• Mature • Put some pants on!

Dosan plz.

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Re: Put some pants on!

Zarik listened as Dosan answered his question with so much information that the biqaj had to stop what he was doing. He let go of a folded shirt, setting it aside, and turned to lock his complete attention on the Lair crawler. His entire focus fixated on the reptilian-like Becomer.

Dosan used to work for the Duke of Lair, Detlev? Zarik knew of the man, he knew of his attitude, and of the many rumors and stories that surrounded him. He’d never met him. He wouldn’t want to. Yet the man before him had worked for a duke? And had been sent to spy on Alistair? …Now he was with Fridgar? The unease in his gut returned. Could Dosan be trusted? Though he spoke with sincerity, openness, and displayed nothing but a friendly demeanor… could he be acting as spy for one of the guilds?

He nodded slowly while the Quacian chuckled about… whatever it was. Zarik didn’t know what was so funny about Quacia’s disdain for foreigners. Until Dosan opened the window, sat on the frame, then explained plainly. Alistair had slept with Dosan…

…Zarik stared. The irises of his eyes turned vibrant shades of jade and emerald green, flecked with orange. He cleared his throat. From the sound of it, it’d been a long time ago. Maybe even before Cylus, for all he knew. He couldn’t fault his husband for sleeping with someone before they’d even met. Gods knew that’d be a lost cause, for there was bound to be many, many men trailed in Alistair’s past. Still, he felt annoyance at the reminder.

Despite his obvious eye colors, which could only hint to the other man of his emotions, he offered a thin and forced smile. His dark brows furrowed, however, when Dosan asked him what he hoped to gain. Zarik didn’t understand that.

“My… angle?” he asked in a confused manner. Zarik walked over and sat down on the other side of the window frame. He glanced over Marcovera, took a few short breaths. The color of his eyes cooled and returned to ice-blue hues.

“I wish to know who is within the limits of this town. I have sworn to protect these people. You are Quacian, the same as the guilds who attacked and attempted to slaughter those survivors who made it through the earlier Saltfetcher assault. The Marcoverans have been through so much and…” he looked over to make eye contact with Dosan. “I don’t know you, Dosan. Yes, I met you in Lair and you seemed helpful, friendly even, as you do now.”

“But you say you worked for Duke Detlev? And now you love Fridgar?” asked Zarik. He shook his head. His blond hair swished about the Mark of Faith on his forehead. It had cooled into a shimmering silver with specks of crimson but had stopped bleeding like before. “It makes little sense to me, I’m afraid. You know of my husband, in such an intimate way too. I…”

“But none of this is why I shared with you what I did,” answered Zarik. “If Fridgar is taking you along with him, to mentor you, and to fight and… whatever else because of your love and attachment for him, then it isn’t right for him to misinform you or even… lie."

"Perhaps he has merely not found the right time to tell you, but… it is better for you to know, I believe. So if you wish to be more than just mentor and mentee, you can know that it isn’t another man who stands in your way.”

“That is all,” concluded Zarik. He returned his gaze to look out the window. “How did you come to meet Fridgar, anyway? He hasn’t been in Quacia long.”
word count: 642
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Re: Put some pants on!

㊝ Mid-morning, 43 Ashan, Arc 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Confused, sad, angry
㊝ Company: Himself & Zarik
㊝ Current Thought: So what now?
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Linen pants

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
There was silence between them, after hearing all Zarik had to say. If Dosan was honest with himself it hurt, it hurt him to know that he knew nothing of Fridgar He confided so much in the man and yet hadn't even been told about Alistair or Zarik.

"I honestly don't care whether he tells me or not. It's not a likely possibility that he would even see me in such a way, other than being his own property. As long as I get to spend time with him I don't care if he tells me everything or not."
It was a lie, but for the moment he had to say it, for himself if anything.

Curling up in the window frame, his tail wrapping around him for comfort he looked to the people below, tears forming and falling off his face, stifled whimpers as the weight of it all hit him. He was still alone even here. He was still by himself without anyone, even though he had Fridgar, but only partially.

His eyes never met Zarik's as he spoke, trying not to show his discontent of still being an outsider in a place that was supposed to be his new home.
"It seems being born a Quacian is more of a curse than I thought huh? Even here I'm still an outsider, an unwanted person."
he spoke, tucking his head in between his legs.

If he really was a danger to this place, he could have painted Zarik's precious city red with the blood of its people by now, but because Frid had saved them, and they respected him, the viper had no qualms with them.

