnight Objective

This is two solos, I think, where Darius does his thing and Elisabeth does hers. Please do the initial posts for those solos and post here for me to modnote. Please don't put them in the review queue.
 ! Message from: Hopetoun curveball
At about six minutes past midnight someone points to the relevant spot on the horizon. Shouts go up. "Look! Look!" And there is the unmistakable sight of flames coming from Saoire's School.
word count: 368
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

Pirate Attack Tracker: Gunvorton

This is a tracker for the Pirate Attacks on 26th Cylus in Scalvoris. Please see the Calendar if you are unsure of that that is.

Slight change of plan here - since we have a few folks working in the same place but not the same post, we're going to do it like this.

a) Basilisk will take care of Sweetsong and Egilrun (cos, yanno, my pc is there)
b) I'll do the rest!

Rather than modnote individual posts, I'll list things here.
So, without further ado:

Well, Zoro finds himself exactly in the middle of a bunch of pirates. They are all around him before he gets a chance to get away and Zoro will have a marvellous fight on his hands (assuming he fights back). They will, eventually (fairly quickly) overcome him and he will find himself knocked unconscious. He will wake up in a dark room.......
 ! Message from: Gunvorton Objective
Write the fight, and the waking up - then post here and i'll modnote you. Don't put it up for review!
Thread Started

Code: Select all

PCs involved:
NPCs involved? ( please give me links).
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread – what (if any objectives are you meeting?)
What skills etc are relevant to your plans here?
Thread Completed

Code: Select all

Link to thread: 
PCs involved:
Brief summary of what you did.
Link to review request, please. 

word count: 241
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

Pirate Attack Tracker: Northern Faldrass

This is a tracker for the Pirate Attacks on 26th Cylus in Scalvoris. Please see the Calendar if you are unsure of that that is.

Slight change of plan here - since we have a few folks working in the same place but not the same post, we're going to do it like this.

a) Basilisk will take care of Sweetsong and Egilrun (cos, yanno, my pc is there)
b) I'll do the rest!

Rather than modnote individual posts, I'll list things here.
So, without further ado:

Northern Faldrass
Before Midnight
At about 11:50, Nir sees them. Six ships. Things to note are.

1. The ships are deliberately and obviously meant to be stealthy. Black wood, black sails etc.
2. They all fly the same flag the symbol of Chrien. - except for one of them. One of them has a Black Kraken on a blue Background - but how well does Nir'wei know his Scalvoris history!?
3. Each ship will release - at 1am - 10 rowboats. Each rowboat has 6 people in.
 ! Message from: Northern Faldrass Objective: Before midnight: Be clear about what you're doing
Six ships attacking Serenity Gardens / Spirits Rest Oasis. Why? There must be more to it than that, surely? Either way - you have the vantage point to get the drop on them - no issue there. Do a solo where Nir does that, but don't put it up for review, bring it to the point that he does his thing and then post here (code below) and I'll modnote. But see next objective / info.
Midnight - 2am: What you see / what happens.
 ! Message from: Oh, it's a Faldrass curveball
At about six minutes past midnight you see it. From where you are, in fact, you see two things. The first thing is that the volcano is dark - not even it's usual glow is present. But more obviously than that, there is the unmistakable sight of flames coming from Saoire's School.
word count: 335
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

Pirate Attack Tracker: Sweetsong

This is a tracker for the Pirate Attacks on 26th Cylus in Scalvoris. Please see the Calendar if you are unsure of that that is.

Slight change of plan here - since we have a few folks working in the same place but not the same post, we're going to do it like this.

a) I will take care of Sweetsong and Egilrun (on account of Peg's PC's being there). I am using the same template, though.
b) Peg will do the rest!,

Rather than modnoting the individual posts, I'll list things in separate posts.
So, without further ado:

Before Midnight
With all that in the air and in the harbor, you'll get notified of three ships appearing fairly early. These ships have clearly been painted for stealth, with black sails and wood that's bene painted black. It's a bit longer before they're confirmed to be heading for Sweetswong, and you're left with about ten minutes warning. Around this time, begin to identify the flags that are unfurled by the three ships.
The lead ship is The Unforgiven, the ship captained by [url=/viewtopic.php?p=18799#p18799]The Butcher[/url. The second ship is The Gutripper, captained by The Boar, and the third is the Hopeless Dirge, captained by The Slaver. All three are members of the Pirate Lords, some of the old Pirate Lords of Scalvoris. All three are bearing down on Sweetswong with what is almost certainly unfriendly intentions.
 ! Message from: Sweetsong Objective: [b
Before midnight: [/b] Be clear about what you're doing
You ain't got much in the way of defensive structures, so be specific about how you're going to defend yourselves against these three, as well as how you're dealing with panic from the lifelong Scalvonites that know what kind of bad news these three are.
Midnight - 2am: What you see / what happens.

