The Tides of Change

Down with the Elements!

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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The Tides of Change

- common / murnasian

It seemed as though the mixed blood had blinked and missed so much. Oor had gone, having narrowly avoided injury by Faith through the intervention of a man that seemed to know her. The mixed blood had half a mind to ask who the man was, but there was not much time for that. Everything moved fairly quickly, and soon enough, the riot was quelled. But not without casualties, though fewer than they’d expected. Amaris could be glad for only that, they supposed, rising to their feet as rioters were shackled and lead off. Except for Max and the man who’d been beside her.

Now, in the wake of their manmade storm, they were to be held accountable. Amaris could not say that this was not something they would have wanted. A peaceful arrest would have been much better and had this happened prior to the start of the riot, perhaps they would have had less crimes on their hands. Jaw clenched, they stared up at the pair, watching as a line formed. The rain had lessened, a steady drizzle overhead as closure to the event drew near. Grim faces, angered visages, mournful expressions; a myriad of them passed by as they contemplated offering to speak on behalf of the one woman they knew who would need it.

They were angry, all of them. This had been a misguided outlet of that rage and the councilor had failed in their duty to redirect this rage towards something else. Something productive. If they’d been more compelling, more forceful, it might have worked. But they were not and this was the result. Blinking raindrops from their lashes, they stepped into the line. This, along with aiding in the treatment of those injured, was the best they could do. This is all you can do; talk and talk. They cast their gaze downward for a trill before looking up again as the procession of testimonies and tales moved forward until finally the mixed blood was front and center.

What exactly were they to say? That the woman who’d murdered an element and invited such violence today was a good person? Perhaps she might have been, and she’d merely made a terrible decision, but there wasn’t much weight to it. Maybe a bit more than there might have been considering Amaris’ station. They glanced around before looking up at Max again. What could they say that would be better than what Kura had offered? If the other councilwoman’s words didn’t make a difference, would theirs?

“I think, given the circumstances for this riot, Max should be monitored, if not imprisoned as Ms. Wolfsdotter has proposed. This riot is not just a product of her own violent tendencies, but of the obscurity of the ongoing investigations into the events at the docks. There has not been total clarity in the progress and I’m sure this is part of what fueled so much violence.” They swallowed, brows furrowed as they wrung their hands together. They needn’t look down to know their fingers were slick with blood and rain, mixing together easily. With nothing more to say, they moved aside for the next testimonial.
word count: 539
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Prophet of Old
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The Tides of Change

Thorst Fall stood impassively for the three breaks as testimony was brought forth, in favor of as well as against these people she now knew to be called Maxine and Mercedes. Her face never wavered one way or another as she listened to other survivors from the docks tragedy, from the soldiers that fought here at the riot, from those who'd lost loved ones at the pair's hands, and those who felt that they were simply products of circumstance. There was one who presented testimony against them for some crimes committed at the Kennels in Almund, though it was simply witnessing. There were several common themes here, and once the third break finally passed, Thorst let the current speaker finish before stepping forward.

"I have listened to your testimonies, and before I render my verdict, I must say a few words. I recognize that Maxine here, and really, many here on our island, have experienced tragedy at the hands of those that were expected to protect them. It was a massive failure on our part as the Elements, and quite clearly set forth this calamitous chain of events. There is nothing we can do to bring those lost back, to undo the pain wrought. All we can do is move forward, and attempt to make things better, so as to not allow for such a failure to happen again."

Turning to look at Councilors Kura, Faith, and Special Assistant Blackwood, "I have seen this ailment you've spoken of. People are not meant to experience such carnage and it breaks them in ways that are unique to them. Any veteran of war has seen it, whether in themselves, or in their friends and loved ones. I would task that following this, the Council work with the Order to develop a system for identifying and treating this ailment, both in the public, as well as those within our military. It turns already dangerous individuals into unpredictable beings of chaos and destruction."

