• Solo • Body Snatching

Just traversing the Yari wilds picking up bodies, nothing out of the ordinary here.

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Body Snatching

Ymiden 13th, Arc 718

☠ Mood: Stoic
☠ Current Thought: Lets hop the heat has not ruined any good ones
☠ Current Theme: Flesh & Bone

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

Waking up to the light of the ymiden sun, Cervantez walked outside, taking in the air with a hint of fracture corruption. The sun kissed his skin as he walked out in nothing but his own skin, checking on his pet and possibly only friend, Njama. The beast was behind the his home, playing in the dirt, and chasing an unfortunate yandrae kitten that happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. After watching the shadow cat's peril for a moment Cervantez scooped the kitten up and placed it where Njama couldnt reach it, inside his home, as the hound was far to big to live indoors. Playtime is over Nja, we have work to do. There are many corpses in the wilds to be found and they certainly wont just get up and walk themselves to me, though that would be quite the interesting sight to see for sure. He teased flicking the beast on the snout. Once washed and changed into his normal attire, he saddles up Njama and made sure he had everything he needed before heading out to the wild plains of Yaralon. He was hoping to get a nice haul this trial, as previous trials proved to be lacking in his favor in terms of adequate bodies. He needed to move fast as the wilds were very unforgiving and who knows what wished to lay claim to his bodies. Exiting the city gates, he mounted Njama and set out into danger. He wasnt worried, he had done this run countless times, so this would be no different. ☠

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

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Re: Body Snatching

Ymiden 13th, Arc 718

☠ Mood: Stoic
☠ Current Thought: Lets hop the heat has not ruined any good ones
☠ Current Theme: Flesh & Bone

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

The search for ample bodies was less than fruitful. Though a full break into his excursion he was impatient to say the least. To think no one has died out here yet, not even a wounded he could sit and watch as they died? Was it to much to ask for someone other than himself to drop dead around here? Alright Aelig, if this is some sick twisted game of yours you've had your fun and I'm quite done playing your games. Famula if you are hiding the dead from me..................go away bitch, you are holding up my progress. Kata you are in this line up too, leave the crazy antics to Aelig you hear me! He barked, filled with obvious annoyance at thinking one of those beings could be trying to hinder his progress. Cerv was going to call it a day, but Njama disagreed picking up on something. The animal, with a clear intent of its own, zeroed in on a scent and went after it. Holding on for dear life, the startled necromancer was pissed at the dogs sudden acceleration. Once he saw what got the beast so riled up however he calmed down. Patting the hound on its head he dismounted Njama and kissed his nose. That's my boy, daddy is pleased. He praised, tossing the beast a treat from his pocket as he looked at the gem before him. His first body of the day, and it was a woman. Donning light leather garbs he could see she was equipped to be a close quarter combatant, a scout maybe. He would need to get closer to be certain, though that was the hard part. It seemed a pack of wolfmice had found her first. Well Cervantez certainly wasn't going to allow mere vermin to keep him from what should be his. Taking his flail scythe from its holster, he twisted the staff, causing the scythe blade to flop onto to ground. Out of my way vermin!

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Re: Body Snatching

Ymiden 13th, Arc 718

☠ Mood: Stoic
☠ Current Thought: Lets hop the heat has not ruined any good ones
☠ Current Theme: Flesh & Bone

