Rusty Veins

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Rusty Veins

Cursed by the Immortals? The mage's brow rose. "Erm," he responded, unsure of what to say. Other than, perhaps, that the assertion was strange . . . and a bit odd. "The Lotharro were made by an Immortal, Thetros," Alistair stated. He used to live in Uthaldria, and so he knew a great deal about them. He'd even been married in Thetros' temple, his union blessed by a great Pries-

He frowned. But then, he remembered. This... was a positive thought, about Fridgar. It was worth remembering. Yes; they had gotten married in the Temple of Thetros, tied together for all their lives. How could they be cursed by the Immortals, when an Immortal had given them the chance to remain themselves throughout all of their lives?

If Alistair could reference one changing moment in his insight towards the Immortals, it was certainly the life-bond. It had been... so wondrous to experience. Even magic could not offer something of that kind; wholly spiritual, tied to infinity.

"Besides, why would your father care? Aren't you Etzori? Your people hate the Immortals. If anything, that would make the Lotharro better people in the Etzori purview," the mage reasoned, his lips curling in thought.

Then, however, the flood of questions came . . . so many of them. He counted each as they came - ten, in total. Ten questions, all at once. Alistair couldn't handle this... barrage. Even trying to meet each question as they came was difficult, because then he couldn't remember the questions, and he would fumble up, and -- answer the wrong things out of order. Instead, he merely looked at Jonathan sternly.

"Stop," he frowned. "Calm down. Ask your questions slowly," he simply replied, and refused to answer any of them until Jonathan chose one or two to ask - and worded them thoroughly. He provided him an entry point.

"...Aberration. You mentioned piecing a soul back together? Reversing the process of flaying?" he questioned. "Let me ask you that question, Jon. What do you think is a final death? One that can never be reversed, one that cannot lead to anything . . . ?" Alistair's eyes set on his apprentice. "Do you imagine you would be able to reverse such a finalizing thing - undo it, put it back together? I told you that Aberrants destroy souls. It is the worst action one can possibly perform against another living entity. Why do you think it is so horrid? If the Immortals could change that, fix it - they would. But they can't," Alistair said. Perhaps this was wrong, but he didn't imagine it was.

If Immortals could simply undo the mistakes of mages, they would have a much different relationship. It would be... friendlier.

"Flaying is a vile action with no redemption to be had, because none can return from it. You cannot simply say, oops, and mend a deed of such horrors. It is the end of all things, for that soul, and always will be." He sighed, not really wanting to answer all the rest. Jonathan stressed him out. Too many questions, too many wild ideas and theories. He needed to slow down . . . or Alistair's head would explode.

"I'm going to go out - need anything?" he questioned. Kleine immediately scampered off without even an excuse, not wishing to be stuck answering dozens of questions for the next several breaks. New apprentices were wildly curious, but... few had been this much so.
word count: 573
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Jonathan was saddened to hear that Aberration couldn’t be used for good. At least not outright. He would have to find another way to make people change their minds about his chosen vocation. He knew he needed to slow down. He knew he needed to ask fewer questions but he’d never had someone willing to answer any of them before. His father was strict. Shut up, stay in your lane. Hide your magic like a venereal disease and never tell a soul. He’d inducted Jon into transmutation but that had been his one and only time to ask questions. Then he’d been shut off from asking anything. He’d had to puzzle out most of it on his own. His father had told him asking questions was dangerous. He’d be better off following his footsteps as a hiding man, a coward who used his gifts for beauty and little else. When Jon had attempted to persist in learning his father had enforced his policy, with force.

He felt a little bit of that resistance coming from Alistair now and he felt embarrassed. He settled down in the grass and watched Kleine run off. He sighed and missed Daeva. The Harvester had been amused with all of his questions but at least she’d answered all of them. In her own way and her own time. Once he’d gotten them out of his system he’d calmed down a bit. It was still all so new to him. Other mages. Magic in general. He wasn’t used to having his own kind around. He settled down to organizing his papers and recopying his scribbles into something a little more cohesive. He had to mull over the answers he did get. Aberration was a strict discipline. Once a man was flayed there was no coming back. It wasn’t like resurrecting a man from the dead. No immortal could undo what he could with a Harvester. That was a great responsibility. Jon decided he would reserve it for enemies of Acadia. Perhaps mages who tortured the innocent.