Turning to speak to the crowd as a whole now, "But this ailment does not exonerate Maxine of her crimes. Many of your were affected this day, others were there with Maxine, and while it is not a matter of severity of their personal experiences, it is a matter of self responsibility. Among those held captive by the cult, several were traumatized, and yet one took it upon herself to bring further trauma to others. Special Assistant Blackwood has performed her duties in an exemplary manner since the tragedy, as has Councilor Kura, as have others. These individuals have shown a measure of control within themselves that was not seen today by Maxine, by those others that turned to violence in this riot."

"And while Maxine most certainly needs help, our limited resources must be first spent on those that help others and themselves, before those that help no one. This, coupled with how dangerous this woman is, has led me to decide upon her fate. Immediately following this verdict, she will be taken to Slags Deep prison in Egilrun, to serve out a sentence of no less than sixty-eight arcs, for the crimes of multiple counts of murder, of inciting a riot, disturbing the peace, resisting arrest, and hosting a protest in Scalvoris Town without a permit. During her stay there, she will received regular treatment from the member of the Order tasked with treating those in the prison. She is simply too dangerous in her current state to be kept anywhere other than our most secure facility. We cannot continue to put more and more of the public's lives in danger. We cannot continue to fail our people."

"Blackwood, take a contingent, and get this prisoner to a Scal Sohr Khal. They are to depart for Slags Deep immediately."

The other soldiers lowered Maxine, half keeping hands on her, the other half keeping weapons drawn on her, in case she somehow managed to free herself. She was carried over to Sephira Blackwood, set before her standing as the troops awaited her orders, to get on with transporting the prisoner. And Thorst Fall continued.

"This man, Mercedes, or Merces as the Kennels suggest, is an entirely different story. This man did not partake of any of the violence himself. And while his words were inflammatory, whether or not his intention was to start a violent upheaval, or if his words simply carried more weight than he'd intended. He never held a blade, never struck a blow. But actions have consequences, intended or otherwise. For his crimes of inciting a riot, disturbing the peace, resisting arrest, and hosting a protest in Scalvoris Town without a permit, he will be sentenced to one arc in Slag's Deep. For these crimes, he would normally be kept in one of our lesser facilities, but as it was discovered that he is a Defiance Mage, he must be held in our most secure facility in order to prevent escape. Soldiers, please begin the transport process for this man."

And as such, the verdicts were given. Thorst turned, and approached the Councilors, giving no visible sign of emotion, though weariness was obvious. "Councilor Faith, your suggestion for the potion of truth, as well as Councilor Kura's suggestion for the anti-magic device, are ones we should definitely pursue. But as it stands in this case, we simply do not have enough stores of the potion to be using on those who acted alone in their crimes, nor do we like to publicize our ownership and use of them, for criminals that believe it to be used on them, are much less inclined to surrender to capture. It makes them more dangerous. We must save our limited stores for when we capture those behind the tragedy at the docks, and other such larger plots. We have no system in place for the continuous, or even reliable production of such elixirs. If we can increase production of truth serums, or if Professor Augustin can develop such a technology, our practices may change. But right now, we simply cannot take the risk. I apologize if this seems harsh, but it is what must be done for the good of our people. Good day Councilors. Professor."

And Thorst went to speak with her assistant deputies, as soldiers lowered Mercedes' unconscious body, and took him away for transport. And with the trial over, the crowd began to disperse, save those staying behind to help with the clean up, mostly soldiers, members of the Order, and a handful of others. Another trial coming to a close, another bathed in blood. And a man sitting in the shadows turned, disappearing down an alley, humming a light song from his youth, smiled. How predictable these people were to the man with the easily forgotten face.
 ! Message from: Aegis
This is my final post in this thread. Anyone who wishes to do an additional post may do so now. I will close and review this thread on Sunday, May 20th.
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The Tides of Change

Maxine looked between Kura and Sephira, having heard their promise, and slowly nodded to signal her willingness to resign herself peacefully to the fate that would soon befall her. Her eyes glanced down toward the manacles that linked her wrists. She gave them an absent tug as though testing their strength. There was truly no going back now. The weight of that fact and the severity of what she'd done was only just beginning to dawn on her. For what it was worth, Sephira's guiding hand provided a small assurance as she was led by the Special Assistant into the arms of her enemies. The trill other Elements laid their hands on her, however, she felt the semblance of composure she'd regained start to slip. It was all she could do not to battle the gag and chains. Her defiant stare rested upon Thorst Fall in challenge regardless of her restraints. Her unconscious companion hanging beside her, hatred radiated from the Rusalka like heat off a flame. The only thing more insufferable than being surrounded by the Elements was being forced into silence while everyone else had something to say about her.