When Zarik asked how he came to meet Fridgar in the first place the viper glanced over him.
"You don't think Fridgar just knew where to find Ali now do you? When he first arrived in the city he & Bellator were attacked by some thugs in the city. I happen to be following them and stepped in to aid him. Our mentorship began there."
he spoke, shifting his gaze as he let out a sigh, the tears now subsiding and his breathing becoming normal once again.

He felt so strange now, in a place that may not accept him because of where he was born. Did it even matter that he helped a whole island fend off the rest of the attacking guild ships 5 trials prior? What was there for him to do know?

"So tell me then...."
he began, a bubbling anger building in his tone.
"What am I supposed to do then? How am i suppose to make a home of a place that wont accept me just cause of where I was born? Im starting to feel like im back in Quacia dealing with their prejudice ways."
he asked, a mix of anger, confusion, and sadness in each word. ㊝
Last edited by Nasod on Wed May 08, 2019 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 517
㊮ "I'm nothing more than a snake. With cold skin and no emotions, as I slither around searching for prey with my tongue, swallowing down whoever & whatever looks tasty." ㊮
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Re: Put some pants on!

Zarik listened to Dosan’s words about how much he didn’t care if Fridgar told the Quacian about certain things. But from the other side of the window frame, Zarik also watched the actions of the other man that contradicted what was said. For Dosan’s tail wrapped around and tears started to fall with stifled crying sounds.

It was… pathetic. Which was a terribly ironic and hypocritical thing for Zarik to think, but he thought it anyway, especially when he heard the comment about being an outsider. It was so far from the truth. Dosan couldn’t be an outsider in Quacia, he was a citizen, wasn't he? He worked for the Duke of Lair! The statement made no sense to Zarik. Why did the Becomer want to be on some little island anyway? Just because of Fridgar when the two men weren't even intimate with one another? Or was there more to the story that wasn't being shared?

After he asked where the two other men met, he raised an eyebrow at the answer. Upon Fridgar’s first day in Quacia? And he never mentioned… Zarik tapped a finger against his chin, glancing out the window in an expression of thought. He heard the rising anger in Dosan’s voice for the next words. His gaze returned to look at the other man.

Zarik laughed. He couldn’t help it… well, he could have, but he didn’t care to. The blond stood from the window and said, “What prejudice did you deal with in Quacia? You are Quacian, are you not? From an actual foreigner who has only just become acknowledged as properly existing in the city, let me inform you that it isn’t as bad as you believe it might be. Trust and respect aren’t something that are meant to be merely handed out to anyone who wanders by, otherwise such things would mean nothing to the people who are awarded them. The value of such things would be diminished.”

“If the Marcoverans were simply to welcome you with open arms… which some might – but that is my very concern, Mister Saito. They are perhaps too trusting here, and they cannot be. You know, as well as I do, the danger of the Guilds and what they are capable of. One failed assault might have slowed them down, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try other means of gaining control of this island and the others,” explained Zarik.

“If you wish this to be your home, then you should care about these people without expectation. You should be aware that they need to cultivate a sense of wariness until peaceful times return again,” continued Zarik. He placed a hand against the window frame, leaned against it, and gestured toward the view of Marcovera. In the distance, the ocean could be seen and a couple small fishing boats bobbing along. “Treat it like your home regardless of how these folks treat you. In time, things will be right because home is what you make it, not how others treat you.”

“Does that make sense?” asked Zarik. He ran his fingers through his hair, brushed his bangs away from the Mark of Faith on his forehead, and sighed. “There are places along the coasts that are smaller. I do not know where Fridgar intends to… settle, but I’m sure there is somewhere that isn’t so sensitive as Marcovera is right now. Besides, if you wanted to simply move to another city, why even leave Quacia at all?”
word count: 599
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Re: Put some pants on!

㊝ Mid-morning, 43 Ashan, Arc 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Confused, sad, angry
㊝ Company: Himself & Zarik
㊝ Current Thought: So what now?
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Linen pants

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
It was rather evident Zarik knew nothing of how Quacian politics worked, poor sop. The viper only turned to eye him as he spoke, a brow raised as he wasn't sure where Zarik had gotten this notion from. Was he that oblivious?

The viper shook his head when Zarik tried to dismiss his claims of prejudice.
"It seems you misunderstand what you have gotten yourself into. Take it from someone who is of natural Quacian birth, there is prejudice everywhere. I am what you would call a heap in Quacia, a bottom feeder, the lowest of the low. The nobles look down upon us, and the heaps lucky enough to be in service to them are treated as property, abused and mistreated. Your blood also plays a factor in how Quacians see each other, the richer the bloodline the better. Nobles of higher standing tend to look down on other nobles beneath them. Its a wicked game of power and deceit, of who can throw the most clout around."
he said explained.

