• Closed • [Ishallr] The Caves are Alive with the Sound of Music

Tio is initiated into Attunement.

33rd of Saun 718

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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[Ishallr] The Caves are Alive with the Sound of Music

33rd Saun, 718
"Can you feel it Tio? The peace? The tranquillity in the air?"

"Yeah I can feel all that. I'm a tad more concerned about why I can't feel my toes though to be honest. Why did you bring me here, I'm freezing my perfectly formed buttocks off."

Ishallr was, unsurprisingly, cold this time of year. The icy breeze nipped at every part of exposed skin it could, cheekily rescinding the protection it normally offered Tio for the sake of having fun. Ozbourne had taken Tio to the island claiming that there was some important Seeker business they needed to take care off, but he'd been frustratingly tight-lipped about what exactly it was. It was both remarkable and annoying how much dedication Oz put into keeping up his whole 'wise, enigmatic old man' persona sometimes.

"Patience Tio, patience. One of our colleagues has requested a meeting with you, and we Seekers must pay each other our respects when we can; there's too few of us not to."

Tio rolled his eyes, and his shoulders sagged down in a miniature sulk. "And why exactly couldn't we meet in civilization? A nice warm tea shop in Scalvoris Town perhaps?"

"Our guest prefers more... remote locations. They're very much a listener you see, and the hustle of cities can be uncomfortably loud for them. Believe me, the temperature will be a small sacrifice in return for what they can offer you."

"And what exactly are they going to offer me?"

"All in good time Tio, all in good time."

The duo reached a lone ice cave sticking out of the snowy tundra , which led a little ways down beneath the ground. Making a gesture for Tio to watch his step, Oz conjured a small ball of fire in the palm of his hand and led the way down into the cavern.
word count: 319
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: [Ishallr] The Caves are Alive with the Sound of Music

It was cold.

Now, sometimes, those words can be pleasant - like when they're about ice cream. Other times, they can be unpleasant - like those people with sensitive teeth eating that very same ice cream.

And then, there was Ishallr.

Ishallr took cold to whole new places. It showed cold the meaning of the word "cold" and then it took it further. It was below freezing, more than frigid and it was extraordinarily nippy.

Tio was not warm.

And no matter the judgement of his buttocks (because really, 'perfectly formed' is such a subjective phrase), they waited a little while for this person. Ozbourne was rather closed mouthed about the whole affair, really, refusing to give details or do more than tell Tio to be patient, not to grumble, to remember to mind his manners, and, of course, he refused to be drawn in to any conversation about Tio's butt.

Even Ozbourne was starting to get a little bit tetchy, though by the time she arrived.

The woman who arrived, waving cheerily to Oz, was perhaps not quite who Tio might expect. Tall, willowy and with long black hair which was tied back in a rather intricate looking style, the woman seemed to be covered in floating chiffon scarves ~ hanging in the air all around her, they came in all colours of the rainbow and seemed to be almost like tendrils of sheer fabric wafting all around her. Her nails were perfectly manicured and her eyes were sharp. She was human, it seemed - though tall for a human woman and as she got closer it seemed that she might have a tendency to bathe in her perfume - a sweet scent with fruity undertones.

"Ozbourne, darling, you look positively radiant," she whispered. There was no exaggeration to that - she whispered. "And you are Tio? Oh, well aren't you deliciously handsome?" the volume of her voice didn't change but her smile revealed some very well cared for and perfectly aligned teeth. "Ozzy, darling, where have you been hiding this one. He looks quite good enough to eat." With a pat to his cheek, she said to Tio "Now, do you have any questions?"

Oz spoke, very softly. "Tio, this is Thena. Thena. This is Tio." He said, leaving the introductions up to them.
word count: 384
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Re: [Ishallr] The Caves are Alive with the Sound of Music


Down in the ice cave it was hard to judge how much time had passed, but Tio was certain that this mystery person he was supposed to meet was taking the piss a little by leaving them sitting in the cold. Without the heat of movement to warm him he had to take out the scalvwing feather cloak to wrap around his winter coat, but even then the chill still nipped at him. It was just as he was about to suggest to Oz that they forget the meeting and head back to someplace warmer that the sound of footsteps upon ice caught his ear, and Tio looked up to the cave entrance to see one of the most bizarrely dressed women he'd ever seen approaching them. She was wrapped head to toe in a tangle of multicoloured scarves that flew behind her as she walked like flags, and had her willowy hair tied up in a style that must have taken breaks to create.