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

Looking at his prize in front of him he scoured at the mice guarding it. With as much strength as he could swung his scythe in a sweeping arc motion, hooking two of the mice, causing the others to scatter and charge him. Njama was at the ready, not needing to be told to defend his master and already crushing the small mammals underfoot. Twirling the staff around he watched and listened as the weapon sang through the air and mixed with the squeals of dying wolfmice. There werent that many of them, but Cervantez was skilled enough to handle a few overgrown rodents. Those that remained fled when majority of the pack had died at the hands of the necromancer and his pet. Moving closer to the body he took her in. Her face had a daunting beauty to it, not that he needed her face to be seen. Inspecting her body she was in fit condition, looking as if she kept herself trained at least. Her equipment was light, and she had two dagger on her, which made Cerv assume maybe she was definitely a scout or an assassin. She had some nel on her, about 50 gold nel on her to be exact. She wouldn't need that so he took that off her. Jama'a{Come} He called, the Massibex waddling over and licking the lotharro. Mimọ{Kneel} He said, pointing down to the ground, though the massibex looked at him confused. Mimọ{Kneel} he said in a more commanding tone, to which the hound huffed and knelt. Lifting the body, he slid it into the body holster on Njama. Saddling up he tapped the beasts sides which sent it forward, better to get away from her so nothing with an intent to kill comes along☠

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

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Re: Body Snatching

Ymiden 13th, Arc 718

☠ Mood: Stoic
☠ Current Thought: Lets hop the heat has not ruined any good ones
☠ Current Theme: Flesh & Bone

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

Things were lookig up for the the necromancer, finding a well preserved body in the wilds. He was trying to fight back his giddiness but to no avail. More alert now than ever he tapped Njama on the head. Ariwo asuguru teyrpin osise eo! {Find another one for me!} He requested, watching as the beasts head bobbed around as its nose was on the hunt. Hopeful for another good find, Cerv sat back on his and was humming a tune. It was going to be a good day after all for him. He was hoping for more good finds, and if Njama's nose was as good as he thought he would have them. Taking the moment, he leaned over the side of the mount, digging into the satchel he had prepared before embarking on this endeavor. He had to make sure he everything he needed in order to make sure the hostile environment didnt kill him or Njama. With a bark, the Massibex alerted his rider he had picked up on something. Alright buddy lets go get daddy another one. Tapping the sides of the hound with his heels, the beast took off in the direction of the scent, putting that 40mph speed to good use to make good time, as who knew what condition the body would be in. Upon reaching the scene Cerv could see a figure trapped in what looked like........fucking hell. It was reaver vines. It had to be got damn reaver vines of all things! ☠

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Re: Body Snatching

Ymiden 13th, Arc 718

☠ Mood: Stoic
☠ Current Thought: Lets hop the heat has not ruined any good ones
☠ Current Theme: Flesh & Bone

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

☠ This is fucking great, staring at the body entrapped by the reaver vines. Time was of the essence and he needed that body, so his mind went to work trying to figure a way to get to it and not be ripped apart by the vicious plant. Combing through all the knowledge in his head, he came upon something that could help, but also harm the body as well.
Esän basata av al'amarin, tìflrr ke’u'll ìparí didara. {Stay at a distance, or you'll get hurt}.
He said to his hound, a smokey grey & lavender fog beginning to erupt from his from his footsteps. If he remember the technique correctly, it was called sap, able to drain the life and energy from things. The necromancer was hoping to use this smoke to wither the ground reavers to nothing but dust so he could retrieve his prize. Inch by inch he slowly crept closer to the vines, watching as they uncoiled at the pace of his approach. As the fog rolled with him he maintained a focused train of thought with words like "decay" & "wither". As the mist made contact with the defending plants, he waited, pouring a slither more of ether into the draining method. After some trills passed, he could see the discoloration take place. Fighting his excitement he moved forward, the reavers wilting away in his presence. slowly he lifted the large body from where the plants had held it, and kept the same cautious pace as he moved to where his hound was. When the cost was clear he dissipated the leeching miasma and laid he body in front of Njama. ☠

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

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Re: Body Snatching

Ymiden 13th, Arc 718

☠ Mood: Stoic
☠ Current Thought: Lets hop the heat has not ruined any good ones
☠ Current Theme: Flesh & Bone

