• Closed • [Venora] Wagon Woes and Friendly Foes

Nir'wei has some wagon troubles and Faith comes to his rescue... but should he be rescuing her?

13th of Saun 716

The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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[Venora] Wagon Woes and Friendly Foes

Though he could only laugh at her cheeky quips, knowing full-well that he'd really never know if bards would sing of their stories, nor if it was the best idea to carry all his possessions on his back... there was something rather sobering about the entire experience. For the second time that afternoon he looked back at Faith as an actual slave. A girl who'd never known freedom, never known a life outside of that under the boots and chains of another person. Physically stained forever with the brands and markings of the family that she belonged to, as one might engrave their initials into a chair or a table to claim it forever as their own and nobody elses. Knowing her story, he felt even worse than before. She had nobody. No family but the slaves around her and her own master, whoever that bastard might be. For one selfish moment, he realized that meant there really was nothing holding her back from the freedom she deserved. There wasn't anyone else around, just the two of them. Her chains could be broken. He could find a ship, he had enough money stashed away somewhere. Ideas raced, mental maps of the local area popping in and out of his mind's eye as he counted the figures. Only a few day's travel to the port. She could sleep in the wagon while they waited for the next boat to pull in, they'd aim for something like Ivorian, where she'd at least be moderately safe from potential bounty hunters trying to cash in on some easy money and drag back a young slave-girl. All it'd take is a few trials to set everything up, since she probably didn't have many belongings and she'd need a few forged documents to explain away the brands on her body, and she'd be free to go wherever she wished.

And then what?

She has no family. No friends. Just you, and you've barely spent a break together with her, Archailist interjected from the mental shadows. Nir'wei fought back and shut the voice out, forming a mental wall, but the spirit had said his piece and the words were left to linger, to replay over and over. No friends. Weren't they friends? You've barely spent a break together with her. As wonderful as his fantasies were to create and recreate in his head, reality was far crueller. There were so many things he didn't know, couldn't account for. Just one and it'd all end, for the both of them. He'd be jailed or killed. She'd be punished, or tortured, or killed, or all three together in that order. But that didn't matter, because he actually had a chance, this chance, to free her and let her see the world she'd missed out on. Do you? Yes he did! You do. But it's a chance. You know the stakes, but you don't know the odds. You're a poor gambler, Nir'wei, and you're smart enough to know when you're looking at a dive that's too deep. The squirrel-spirit materialized for just an instant, milky-white eyes staring deep into his own, just off to the side of Faith's head, far afield in the background. It's not right. But it's best. For everyone.

He sighed. Then gasped, cheeks brightening, as he realized he'd actually sighed, instead of just mentally. "Oh, right. Wait, you've really never heard of a turtle? They're like... big things that live in the sea. Green, with a shell, like a snail, but not a snail." Just thinking back over the poor excuse of an explanation was enough to bring the laughter back into his voice as he tightened the rope, wrapping it over and over around his own wrists to make sure he had a nice, tight grip that wouldn't slip through the jump. "They-- what? Oh shut up you!" he jokingly laughed. Honestly, she had a dangerous sense of humour. The sharp wit of her comebacks, the dry sarcasm, it all worked up a whole fit of barely-contained giggles that threatened to topple Nir'wei prematurely from the backside of the wagon. Then again, he'd apparently caught her off-guard with one of his previous comments. Well, when an opening appeared, best to squeeze in, make it as big as possible and use it fast before it closed down and disappeared again. You're disgusting. Shut up, he thought back.