His suspicion that this lady was quite a oddball only heightened when she began to speak; or more accurately, whisper, her introduction. Ozbourne hadn't been exaggerating; this lady really didn't like loud noises. He remained frozen by slight bewilderment as the lady patted his cheek and paid him an unusual (but still pleasant) compliment, then glanced over to Oz as he handled the introductions. It seemed like Oz respected her a great deal, and for that he would offer her his respect as well, but he had to admit that he had absolutely no idea what to expect for this lady from his first impression. She had that air of power to her that most of the mages he'd met so far had possessed, but not that same undercurrent of danger.

"A pleasure to meet you Thena. It's not often that I get the chance to meet another Seeker." Tio said to Thena equally as softly as Oz had, and offered a hand for her to shake. "I do have one little question actually. Master Oz has been rather tight lipped as to why we're here, which leads me to believe that this is more than a social visit. I hope I'm not being rude when I ask what this is all about? It's not about the fracture we explored on the Immortals Tongue is it?"
word count: 399
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: [Ishallr] The Caves are Alive with the Sound of Music

"Handsome and well mannered? I do declare what a find," Thena chuckled and turned to Ozborne who smiled at her. "It is unusual to meet others of like mind, Tio, yes," she whispered and motioned to his mentor. "Oz and I go back a long way and we've certainly got more enemies than friends, don't we darling?" Oz nodded, thoughtfully.

Then, Tio asked her a question and Thena looked at him. Her gaze was sharp, incisive - insightful. "Oz talks about you," she whispered and Oz looked and shrugged a little. "He says that you are talented, with a good attention to detail if you focus. Would you say that's true?" She was interested to ask, because she needed to know. If she was surprised about him exploring a fracture on Immortals' Tongue, well she didn't seem it. Her floating scarves moved in the breeze and it might seem like they somehow defied all the laws of physics and man - because they moved in different, seemingly random directions, wafting about in ways that they shouldn't.

Thena waited until he had answered and then she looked at Oz. A communication seemed to pass between them and Oz spoke.

"Thena is an attuner," he said, softly. "I believe that magic may be something you would be interested in pursuing." He looked at Tio and his eyebrow quirked, Tio and Oz knew each other well and so, the man felt that he was more than alright to say. "And I believe the initiation is less.... extreme than many." Smirking to himself - for he had been quite proud of that one - Ozborne looked between the two.

"If Thena initiates you, it's a... well, it's a debt I owe her paid. I want to be clear about that." Initiations weren't two a copper and, if he wanted it and if Thena agreed, then Oz had called in a favor. "Which, just in case it isn't obvious means, if this happens, you owe me one."

Thena looked between the two men and smiled, winsomely. "And if you do want it, dear, why don't you tell me why?"
word count: 360
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Re: [Ishallr] The Caves are Alive with the Sound of Music


A look of incredulous shock crossed Tio's face when Thena told him that Ozbourne had claimed he had a good attention to detail. He remained frozen for a few seconds, then clamped a hand over his mouth and screwed his eyes shut as he tried in vain to fight back the urge to laugh that overcame him. Attention to detail? Him? Had Oz been sarcastic? Yes he could occasionally muster the concentration to focus on something important, but only if he found whatever he was focusing on very entertaining. Most of the time a hyperactive puppy could do a better job at paying attention than him.

"I suspect master Oz may have been exaggerating just a little bit." He eventually chocked out between stifled giggles. "Sure I'm pretty good when I focus, but that isn't exactly a common occurrence. It takes a special brand of weirdness for me to sharpen up." The laughing fit began to fade, and Tio looked over to Oz as he forced his composure to return. "But it's nice of you to say that. I supposed magic does often come hand in hand with my taste in strangeness."

