[Council Meeting] Ymiden, 718 - Part 2

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[Council Meeting] Ymiden, 718 - Part 2


Ymiden 1, 718, very shortly after midnight, continued from here

Roughly a half-break after Albarech had called for recess, the meeting was resumed, albeit, with one noticeable absence. Darbytonian Elliott had not returned to the meeting room. It was very unlike the man. Most of the councilors had missed a meeting or had been late at least once during their tenure. But not Elliott. He was always punctual, polite, and professional. He was one of the few that had not used their position on the council to benefit his life. He kept a small cabin to himself, cared for his people, and only stood up when it was necessary. He had no family, but to his friends he was the most loyal a man could possibly be.

Albarech asked Leshli if she'd seen him, she responded that he'd not returned from his smoke. Albarech thanked her, and she returned to her position by the door, leaning against it like she always did, in case she needed to fetch something. "Welcome back to the meeting everyone. It seems Councilor Elliot will not be joining us, though I do not know as to why. But this Council must go on without him. Our current topic at hand is Councilor Mareth's proposal concerning Slags Deep prison."

The entirety of the guests had returned. The Warden sat with his legs crossed, sipping tea, while keeping his eyes locked on Kura, awaiting her proposal, a glint in his eyes, and a teasing smile just barely shown. Cornel Sherapo was smiling bright, having been in a delightful conversation with another woman prior to Albarech speaking. She now paid closer attention as Kura was up next to speak, a smug smirk upon her face. Silence was over the room, in expectation of what Kura proposed.

For the Warden's reputation was wide reaching. He was well known for being a philanthropist, for attending every party, gala, event that Scalvoris had to offer. He always spoke with a kind word, a sharp mind, often found ways to make people both interested and interesting. He tipped heavily, so that even private servants of other wealthy people respected him. He'd never once lost his temper in public, nor did he fail to hold his drink, despite partaking. He was a perfect gentleman in all aspects of his public life. He was also the wealthiest man on the island. And yet, no one knew his name.

"The table is yours Councilor Mareth."
 ! Message from: Aegis
Kura goes first, then everyone else can go as desired. I will do my best to post in 1 week. It will go Kura's proposal, Faith's proposal on Magic Regulation, then end with Sephira's proposal on Magic in the military.
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Re: [Council Meeting] Ymiden, 718 - Part 2

Kura watched as the rest of the Council agreed to table the discussion of Sephira's proposal until she had a more complete proposal, even the spiteful Merchant. After that it was time for a break, however, and Kura went out to mindle with the crowd, chatting quietly with council members and common folk alike, only pausing to eat a bit. When they all gathered back in the main hall, Kura noticed that Elliot hadn't rejoined them, but she didn't speak until Albarecht Brandel gave her the floor. However, before she stood up, she noticed the look Sherapo was wearing. Sherapo had not been pleased with Elliot's voting, and she didn't trust the head of the Logging Consortium as far as she could throw the council building. She glanced at Elliot's seat again, then stood up.

"May I beg the Council's patience for just one moment." she said, before looking down at the empty space beside her. "Phelan." she called, causing the large black wolf to materialize next to her. "Do us all a favor and see if you can find Elliot, would you?" she asked. The large wolf walked over to Elliot's chair, sniffed it a few times, then left the hall at a trot. Turning back to the council, Kura smiled. "Apologies for the brief delay. Now, to business." she said, before she took a deep breath.

"The prison system in Scalvoris is, while capable of keeping prisoners contained, flawed. To put it bluntly, keeping prisoners is expensive, and nothing is gained in return. Often, when prisoners are released, they just resume their criminal ways, in many cases because they either can't find employment, or have no marketable skills. All we gain for our expense is a delay." she said, before smiling slightly. "Fortunately, I think we can eliminate two problems with one solution. My proposal is simple. We put the prisoners to work, specifically at labor jobs." she said, before she looked up briefly at the audience to gauge their reactions.

"In a bit more detail, there are some jobs we could put the prisoners too that, while not making the Scalvoris government any money, could alleviate some of our costs. Road repair, mining, logging, quarrying, even civil repair if the damage is extensive enough." she said, not looking at Sherapo at the mention of logging. Truth be told, she wanted to break up the monopoly of the Logging Consortium, but she didn't want to make it obvious, just in the off chance that Sherapo was an idiot.