All three ships anchor off shore and start firing shipboard ballista bolts into the woods, as well as at any arial defenders. These are not inexperienced pirates, so they know how to manage an attack. At the same time, they've loose four rowboats each, with each rowboat holding six pirates for a land attack. That's 72 pirates trying to come ashore for you to deal with.

Sweetsong: Midnight - 2am
As soon as there's stiff resistance from Sweetsong, The Butcher changes tactics. If you've still got eyes on the ships, you can see them lighting ballista bolts on fire all along the sides of The Unforgiven, with the clear intent to set fire to Sweetwine.
The Boar and the Slaver also send more ships out at this point, but different ships. The Boar uses an old tactic and sends out unmanned, burning ships with the intent to crash them into the Sweetsong Docks. The Slaver, meanwhile, true to his name, is the most interested in taking captives and sends out two more ships with six pirates each, turning it up to 84 pirates total landing.
 ! Message from: Objective
Start a thread with both all of you where you deal with what I've told you above and the first 30 seconds - 2 minutes after the Pirate Lords change tactics. Link it here as started and I'll modnote

word count: 556
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

Pirate Attack Tracker: Egilrun

This is a tracker for the Pirate Attacks on 26th Cylus in Scalvoris. Please see the Calendar if you are unsure of that that is.

Slight change of plan here - since we have a few folks working in the same place but not the same post, we're going to do it like this.

a) I will take care of Sweetsong and Egilrun (on account of Peg's PC's bein' there). I will be using the same template though.
b) Peg'll do the rest.

Rather than modnoting individual posts, I'll list things in separate posts.
So, without further ado:

Before Midnight
Woe - You won't get contact from Navenea about any plans for an attack, but all those familiars and your night owl status will alert you to three ships approaching. They've clearly been modified for stealth, with their wood painted black and bearing black sails. As they approach, they aren't flying any flags.
Faith Same information as above, except solely from the Kaldvind.
 ! Message from: Egilrun Objective: [b
Before midnight: [/b] Be clear about what you're doing]
Woe - You'll need to be clear about which ship you're trying to infiltrate, as what you find out, and how successful you are, will depend on which one you go for.
Faith - You'll need to be clear about what exactly Faith does during her hour of frozen time. Remember, things have to be exactly where they were when the ability was activated or she can't retain any memory of what she saw or did during that break.
Midnight - 2am: What you see / what happens.

Exactly at midnight, the three ships unfurl their flags, which longtime residents of Scalvoris will recognize. The ship on the left is The Falcon, captained by The Swift, while the ship on the right is The Slit Throat, captained by The Knife. Both are members of the Pirate Lords that once ruled Scalvoris.

The middle ship, which seems to be leading the attack, is a strange case. It's identified as The Wicked Reaver, which was captained by The Ageless. However, The Ageless was confirmed to be The Warden of Slags Deep, a dead man. Faith at least would know this, as Qylios identified him during Saoire's Feast of Heroes after the Forging, at Faith's table.

These ships, regardless of weather or not Woe boards one of them successfuly, will be succesffuly stimied by Faith's freezing of the water. However, this also means the pirates no longer need to actually reach the shore to land and ropes drop over the sides of all three ships as the pirates disembark straight onto the ice to begin their attack.

Egilrun: Midnight - 2am
Each ship, no longer needing to be sailed or needing to worry about longboat capacity, disgorges a lot of pirates. Each of them will attempt to drop 100 pirates to attack Egilrun, for a total of 300 armed scallywags. However, only the 200 from The Falcon and The Slit Throat will focus on Egilrun itself, while the 100 from The Wicked Reaver seem to be much more focused on Slags Deep as an objective.
 ! Message from: Objective
Start a thread with both of you where you deal with what I've told you above and the first 30 seconds - 2 minutes after the pirates leave the ships. Woe, you'll need to be specific about what you do when the pirates start to leave the ship, as it'll affect how much of an effect you have on the numbers. You won't have time to get to more than one ship unless you do nothing but listen on the first ship. Link it here as started and I'll modnote

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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

PCs involved: Kisaik, Jasper, Vega, Winston
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread – what (if any objectives are you meeting?)
What skills etc are relevant to your plans here?