"First off, I didn't bust it up, the road and the weather and all the other people who owned it before me did that. Second, I'm not making it worse. Third, if you think this is such a bad idea, and you want to do the hard parts, then why don't you come up with a better idea, that doesn't involve me intentionally falling out of a very tall tree?" Since the first jump didn't completely snap the branch, it looked like it was time for a second attempt.. but this time he wrapped the rope a second time around the base to make sure the rope had less of a chance of breaking apart. "You're really not gonna let go of that, are you." The second jump worked a charm. One hard jerk, a few heart-jarring moments hanging by the rope and nothing else in thin air, and then a harsh splintering noise echoed down the dirt road, followed by a hearty thunk as the branch splintered and ultimately broke away from the rest of the tree, landing down on the ground exactly where Nir'weis head would have been, if he'd not scrambled off to safety.

It wasn't a clean cut. The end of the branch was torn off rather than sawn away, but there was no doubting that they, or rather, Faith, now had more than enough to complete the repairs. The branch was nearly as long as Nir'wei and slightly thicker than both of his legs put together. "There. Happy now, huh?"
word count: 1042
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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[Venora] Wagon Woes and Friendly Foes

It was something that she had seen a hundred times by now, she was sure. Yet it was so very strange to her. People started out horrified at slavery, determined that she should be free, assured that slavery was truly barbaric and determined to do something about it. Until it came, of course, to doing something about it. That was always very different and, thus far, had resulted in her being dropped off at Jamal's shop by Lord Warrick, standing in front of Paladin as he drew his sword to threaten Jamal but did nothing and a plethora of other occurrences. It was something that Jamal had told her about and she had experienced it a few times in his ownership but since Master had bought her it had increased exponentially, she thought. The realisation that doing anything about her situation necessitated inconveniencing their own was something that Faith had seen a lot of and she saw it now, or she thought she did. When he sighed, so deeply, she thought that it was likely to be him coming to the inexorable conclusion that the status quo worked for him and making any sort of change would just be too much work or too inconvenient. Unwittingly, she shared an opinion with a spirit squirrel "I know" she said, softly and she put a hand on his, just for the briefest of moments "It's alright, I promise you. My life is much better now than it was and I hope it continues to improve. And more than that, it is made better by meeting you, so I am glad that we met this trial" each person came into life for a reason, after all and it had to be said, she had not met someone she was so able to laugh with before. It was a rare gift and she was grateful for it.

She smiled at him as he spoke, explaining what a turtle was and she raised an eyebrow. "It is a green sea creature like a snail but not. Can you eat them cooked?" she wondered. "That is what I do best. I cook. I do not cut down trees for a living, you will be surprised to learn" When he laughed, she could not help but be delighted by it and he told her to shut up. She shook her head as he did and responded "I will not. Oh! I... I have never said that before" she considered that carefully and then grinned at him as she tried it again "I will not. No. Not shutting up, so there" she returned and she smiled at him, wondering if he realised just what a wonderous gift that was, to tease another, to laugh and joke and to be as equals. Of course, she assumed he didn't. Why would he, this man whose feet were so free that he walked where he wished and was beholden to none? Come to that, she considered drily, he was so free that he didn't feel the need to bath.

Sometimes, slavery wasn't all bad.

"Well, firstly, you have certainly added to it. Don't forget, I've rummaged around in the unmentionable pits of this thing and either you've had it two trials and hopefully someone paid you to take it away or you've ridden it to the ground" she responded and, of all things, she put her hands on her hips and gave him a wicked, wicked smile. "Secondly, see what I just said and thirdly... just... well. Shush. The tree falling idea would have worked and you are just jealous" she really didn't know where this came from with her but she was simply enjoying bantering with him and she gave him a look that she was fairly sure would curdle milk from a few dozen paces. Unfortunately, she was too short for it to be anything other than sassy bordering on cute, but that was that.

When he got back to do the whole thing again, though, Faith was there to help as much as she could and she gasped as the tree branch landed "Oh! Oh, I should have done it, see! Your head was there and you could have been hurt!" somehow she managed to sound like she was telling him off, but her beaming smile told him that she was indeed what he said "Yes. Happy. Thank you" she replied with genuine grace. But then it was time to get the wood cut down and she looked at the tools that she had and sighed, but it would do. It would have to, she considered.

