Tio nodded to Isodol as she approached, though his expression was one of deep concern. "Aye, it's me." He confirmed, then looked back over to the table Allar was sat at. "And we may have a bit of a problem. I think I've figured out how he's pulling off his card tricks."
He double checked that nobody was listening in, then leaned in closer. "Did you see his shadow? The way it moved? The way it reacted to my bumping into the table was different to how Allar moved, as if it was delayed a little. That's as good an indication as any to me that what we're dealing with here is some kind of magic, and I think I might know what kind. See once upon a time I met a man with a curse that forced him to feed upon vice. He was a gambler, and had to gamble on a daily basis in order to gain energy the same way you or I need to eat. That curse was Kasyni: the mark of the Immortal Mastes, who rules over trickery and vices." A scowl crossed his face. "But every Immortal-given curse has a counterpart: a blessing of the same name. I keep a close eye on all things to do with religion on Scalvoris, and I've read reports that some followers of Mastes have abilities allowing them to control vices that revolve around the use of a living shadow. I don't pay much attention to blessings so I don't know the details, but I think it's safe to say that if Allar is a Kasyni marked with a gambling vice his shadow would have powers that make him a better gambler, such as by changing his cards."
Tio sighed heavily and leaned back on thin air, holding himself in an impossibly unbalanced pose with his floating ability. "The way I see it we have two options before us. The first is to draw the guy out of his element, away from the gambling table, and take his money either by trickery of force. Away from his vice I doubt he'd be much more of a threat than a regular person. Or..." A lopsided smirk grew on the corner of his lips as Tio hummed thoughtfully. "What if we could find a way to beat him at his own game? If we could defeat one of his followers at their own vice despite the advantages he gave them Mastes would either be furious or impressed, both of which sound worthwhile to me." The more he thought about it, the better the idea sounded. He hadn't met Mastes before, but based on what he'd heard he'd always imagined they'd get along like a house on fire. Maybe humiliating a follower of his would be a good way to catch his attention?
"The evidence we've seen so far suggests that Allar needs his shadow to interact with his hand in order to change what cards he's holding. What if we could trick him into going all-in and then remove his shadow from the table? The loss of it might cause his confidence to drop enough that we could bluff him? Or maybe just get lucky enough to actually win?"