"In addition, we could also put them to work in farming. Now, before anyone asks how we're going to convince a farmer to let us put prisoners on his fields, we're not. I would suggest that these prison farms would be built from the ground up by prisoners, with guards checking to be sure they aren't building escape routes of course. This would at least reduce the costs incurred by feeding prisoners, and if enough is grown, may allow the Scalvoris government to have a reserve stockpile of food, in the event of a famine." she said, her tone calm, though the notion of having a reserve stockpile of food was one she really wanted to see happen.

"Now, as to the care of the prisoners while they are at work, we already have guards, and we're likely to get more from the freed slaves. Whether through the Elements, Blackwood's police proposal when it is finished, or the guards of Slags Deep, if the Warden wishes to lend his aid to this endeavor, I propose that we leave the care and guarding of the prisoners to those who are already equipped and trained for such a task." she said, before pausing a moment. "And I would most certainly recommend allowing any private enterprise that isn't primarily dedicated to the care of prisoners to be allowed involvement with any of the prison work crews. They are not trained to deal with prisoners, and I would consider their involvement to be a security risk, honestly." she said, looking at the rest of the council as she spoke. This was, again, aimed at Sherapo, but also at anyone else who might try to profit off of this endeavor, when Kura would rather anything gained by this program be kept in government hands.

"Now, as to what happens when prisoners are released, well, through this program they will now have markatable skills. I would also suggest that the government, possibly through the Isonomia faction if they are willing, aid in finding them employment, so that they will not fall immediately back into criminal ways. As for those that will fall back into criminal endeavors by choice, well, we can keep a cell reserved for them." she said, smiling slightly. "However, the core of the proposal is this. People are imprisoned because they have been a detriment to the society of Scalvoris. Through this program, they will pay the debt they owe for this deficit, as opposed to just sitting in a cage and costing the government, and by extension our taxpayers, money." she said, before sitting down to let the discussion begin.
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Re: [Council Meeting] Ymiden, 718 - Part 2

Faith would much rather that they had not taken a break and simply continued. She barely ate at the best of times and, since Padraig had left on this expedition her appetite had, once again, more or less disappeared. Really, though, she would rather go home, where she could hold her babies and smell their hair as she did so, where she could kick off her shoes and pull on a pair of baggy trousers and one of Padraig's pajama tops and feel sorry for herself. But that was selfish and she knew it - she could keep going for a very long time, both because of her training as a slave and because of her blessing from Famula; not everyone was able to do so and most people needed more food than her.

Most small cats did, too, she knew.

But again, it was a hangover from her time as a slave and as such she simply had to get on with it. It was hardly a disadvantage and it didn't bother Padraig any, so she mostly ignored it. Therefore, during the time that she was there, she spoke to a few people, made sure to catch up with Sephira and ask about her sister, Rey'na - who had recently joined the elements, she told her. Other than that, Faith simply drank some water and waited to reconvene.

Which they did and Kura sent Phelan out to look for Elliot, which made sense and put, Faith had to admit, her mind at rest. Yet, she turned her attention to the proposal with her full attention. Once Kura had finished, she lifted her head to speak, and did so calmly and thoughtfully. "Whilst I wholeheartedly agree that the welfare of the prisoners needs to be better looked to," she said, with a slight frown, "There are those in Slag's Deep who are on the lower levels, either those marked with blessings or curses from the Immortals or those who are mages. We can't let them out."

Looking at Kura, who she was sure would have an answer for her very obvious question, Faith asked it as much to prove that her friend had thought it through properly. "My concern is for security. In the prison itself they are contained. I agree completely that they can and should be expected to be contributing to the economy, not draining it, but that can not be at the risk to our citizens."

With a slight shrug, she added, "this ties in with the proposal I have later, regarding the regulation of magics. But one fundamental flaw that the prison has, as I see it, is that it puts together powerful criminals and leaves them alone to sort out a pecking order. That is likely to lead to dangerous repercussions and potentially fatal consequences. I'd like to see this addressed. How would you propose we move forward, Councillor?"
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Re: [Council Meeting] Ymiden, 718 - Part 2


The Warden raised a hand aloofly, not giving Kura a chance to respond to Faith. "I do believe I can be of help in this situation. After all, it is my prison being discussed." He stood up, buttoning his jacket, running a hand through his longer hair, smoothing it back over his crown. He faced the council, not the audience, and he addressed them as a whole. "First, I apologize for interrupting this flow of discussion. But I do not wish to see your time wasted without all the facts being present. Second, I would like to apologize directly to Councilors Mareth, Augustin, Nyme, for it seems you were not made aware of the agreement that was struck between myself and the original Council. I do hope this did not cause any embarrassment for you three. I was not aware that this was a topic until I saw it upon the agenda. Had I known, I would have provided the information I'm about to give, ahead of time. But I was not, nor were you made aware, and as such, here we are."