When Oz went on to explain that Thena was an attuner Tio's eyes lit up in recognition! He'd encountered an attuner before; a member of the Elements called Sephira. As he recalled attunement had given her the ability to perceive things that usual senses could not. He'd also heard the word mentioned a few times in the Seeker books Ozbourne had asked him to read, which had hailed it as the most prevalent spark found in the Seeker's ranks due to it's power being the most helpful to their goals. It had been described by one such book as a 'peaceful' spark, but there had been no explanation as to what exactly that meant. Did he want a spark like that? One that could grant him the power to observe the world rather than fight against it?

Yes. Yes he did. Necromancy could build him an army, and Defiance could protect him from danger. He didn't need any more powers geared towards violence; he had enough of that already. What he needed now was something to help him understand the world around him. If attunement could offer him that then he'd gladly go through an initiation once again.

"If you are an attuner then I guess there's not much point in lying to you, so here's the truth." Tio began hesitantly, whispering not just for Thena's sake but because his yludih instincts cried out at him to not speak his secrets out loud. "I am... afraid. Very afraid. I do what I can to hide it, but for as long as I can remember I've been conscious of the fact that I am different from other people, and if they knew... they might kill me." An unusually serious expression crossed across Tio's face. "I love this world Thena. There's so much to do, to learn; so much entertainment to be had. Many people believe that their own little version of paradise awaits them after this one, but I can't help but think that no paradise could possibly be as vast and interesting as this place. I want to know this world. I want to explore every aspect of it, to find the answer to it's every secret. And if others might try to separate me from it then I want kick and scream and struggle to cling to it for as long as I can. I want to transform into something beyond my current self; something unburdened by the rules of a normal life that can experience things nobody else ever could. Something utterly unique. Something that transcends humanity. If attunement can help me become that then I'll gladly pay whatever price I must for it."
word count: 658
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: [Ishallr] The Caves are Alive with the Sound of Music


Thena's face didn't betray whatever emotions she was feeling as she listened to Tio confess to his motives. It was as if she had already known the truth, had read it on his face the moment she saw him, but had needed to hear him say it out loud to confirm something. When he had finished talking she gave a little nod, as if to say that she understood where he was coming from, and then turned to the side to look at the icy cave around them.

"Some people fear being different, and some people fear being the same. Some people want a quiet life, and some people can't stand the thought. Some people crave power, and some wish for nothing more than to be rid of it." She whispered woefully, just as much to herself as to Tio. "It's these differences in hopes and dreams that make people so interesting. And who is to say which of them is right or wrong? Who is to say that a desire to change is any better or worse than a desire to stay exactly the same?" She looked back to Tio with a edge of steel in her gaze. "You have the heart of a true Seeker; one that yearns to unravel the mysteries of the world simply for the sake of knowledge, and for that I believe you are suitable to inherit the attunement spark. But a word to the wise Tio: never forget that the ability to learn about something does not give you the right to judge it. Transform into someone you can be proud of if that is what you feel you must do, but the moment you begin to consider other people's lives somehow inferior to your own you'll start to forget who you used to be. When that happens you'll become nothing less than a monster, and people like me will be there to put you down. Understand?"

Taken aback by the unexpected display of resolve, Tio only nodded dumbly in response. Ozbourne chuckled to himself at Tio's lame reaction. "Well I guess that settles matters. I'll go wait outside, give you two some space to work. Good luck Tio; this initiation isn't fatal, but I've heard that it hurts like hell."

With that the elderly man left, and when the sounds of his cackling faded away into nothing Tio knew that he and Thena were alone. Thena gestured for him to sit down with her, and once the two of them were sat cross-legged facing each other on the icy floor she gave him an encouraging smile.

"I'm going to begin the initiation now. In order to succeed you are going to need to listen, focus on picking up as much detail as you possibly can. Open your mind to the sound and it in turn will open your senses to the world."

Tio nodded to show that he understood, and Thena's smile grew just a little wider. Then she closed her eyes, took a deep breath...

And began to sing.

Perhaps it was the acoustic of the cave, but when Thena began to sing it sounded to Tio as if the sound came from all around him; like the cave was singing in harmony with her. Thena's voice was hauntingly beautiful, and the song she'd chosen: a slow, sad melody in a language Tio had never heard of before, complemented it perfectly. The music gripped his heartstrings, and the yludih belatedly realized that the first drops of tears were stinging his eyes.