"The people of Quacia play a wicked game, one I believe you have been initiated into with your newfound citizenship. Be wary of those who wish to be your friend, as I doubt its genuine. You are the spouse of the advisor to King Arkenstone, many will want to get in your good graces just for a chance to get in Ali's ear."
he warned....
"I may be a snake, but Quacia is notorious for being a sesspool for vipers, just be careful and watch your back Zarik."
he said, leaving the matter there, whether Zarik heeded his words or not.

When the blonde spoke about how to find solace on Koros, the viper sighed, looking out in the direction he pointed at, realizing it was where the cave he & Frid were staying along that beach. He smiled as he liked that place, especially being there with Fridgar. He nodded at the man's words, finding some truth in what he said, as there was no need for their acceptance.

"I'll take that into consideration as I try to figure out what to make of my life here. I left Quacia because it was a crumbling city, one that could one day be devoured by the creep. Unless that menace is stopped, I see no possible future in that place."
Last edited by Nasod on Sat May 11, 2019 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 423
㊮ "I'm nothing more than a snake. With cold skin and no emotions, as I slither around searching for prey with my tongue, swallowing down whoever & whatever looks tasty." ㊮
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Re: Put some pants on!

Zarik arched an eyebrow when Dosan started into what could only be described as a lecture of sorts. He listened, patiently, but the irises of the biqaj eyes turned ever more orange in color as it continued. The warning upon which he ended it all… sounded terribly like his father’s warning. Though Zalazar's warning included people like the one who sat right in front of him.

There were so many errors to what Dosan said, that Zarik gave up on the consideration to even clarify or explain to the other man. He didn’t bother to clarify that what Dosan described could likely be found anywhere. It wasn’t Quacian in nature, least he didn’t believe it was. Especially when he thought of all the books about politics and law and structure he'd been studying in Woodstock Hall. There were always the low and the high in any civilized society, just as there was in nature though the determinations of such hierarchies differed due to environment. Zarik had no qualms against this inherent truth of the world. Thus, to him, it wasn’t prejudice – it was the way things were.

He forced a small smile. At least, however, he didn’t have to concern himself with whether Dosan was sincere or not in his desertion of Quacian life. It seemed the other man truly didn’t care for the place he’d been born even though he’d been under the Duke of Lair’s employ.

“It is kind of you, Dosan, to concern yourself about me so. Thank you,” was all he said to the many words. He gestured outward, to change the topic of conversation, and bring it back to where the Becomer and his mentor might stay instead of remaining within city limits… it certainly would be easier rather than having to enforce any particular code against the men – if he even could with the Protean. Zarik’s smile disappeared. He didn’t like knowing that Fridgar had essentially free reign in Marcovera, if the Lothar truly wished to claim such a thing. How would he enforce anything against such a powerful mage? He couldn’t. That was the truth of it… and it bothered Zarik.

“The only way for a future to happen is for people to fight the creep,” mentioned Zarik. The irises of his eyes cooled into an ice-blue. “Rather than abandon their city. But not everyone is capable, or suitable, for such things. You’re not the only one who has left, and you won’t be the last. Even the Theocratum has started to search for better lands to further their reach. I suspect that is part of what has spurred their missionaries outward.”

“Would you want to stop the creep?” asked Zarik with a neutral tone of voice. He surveyed Dosan’s body, his gaze lingered on the mutations. “If you could… if you had the chance to do so… would you want to? Would you be willing to risk your life for Quacia? For those nobles who spit upon the heaps? Or for those heaps who roll about in muck while complaining about how they’re dirty?”

“I have fought the creep,” mentioned Zarik. He walked away from the window and made a gesture with his hand as if he were presenting himself. The blond flipped his bangs aside. His posture turned prideful. His voice rose slightly in a clear, almost commanding tone. “I have tortured a changeling. I have executed deadly ferahorn. I have evaded the branches of an immense living Oak. I have sunk my blade into a creepheart and destroyed it."

"I have been applauded by the barony of Porta Braga for such victory and they treated me with great respect due to it. Such a thing is not difficult, if only we had more people willing to hunt them down and do so."
Zarik turned back and he gestured openly toward Dosan, almost as if in offer to hold hands. Though he retreated it soon enough, with a serious expression upon his youthful features.

"You and Fridgar… would make for an excellent team for such a heroic challenge. I am certain of it from what I know of him and how I assume he’d mentor you. Tell me, Mister Saito… Dosan… what do you want from life? To hide away on these little islands, aid in their conquest when needed, and then try to make a home… or do you want to make a name for yourself beyond these waters..."