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

☠ Now that the danger was averted, he could give the body a look. The body was large for sure, and obvious male from the bulge within the tight leather leggings the man wore. Cervantez was happy regardless, another good specimen for his collection. Loading the body in another holster the Lotharro mounted the beast and set off once again, heading to the more dangerous side of the Yari outback. Maybe a break or two from their last find Njama picked up on something again, giving a reaction Cerv only saw with males. Was someone alive, or was there a beast coming. Quickly putting his scythe in hand he scanned their surroundin terrain for anything out of the ordinary. As they came around the bend, Cervantez figured out what had Njama so riled up. As luck would have it a massibex had mad it into the wilds. What the hell was it doing all the way from the cut. The necromancer didnt really know much about the beasts and how their packs worked but, he knew any massibex, within a pack on its own, was a danger all in itself. The wild hound spotted them as they approached and immediately laid down an intimidating roar, which caused Njama to respond in kind. Cervnatez could have cared less for this beastly display of bravado, but he saw what the wild beast was guarding. Were those bones? The necromancer recalled something about skeletal thralls in his mentor's notes, and immediately wanted them. Dismounting his pet he tapped Njama's side. Ohunkohun ìparí amu!{Go get him!} he commanded, though the warhound needed no one to tell him that, Njama making a full sprint to the wild hound and going straight for its neck. As the two beast brawled, Cervantez was slowly making his way over to the bones. It was a risk, as if it was an incomplete set, this would be for naught and he would have put Njama in danger for nothing, not saying his warhound couldnt handle itself. It was a Yari beast, and they were anything but easily dispatched. As the beastly battle ensued, Cerv finally made his way over to the bones. He panicked a little as they were scattered a little bit. Time was of the essence and he needed to find them and quick. Good thing the only thing missing was the the skeleton's foot and hands, easy things to find, though he that fucking hound hadnt eaten them already. ☠

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Re: Body Snatching

Ymiden 13th, Arc 718

☠ Mood: Nervous, Excited
☠ Current Thought: I need these bodies!
☠ Current Theme: Flesh & Bone

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

☠ Scrambling around the dirt, the necromancer searched the makeshift den for the other parts to complete the skeleton. As he searched, he found more than he bargained for. The wild hound had another body nestled in its home, and Cervantez planned to take that one too. First thing's first, finding the rest of the skeleton. As he searched he noticed it became quiet outside, the roars and thudding of 200 pound hounds fighting seemed to lessen, which made Cervantez a very nervous mage. He felt his heart rate begin to increase as he crept out to see what was going on, fighting the urge not to look. Peeking his head out he almost shit his pants as the wild massibex was standing right there, snarling and staring the man down. Scared off his ass he fell to the ground out of being scared shitless, trying to get to his feet, the overwhelming fear gripping his senses and motor skills. Slowly entering its den the wild Massibex loomed over Cervantez, advancing in for the kill. Ultimately Cervantez thought this is how it would end for him, which he wasn't mad at of course, but shit. He didn't want to go out just yet, there was still so much more he wanted to accomplish before dying. Though it seemed luck was on his side as Njama came in, latching onto the other hound's tail, dragging the beast from the den. Catching his senses after realizing the situation Cervantez came barreling from the den, scythe in hand and raise high above his head. Sìlpey amu tsakiyar Njämä!{Hold him down!} He yelled, Njama putting its wieght into his hind legs, digging into the ground. The wild Massibex tried to break free, but to no avail, only to catch the scythe of the necromancer to the side of its face. The initial strike should have killed the beast, but it was still putting up a fight. Ripping the weapon from its temple, the Lotharro spun around, putting all his strength into another strike to the right side of the beast. With a massive thud, the wild hound ceased moving. Cervantez kicked it once for good measure, and then ran to Njama to check him for injuries. After a quick assessment he was relieved to see his pet unharmed, save for a few lacerations here and there, and Njama gave his master a sloppy kiss for being worried over the hound. Sighing in relief he went back into the den, and returned with a lithe body and rigging it to the beast, checking the others to make sure they weren't to badly damaged in the scuffle. Once secured, he took a bag from the satchel and went to retrieve the bones. Now that the resident of the den was dead, he could search for the missing foot and hands. It took some time, but Cervantez emerged with a full bag in hand, all bones accounted for. Saddling up once again, he was ready to go home, that being he wasn't sure if Njama could handle another tussle like that. He would need time to rest and be treated. ☠