The over-arching theme of the testimonies was clear: she was a criminal but also a victim forced away from reason by trauma. Crazy. She could internally battle the label all she wanted. The evidence remained whether she acknowledged it or not. The signs of withdrawal alone were clear with just one glance; the bags under her eyes dark and heavy to obviously indicate it had been quite some time since she'd even slept. Kura, Faith, Amaris, and Sephira had each come to similar conclusions about her state of mind and what was to be done with her. All the talk about seeing a head shrink left her offering little but a massive eye roll in lieu of snark. Her indifferent facade slipped away with each new testimony.

Councilor Amaris's words left her feeling exposed and, for once, nearly ashamed. Only bits ago Max had directed the animosity of the crowd against their peaceful voice. All they'd wanted was to avoid more blood and death in Scalvoris Town. The Rusalka was unwilling to oblige their calls for reason and still they spoke for what amounted to a slap on the wrist. Kura's suggestion, on the other hand, had her raising her eyebrows. Always the politician, the councilwoman had managed to find a play to make in light of such horrific events. Playing bait for Earth Mask wasn't a role she was eager to play. The idea in and of itself was rightfully terrifying. Her gaze steadied on the woman, and rather than spite, she'd see the willingness to participate in the chance to slay her demon plain in her eyes. The chance of success made the risk worth it even without Professor Augustin's expertise should he lend it. Save for Sephira implying she'd bled for those she'd come to kill this trial, the process had been painless. That was before Faith stepped up and suggested something the Rusalka didn't expect.

Truth serum?!

Her wide, panicked eyes turned to Sephira. That had not been a part of the deal. She instantly regretted not creating an outcome for herself in which she fell upon a sword. It would've been the preferred alternative to what her mind feared would happen next. A clever line of questions didn't just pose the risk of additional charges. There was a very real possibility that she'd been involuntarily turned into a snitch. That role alone would've placed a target on her back wherever she went from here. If she'd been forced to confess Mercedes' crimes it would be all the more unforgivable. Maxine exhaled her relief when Thorst refused the suggestion. When the panic had passed, a hole burned in her pocket instead as a realization struck her. There would be one last thing to do with her freedom before it was laid to rest.

She guffawed incredulously at the damning verdict. Kura had been right. Her fate was a death sentence. At least a sword would've been quicker. More humane.The chains around the rafters and around her ankles fell away with an anxious hiss. Elements wasted no time getting their hands on her to lead her to her fate, half with the sense to keep their weapons pointed in her general direction. Her escorts set her firmly before Sephira. Her chained hands moved slowly toward the inner pocket of her cloak. A brief, apologetic look crossed her face when she faced the Special Assistant. In the next instance she'd burst past one of the guards standing between herself and her friend with surprising explosiveness. Her charge closed necessary distance, her shoulder driving in with intent to strike Sephira's chest.

"You think you've won?!" Maxine shouted with sharp animosity toward the woman. By now her guards had caught on to her tantrum, and they rushed to restrain her before she managed to assault their superior further. She spat in the woman's general direction. "That was just a taste of what I'm going to do to this fucking city. The next time we meet, I'm going to start my next Element killing spree with you, Blackwood!" Fists and sword hilts immediately went to turning the woman struggling in their grasp docile. She weathered the blows as side effects of her performance. And as they dragged her off, should she have succeeded in taking Sephira unaware, the Special Assistant would find a peculiar vial tucked into one of her pockets. It was one final parting gift toward her investigation to be used wisely. Upon its curvature would read its most ironic label: truth serum.
word count: 973
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The Tides of Change

Sephira tensed as one by one, testimonies were brought forth both against and in favor of Maxine. Her eyes swirled with a multitude of emotions, flashing from silver, blue, green and an abyssal black. Max’s crimes were more extensive than she had imagined but it didn’t change her opinion of the woman. She had been a steadfast ally, regardless of her violent past. Perhaps it was naive of the mage to believe that people could change, but she did believe that at her core, there was a chance at redemption within Max.

