Arc Perscivious CS

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Arc Perscivious
Approved Character
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat May 04, 2019 6:22 pm
Race: Ithecal
Profession: Hunter
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Magic and Mutations

Magic: Graft


There were two protrusions, new sense organs, growing from Arc's back, on his shoulder blades to be exact. For now, they were useless, vestigial, but what the Spark had in store for the young dragon, only It knew. Arc didn't try to hide his Witchmark, but it was covered by his clothing most of the time.
word count: 64
Arc Perscivious
Approved Character
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat May 04, 2019 6:22 pm
Race: Ithecal
Profession: Hunter
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Re: Arc Perscivious CS


Name: Maria Everlast
City Location: Ivorian Empire - Deep in the Forest (Talonir would be the closest)
DoB: 12th of Zi'da, 659
Race: Human
Organization (if any): None
Domain Magic 1: Graft - 76
Domain Magic 2: Empathy - 51
Domain Magic 3: Becoming - 16
Non magic skill: Discipline - 51
Non magic Skill: Meditation - 30
Non magic Skill: Poison-Making - 26

Maria was born in Rynmere in one dark and stormy night. She lived there until she was six and was brought by her family to the east. They finally settled in Scalvoris and it was there where she had her education and eventually met with with magic. She actually initiated into Empathy first, fell in love with her own much older mentor, and left her parents and siblings behind for him.

But a tragedy happened and her mentor, Medan Alzenbaum, was left crippled and mentally unstable. She traveled far and wide to find a way to cure him until she found someone who could teach her Graft. She jumped to the occasion and with intense perseverance and discipline passed the point of a Master in Graft. When she came back to heal his mentor, it was already too late, though, and he had passed away in a drunken brawl.

At that point in time, she only knew a life of travelling and went on a journey again, amassing other knowledge, skills, and even magic. She taught magic and other skills here and there but never really made a connection and went on to another place after a few years. In the cold cycle of 715, she finally settled deep in the forest of Ivorian jungle. It was there where he met Arc Perscivious three years later. This would be the second time she initiated someone and the first one was an utter failure. She believed in the young dragon, though. He had the same tenacity that she had years ago. She hoped Arc would be her successor and even pass her someday.

Maria saw herself in Arc. A broken family, an injured important figure, and the burning tenacity in his eyes. This was only the second time she ever initiated someone and the first time it succeed. She was pretty old now and she hoped to find a successor for her arts and all the knowledge she had amassed. She failed her relationship with her parents, siblings, and even her lover. Subconsciously, she might be looking for a son, even if it came in a lizard form.

Arc on the other hand never had a mother, but he was not looking for a substitute. He looked at Maria with respect and loyalty, though, as she was the savior of her brother and the one to help him got the power he severely needed. She was one of his kin, now. Someday, he would protect her like he was going to protect his brother and tribe.


Name: Andike Perscivious
Race: Ithecal (Wyvarnth-Paltharnum)
Date of Birth: 1st of Cylus, 702
Polearm-Naginata: 30
Strength: 26
Endurance: 26
Hunting: 13
Leadership: 5

Personality: Andike was a hot tempered young Ithecal. He was direct, honest, and brave. Growing up as the strongest Ithecal the tribe had ever seen, he always saw that he was going to be the Tribe Chief someday. The 8 feet tall dragon was a loving and dotting brother, but he respected the tribe’s law and tradition above all. He was a natural-born leader, but he was neither experienced nor tested about this aspect, yet.

Relationship to PC: Older Brother


Name: Maximus Imperia
Race: Ithecal (Thiussum)
Date of Birth: 10th of Ashan, 682
Strength: 30
Polearm-Naginata: 30
Endurance: 30
Leadership: 10

Personality: Maximus was a self-centered, delusional man. He made it up with his big size and strength. Those two things inspired leadership and made other Ithecals in the tribe, especially the Thiussum, followed him. He always thought that the Thiussum was supposed to rule and he would do anything to rise to power. He saw the terrible showing of Lucius’ hatchling as a sign from Ethelynda and opportunity.

Relationship to PC: Enemy to Arc and his family, Arc’s father and sister killer

word count: 708
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