He cast a disapproving gaze among other members of the Council, particularly Albarech, before continuing, "When the Pirate Lords went missing," his eyes growing a bit sad at their mention, "A void was made, one that was filled by this very council. This established the new, budding government we have totrial. I was there at the first meeting, as the Warden of Slags Deep, just as I am now. And an issue had been raised concerning the prison's presence within the government. For those who aren't aware, Slags Deep was founded simply as a mine. It was turned into a prison mine by one of my predecessors. There were very few prisoners in those days, for without a proper justice system, it was up to the various localities, and in some instances, private citizens, to send people to prison. It really wasn't a strong system, for there weren't enough prisoners to keep up with the island's growing demand for our ores, stone, and gems. The prison mine was floundering."

He cast his gaze upon Kura now, and she would be able to recognize his aged eyes. She didn't know him, but it would be obvious that this man was far older than his body appeared, much like herself. "So, when that void was filled, and this council was established, a deal was struck, one that was written by myself, by Councilors Brandel, Fraer, Witchbane, and Liza. This deal was presented to this council and was voted upon, passing." He reached into his jacket, and pulled out a thick roll of papers, bound together with a leather strap. "This is the contract that was signed by that council, by every single member. This same contract has copies present in this building, for I had them copied so that every councilor could have one. Most of the deal is pleasantries and structure, such as the services that Slags Deep and Egilrun exchange for one another's mutual benefit, the cost the Scalvoris government pays per prisoner admitted into the prison, and the discount that Slags Deep gives for goods sold directly to the government."

He uncoiled the contract, passing it to along to the councilors, who quickly passed it to Kura. Being a mortalborn, she could feel how the contract hummed with power. This wasn't a simple contract made by men. This reeked of Vhalar's touch. "However, the most relevant clause grants Slags Deep sovereignty. The prison does not answer to the laws of Scalvoris, nor does it answer to this council. As the Warden, I choose what happens within my prison." He tucked his hands into his jacket pockets, "However, I am not an unreasonable man. I feel that Councilors Mareth and Augustin both raise extremely valid points, and this is a discussion I would love to hear continued. But make no mistake. Any proposal this council creates is simply that. A proposal that I must approve, plain and simple. If you wish to house your prisoners elsewhere, that is your prerogative. But if you wish to use Slags Deep, I must be included in the conversation."

He nodded at the Council, casting a teasing glance at Kura, "Thank you for your time, if you have any questions concerning my prison, I'm always eager to answer them." The man returned to his seat, unbuttoning his jacket, sitting down, neither smug nor worried. He sat there among the palpable air in the audience, the air rife with surprise. Hardly anyone on the island knew that Slags Deep had been granted sovereignty, it was simply something the original council had never mentioned to anyone after signing the contract. And now, various members of the council wore subtle looks of shame, though Albarech was rather clearly containing a rage within him. But no one spoke, and most eyes were on the man that plucked a tooth pick from his breast pocket, and popped it in his mouth, lightly chewing on the tip in the corner of his mouth.

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MODBOMB. You might be asking yourself, "But Aegis, this is your thread, why are you modbombing it?" And the answer to that is simple. Cuz it makes sense to do so in this instance. The round resets. So everyone can post again and continue as sees fit, with no particular post order.
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Re: [Council Meeting] Ymiden, 718 - Part 2

The Special Assistant sat stone faced as the Warden spoke. Her eyes flared with subtle hues of onyx and dark blue. There was something about him that set her on edge and she certainly didn’t appreciate his tone with the councilors.

The Warden was a man that Sephira had never personally dealt with before. She didn't deal in the judgement and punishment of criminals, her role rested on the other end of the process in investigating and apprehending them. But everyone knew that the warden of Slag’s Deep was an incredibly powerful and wealthy man, now they had an inkling as to why. He was clever, in a dangerous sort of way and it made Sephira’s skin crawl to listen to him speak.