"Help me?" she asked. Then, cut with the grain not against it and she showed him where she needed it broken and then cut. Or cut and then sanded, whatever worked "I suppose it's too much to ask that you might have some sandpaper?" she wondered, thinking that she might as well ask because if she didn't, she might be missing a trick. But first thing first, she needed to get this bit of wood to the right shape (roughly) so that she could start to worry about how in all the heavens and hells she was going to attach it. "Careful. If you do that you'll get a splinter, you're going against the grain, see?" she said, working the wood to the best shape she could. As she worked she kept disappearing underneath the wagon to make sure that she was doing it right and getting it right.

When she was sure that it was as good as they could manage with their skill level (not great) and their tools (almost non-existent) she looked at what they had and she shot him a grin "If this works, it'll be a bloody miracle. So now, nails. We need to secure this. If you do the manly hard job of holding it, I'll do the wimpy girl job of securing it to the wagon. Deal?" she asked with a wicked twinkle in her eyes.
word count: 1018
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Venora] Wagon Woes and Friendly Foes

It felt absolutely horrible, deciding that he couldn't, or rather wouldn't, help Faith. The fact that she knew made it a thousand times worse. No matter how sincere her attempts were at reassurance, they felt hollow and bitter, almost mocking in their naivety. As if anyone was better off in slavery than in freedom, their lives made better by having them taken away by complete strangers. Did she really believe it, was it a conditioned response, or was she being somehow forced and manipulated into saying those words just to make sure that nobody would try to take her away, to live the life she deserved instead of under the rule of some pompous little asshole who wouldn't know adversity if it smacked him across his powdered face? He couldn't tell which reality was worse, the idea that even one of them could be real only reinforced the deep-seated desire to help her, but Archailist remained stoic in the back of his head, dragging those thoughts away to a dark little pit to be forgotten, at least for now. Arch just wanted to help, he knew; to keep him from throwing himself straight into dangers he couldn't survive. This time, he couldn't stand back and watch someone's life flash by without doing anything. "It's... no. Just because it's a better than being terrible doesn't make it good." The furious little mental tug-of-war between Nir'wei and his spirit familiar ended abruptly as Nir'wei seized control and shoved the squirrel's influence as far from inside his head as he could, given the bond that still tethered them together infallibly. "... I'm glad we met too, though." He wanted to squeeze her hand, but his fingers couldn't bend that far backwards, unfortunately, so he settled for a warm, if distracted smile.

There was a pause. He still spoke, but there was a seriousness in his tone and face, besides the same cheery chime that'd bubbled into their conversation. He wouldn't let this horrible jarring tone spoil their time together. "Honestly, I don't know if you can cook them. It'd be pretty hard, given the shell... but it's worth a shot, they've still got meat in them, same as all animals." Nir'wei shrugged his shoulders and mulled on it. "If I find one and catch it, I'll bring it here and you can cook it for us. That is, if I can catch one. Apparently they're really fast... at least I think they are. The guy who told me that was laughing really hard so I might have misheard," he answered innocently. Perhaps he'd learn how to cook as well!

"Hah, what? You've never said you wouldn't do something?" Well, it sort-of made sense, but at the same time sounded utterly outrageous. "Oh goodness, I think I'm corrupting you. What would your master say now, huh? Next thing you know, you'll be telling people to fetch their own water if they need it so much," he laughed, clutching his stomach with one hand to try and hold back a growing stitch in his side. Well, even if he didn't manage to save her, at least he'd turn her into a normal person with a few more visits to the edge of the road.