Lost in thought the Flame Element only snapped to attention when Throst Fall commanded her to see to the prisoner’s transport. She moved mechanically, waving over a contingent of at least ten Elements that quickly formed up around Max once she had been placed back on her feet.
Sephira waited as the Elements moved the woman toward her before the prisoner was brought to a halt before the mage. There was a bitter look in her eyes, a regret that Sephira couldn’t quite convey with words. She said nothing to communicate any of this, Max wasn’t the type for sentiment, and neither was Sephira.

At that moment the mage caught a flash of emotion that crossed the prisoner’s eyes, the barest flicker of an apology before Max launched herself toward Sephira with a terrible fury. Time seemed to slow for the soldier as Max careened toward her and she stepped back, but she was slower than the Rusalka, less prepared for the attack and she felt a a faint tug pull in the pocket of her coat before Max was violently wrenched away from her by the surrounding Elements. Perhaps the woman’s words might have stung more if Sephira hadn’t caught her gaze just before the assault. There was something off about the other woman’s snarling words, as if it were more of a performance than something that carried real animosity. The Element couldn’t be sure until she felt the weight land in her pocket, her eyes flaring as she met Maxine’s own. There was an understanding there, a silent agreement and a promise exchanged between them.

The Element guards pummeled Max mercilessly, but before too much damage could be done Sephira held out a hand to them, sliding her frosty, disciplined mask into place. Maxine had been playing a part, and Sephira could as well.

“That is enough; she isn’t worth your time.” The Special Assistant snapped icily, her eyes swirling with dark hues. The Elements under her command begrudgingly stepped back from the prisoner, sheathing their weapons and taking up their guard positions again.

Sephira glanced down for a single trill at Max, her cold, unforgiving mask slipping for just a moment as she nodded at the woman, her right hand sliding into her pocket to feel the glass vial within. She wasn’t sure what it was just by touch, but it was likely something that would be invaluable in bringing Earth Mask down.

She kept her hand in the pocket, grasping at Max’s one and final gift as she turned toward the direction of the Menagerie.
“Let’s move out.” Sephira commanded firmly, never once looking back once at the prisoner. Only when Max was out of her care would she stop and inspect the vial, noting the label on the glass surface and realizing the gift she had been given. With this they could get answers..with this they could finally get to the bottom of what exactly had happened that cold Cylus night, and why.
word count: 608
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Prophet of Old
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The Tides of Change

Your Thread Review is Here!
Whew, that was a doozy. This was an amazing thread, both in plot and to showcase how PCs can truly make an impact on a nation. I'm proud of all of you. This was well written, and while it was chaotic, was a bunch of fun. You all should be proud. This is an unofficial seasonal event.

Lavana, should you ever unretire, hit me up and I'll review your portion.

If you would like addition Non-Skill Knowledges that I may have missed, drop me a PM and I'll add them in. As always, any questions you have, I'll answer them.
As Maxine was being escorted to the nearest Scal Sohr Khal, a woman blocked the path of the rebel's heavily armed entourage. Her face was obscured under a hood, and she stepped toward Maxine's group without a single sound coming from her. Maxine's guards were all frozen, shaking with fear at this hidden woman's approach, Sephira included. They dared not move, dared not speak, dared not breathe. Audrae slipped between their ranks, running a hand delicately up Maxine's leg, over her hips, stomach, through the valley of her breasts, dragging over her lips, until her hand was tangled in Maxine's hair, her palm against Maxine's skin.