Her eyes flicked up to Kura and Faith’s own. There was a power dynamic in the room and it tipped away from the council and toward the warden. How on Idalos he had managed to get sovereignty granted to his prison, the mage would never truly know. She didn’t think it was as simple as he was making it sound.

There was virtually nothing that the Element could do to assist the councilors. Politics was not her forte and right now they stood in an arena commanded by sharp tongues rather than bloodied blades. Her eyes snapped back to the warden with a dangerous gleam in them. How far did this man’s influence go? How many other secrets did he have hidden away in his back pocket?

She was tempted to attune to him, but Sephira made a point not to use her magic on presumably innocent civilians. But the thought was an attractive one nonetheless. The control of magic and mages was literally on the agenda, she couldn’t just start breaking rules that were likely about to be written.

With that tantalizing thought hanging within her mind, Sephira waiting instead to see what was said next. It was not her place to speak now, that time would have to wait for later.
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Re: [Council Meeting] Ymiden, 718 - Part 2

Kura looked over at Faith as she raised some questions about her plan, nodding at both the comment about supernaturally empowered prisoners and the comment on strong criminal groups forming in prisons. However, before she could answer her friends comments, the Warden stood up to say his piece. Kura listened to what the Warden had to say, not responding and showing increasingly less of a reaction to his words, though her focus was clear. When the contract was handed to her, Kura took it, then paused a moment and looked at the rolled up parchment. Vhalar was the Lord of Oaths, true, but even so it was rare for contracts between Mortals to have his power. She looked at the Warden, trying to see what made this contract so special, and then she saw his eyes. He was like her, far older than he appeared. Whether he was Mortalborn or something else, that would remain to be seen.

For now though, she opened the contract and read through the whole thing, noting that it really was mostly filled with pleasantries and legalese, but she noted the relevant parts of the contract and had to suppress a desire to get up and beat Albarech Brandel into his chair. A sovereign territory in their own borders was something she should really have been made aware of when she joined the council, not nearly a year into her tenure. However, when the Warden sat back down, she simply rolled the contract back up and rebound it, handing it over so it could be returned to the Warden, though more the more observant people in the buidling would notice an amber tint to her eyes that showed that she was not exactly pleased with the situation.

"I had hoped you would join in the conversation, Warden. As the one we trust with the care and guardin' of our prisoners, your knowledge of current prison conditions is invaluable. In addition, while it is true that Slags Deep having it's own sovereignty is news to me, I believe that the proposals I am suggestin' are still beneficial to you and your prison." she said, her tone calm and collected. She had been at this too long to be thrown off her game that easily, and in truth, she was beginning to see ways to turn this into an advantage. "In fact, it is entirely likely that an expansion and strengthenin' of the relationship would be greatly beneficial to both of us." she said, her tone calm and her eyes returning to their usual icy blue.

"However, first I must answer Councilor Augustine's concerns." she said, turning to Faith. "Your concern regardin' prisoners with Blessings or Domain Magic is well noted. I believe that we already have a method of sealin' away such powers, put to good use during the riot and the trials that followed. While those cuffs only work on magic, and are limitin' in their current form, I believe a work around is possible." she said, before looking at the Militant. "Is it, in fact, necessary for the suppressor cuffs to fastened to one another? Because if not, simply removin' that fastener would allow us to suppress their Domain Magic and still have them workin' farms or loggin'." she said, her tone intent. "Granted, that does not work on prisoners with Blessin's. At the moment, I am unsure as to what to do with them, but their current form of restraint keeps them secure, and until a method can be found for suppressin' Blessin's, they can likely be productive in the Slags Deep mines." she said, gesturing to the Warden as she spoke.

"Now, as to the build-up of prison gangs, that is harder to permanently shut down, but we can at least slow and inhibit their growth. If this proposal is adopted, by all involved," she said, gesturing at the Warden again to show that she hadn't forgotten his say in the matter, "then simply movin the prisoners between work locations, at random times and not on a schedule, would make buildin' up these organizations more difficult. In addition, if we can identify the leaders of these groups, we can specifically separate them from the followers. After all, it's hard to build of a followin' if you keep getting moved around before you can get yourself established." she said, her tone calm.

