Pieces of Importance
- Cassion’s Compass
- William found this golden compass upon his person ever since becoming a Sojourner. It remained oddly non-functional, but it bears the touch of Cassion, and thus he held on to it, until he figured out recently what it could do. Now it’s an important keepsake that goes with him everywhere - not that he could really lose it in the first place!
Clothing (Cloak, shirt, pants, undergarments, Boots w/ Spikes.)
Light Mercenary Raiment ( Plate Pauldron (Right) w/ Padding, Leather Armor, Leather Fauld, Leather Greaves, Leather Gauntlets, Boots w/ Spikes )
Baldrics ( Coffin Shield over Quiver & Crossbow over the left shoulder, War Hammer over the right )
Tool Belt w/ First Aid Kit, Pouch (w/ Ruler, 5 Large Nails, & Compass), Pouch w/ Waterskin, 50ft of Rope w/ Grappling Hook, Combat Knife, Hand Shovel of Justice. )
Backpack:- Journal ( w/ Pen & Ink )
- Bed Roll
- 6 Oil-Soaked Torches
- 50ft more of Rope
- Large Nails (15)
- Nails (50)
Saw (Small, One-Handed) - One waterskin
- Two sets of eating utensils
- Tinderbox
Crossbow w/ 40 Bolts and a Quiver
Masterwork Steel Combat Knife (Heirloom) - His father bought him this knife, emblazoned with the insignia of his family. The man asked for it back when a more legitimate child was born, but he insisted he’d lost it despite a mountain of punishment. He keeps it to remind himself of what he does not want to become.
War Hammer - It's an unwieldly thing a lot bigger than the arm that holds it.
Modified Coffin Shield - Wood-backed steel. Just big enough for him to crouch behind it entirely. Comes with collapsible legs to use it as makeshift cover for ranged combat. The back is engraved crudely by knife with prayers to Ashan, Cassion, and Famula.
- William found this golden compass upon his person ever since becoming a Sojourner. It remained oddly non-functional, but it bears the touch of Cassion, and thus he held on to it, until he figured out recently what it could do. Now it’s an important keepsake that goes with him everywhere - not that he could really lose it in the first place!