"Most interesting..."

And the woman walked off, leaving her mark, a black star, two inches in diameter, in Max's scalp. Once she was gone, every guard began to breathe again, relief flourishing through them. And each and every single one of them made a silent pact with one another to never mention this incident again. They wouldn't dare. And so, the continued to carry Maxine to her flight, wondering just what sort of demon they towed to Slags Deep.

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points 20 Mod Event/High Impact Open
Magic Points available? N/A --
Renown 20 --
Injuries N/A --
Prison Sentence, Slags Deep 68 Arcs --
Truth Serum -1 Given to Sephira
Immortal Mark Audnev Given by Audrae, a small black star in the scalp beneath the hair
Audnev Ability Blood Tie The blessed can always tell in what direction The city of Augiery lies. This does not magically open an easy path, but it does give a boon to ignore the many decoys and avoid the traps that ensnare the unblessed who attempt to locate the hidden city. It can double as a compass of sorts. Can be activated twice per trial.
Audnev Ability Leading the Blind The blessed is able to inflict, upon a single victim, a sense of absolute certainty that some item could only be hidden in one particular place. The victim simply refuses to consider the possibility of it being concealed anywhere else. It lasts as long as the searcher feels the necessity to search, or as many bits (minutes) as the blessed's "Deception" skill point total, whichever comes first. This can be done twice per trial, but not both uses at once, so a pair of guards will still be a problem.
Audnev Ability Stare Down The blessed is always able to think clearly under extremes of terrifying situations. This does not mean they will never decide to run or hide (or whatever) anyway. But they will have been able to give lucid consideration to other options at the time. This includes the option of acting scared if they think it might give them some edge. This does not protect them from fear inflicted by drugs or arcana, but the impact will be significantly reduced.
Rusalkis Ability Lucky Break An ability that is passive in nature, Lucky Break causes random acts of good fortune to befall the Rusalka, anything from accidentally landing a perfect thrust or managing to avoid hitting hard rocks on a fall. However, this ability is random, chaotic, and out of the Rusalka's control, so many Rusalka prefer not to rely on it, especially as once it causes a good stroke of luck to happen, a bad one is certain to shortly follow. (OOC: While players can use this ability, keep in mind that abusing it will result in a loss of points and repeated offenses could be result in firmer action.)
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Blades (Gladius): Stabbing a restrained man in the chest
  2. Blades (Gladius): Chopping off the hand that wields a weapon against you
  3. Blades (Gladius): Stopping a swing at the neck
  4. Deception: Inflating your own importance to downplay another's
  5. Deception: Covering a slight of hand with an emotional outburst
  6. Detection: Picking Mercedes' voice from a crowd
  7. Detection: A growing shadow from above means something flying, or falling, toward you
  8. Discipline: Steeling yourself to kill someone who might be a friend
  9. Discipline: Standing down when all is lost
  10. Intimidation: Taunting a mortalborn with words about their parentage
  11. Leadership: Using powerful, physical symbols to reinforce your point
  12. Leadership: Taking the blame to protect others
  13. Persuasion: Presenting commonality with a person
  14. Persuasion: Revealing a disturbing secret to unsettle a person
  15. Persuasion: Returning a token of friendship to make a point
  16. Persuasion: Stating absolutes to reinforce your point
  17. Rhetoric: Riding on the coattails of another speaker
  18. Rhetoric: Stating your rebuttal proudly
  19. Rhetoric: Pointing out flaws in the opposition
  20. Rhetoric: Not allowing the opposition to argue further
  21. Rhetoric: Uniting the common man against the uncommon
  22. Running: Sprinting over rainy stone streets