"Now, as to the mutually beneficiary bit I mentioned before. In jobs that render goods, such as logging, farming, mining in areas besides Slags Deep, and other such tasks, I propose that the Scalvoris Government and the Slags Deep Prison both supply guards, and that we both take a share of what is gained through the endeavor. Slags Deep is a mine, yes? You can use what is gained from such just as well as we can. Wood to prop up new shafts or replace old or damaged props, food to fed the prisoners, stone from quarries, and I find it unlikely that Slags Deep is the only place on Scalvoris where resources that would benefit us both can be mined. Obtaining such from the work camps would save you the cost of purchasing these raw materials yourself, allowing that money to go to other areas, such as the finished goods that this program does not provide, such as clothes, bedding, tools, and arms and armor for your guards." she said, before smiling slightly. "The Scalvoris Government would, of course, receive similar benefits." she said, before giving Fraer a somewhat sly look.

"As I'm certain Accountant Fraer would tell us, there is never enough money on hand for all the things we need, and I would be surprised if you did not face a similar issue running your prison. Obtaining these raw materials at a lower cost means a relief on those parts of the budget, which helps the areas that are under more strain." she said, shrugging as she said it. "Any further comments or questions, I'm happy to answer them as best I can." she said, sitting down to let others give their say.
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Re: [Council Meeting] Ymiden, 718 - Part 2


That was the job of the Council. It was why she did what she did - everything she did. Dedication to service was the reason that she had fought for so long to begin the abolition of slavery; because slavery took away choice and service was a choice. It was without doubt to the young woman, for Famula, her beloved Immortal had marked her only once she was free and continued to serve through choice. And so, she worked to serve all people, as much as she possibly could and in as many ways as she could.

This was why she had taken this role, after all.

And that was why they were here in the middle of the night and why they were prepared to work as hard as they did. Or at least, she chose to assume that was why. But when the Warden stood up and spoke, Faith listened. She sat and listened to him speak and, as his words unfolded she sent a silent prayer to Famula that she might, in all things and always serve Her. That meant, to Faith, serving all souls - not only those who had died, but all souls living and dead. Her study of blood was entirely in Famula's name and service and, following the time where she had died, she understood resurrection and what it meant at a far greater level. For Faith, they all boiled down to one thing.


As the Warden spoke, Faith listened and she watched him. Her gaze was earnest and not at all hidden, she observed him. Serious silver eyes, flecked through with a deep ruby watched him. He talked a lot, for a long time and, as Kura started to respond, Faith continued to look at the Warden. She would act in this circumstance, she would respond. But not while she was not in receipt of the facts. With thanks to Famula for Her gaze upon Her humble servant, Faith looked at the man who spoke.

And in looking, she learned
Faith is using the following ability, granted by Famula

"A Zuuda with this ability can see the lines of service that bind an individual. A powerful ability, the Zuuda must observe someone, concentrate on them, and use this ability. Know the Master will bring the face or the sigil of who or what the individual serves in their heart. Often a Zuuda never has to ask who someone works for, they can see the truth of their service and devotion within their soul. If the individual only serves themselves or serves nothing in particular, this ability only imparts a cold sense of emptiness."
Hope that makes sense!

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Re: [Council Meeting] Ymiden, 718 - Part 2


As Faith looked on the Warden, she would feel a slight resistance, at first, to her ability. Just long enough for the Warden to lock eyes with her, before arching a single eyebrow and smirking at the Zuuda. Then the resistance faded completely, and Faith's ability went to work. And for a moment, Faith's vision faded to black, as her ability gave a stronger response than it normally would. This was not an alteration to her ability, nor was it an outside force fighting it, her ability was working as perfectly as it should be. This was simply a much stronger revelation of that which the Warden serves. The blackness that held Faith's vision began to swirl and twist, smoke made of shadows, until it open up, and revealed the answer she sought.

There was something in the center of a massive cavern. It looked to be a massive tower of sorts, wrapped up in chains, with seven massive gems nestled in the front of it, six of which were glowing bright. Her vision pulled her point of view forward, into the depths of the tower. She was thrust through magical locks, wards, physical barriers that exceeded any mortal's imagination, until her vision was thrust into a final cage. In the center of it, a person, a girl, no older than ten, arms, face and legs covered in black, runic tattoos. Her head was slumped, her inky black hair hanging down messily. She wore a simple burlap dress, worn with age and filth. There were chains attached to her wrists and ankles, another around her waist and one around her neck. These chains were secured to the cage she was in, and held her suspended over the floor, unable to even reach anything.

