Vega glanced at Arlo, her eyes swirling a lot of colours as he spoke. He didn't respond or react in any way at all to what she said, and for a trill she felt irritation build. But then, he hadn't given Jonas the credit he deserved? Vega looked at him and smiled softly. "It's yer job, innit?" Her voice was quiet but very serious, totally determined that she got her point across. Broken girl, voices in her head, worries about holding him back - all of those were gone at those few words from him. "Like it's any kids job to take their parents for granted? Then, as you grow up, you realise you've done it an' tell them." If you were lucky enough to be able to, of course. Which he wasn't with his mother but then, just lately, Vega had come to a conclusion.
"Course, the only reason you tell them is to make yourself feel better. It don't matter to them, cos they love you jus' how you are. I reckon, anyhow." Such was certainly true of Jonas Creede, Vega knew. He was Arlo's father in every meaning of the word and as such, he accepted his son for who he was. More than accepted him, he loved him. But that was a conversation for Arlo and Jonas to have and Vega was no part of it. With a gentle nudge of her shoulder against his she shot him a crooked smile. "So, the voice of doom in my head an' yours can jog on, yeah? Come on, you."
And on that note, on they went. The crystal clear water was beautiful and they went together. Of course they did and Vega nudged him. "Eyes off my shirt, Creede," she said as they slid into the water and started to swim across. He'd remember, she knew. So they swam and beneath them in the water were mirrors; Vega would be lying if she said she wasn't tempted to look at them, to investigate but they were as much a distraction as the voices in their heads. So, onwards and to the other side. Down a corridor, after she glanced at him to check that he was alright, and then there was another young person. He looked... entirely fake. Like the only thing that could be wrong with him was that he forgot to live. He was a cut out of a child. "Hey, are you a'right, there? What'cha mean she... oh, right, ok."
Vega looked at Arlo and raised an eyebrow. "He's not chatty," she said. But forward was the way to go and forward she went. That he didn't answer, or seem to notice them really, didn't stop her from asking. "So, who's waitin' for us? To do what? Look, you shouldn't be down 'ere either, are you alright? We can 'elp. Not with yer perfect dress sense, cos you know, look at us. But you shouldn't be on your own down here." Wrinkling her nose, Vega twisted the water out of her hair and walked in a way which could only be described as trudging. But always with her senses alert and a feeling of not very comfortable with what was happening. But it was a child. She wasn't leaving without rescuing that child, or taking her body to her parents. Nope.
"Course, the only reason you tell them is to make yourself feel better. It don't matter to them, cos they love you jus' how you are. I reckon, anyhow." Such was certainly true of Jonas Creede, Vega knew. He was Arlo's father in every meaning of the word and as such, he accepted his son for who he was. More than accepted him, he loved him. But that was a conversation for Arlo and Jonas to have and Vega was no part of it. With a gentle nudge of her shoulder against his she shot him a crooked smile. "So, the voice of doom in my head an' yours can jog on, yeah? Come on, you."
And on that note, on they went. The crystal clear water was beautiful and they went together. Of course they did and Vega nudged him. "Eyes off my shirt, Creede," she said as they slid into the water and started to swim across. He'd remember, she knew. So they swam and beneath them in the water were mirrors; Vega would be lying if she said she wasn't tempted to look at them, to investigate but they were as much a distraction as the voices in their heads. So, onwards and to the other side. Down a corridor, after she glanced at him to check that he was alright, and then there was another young person. He looked... entirely fake. Like the only thing that could be wrong with him was that he forgot to live. He was a cut out of a child. "Hey, are you a'right, there? What'cha mean she... oh, right, ok."
Vega looked at Arlo and raised an eyebrow. "He's not chatty," she said. But forward was the way to go and forward she went. That he didn't answer, or seem to notice them really, didn't stop her from asking. "So, who's waitin' for us? To do what? Look, you shouldn't be down 'ere either, are you alright? We can 'elp. Not with yer perfect dress sense, cos you know, look at us. But you shouldn't be on your own down here." Wrinkling her nose, Vega twisted the water out of her hair and walked in a way which could only be described as trudging. But always with her senses alert and a feeling of not very comfortable with what was happening. But it was a child. She wasn't leaving without rescuing that child, or taking her body to her parents. Nope.