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Last edited by Cervantez on Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 548
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Re: Body Snatching

Ymiden 13th, Arc 718

☠ Mood: Nervous, Excited
☠ Current Thought: I need these bodies!
☠ Current Theme: Flesh & Bone

☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠ ======== ☠

☠ This was definitely a good trial for him. Three bodies in one day, Cerv was on a role, even bagging a full skeleton as well. Looking around he noticed that there was some birds in the distances, circling in the air. That normally meant something was dead or close to it. He took the reigns this time and went in the direction of the birds. He was hoping that whatever was there was good enough to use. He thought that he had quite the haul, but his thirst to further his necromantic knowledge far out weighed anything else, that and he was being greedy, the more he could find and use the better. Coming upon the scene he could see a portly man, clinging to a pouch in his lap. Looking moving closer he could see the man was very close to death, knowing the signs of someone close to their own demise. Now directly in front the dying man Cerv noticed there was another body with him. Dismounting Cerv went close to it, nudging the body with the end of his scythe to check for any forms of vitality. Waiting for a few moments with no reaction Cerv concluded this one was indeed dead. Lifting the body from were it laid, he secured him into the body holsters on Njama. Now his attention turned to the dying man. Approaching the man he knelt in front of him. Something killing this man, though couldn't tell what. There were no physical signs of attack, so he figured it was eternal. By the look of you you don't have long, I take it you are a merchant of some kind, trying to shortcut The Run? If that's the case consider this retribution for your disrespect. He said easily taking the pouch from the man's lifeless hands. Inspecting the bag there was a good 100 gold nel in there. He could use that for supplies in town later. Now was the waiting game, as this man, a portly man, needed to hurry and kick the damn bucket. The man would reach out for Cerv, to which the Cerv would respond smacking the man's hand away. The faster you draw your last breath the quicker I can go home, so hurry up and die why don't you. He said glaring the man down. After about 30 bits of waiting, the man finally stopped living, Cerv giving a sigh of relief, hoist the portly body into the holster. With all spots filled, he was ready to go home. He saddled Njama and tapped the beast head. Ilanae skepek osise ïdäkẹjï ọyä ies tìlang {Head home for this trial is over} He said, Njama giving a huff as he trotted toward the city and safety. ☠

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Re: Body Snatching

Name: Cervantez


Necromancy: Sapping drains the vitality
Strength: Fear Produces Adrenaline
Strength: Strength: Putting your strength into a movement
Polearms{Flail-Scythe}: Wide Sweeping arcs clear the way
Animal husbandry: Animals appreciate when you make a fuss over them
Discipline: Focusing On One Task

Loot: 150 gn and some corpse materials.
Injuries: A scary experience, no physical damage.
Renown: 0
Magic XP: I'm not sure. I believe it'll not count toward expertise until your competence approval goes through. Apologies, correct me if I'm wrong.

Points: 10
- - -

Cervantez is an interesting character. Very cheerful, a departure from what one would expect from the personality of a typical necromancer.

I imagine him as what Don Quixote would've been, if he'd gone and tried to become a necromancer/warlock/sorcerer instead of a knight. A somewhat Quixotic character, which are always fun and unique.

I feel despite his difficulties in this thread, he didn't struggle very much. Although that trick to unravel the reaper vines was pretty neat. I look forward to Cervantez tackling more challenges worthy of his power.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thanks!
word count: 211
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: Body Snatching

This completed thread has been reviewed by a Yaralon mod.

The following things need added to the Lore:
Reaver Vines

The following things are optional to be developed upon:
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