[CS] Dar Qy'Lin

This section is for Character Sheets specifically. Please make sure to read over the starting guides, rules, and the lost history information before completing a character sheet.

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Re: [CS] Dar Qy'Lin


First off, very sorry for the late attention on this cs. The good news is that there's a minimum of things to fix here, but they do need attention before I can give approval and your wiki page.
  • Your FT, which you've set as Jewelrycrafting should be on a scale of x/100. All other skills should be x/250
  • We've recently had a skill scale down, which means that negotiation is now a part of Socialization, and shipbuilding is part of Woodworking.
  • Please also change the label of your knowledges to match that.
And that's it, the only changes you need make. Please send me a PM when you're ready for approval and have made those changes.
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