Medal Nomination Thread

See someone on the site who's done something medal-worthy? Let us know here.

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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

I would like to finally nominate myself for the Legend in Waiting medal.

Proof is here.

*hurries off to spend all the points*

Edit 10/20/2018: Instead of making a new post, I’d like to come back to this and nominate myself for One Arc Later! I feel like such a big kid now. I'd also like for Wanderlust to get the Developer medal, since that account doesn't have it yet.
 ! Message from: Peg
All medals requested awarded. I've also added "Painting With Words" to Ellen because, well, you do.
Last edited by Ellen'wyn on Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:40 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 95
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            Vega Dweeb
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            Re: Medal Nomination Thread

            Ok so - apologies for the length of this one.

            I'd like to nominate Vega for:
            Been There, Died There: In The Darkest Shadow Can Be Found
            Local Name (she's got Tier 1 renown)
            Im Not A Hero (she and Arlo have saved each other's lives many times)
            Socialite The Little Voice in My Head: Familiar gained here
            He's A Great Listener Told Cassion A Story Here
            True Love - they've been together a year. Would you Adam and Eve it?
            Travel Bug - they've been to / lived in for a season: Desnind / Ne'haer / Scalvoris / Rharne / Yaralon

            And I'd like to nominate Arlo for
            The Little Voice in My Head: His Jesine granted fairy.
            Im Not A Hero (he and Vega have saved each other's lives many times)
            He's A Great Listener Told Cassion A Story Here
            True Love - they've been together a year. Would you Adam and Eve it?
            Travel Bug - they've been to / lived in for a season: Desnind / Ne'haer / Scalvoris / Rharne / Yaralon
            Local Name
            National Treasure
            Letter - he got his letter from Viden University
            and the Cassion's Gambit medals
            Let Me Tell You A Story: here
            3.2 Tester
            She sure can drink (in cassion's gambit)

            Please and thank you!
             ! Message from: Peg
            Done for Arlo - not Vega, obvs
             ! Message from: Aegis
            Done for Vega
            Last edited by Vega Dweeb on Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 253
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                      Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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                      Re: Medal Nomination Thread


                      I'd like to nominate myself and Anya for I'm Not A Hero, for this where they had saved each other more than once.

                      Thank you.
                       ! Message from: Peg
                      Both awarded!
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                                Tio Silver
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                                Re: Medal Nomination Thread

                                I have some thread I'd like to nominate myself for:
                                Guild Master - For creating and maintaining Kleptes.
                                Shop Keeper - For creating The Skylance Pirates.
                                Local Name - For achieving tier 1 renown.
                                Socialite - For being in collaborative threads with more than 20 distinct PC's.
                                It Was Nothing - Saved Shannon's life in Swift of Feat, Sharp of Mind.
                                The Little Voice in My Head - Obtained the spirit Diva after aquiring Tarouz.
                                One Arc Later - Joined in April 2017.
                                Letter - Earned a letter in Alchemy from the Viden Academy; Scalvoris Campus.
                                Certificate - Earned a letter in Alchemy from the Viden Academy; Scalvoris Campus.
                                Pioneer - Accidentally summoned the very first giant duck monster into Idalos in High Noon in Saun. Might also be the first PC to successfully stab an Immortal in End Game.
                                Hoarder - 25 ON currently in my ledger and a business worth 80 ON.
                                She Sure Can Drink - Drank with Ilaren in End Game.
                                He's A Great Listener - Told Cassion a story in End Game.
                                Right In The Feels - Does the death of Kitty in Team Fauna: Thread 2 count?
                                Murderer - Killed Ikimi, a champion of Cassion, in End Game.
                                Immortal Slayer - Kinda killed Cassion (or at least an aspect of him) in End Game. I don't know if that counts.
                                Gambit - Took part in Cassion's Game (also End Game.)
                                Endgame - Same as Gambit.
                                 ! Message from: Peg
                                All awarded - I didn't award you the Pioneer for stabbing Cassion, though, as Doran already had stabbed an Immortal. However, I did award you a Pioneer for being the first person to kill an Immortal Avatar. I also awarded you "Scandalous" because frankly, your plots are awesome. Thanks for being such a fab pc!
                                word count: 287
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                                          Fast Facts
                                          Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.
                                          Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.
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                                          Re: Medal Nomination Thread