The girl looked up, her eyes brimming with a glowing purple light, looking directly at Faith's point of vision. "I see you too, Champion of the Usurpers." Then the darkness began to swirl back into place, obscuring the entire scene. But just before it did, Faith's ability punched through, seeking the true master he served. And for the briefest of moments, the cage was gone, and the same black haired little girl was there, playing with a doll upon the ground. She looked human, and yet... not. The details of the difference were hard to understand, but it was an inherent feeling. Not a human, yet was. And as the darkness encroached on the vision, a voice from the little girl rang out, "Daddy, will you always be watching over me?"

And then everything went black, and Faith's ability ended.

And with her vision returned, she could see that the Warden was still staring at her, and there was pain behind his eyes, clear as day to the woman. He severed the look between them, and once more stood up, to face the Council, unbuttoning his jacket, just as he'd done before, and slicked his hair over his crown, also as he'd done before. He looked directly at Counciler Mareth this time, "I am amenable to this proposal, with a few suggestions of my own, for the operations to run more smoothly. If you wish to have prisoners working in various camps, be it for their own good, for profit, for whatever purpose, it matters not to me, I will allow it. I think it will do some good for them, and for Scalvoris as whole."

Her turned to Faith, taking a moment to study her demeanor following what she'd seen through him, "I wish to quell the rumor you have gained your information from. Your information is, for the most part, correct. Guards get bored, so they chat about their job at the watering holes in Egilrun. But yes, the lower levels are where the more dangerous are kept. Level Seven is typically reserved for those cursed with magic or blessed by the immortals. There are a few more mundane individuals down there, after having proven themselves to be dangerous enough to warrant that particular cage. The pecking order is quite a... soft way to describe Level Seven."

He smirked once more, "As someone who did his time in Level Seven, I can speak to the effectiveness of the brutality that exists down there. It isn't merely the strong or smart taking charge. It is far simpler than that.The strong and smart survive. The rest die. You might worry that they could organize and somehow stage an escape or coup, and that would be fair, for any other prison on Idalos. In Level Seven, exposing oneself to any other person there, is how you die. The prisoners put themselves into isolation down there, out of necessity."

"And even if they could organize, even if they could rally behind a once in a millennia leader of impeccable skill, they still wouldn't be able to overwhelm the defenses in place. I do not wish to boast, but Slags Deep puts the defenses of the Elements to shame, no offense intended. We've simply been able to perfect them over many arcs. You will not find a safer place in Idalos than the lobby of my prison. Councilor Augustin, the prisoners in Level Seven are locked away in a manner that while inhumane, is beyond effective."

Turning back to Kura, "I am willing to let any of the prisoners from Levels One through Six be put into these working camps you desire, with my own men serving as the guards. But I will not, cannot budge on ever allowing any of those in Level Seven such a privilege. Quite frankly, they are better trained, and better equipped to handle the prisoners than the Elements. Plus, our soldiers have a far more important duty, wouldn't you say? Our prisoners will work whatever job it is the government would like, I am not particular, whatever the endeavor, I'm sure all parties can benefit."

"I do make one request, one that I firmly stand behind. With my guards having to operate within Scalvoris' own territory, I ask that you create an additional seat upon this Council. This seat would serve as both overseer of all paperwork and operations for the work program, as well as serve as an ambassador from Scalvoris to Slags Deep. You may provide a list of nominees or interested parties to me, and I will interview them, and select the one I wish to see on the Council from your choices, if I wish to have any of them. "

"The minutia can be dealt with by this Council. Draft up an agreement, and I will be readily review it at your pleasure."

And with that, the man once again sat down.

There was a moment of silence, before Albarech Brandel cleared his throat. "Okay, the vote on the table is this. Do we proceed with Councilor Mareth's proposal to strike an agreement with Slags Deep in order to establish a prisoner rehabilitation program through a labor force." He paused as he rubbed at his temple, "If you have more to say, please do so now. When conversation is exhausted, we will cast votes. As per usual, one vote per councilor, with myself as tiebreaker if needed. Open palm for an aye vote, accepting this program be established, and allowing Councilor Mareth to work on crafting the agreement with Slags Deep. Closed fist for a nay vote, declining the prisoner rehabilitation program as a whole. A knock upon the table signals the tabling of the motion until the next meeting. No motion is an abstention of the vote. Following the vote, I will hand out assignments should the proposal pass. Following this, Councilor Augustin will present her proposal on the policing and legislation concerning Mages."

word count: 1303
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Re: [Council Meeting] Ymiden, 718 - Part 2

When the warden looked at her, Faith met his gaze and quirked an eyebrow right back. She was Famula's servant and she was more than proud of that - if he could sense that she was using the power granted to her by Famula, then he should feel privileged. There was no risk of her dropping her gaze, she watched him. And, of course, she learned.

