• Graded • Put your arms around somebody else

Yoy don’t wanna hurt yourself, hurt yourself.

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Put your arms around somebody else

She tried, ridiculously to fight her way out of her shirt as he trapped her. But was deliciously distracted by the kiss, only to be saved from the confines of her clothing. It was her soft, breathless laughter that followed them both up the stairs. Once on safer ground though, she twisted and slid down to find her feet once more.

“If you’re issuing me a challenge,” she grinned up at him, eyes dark pools of desire; heat rising over her chest and up her neck, “I accept.”

The separation didn’t last long and Elyna soon wrapped her arms around the mortalborns' neck as they kissed and stumbled back, tumbling into the bed together.

Fade to black
word count: 119
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Approved Character
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Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:58 am
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Put your arms around somebody else


Seduction +2
Stealth +1
Deception +1

Specific Knowledge
Malcolm: The scars on his body
Benjamin: Cool, calm and socially tactful
Heath: A bit awkward under social pressure
Heath and Benjamin: A bit tricky together


Deception +1
Leadership +1
Seduction +2

Specific Knowledge
Elyna: Nice to wake up to
Elyna: REALLY doesn't want to deal with her parents
Kathryn: Cares enough to check in on Elyna
Benjamin: Reliable and Effective
Heath: A bit awkward under social pressure

As always, any questions or concerns, if you think anything is missing or are wondering why something is there, send me a PM
word count: 102
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