At this point, the words had become meaningless groans and slurs. Han couldn’t even pretend like he was capable of communication at this point, meanwhile poor Jon was still pushing noise out of his face hole, to little effect. Han was now a man possessed by a singleminded drive- to pay the tab. It was the only thing that mattered now. The only thing that served to shake his steely resolve was Jon running his fingers through his beard. Everything in Han was set on edge. ’This is NOT the kind of drunken encounter I wanted!!’ He screamed internally, but to little outer effect. “Pleshha… Don...t.” He barely managed to smoosh the words out of his mouth, the effort draining so much of his concentration that he nearly collapsed while not explicitly willing his legs to stand him up. This was bad. He had hoped Jon would have given up or lost long before they got here. While Han knew he wasn’t a man of particularly great stamina in the face of drink, he never saw himself getting this drunk.
Finally reaching the bar again, and getting Jon into a stool, Han triumphantly smacked down ten gold nels onto the counter, some of them scattering slightly at the impact while he scrambled to keep them in one neat pile. The bartender gave Han a smile and a nod at the gesture, and Han finally knew he was free again to do…. Whatever it was this Jon guy wanted to do. Well, not THAT. He shuddered again at the thought of him touching his beard. ’What is it with these mages? First that musclebound guy in the forest, now this? Are all mages gay?’
Han managed to decipher, or so he thought, that Jon was talking about helping people, and it had something to do with magic. “Buddy…. I don thik wer in a posishn to help ANYbody…” Han forced the words out, before resting his head in his crossed arms on the bar.
Finally reaching the bar again, and getting Jon into a stool, Han triumphantly smacked down ten gold nels onto the counter, some of them scattering slightly at the impact while he scrambled to keep them in one neat pile. The bartender gave Han a smile and a nod at the gesture, and Han finally knew he was free again to do…. Whatever it was this Jon guy wanted to do. Well, not THAT. He shuddered again at the thought of him touching his beard. ’What is it with these mages? First that musclebound guy in the forest, now this? Are all mages gay?’
Han managed to decipher, or so he thought, that Jon was talking about helping people, and it had something to do with magic. “Buddy…. I don thik wer in a posishn to help ANYbody…” Han forced the words out, before resting his head in his crossed arms on the bar.