The child who was not a child but once had been? His child? Faith watched and drank in every detail of what she saw. Seven gems, one not lit. There was something ancient here, then the child's words - the Usurpers? There were stories of those who came before the Immortals, Faith had undertaken a Letter Qualification in the study of them, after all. Yet, in all of this she could only watch. The Warden spoke to Kura and then he turned to her.

As he did, her silver and ruby eyes met his and she looked - as she so often did - simply compassionate. However, when he spoke she waited until he had finished and then she addressed his points, one at a time. "I work at the Order of the Adunih. The people who leave the prison come to us and they talk. They have no reason not to." Her gaze on him was unwavering and she shook her head at his next assertion. "That is complacency in action and it is not safe. Your certainty that you have perfected anything denies the ingenuity of mortals to overcome." With a deep inward breath, she shook her head. "My concern is for the welfare of people. All people. It is not acceptable to say 'yes, it's inhumane, but so far it has worked', we need better than that." Looking between the two of them, Kura and the Warden, she shook her head. "You speak of defenses, yet you do not tell us what they are, you speak of the skills of your guards and their training, but I would know more before this vote passes and potentially has them guarding us from some of Scalvoris' most dangerous criminals."

Faith's vote was clear. With an apologetic glance at Kura, but knowing that she had to find out what the hell was going on in Slags Deep, Faith knocked on the table, indicating that she wanted more information. Not from Kura, no, but from the Warden.
word count: 402
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: [Council Meeting] Ymiden, 718 - Part 2

Kura listened in silence as the Warden gave his answer to her proposal. In truth, the requested addition of an additional council member was something she balked at, but she also saw potential in it. In time, they may have to take Slags Deep back, if they could find a way to do it that didn't violate the original contract. She wondered if Brandel even knew Vhalar was involved, though this whole arrangement was foolish beyond measure. Giving away sovereign territory in such a fashion was utterly absurd and she was surprised the rest of the Council of the time had agreed to it.

Then she listened as Faith spoke her rebuttal, and nodded her head in acceptance of her friend moving to table the vote. Then, however, she stood up to speak again. "While I agree with Councilor Augustine as to your overconfidence in the impregnability of your prison, Warden, the interior defense of Slags Deep are not something I feel is a concern for this proposal. If the Council has such concerns, it would be better for that to be it's own discussion. Of course, I mean no insult to the defenses of your prison, Warden, but in my experience, whenever someone or something is "the best in Idalos", it just means there's a weakness that hasn't been found yet." she said, her tone calm and controlled.

"As to only your guard serving as the prisoners sole security measure, that I will object too. The skill of your guards within the confines of Slags Deep itself, this is not something that concerns me at this moment. But they are not trained to operate in the various terrains and conditions of Scalvoris proper. Forgive my bluntness, but I do not believe that rain and forests are common sights in a mine, at the very least. For that reason alone, if nothing else, I feel it necessary for either Scalvoris Elements or members of the potential police force to be involved in this matter, at least at the very start." she said, before smiling slightly. "I would be lying if I said there weren't ulterior motives to this reasoning, of course." she said, before taking a deep breath.

"War has been on my mind of late, due to the troubles in Rynmere. It is not uncommon for weak rulers to start foreign wars to strengthen their control over their nation. For this, I have been seeking to strengthen our alliance with Viden, and forge new ones with Rharne and The Eternal Empire. If I am successful, Scalvoris will be at the forefront of a hitherto unprecedented level of international alliance and co-operation. However, it has highlighted some areas where our military will need to improve if this endeavor is successful. Currently, so far as I am aware, our armed forces have very little training working with groups that have different training and tactics than our own, as well as very little practice in the securing and watching of prisoners for extended periods of time. I would like to change both of these, so that should the day come when it is necessary they have these skills, they are not forced to learn them at the moment of necessity." she said, her tone showing her conviction.

Then she smiled slightly. "I prefer to eliminate as many problems as I can in a single swoop, and this seems an ideal way to deal with a few of them." she said, sitting down and raising her hand, an aye vote to her own proposal.
word count: 597
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