You said you'd modnote . This is the first round of posts and lays out the plans for what we're doing. Please and thanks! <3
 ! Message from: Basilisk
Good start. To start with, most of the civilians will take the safety offer, but some of the hardier hunters or fighters will be more inclined to stand and fight. Some of the locals can tell you a bit about the Lords before they take the safe option. Outside of that, there's two specific responses to make. Kisaik, you're currently on your own. Whether you move to join up with the other defenders or press the attack is up to you. Vega, you've managed to limit the amount of ballista fire by about half, but that number will start to recover faster on The Butcher's ship once his people start lighting up their bolts, as the fire will combat the cold. There will be a similar, but slower recovery on the Boar's ship. You will notice some people attempt to flee from either the ships or the rowboats. These are pretty promptly killed by more senior pirates.

Finally, Vega's letter will reach anyone who has a linked echo scroll.
word count: 236

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

PCs involved: Woe and Faith.

Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread – what (if any objectives are you meeting?) You said you'd modnote . This is the first round of posts and lays out the plans for what we're doing. Also - there's use of the time-freeze ability and a few other things what'll need a mod decision.

What skills etc are relevant to your plans here? Think they're all linked in there.
 ! Message from: Basilisk
The time stop, horse, and crown work as intended. The crown doesn't find anyone. Hunch does find several lookouts, but they aren't watching for ships, nor do they seem to have land forces. They're watching the Element and Ranger stations, specifically on the road between Egilrun and Slags Deep. Logisitics Tier 2 has Faith grabbing fireplace ash. She has a Hunch that there's other things that could help, but with limited time before the attack, it'll be up to you whether she goes after any of it.

Woe, the Elements and Rangers begin mobilizing as soon as word reaches them. As you haven't left for the ships yet, I can't do anything further on that front.
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

PCs involved: Nir'wei.

Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread – what (if any objectives are you meeting?)

Getting the drop on pirates by laying down an ambush - then scouting the volcano, Saoire's Dream, Hopetoun, Haven, and the Faldrass Barony. You said you'd modnote.

What skills etc are relevant to your plans here?

Tactics, Animal Husbandry, Animal Training, Mount, Detection.
 ! Message from: Peg
Ok - the following happen / are seen.

1. You have a feeding frenzy on your hands, very much so. This is not going to bode well for the pirates. However, the animals aren't stealthy and the pirates are used to navigating Scalvoris waters themselves and so they will attack the creatures. This does, however, keep them pretty busy. They do NOT disembark until the waters are safe, so you have effectively negated the attack at this point. However, the large ships will seek to split into three pairs and go in different directions to different places. The issue you have here is the frogs.

See, the fish tell the frogs. And that's fine. But the frogs? The frogs tell the lizards. The lizards, they tell a coyote or two, who mentions to an owl, or perhaps a wolf ..... essentially, other land animals. And they tell each other. Nir'wei would know that you've got limited time before a lot of very hungry animals are going to start appearing all around Scalv. This could be Very Bad News. But it has dealt with the immediate situation. Still - six ships, trying to get away.

2. Curveball 1: Faldrass (I wonder what happens if HE gets hungry!?) is dark. Inside the volcano there is a.... well. It's kind of like a dark black shadow. Vabina, especially, would be able to see. As you get closer, it's not that Faldrass has "gone out" or that the lava's disappeared - it's that there's this big bank of black fog. Thick, impossibly thick black fog. Wassat then?

3. Curveball 2: Saoire's Dream. The big tree in the courtyard of Saoire's dream has caught fire / been set on fire. It is resisting all attempts to put it out. People seem pretty focused on that. Nir, as a GM Tactician, might have some thoughts about that....

4. In order you posted the others.
Faldrass Barony: No obvious issues.
Haven: Castile notices some decidedly dodgy footprints and this will lead to some very dodgy looking folks sneaking into the gazebo where Elisa and Balth got married. They didn't come from the shore / water. Nope. Let me know what he does there.
Hopetoun: You see the situation as is. You can not respond until after Darius and Elisabeth have both posted. You may then post in that thread, as your NPCs.
word count: 469
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

PCs involved: Nir'wei.

Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread – what (if any objectives are you meeting?)

Making progress on all the things he's seen in the previous thread Rise and Shine.

1. Greyhide, Cold and Vabina enter the fog in the Volcano and search for Faldrass using their scent and hearing.

2. Sovar, Myrth and Nox are exploring Saoire's Dream to ensure that nothing else is amiss. If they find nothing and the burning is a distraction for the pirate invasion, they return to Nir'wei through his (still open) School Gateway. If they find the burning is a distraction for something else in Saoire's Dream, they launch into immediate attack.