"...to show those who have scorned you what you are capable of and to make your mentor proud of you by proving your strength? The creep is more than mere coastal beasts or guild retinues. You know this, as the creep threatens all of Quacia. Imagine the respect you might claim, you could rise from being seen as a mere Heap. You and Fridgar, together, lauded as heroes by the nobles and heaps alike.”

word count: 834
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Re: Put some pants on!

㊝ Mid-morning, 43 Ashan, Arc 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Calm
㊝ Company: Himself & Zarik
㊝ Current Thought: So what now?
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Linen pants

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
The viper looked to the tall biqaj as he spoke, asking if he intended to fight for Quacia. What for? What has that city done for him?

No, he would rather use his newfound strength for something worth wild. To that notion, the viper chuckled into a sigh. He went on to try and appeal to Dosan in getting praise from the nobility of Quaica. As if. As if he would allow their empty praises to fall on his ears. That's not what he would want anyway.

Though even with his reservations his soul jumped with delight, more so the spark of his. His tail wagging at the thought of hunting such fearsome creatures of horror excited him, wet his animalistic pallet. A smile formed and he simply shook his head.
"If I did consider such a thing it wouldn't be for the city or for the empty praises of pompous pissants. I would do as a show of my own strength, as a way of testing my capabilities."
he noted.

"Forgive me if I sound brash, but i hate your new found friends......Quacian Nobility. You wouldn't understand as you are not Quacian born. You think you know a lot about them, but you don't. Even now I'm sure they conspire your downfall. You are like fresh meat among the predatorial creatures of the upper echelon. I've seen some stuff, even bloodied my hands on their behalfs. If I do anything it won't be to be seen as a hero to those arrogant snobs."
he spoke, his fist clenching at the thought.

At the mention of what he wants to do with his life, he tilted his head. It was a question he didnt really have an answer to. He wasn't really sure what all he wanted.

He had spent most of his life fulfilling the needs of others. Fridgar had liberated him from the decaying shackles of a dying city but he didnt really know what he wanted to do with his newfound freedom.
"I do want my name to be known, I just need to figure out how to go about it. I have an idea, slaying monsters and taking on bounties, as I have the training for it."
he said still keeping his gaze out the window.

"As for Frid, he hates the Quacia, I don't he would even be willing to accompany me to do such a thing. I wouldn't ask him either. I appreciate the advice, however."

As he spoke that, he moved to where the biqaj was and took a deep breath, inhaling his scent. It was pleasant, soft and flowery to his nose. He would be able to find Zarik now within the city limits. Backing away he sat on the floor.
"I don't have anything planned for the trial, have any ideas as to what is decent around here to do?"
he inquired with a tilted head. ㊝
Last edited by Nasod on Sun May 12, 2019 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 523
㊮ "I'm nothing more than a snake. With cold skin and no emotions, as I slither around searching for prey with my tongue, swallowing down whoever & whatever looks tasty." ㊮
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Re: Put some pants on!

Dosan was not impressed by Zarik’s shared accomplishments regarding the Creep. It seemed that the Lair crawler was set on how pompous Quacia was. How droll and yet, the becomer’s tail wagged and Dosan smiled at him. Zarik stared at the other man, quiet, as he listened to the Quacian tell him – the foreigner – that he didn’t know the city like Dosan did. It would’ve been ironic, even despite the statements sounding true enough. Only Dosan greatly misunderstood Zarik’s interest in the city and he supposed that the Becomer truly did identify with the Heaps rather than the Nobles. It would be better to remain quiet, decided the biqaj. He nodded and simply said, “Of course. My apologies for suggesting such a ridiculous notion, Mister Saito.”

He listened to the other man share about what he wanted from life. That it wasn’t the grandeur of his name being known that he found distasteful, but simply being known by the Quacians instead. Zarik wasn’t sure who else in this corner of the world would know of Dosan but Quacians, other than the people of the islands, but he nodded regardless. “Dosan Saito, Monster Slayer and Bounty Hunter… does have a nice ring to it.”