Non-Skill Knowledge:
  1. The Elements: Have access to truth serum
  2. Lavana: Always the martyr
  3. Kura: Has a plan to use Max as bait for Earth Mask
  4. Merces: He didn't fight alongside me at the Riot...
  5. Self: Killing Elements has brought me no relief from the Earth Mask's torment
  6. Self: Everyone thinks that I am a victim
  7. Sephira: She gave me a chance to come quietly
  8. Sephira: Gave her word to kill Earth Mask in my stead
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points 20 Mod Event/High Impact Open
Magic Points available? Yes Defiance only
Renown 20 --
Concussion Being knocked in the head by a shield Should heal on own over 20 trials, dizziness common during this time
Goose Egg on Skull Being knocked in the head by a shield Sore for several days, will heal on its own
Prison Sentence, Slags Deep 1 arc --
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Defiance Ability: Embrace
  2. Defiance - Embrace: Binding earth to your body as armor
  3. Defiance - Embrace: Moving through earth after Embracing it
  4. Defiance: A mysterious outside force can shut off my magic
  5. Defiance: Not communicating with the elements can confuse or infuriate them
  6. Discipline: Giving into death when there appears to be no recourse
  7. Discipline: Taking your own life so others may not
  8. Leadership: Presenting a powerful symbol to reinforce your point
  9. Persuasion: Begging in a time of desperation
  10. Rhetoric: Swearing to appeal to the common man
  11. Rhetoric: Pointing out the flaws of the opposition
  12. Rhetoric: Speak loudly and clearly
  13. Rhetoric: Presenting your heroic deeds
  14. Rhetoric: Attacking an opposing point with only rhetorical questions
  15. Rhetoric: Demanding to be remembered in death

Non-Skill Knowledge:
  1. Maxine: She started the violence
  2. Maxine: I left her to handle her own
  3. Volker: Willing to help, in a different way
  4. Rupturers: Can pull you off balance with opened portals
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points 20 Mod Event/High Impact Open
Magic Points available? Yes Aberration only
Renown 15 --
Injuries N/A --
Arrested, Taken to holding for trial 10 trials --
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Detection: Picking Amaris out of a crowd
  2. Discipline: Resisting your predatory instincts while in a frenzied crowd
  3. Leadership: Leaving behind the useless
  4. Leadership: Giving clear, simple commands
  5. Rhetoric: Keeping your point short and simple
  6. Rhetoric: Supporting anothers opinion
  7. Rhetoric: Using analogies to make sense of a point
  8. Rhetoric: Countering logic with logic
  9. Unarmed Combat (Brawling): Biting the opponent's cheek
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  1. Faith: A true enemy
  2. Merces: Spoke of how his woman got a booboo
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points 20 Mod Event/High Impact Open
Magic Points available? N/A Didn't seem to be pushing the limits of rupturing.
Renown 15 --
Injuries N/A --
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Detection: Recognizing when a crowd is about to turn violent
  2. Leadership: Offering a quick solution to someone more knowledgable of a situation
  3. Leadership: Stopping a friend from making a mistake they do not understand
  4. Leadership: Protecting those who have been good to you
  5. Rhetoric: Making a show of support
  6. Rhetoric: Speaking for peace
  7. Rupturing: Using push and pull to throw people off balance
  8. Tactics: Guarding the flank of those ahead of you

Non-Skill Knowledge:
  1. Elements: Damaged by a cult in their ranks
  2. Faith: A member of Scalvoris Council
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points 20 Mod Event/High Impact Open
Magic Points available? Yes Rupturing only
Renown 15 --
Injuries N/A --
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Detection: Picking out a foreign language
  2. Detection: Recognizing another rupturer
  3. Leadership: Asking others for advice
  4. Ranged (Crossbow): Aiming at the waist for a nonlethal shot
  5. Ranged (Crossbow): Aiming above your target to account for a drop in the bolt
  6. Tactics: Preparing your weapon before you conflict starts
  7. Tactics: Being the backup that is needed

