120th Ashan, 720
Location: Smooglenuff Manor, Faldrass
Fate worked in strange ways. Ever since Ari'sora was a young child, she had read about many different places on Scalvoris. One of them had been Faldrass. But until Ymiden of 718 she had never even gone past Ren'zar's house and yard never mind explored the island. Now that she was free to live her life as she chose, one of the many things she wanted to do was to see some of the places she had read about.
She had been saving up to buy a house for seasons, and she had finally managed to buy one earlier this season. And since she had had a little left over, she decided to splurge a bit and take a trip to see some of the places she had read about as a child. The decision to go to Faldrass first had been as simple as asking one of the children who lived at Luna's Dream to write the names of the different areas on the island on scraps of paper and put them into a bag. Then she picked one, and the destination of her first trip had been settled.
After spending several trials in Faldrass, Ari'sora couldn't help but be glad that fate had chosen this as her first trip. It was a wonderful place. She and Ryl'ryn had visited the market place where they had bought gifts for themselves, the kids, and the kids Ari'sora helped at Luna's Dream. They also visited Serenity Garden, and had spent several trials at the Spirit's Rest Oasis in the hopes of dealing with several issues that plagued them both. Mi'zuri had remained back home with most of the children, but at a mere forty five trials old, Tenryu was too little to be left at home.
When they had heard the call for help, something deep inside Ari'sora drove her to see if there was anything she could do to help. But neither of them were willing to risk any harm to her youngest son, so Ryl'ryn remained at the Oasis with Tenryu. Smooglenuff Manor was a beautiful estate, but the front door was so intimidating that Ari'sora hesitated to knock on it. The kind of people who lived in a place like this couldn't possibly have any interest in someone like her. And yet...they had asked for help. So Ari'sora steeled herself and knocked on the door. The sound the knocker made was startling as it resonated through the house, but perhaps more startling was the fact that there was no volcanic ash here as there was in other parts of Faldrass. Was there a reason for this? Perhaps the baron who lived here would tell them.
Ari'sora was greeted at the door by a man who introduced himself as Winston. The man explained that he was the chief of staff for
Smooglenuff Manor as he welcomed her inside. There were several people there already, and it wasn't long until Winston called for someone named ChiChi. ChiChi turned out to be a maid. A very creepy looking maid who reminded Ari'sora uneasily of the child monster that tried to eat Hart last Ashan. She eyed the maid cautiously, wondering if the woman would take it into her head to try and eat them.
Instead, she led them into a large, comfortable looking room where food and beverages were waiting for them. Ari'sora saw a pastry that looked to be made out of a light white cake and was covered in strawberries and strawberry sauce. Her eyes widened in delight, and she took both it and a glass of fruit juice before taking a seat.
As the baron addressed them, Ari'sora was confused and alarmed in turns. She had no idea what a Diet was, and she had no idea what to think about suddenly becoming a member of his Conclave of Elders...whatever that was. She didn't know who Zach was, but the idea that something was living under the volcano was a horrifying one. What kind of creature could live in a place like that? Whatever it was...it was probably dangerous, and Ari'sora just hoped that it didn't eat people. The idea that the creature might be gone was worse because that meant it had probably escaped the volcano and was wandering around Faldrass. And when the baron told them that this rescue mission was a mission to rescue all of Scalvoris, Ari'sora's heart skipped a beat in worry. The last time she had been caught up in something like this, Emea had been destroyed. She could only hope that this rescue mission would end better than that one had.
The baron spoke of groups that the volunteers would be split into, and people began joining whichever group they chose. Ari'sora lingered a little, wanting to ask a question before she chose which group she wanted to join.
"You said that you think there's some kind of creature that lives in the volcano." Ari'sora began when it was her turn to ask questions.
"What makes you think that? Do you know anything about this creature? Like...um...do you think that it eats people?" she asked with a shudder.