Jon watched Alistair quietly. Gods he was driving his lover off with his questions too. He decided, then and there, to ask fewer. He could solve it on his own. He didn’t want to run his lover off. Maybe his father had a point. He shook his head and settled into his notes.
word count: 405
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Rusty Veins

Although he felt that his words had been correct, watching Jon stare pensively into his notes without a word to speak was... saddening. The mage frowned, looking down at him and sighing. Stepping forward, he lowered himself to offer Jonathan a brief embrace, roughing up his hair afterwards before rising to his full stature. "I'm sorry, Jon," he whispered. "I don't mean to always be so harsh, but -- I love you, and I want you to be safe. I want you to live, and be successful... and to not feel only later that you performed deeds that you cannot forgive." His eyes - his words - were earnest.

But with that, he could say no more. Jonathan needed time on his own to think - Alistair would only strangle his thoughts by being here, right now, after what he could only imagine felt like cutting him down. The mage kissed him goodbye and walked away, step by step, his large form at the edge of the horizon as he stepped from the borders of Ki'eiran into the grand monstrosity that was the Willow Woods.

Meeting the treeline with his eyes, he continued on, until he found something worth killing. A break passed, two. His mind wandered as often as his thoughts, delving into the situation that had built around himself and the people around him. So many people in his life - additions, too. And it only continued, more and more each trial. He was becoming someone again, but for a smaller group of people, many of whom he had a deep personal connection with. Doran, Jonathan, Kleine, Damien . . . and more, too. He had become something of a leader, a rolemodel, once more.

And as stressful as it was . . . he reveled in it. The fact that Jon bursted at the seams to throw inquiries to the list, all because he respected Alistair and his knowledge. He believed him to be a great man, a powerful one.

And he was powerful - but he wanted to be moreso. So, diving into the woods, a grim joyousness transformed his expression, clinging to the corners of his lips . . . he had found prey. A Lysorian Skinbane, tentacles writhing through a fallen corpse, digging deep under his skin and pulling out mounds of flesh. The creature finally rose, jerking its head rapidly to the side, though immediately the back of its skull was grabbed by the Necromancer as he channeled the same life-stealing energy through his palm. The green, corrosive energy melted through the creature's skull... and equally granted Alistair strength, adrenaline, health and even a sort of hyper-awareness that extended from his muscles to his mind. He had energy, he had drive, he had focus... and perception.

He truly had stolen something, rather than simply taking it. And the rush that came was unparalleled; he felt infinite.

Grinning as his eyes shifted shade, the mage pressed his fingers deeper into the skull of the writhing and dying beast, before the first few chunks of its neural infrastructure began to melt. The power that magic had given him . . . the feeling of it . . . could be replaced by nothing.
word count: 523
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Rusty Veins


Awarded Points

These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge

Necromancy: Protocol: Can be used with signals and voice
Necromancy: Protocol: Typically used to add to a minion's routine
Necromancy: Siphon: Can be channeled off of wither or sap
Necromancy: Siphon: Adds a life-stealing energy to withering and sapping
Necromancy: Siphon: Exhilarating, unparalleled rush
Teaching: Attempting to minimise your student's flaws
Teaching: Being stern with your students
Teaching: Not letting irritation impact your teaching
Teaching: Teachers need to learn in peace, too
Acrobatics: Slipping a large frame through small windows
Stealth: Sneakily listening to conversations

Awarded Extras

Loot & Losses Injuries
None None
Renown Devotion
None None


Awarded Points

These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge


Awarded Extras

Loot & Losses Injuries
None None
Renown Devotion
None None


Solid effort in teaching, there, Ali... not gonna lie, I am always a little apprehensive when I click on your threads, I never know if I'm going to need to tear my eyes out afterwards. I made it safely though this time though! Excellent writing, as always, both of you!

Jon, as soon as your CS is approved, fling ma a PM and I will add in your rewards, thanks for your patience

If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 239
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