Well, on second thought, she was hardly a normal person. "I'll have you know," he said suddenly, standing up and putting both hands on his hips, mimicing her pose and bending over a little so he can push his hips out to one side, "someone paid me to take it away, and then I rode it into the ground." It didn't sound as snarky when he was admitting her accuracy, but he tried to make up for it in body language. "I mean yeah, I kinda made a little worse but technically it wasn't me, it was just the road and the weather, I mean all I did was sit on it and ride it around a bit, and sleep in it. Oh, and a few other people rode in it. Oh yeah, and... okay you know what, maybe it was me." His arms went from his sides to crossed over his chest. "That's all I did though! Your tree idea, even if it did work, would have just caused more damage because the branch would have landed on the wagon!" Yeah, by this point he was just fishing for flaws, but that wasn't the point. The point was, he was winning the argument and she wasn't.

Well, she was sort-of, maybe, kinda right about the whole tree branch fiasco but he was throwing that into the history books as a draw and moving onto clearer fields to assure his victory. "Don't lie, you never would have done it if you genuinely thought I would get hurt. Now, what do you need?" She wanted sand, but on paper. "I don't know what that is." Nir'wei stared at her like she'd just asked for a piece of the moon, but apparently it was a tool to help fix the wagon, so even with no knowledge in carpentry, she'd out-done the Sev'ryn yet again in her limited expertise. "Wait. Is it the hard thing with a metal head? Or the little rough thin square?" He reached into a bag and pulled out a dull metal hammer, and a piece of sandpaper. Apparently it was the latter.

How long had he gone without knowing what these things were, or what they were supposedly for? They'd come in the bottom of the bag he'd bought, although why, he'd never really known nor cared for. Just another perk of buying second-hand things from shadey merchants over the experienced salespeople who tried to squeeze every little coin out of his sewn-on pockets. He didn't really know how to work it, but he roughly went along the same paths as Faith, until they had some crudely-shaped wood in a somewhat-workable shape that just needed a good bit of hammering into the right spot. "It's a bloody miracle we've gotten this far, actually. Now, hammer those nails. They don't call it the hard manly job for no reason!" The branch was damn heavy for his skinny little arms and it took real effort to lift and hold the chunk of wood long enough for Faith to (hopefully) secure it in place with the crude little nails they'd salvaged from other parts.
word count: 1122
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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[Venora] Wagon Woes and Friendly Foes

The look on his face told her a lot about how he was feeling and Faith stepped closer to him, stood on her tiptoes and then planted a kiss on his cheek. She immediately stepped away again, not wishing to make him feel uncomfortable, but her smile was genuine. "It's alright. I was in a much worse place, and now I am in a better one. Then, this trial I made a new friend and that means I am in a better place again, yes?" she pointd out. It was difficult for him and she understood that. She did not wish to add to it. He was confused and conflicted and it was something that he could not quite understand in himself. He wanted to do what he thought would be helping her, and he felt it very keenly that he could not. She did not mind, not in the least, but what she felt about it really didn't matter right now. Because right now he needed to come to terms with the difference between who he was and who he thought or was, or even who he wanted to be. That was a tricky thing, Faith knew, and she gave a prayer to Famula in thanks that she had not, thus far, had to deal with such. She knew who she was, what she could and could not do and more than anything, she knew her place.

But really, they could back and forth about this all trial and it would achieve nothing. So, she turned her attention to the shambles that was his wagon. Not before grinning at him at his promise that, should he ever come across one of those stranged shell-covered creatures, he would bring it to her for cooking. She smiled and shook her head "If they are fast, you might not get to catch it. But I would try to cook it." she assured him. And as for his response to her, well her smile was genuine and she looked at him in pleasure. Clouds were dispersed from his expression, it seemed, and she was pleased. She shook her head and waggled a finger at him "I would not be surprised if that is exactly what happened. How it has remained mobile is frankly a miracle and evidence that someone, somewhere, is smiling on you." She waved a dismissive wave of her hand and shook her head though, sternly "If people need water, I will be serving it to them. You are a bad influence" she admonished. "But it was not you? The road and the weather did it?" she rolled her eyes and grinned at him.