Non-Skill Knowledge:
  1. Alistair: Is sibling to Faith?
  2. Alistair: Can speak a language I don't know
  3. Elements: Cultists in the ranks started the conflict
  4. Scalvoris: A surprising amount of wily mages
  5. Scalvoris: Sure has some speedy trials
  6. Spirits: Possibly neither good nor bad
  7. Unknown Rupturer: Fit form, military type
  8. Unknown Magic: Making earth move
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points 20 Mod Event/High Impact Open
Magic Points available? N/A --
Renown 15 --
Injuries N/A --
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Detection: Squinting to recognize people at a distance
  2. Detection: Recognizing when someone in a crowd is moving toward you specifically
  3. Leadership: Recognizing when you've failed
  4. Rhetoric: Speaking at a higher octave for attention
  5. Rhetoric: Displaying the absolute worst negatives of someone else's actions
  6. Rhetoric: Showing an opponent's weakness in their blame game
  7. Rhetoric: Stating the obvious in a clear, calm manner
  8. Rhetoric: Stating the mistakes in others
  9. Tactics: Moving before an enemy can reach you

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points 20 Mod Event/High Impact Open
Magic Points available? N/A None awarded as it did not feel you were pushing your Expert Rupturing
Renown 20 --
Injuries N/A --
Truth Serum +1 Given by Max
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Deception: Aiding in another's deception
  2. Detection: The subtle change in emotion behind eyes when a change in plan is made
  3. Discipline: Orders are orders, whether you like them or not
  4. Etiquette: Sheathing your own blade when your prisoner has done so
  5. Leadership: Allowing no time for question following an order
  6. Persuasion: Asking a person to not make you do something you don't wish to
  7. Persuasion: Keeping it short
  8. Persuasion: Offering support to a misguided opponent
  9. Persuasion: Reminding a person of their limits
  10. Rhetoric: Reinforcing another's point
  11. Rhetoric: Presenting character witness in a positive light
  12. Rhetoric: Compromising on what you're asking for
  13. Tactics: Taking advantage of an opportune distraction

Non-Skill Knowledge:
  1. Lavana: Killed Mrs. Macklin
  2. Maxine: Unable to escape the fear of Earth Mask
  3. Maxine: Gave herself up without further fight
  4. Maxine: I promised her I will kill Earth Mask
  5. Maxine: Approached by the scariest person I've ever met
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points 20 Mod Event/High Impact Open
Magic Points available? N/A --
Renown 0* Maxed out on Renown
Injuries N/A --
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Discipline: Killing anything that is an affront to Famula
  2. Etiquette: Not using a formal title when it is no longer appropriate
  3. Etiquette: Thanking those who stop you from making a grave mistake
  4. Rhetoric: Pouring your emotion into your words
  5. Rhetoric: Reminding those you're speaking to of your bond with them
  6. Rhetoric: Calling them as you see them
  7. Rhetoric: Using your own well known name as a tool for your words
  8. Tactics: Not allowing a leader to retreat
  9. Tactics: Bringing more than enough defenses and weaponry to a large fight

Non-Skill Knowledge:
  1. Harvesters: Not an affront to Famula
  2. Kura: A flagrant glory hound
  3. Alistair: Still alive
  4. Alistair: Able to make blades "disappear" temporarily
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points 20 Mod Event/High Impact Open
Magic Points available? N/A --
Renown 10 --
Injuries N/A --
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Alchemy Theory: Creation of a null magic device using the blood of a like mage and electromagnetism
  2. Rhetoric: Expressing the negative consequences of actions
  3. hetoric: Keeping it short and to the point
  4. Shielded Combat (): Bash to the head
  5. Tactics: Always being extra prepared
  6. Tactics: Preferring the use of nonlethal methods
  7. Tactics: Guarding your quarry until reinforcements arrive

Non-Skill Knowledge:
  1. Kura: The showoff
  2. Faith: Also a showoff
  3. Magic: Can swallow up a man in earth
  4. Scalvoris: Too rapid of a justice system
Kura Wolfsdotter
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points 20 Mod Event/High Impact Open
Magic Points available? N/A --
Renown 15 --
Injuries N/A --
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Leadership: Using urgency to ensure your orders are followed
    Logistics: Making plans for your absence
    Persuasion: Pointing out the difficulty of an impossible situation
    Research: Posing a theoretical question
    Rhetoric: Letting them hear your anger
    Rhetoric: Show them they lack honor
    Rhetoric: Speaking the truth
    Rhetoric: Pointing out the flaws in your opponents
    Rhetoric: Displaying your intimate knowledge of details
    Rhetoric: Compromising when able
    Tactics: Using whatever resources are available in the moment
    Tactics: Making a HUGE entrance to garner attention and distraction

    Parliament of Owls: Able to feel the death of an owl in her grasp

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Freya DuCarinos
Below is your well deserved loot. If you have any questions, please PM me.