                                          Couple of Medals I'd like to nominate myself for:
                                          • One Arc Later (for obvious reasons >.>)
                                          • It was Nothing (multiple medical threads, and here
                                          • Letter (1 in Medicine, 1 in Politics: see PN thread) x2
                                          • Certificate (1 in Medicine, 1 in Politics: see PN thread) x2
                                          • Diploma (1 in Medicine: see PN thread)
                                          • First Love (in here)
                                          • Bow Chicka Wow Wow (in here)
                                          • Puppet Master (in [url=viewtopic.php?f=181&t=11022]here[/url)
                                          • Survivor
                                           ! Message from: Peg
                                          All done!
                                          word count: 82
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                                                    Re: Medal Nomination Thread

                                                    Some extras for me too!
                                                    • A Hundred Reviews (at least)
                                                    • Terrible Twos (obviously)
                                                    • Three Arcs (obviously)
                                                    Those last two to also be given to Plague, Basilisk and Malt, if they haven't already received them. :)
                                                     ! Message from: Peg
                                                    word count: 39
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                                                              Pegasus Pug!!!
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                                                              Re: Medal Nomination Thread

                                                              All except my pcs done - so close enough! Sorry for delays!
                                                              word count: 11
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                                                                        ~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

                                                                        Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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                                                                        Re: Medal Nomination Thread

                                                                        Could I please nominate Zana for:

                                                                        The Little Voice In My Head (she has a familiar from Delroth's Blessing)
                                                                        Gambit - she took part in the challenge here

                                                                         ! Message from: Aegis
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                                                                                  PC is currently inactive. I hope to bring her back soon!
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                                                                                  Faith Augustin Champion
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                                                                                  Re: Medal Nomination Thread

                                                                                  okie. Sorry, it's been a while.

                                                                                  Can I please nominate Faith for:
                                                                                  Local Name
                                                                                  National Treasure
                                                                                  Regional Fame
                                                                                  It Was Nothing (here - 1 person )
                                                                                  You're Welcome (1 above, +2 = 3, +1= 4, +1 = 5, +3 =8, +1 =9, +1 =10 )
                                                                                  Just Doing My Job (this is 100 NPCs. I don't know if the relief effort on Scalvoris Docks would count towards it, if so, she's well over the amount)
                                                                                  I'm Not A Hero (saved Nir'wei from the Rot here )
                                                                                  Probably A Hero (Nir'wei, Nalin ( X, Lei'lira X, Elyna ( X and Pad X)
                                                                                  Little Voice in my Head (death spirit from Vri)
                                                                                  Terrible Twos
                                                                                  Letter x 2 (Medicine + Immortal History)
                                                                                  Certificate (Medicine)
                                                                                  Diploma (Medicine)
                                                                                  Charter (Medicine)

                                                                                  Can I also nominate Padraig for
                                                                                  Terrible Twos
                                                                                  Letter x 2 (Physics & Chemistry)
                                                                                  Certificate x 2 (Physics & Chemistry)
                                                                                  Diploma (Physics)
                                                                                  Charter (Physics)
                                                                                  Pioneer - he's been to the edge of the world and seen... very odd stuff.
                                                                                  Local Name
                                                                                  National Treasure.

                                                                                  Thank you!
                                                                                   ! Message from: Aegis
                                                                                  Faith and Pad done
                                                                                  word count: 174
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                                                                                            Life, Death and the In-Between .
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                                                                                            Pegasus Pug!!!
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                                                                                            Re: Medal Nomination Thread

                                                                                            And last. Peg medals.

                                                                                            3.2 Tester
                                                                                            A Hundred Reviews (if you get this per 100, wihch I think you do - I'm just over 600)
                                                                                            Reviewer Extraordinaire
                                                                                            Gambit and


                                                                                             ! Message from: Aegis
                                                                                            You got 1x Hundred reviews + 1x Reviewer Extraordinaire for 500.
                                                                                            word count: 44
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                                                                                                      ~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

                                                                                                      Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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