It was then that his ears caught the sound of something particular in the song. It was a hairs breadth away from being silent and was as tricky to pick out from the rest of the sound as a lone flute in a thousand strong orchestra, but remembering his task Tio fought with every shred of concentration he could manage to catch it. It was absurdly difficult, but the harder he tried to hear it the clearer the noise became.

Then just as he thought he'd finally got it another new noise caught his attention, just as quiet as the first one had been. Concentrating harder than he'd done for years Tio split his focus to try and keep track of both the sounds, only for a third one to pop up.

Then a fourth. Then a fifth. Then ten. Then twenty. Each growing louder and louder by their own volition.

Panic grew in Tio's chest as he realized that the song was growing out of his control. The noise was starting to grate on his eardrums, but when he tried to cover them he found that the noise didn't diminish in the slightest. The noise was inside his head! The beautiful cacophony was threatening to split his head apart, and he had no way to defend himself against it! It was going to deafen him!

Desperately he wracked his brain for a way to stop the noise. Should he run away? No the sound was throwing off his sense of balance; he'd never make it to safety in time! Then could he stop Thena from singing? Possibly, but since the music that was causing him distress was inside his mind he doubted that stopping the physical singing would do much.

Hold on! Wasn't he thinking about this the wrong way? Ozbourne had warned him that this was going to hurt, so clearly this part was supposed to be happening, and Thena had told him to open his mind. He needed to listen didn't he? So instead of trying to escape the sounds, perhaps he aught to try embracing them?

Removing his hands from his ears, Tio once again focused on listening to each excruciating detail of the cacophony. Every note jarred against his skull, like a knife being scraped across his scalp, and yet he continued to listen. The painful pressure built up and up, threatening to explode at any second.

And then, with an audible crack, it did.

To Tio it felt like the top of his skull had exploded into a thousand fragments, and he gasped in pain as if he were drowning. Sparks swam across his vision, temporarily blinding him, and all conscious thoughts were monetarily overwhelmed by the pain. For a few trills Tio lay deathly still, essentially brain dead to the world.

Once again Tio saw a room of grey stone, inhabited only by a twisted mass of bones. It was the same bone cocoon he'd seen in the visions he'd had during his previous two initiations: the one with a faint silhouette of a person inside, but this time it looked different. The outer shell was cracked and splintering, and black miasma was seeping out from within.

The figure inside the cocoon stirred, as if waking from a slumber, and raised a boney arm to gently touch the wall of its prison. A spider web of cracks grew where it had touched, and the cocoon began to rumble as a torrent of compressed miasma burst forth from within, threatening to shatter it from the inside.

"You can never escape me." A voice resounded, echoing Tio's voice with a growling undertone. "The end of your destiny is the beginning of mine. But rejoice, for in your legacy you will be granted that which you have wished for."

Finally freed from the pressure, the pain inibegan Tio's head began to ebb away and the yludih's self-awareness began to return. As it did he began to realize that Thena had stopped singing, but the sounds he'd heard in her song were still around him. They were still loud, but the noise no longer caused him pain anymore; it was as if the noise could flow freely through his ears instead of being damned up inside his head. His mind has been opened to the world.

There was also another feeling in his chest: a gentle thrumming, like a tuning fork, that resonated with the noises around him. Having been through two initiations before Tio recognized the sensation easily enough for what it was: a new spark. He was an attuner.
word count: 1384
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: [Ishallr] The Caves are Alive with the Sound of Music



Thank you so much for your patience with this thread. I really do appreciate it! I so enjoy writing stories with you and Tio never fails to impress! Your writing, and truth to your character is amazing and the humour and humanity you get into every thread delight me. Enjoy the rewards!


XP: 15 (may be used for Domain Magic: Attunement )

Renown: 5


+ 1 attunement spark, initiation successful!!! You are officially an attunement mage!


Detection: Making out specific sounds.
Discipline: Patience is a virtue. Virtues are hard.
Discipline: Speaking the truth.
Endurance: The pain of your head exploding.
Endurance: Frozen toes
Etiquette: Seeker cells.
Attunement: Initiation
Attunement: Initiation appears much more 'gentle' than other initiations.
Attunement: Very linked to your emotions
Attunement: Initiation much more intense than it seems.
word count: 133
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