"No, that is true. If I thought for one moment that you might have been hurt I would have forbidden it completely" she explained, apparently quite seriously, although she was not really able to maintain that for any length of time. But when he oh so solemnly handed her the sandpaper, Faith snorted with laughter "Oh! Oh.. you are the funniest man I have ever met!" she clutched at her stomach and took the paper with her spare hand. "Here, just in case. Let me show you, here?" and she took him to the piece of wood which needed shaping, moving the sandpaper carefully "Move with the grain of the wood, see? It will help, I promise. See, run your hand over here, now, feel how smooth it is" she took hold of his hand and moved it over, smiling up at him in delight "Sandpaper. Isn't it clever? It's very finely crushed glass, apparently, not sand at all. But who knew?"

And they had some nails and a "yes, yes, I'm hammering. Hold still, for the Sevens' sake!" she said, getting to work as quickly and efficiently as she could whilst not "OW!" or more precisely while trying not to hit her fingers. But she kept going in a stalwart show of endurance, frowning but focusing and she got the thing held..... more or less.... in place. When it was done, she stepped slowly, slowly back and she looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you think?" she asked, looking critically at the thing as though expecting it to fall apart where it stood.

Then, she looked surprised that it hadn't and she beamed at him.
word count: 729
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[Venora] Wagon Woes and Friendly Foes

Everything stopped. Nir'weis attention flung back to Faith but she was just standing there, smiling, as if nothing was wrong. Because for her, nothing was wrong. She seemed happy, genuinely content with her place in life regardless of whether or not she truly deserved what she'd been handed. He could yell, he could cry, he could harbour whatever opinions on the matter he wanted but in the end he wasn't her, this wasn't his life that he was contemplating, it was hers. There was no telling how happy she could become outside of slavery, logic and basic common sense dictated that she'd likely be a lot happier than she was now... but those same laws would also show her to be miserable right now, without any freedoms, liberties or other important things that so many people had and took for granted. She wasn't. She smiled, she laughed, enjoyed company with friends and helped others simply because she wanted to, not for any monetary reward or mandatory obligation. Whatever opinions he might harbour... he had to put them aside. For her. To be fair, she was making it pretty easy to forget, anyway. After a long pause, he smiled warmly back and his expression softened. "Yes, yes. You're right, of course." He'd made her day better and that was all he could hope to achieve. "Plus, you know. If you ever find yourself in a worse place, you can find me again, and I'll at least try to make it better. No promises! But hey, I'll try at least." He left that offer hanging as they focused back on the work at hand; she was free to take up the offer whenever and wherever she may need it.

His wagon was still a mess, but thanks to Faith, it was now a functioning mess. Although it provided almost all the necessary safety for his routine travel, it didn't seem like it'd remain working for long. Even if Faith travelled with him, even if he had a skilled carpenter working on this lump of rotten wood and old bent screws, he knew sooner or later it'd collapse for good. When he rode it into town, he'd probably sell it for the scrap he could find, or if he was lucky, to another gullible member of the general public. "Well, it makes sense when you think about it. Someone was smiling down on me, keeping me moving, but of course I had to pay the price. It's lasted this long through little more than sheer luck, but that doesn't mean it hasn't still taken more than enough of a beating to reduce it to shambles the moment it actually does get running." He shoved both hands in his pockets and stuck his tongue out. "Anyway, I can always find a new one. There's always a market for seventh-hand wagons used to carry horse-shit or something. Dirt-cheap, if you know what I mean. Just needs cleaning." Of course he wasn't being serious, just another joke to lighten the mood.