Reward Amount Comment
Skill Points 20 Mod Event/High Impact Open
Magic Points available? N/A --
Renown 0 --
Injuries N/A --
Bigger Schooner x1 This ship was docked for extensive repair after far too much travel abroad. The Keel has rot, the hull is covered in barnacles that have eaten heavily away at the wood, and there's a particularly angry, large bird at the top of the main mast. The sails of the ship are torn from a recent storm, and the ropes are held on by threads. She's seaworthy, but just barely.
Ghost! Cotton-Eyed Jose Cotton-Eyed Jose is the ghost of the man Freya killed, and he is anchored to the ship she's stolen. He has every intention of making Freya's life hell while she is on his beloved ship, and will do so with vigor.
Skill Knowledge:
  1. Blades (Dagger): A stab to a man's chest
  2. Detection: Watching the guards leave for a distraction
  3. Discipline: Refusing the orders of a stranger
  4. Endurance: Sailing through the rain
  5. Seafaring: Rowing a rowboat
  6. Seafaring: raising an anchor
  7. Stealth: Maintaining an air of calm and collected
  8. Tactics: Giving away your position so as to give your enemy a chance to escape harm

Non-Skill Knowledge:
  1. Self: I saw a man with a throat stab scar
word count: 2609
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Prophet of Old
Posts: 2378
Joined: Thu Jan 11, 2018 5:04 pm
Race: Prophet
Renown: 0
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1






Re: The Tides of Change

Thread Review
Lavana Tharn
  • Skill Points - +20 Mod Event
  • Renown - +15 For standing with the Elements during the riot
  • Skill Knowledges
    1. Stealth: Keeping your face obscured by a visor
    2. Blades (Claymore): Two-handed overhead chop
    3. Detection: Max's voice sticks out from a crowd
    4. Celarion Ability - Bond (Minor): A power given to an ally in time of need
    5. Leadership: Admitting fault to an ally that needs to hear it
    6. Rhetoric: Making a vow to make it right
    7. Tactics: Staying an attack when another gets there first
    8. Leadership: Recognizing another as your superior
    9. Celarion Ability - Bond (Minor): Can be hot swapped to another as needed
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
    1. N/A
  • Items and Other Rewards
    1. N/A
  • Skill Points -
  • Renown -
  • Skill Knowledges
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
  • Items and Other Rewards

Final Notes

If you have any questions, please PM me. Also please add the provided stamp to your review request found here and please update your CS with all of this information.

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[list][*]Skill Points -
[*]Renown -
[*]Skill Knowledges
[*]Non-Skill Knowledges
[*]Items and Other Rewards
[list=1][*][/list][/list][/font][/align][/googlefont][/style3][style3=float:left;padding-bottom:8px;padding-top:8px;padding-left:18px;padding-right:24px;max-width:358px;height:400px;overflow:auto;][googlefont=Exo 2][align=center][font size=200]Player 2[/font][/align][hr][align=justify][font size=100]
[list][*]Skill Points -
[*]Renown -
[*]Skill Knowledges
[*]Non-Skill Knowledges
[*]Items and Other Rewards



[style3=padding-top:8px;padding-left:24px;padding-right:18px;float:left;height:200px;overflow:auto;][googlefont=Exo 2][align=center][font size=200]Final Notes[/font][/align][hr][align=justify][font size=100]

If you have any questions, please PM me. Also please add the provided stamp to your review request found [url]here[/url] and please update your CS with all of this information.

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