Zarik walked across the room. He picked up a coat from the hanger and pulled it on. Of course Fridgar hated Quacia. It made sense in every possible way that Zarik could think of. However, he did know something about Fridgar and that was what he shared, “Perhaps. But I suspect that Frid…gar might be willing if you mention that the creep believes itself stronger and more powerful than him. As I am certain it does believe such a thing. I don’t need to torture a changeling to derive that conclusion. There are few foes as powerful as a mighty living Oak or Cedar and while Alistair might be able to cut them down with use of spear, I wonder what Fridgar might be capable of…”

He shrugged, then picked up a couple set of clothes that used to belong to the Mayor. Zarik said, “Follow me,” he walked out of the room and then handed the clothes over. “These are for you. Please, keep a pair of pants on, then I would suggest to visit the market along the water. There are fresh foods and drink, you will find a great many Marcoverans often in friendly spirits and…”

Zarik paused. He reached into a coin purse along his belt, then handed Dosan a handful of copper and silver nel. “Use these to purchase some things from them. Find a couple you might be able to treat as friends, buy their wares from them and compliment them. Nothing grants more trust to an outsider than the use of new coin within the marketplace.” He knew this well, for his father focused similar efforts in Quacia when they’d first moved to the city and it resulted in those first pivotal customers in their clientele base. “If you have need of me, I will likely be around at the orphanage, clinic, or otherwise. It was nice to see you again, Mister Saito, and in such positive circumstances. I trust we will see each other again, very soon.”
word count: 548
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Re: Put some pants on!

㊝ Mid-morning, 43 Ashan, Arc 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Calm
㊝ Company: Himself & Zarik
㊝ Current Thought: Thank You?
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Linen pants

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
There wasnt really much he could say, so he opted to listen, not sure whether it was sarcasm in his first response or not. Not wanting to get annoyed, he simply allowed the "lord" to speak. As he did so the viper seemed to drift into his own world for a bit.

He thought of exactly how to go about being this great slayer of beasts and men. He would need men, thoughs capable and strong. he would need contacts, and connections, maybe seeing if the Duke could extend that favor he earned some time ago. And he needed coin, and lots of it. He wouldnt be able to do much with the current amounnt in his coin purse, which was rather empty.

His mind came back intot he conversation when the tall biqaj asked him to follow. To his surprise he was handed some clothes, seeing as he had none and the man seemed to want to keep this city decency up. He nodded, seeing as the man had more to give. With the nel in his hands he was instructed to use them to make a better impression on the locals.

He guessed that it couldnt hurt to have them like him, not that it was really of any concern to him. ㊝
word count: 239
㊮ "I'm nothing more than a snake. With cold skin and no emotions, as I slither around searching for prey with my tongue, swallowing down whoever & whatever looks tasty." ㊮
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Re: Put some pants on!


That was some tantalizing discussion! So much intrigue! Dosan really explained his worldview really well and I really felt that he believed he was an actual, living snake. Kudos to both of you. Enjoy your rewards.


XP: 15/15
Renown: 0. Unlike your other estemmed reviewers, I'm not giving fame for a two-man coversation.




Intelligence: Contact - Dosan Saito, Born Quacian and Fridgar's apprentice.
Persuasion: The promise of fame doesn't sway everyone.
Persuasion: The suggestion of greatness.
Psychology: Not everyone seeks ambition in the same way.
Climbing: A higher vantage point to say hello from.
Politics: Viewpoints on Quacian Nobility
Politics: The nature of prejudice in a city.
Etiquette: Offering clothes to a friend who has none.
Etiquette: Being naked in public is not okay.
Deception: Not sharing what you're thinking.
Deception: Fake gratitude.
Linguistics: Practicing with a native speaker.
Logistics: Discussing conquest of islands.
Logistics: Determining potential combat targets through discussion.

Dosan: Fridgar's apprentice
Dosan: Used to work for Duke Detlev of Lair
Dosan: Living on Koros
Dosan: Slept with Alistair back in the day.
Dosan: Traitor to Quacia.
Dosan: Kissed my Mark of Faith


XP: 15/15
Renown: 5 for walking around naked and scandalizing everyone.




Skill Knowledges:
Psychology: Animalistic Behvaiors
Climbing: Wall Crawling
Detection: Knowing when someone is up to something
Detection: Was that Sarcasm or nah?
Discipline: Resisting the urge to hunt your friend
Socialization: Speaking of ones own Aspirations to another
Socialization: Conversing on viewpoints of Quacian Nobility
Socialization: A Relaxing Day spent with a Friend
Socialization: Friendly discussions can be insightful
Socialization: Summaries are helpful in conversation
Politics: Its all a game
Politics: Everyman has a price
Intelligence: Contact - Zarik Venora, Lord of Marcovera
Intelligence: Everybody Has Secrets
Zarik: Is married to Alistair Venora
Zarik: Lives on Koros
Zarik: Is Lord of Marcovera
Zarik: Is playing with Quacian Nobility
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