3. Squeak moves from the Barony to Saoire's Dream to follow the same orders under Sovar.

4. Castile and Arle at Haven attack the mysterious strangers and aim for an instant takedown using brute force and tactical precision.

5. Nir'wei attracts a large amount of small birds to himself, including morning birds like robins and tits, and a few Etchwings - and accidentally reinforces the frenzy he's already started in the process, but then continues to do it intentionally.

6. Nir'wei also sends a message to Vega through Echo Scroll alerting her of the frenzy that he's spreading and telling everyone to get indoors.

7. Nir'wei feeds a frog his blood, intending to turn the frenzy into a blood frenzy - aiming it specifically at people, to avoid them all eating each-other.

8. Finally, Nir'wei waits, allowing the six boats to split into groups of 3 while Archailist uses his Forest Orb to watch their movements through the eyes of squirrels on the island and map their movements, so that Nir'wei can plot to attack the flagship (when it's split from the other ships, and as long as none of the others start attacks that take his attention first.)

The thread itself is The Other Side.

What skills etc are relevant to your plans here?

Animal Training, Tactics, Logistics, Detection.
 ! Message from: Peg
  • 1.Greyhide, Cold and Vabina are not Forged Diris and, therefore, they find nothing. No explanation, no Induk. Just ... nothing.
  • Sovar, Myrth and Nox see that the tree in Saoire's School is burning brightly. But they also see that the tree is entirely untouched / unharmed. Flames from the tree continue to grow, however, and they notice that those flames are growing ever-higher. The tree remains untouched. They also see a shimmering dome over Saoire's Dream - very hard to spot, but they do.
  • All of Nir'wei's mortal / physical animals start (slowly) to feel a little disoriented / dizzy. Nothing major, but almost like they're in a smoke-filled room and / or a little short of oxygen at an altitude.
  • Castile and Arle find themselves in a battle with people of very high skill level (Expert blades, expert athletics, etc). They are very good. They will be able to win but it's hard and loud. Haven NPCs may be involved - so you and Elisabeth may want to liaise.
  • There are a lot of animals - specifically a lot of birds - around Nir. The skies are full of very hungry creatures, in fact. At the time, this may seem like a good idea. Whether it is or not in light of what happens next is maybe up for debate.
  • The yellow fog corruption spreads out over the island of Faldrass and beyond.....
 ! Message from: Forest Orb
Oke. So then, there's the activation of the Forest Orb.

The Forest Orb activates and suddenly, Nir feels his consciousness expand.

He sees through the eyes of all squirrels for a mile. There are lots of them - and it's more than seeing through their eyes. He realises that he's "being" them - linked to them - and they're all feeling that strange, strange overwhelming / dizzy sensation. It's all the squirrels.

But then he realises that it's not just them.

He realises that, in fact, now it's all the squirrels in two miles. Then four. Then eight. And so it goes in an exponential explosion of squirrel-eyes. It's overwhelming, even for him. For a moment, just a moment, he sees all the squirrels in Idalos. He's seeing through the eyes of - he is being every one of them. He sees snapshots of their lives / moments - snapshots of all sorts of squirrel-life, including some bizarre things like, for example, a squirrel and a snake yelling at each other

Finally, his vision retracts a little. But still, it's more than a mile. More than a mile. In fact, he sees squirrels in forests. Lots of them - lots of forests. He knows what it is, just for a moment. He - they are - in the Unabor forests and in that moment, as noxious yellow gas seeped out, moving across the island much more quickly than it should - Nir'wei suddenly realises that, just as all the trees in Unabor are connected, suddenly they are all connected. Each squirrel, one to the other and he hears and sees and is them all.

It's overwhelming - and Nir'wei passes out.
When you come around

When Nir wakes up a few moments later, the fact that the six ships are separating into pairs has become apparent. Two are headed west, two east and two south. map for your convenience Image
word count: 911
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

Link to thread: Well, That's Not Good....
PCs involved: Elisabeth
Brief summary of what you did - Elisabeth gets a warning from Vega via echo scroll about the ships approaching Sweetsong. This launches Elisabeth into action, prompting her to check the Saoire snow globe to ascertain Haven's status. Additionally, she sends messages to Haven (Nia and Balder via two separate echo scrolls), Balthazar in Almund and Faith (wherever she is - Elisa doesn't know.)
Link to review request, please viewtopic.php?p=198153#p198153
 ! Message from: Peg
Reviewed! Consequences given in there - Elisabeth has informed 4 people of the pirates and she has gathered information on what's happening in Haven. Nice work!
word count: 114
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