An added side-effect was that it distracted, at least in part, from his unfortunate lack of understanding on the tools of carpentry. How the hell was he supposed to know these things, anyway? He'd grown up in a place where if someone wanted to shape wood, they literally sang the trees into growing into whatever shape they pleased! Her raucous laughter received a death-stare but after plenty of coaxing he knelt down beside her nevertheless, taking the sandpaper in hand and rubbing it over the 'grain' as she'd called it. Honestly, he didn't really feel any difference to any other direction, but he felt too stupid to ask, so he nodded dumbly. "Yeah, you're right, it does feel smoother." How did something so rough make everything else so smooth? "Well I guess it's because it looks and feels like sand, you know. Rough and small and grain-y." He rubbed the little square of paper between two fingers in his free hand, while the other stroked back and forth over the chunk of shaped wood under Faith's direction. "Strange, though."

Then came the final touch. At least Faith was... well, mostly competent with a hammer. By the time she'd finished, it felt like his arms were about to fall off and his back made some odd cracking noises as he straightened up for the first time in what felt like a long time. "Ahhh." It looked good. Not great, it was pretty damn obvious that at this point the wheel wasn't going to last very long with or without professional interference. It looked a lot more stable than before, though. "You can't even see the crack." He beamed right back, wrapping Faith in a thankful hug. "Come on now, you get to join in the fruits of our labour. I'll give you a ride back to wherever you need to go. Your hands have done enough work, no point running your feet ragged too, right?" He grabbed his horse by the reigns, pulled him out in front, tied off the tethers that held him in place and with a swift tug, the stallion whinnied and started on its slow walk again. With luck, they'd make it to Venora within the break, if he sped things up a bit. But then, if they strained the wagon too much, they might take apart all their hard work! "... It might be a while, but we'll get there, you have my word m'lady."
word count: 951
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Andráska Venora
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[Venora] Wagon Woes and Friendly Foes

Such a Beautiful Thread . . .
  • A lovely, cute thread, guys. I adored the repertoire between the characters, and seeing a side of Faith that is so relaxed was great stuff. Nir'wei, as always, you added some good depth. Seeing his internal struggle about slavery was fantastic, and I liked how the two sort of... danced around the topic, but his discomfort was so real. It's hard meeting a slave so content with their life. I guess that just means being owned by a Venora is a gift... ;)

    Faith's humor came out really strong, and like I mentioned in chat, her innocence just touches my soul. Can't wait to read more from the both of you. Hope you enjoy your review. If I overlooked anything, or there's a knowledge you're dying to have that I didn't see, please PM/whisper me. I'm more than happy to edit if I made a mistake, promise.



Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5


Faith: Venora Slave
Faith: Born in Athart
Faith: Has had 4 Owners
Faith: Has a Dry Sense of Humor
Faith: A Good Cook
Archialist: A Voice of Reason
Carpentry: How to Assess Wood Quality
Carpentry: Finding Damages on a Carriage
Carpentry: Identifying Sandpaper
Carpentry: Cut and Sand with the Grain
Carpentry: Salvaging Scraps of Metal for Makeshift Nails
Sandpaper: Finely Crushed Glass
Logic: Considering Consequences to Actions
Leadership: Offering Solutions
Negotiation: Making a Mutual Decision
Getting Hammered
Etiquette: Holding Your Tongue to Avoid Confrontation
Rhetoric: Implying a Hidden Meaning


Good Company


+1 General Good Deed (Offering A Ride Into Town)



Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5


Nir'wei: Stable Boy
Nir'wei: Has Wanderlust
Leadership: Taking Control of a Situation
Location: Jungles of Desnid
Location: Ivorian
Ivorian: A Fishing Village
Creature: Turtle
Carpentry: Finding Damages on a Carriage
Carpentry: How to Assess Wood Quality
Carpentry: Knowing to Cut and Sand with the Grain
Carpentry: Salvaging Scraps of Metal for Makeshift Nails
Etiquette: Avoiding Subjects That Cause Discomfort
Etiquette: Understanding the Tone of Conversation
Nailing Someone's Wood
Endurance: Pushing Past the Pain of Smashed Fingers


A free ride to Venora.


+1 General Good Deed (Repairing a Stranded Carriage)
. . . I brought it a treat.
word count: 385
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