• Open • The Siege of Storm's Edge

23rd of Cylus 719

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

Moderators: Pig Boy , Basilisk Snek

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Re: The Siege of Storm's Edge

Review Rewards

Name: Nir'wei

Points awarded: 15

Siege Weaponry (Ballista): Slow to reload.
Mount (Zephyrus): Rapid mounting.
Mount (Zephyrus): Steering left and right.
Mount (Zephyrus): Fueling the emotional fire for more speed.
Regulate Temperature: Think of cold and feel its touch.
Strength: Distributing tension evenly.
Endurance: Powering through with the help of the threat of imminent doom.
Endurance: Shaking off a concussion.

Injuries: Cuts, bruises, aches, pain, nothing that won't heal up within 10 trials

Name: Nir'wei

Points awarded: 15

Mount (Winged): Swooping in to an area
Mount (Winged): Flying at speed.
Mount (Winged): Fly high to gain the best vantage.
Mount (Winged): Working in pairs to gain maximum advantage when herding creatures.
Siege Weaponry (Ballista): Basic aiming
Siege Weaponry (Ballista): Basic priming
Siege Weaponry (Ballista): Take a long time to adjust
Siege Weaponry (Ballista): Heavy, and difficult to handle.

Injuries: Same as above

Whoo-WEE, what a way to start the day! This was a fun read while I was having breakfast. It's a shame there were no links to previous stories for a little more context (was this a Calendar Event or something?), and it was sorta cut short. But it was still fun! Large-scale battles are oddly rare here, and even if it's basically a larger, magical version of pest control, it was still excitedly written and engrossing.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns in regards to this review, feel free to PM.
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