• Solo • Coming of Age

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Coming of Age

Arc 718, 8th of Ashan

Rynata looked down somewhat sadly at the dagger in her hand. It was sheathed in its leather holder, but what could be seen of the hilt was polished and well taken care of.

“Does everyone have to leave their heirloom behind?” she asked the pair of guards manning the hall to the bank interior.

“Everyone has to leave their weapons behind, ma’am,” one of the security men corrected her. “If an heirloom happens to have stabbing capabilities, the same applies.”

Not being able to argue with that, Rynata placed her precious dagger into a labeled basket where it would be kept for the duration of her stay.

“I suppose. I hope these things don’t get lost,” she mumbled as a customary search was performed on her. The bank security really needn’t bother with being so highly alert, though. She didn’t have any heists planned today and was here to do just the opposite of taking money. Having made enough nels through Cylus, she wanted to drop by and repay her family for her sloop. As she currently had no idea where they were sailing, she needed to take care of business through the Scalvoris Bank.

Once cleared to go, Rynata stepped further into the Scalvoris Bank, glancing up at the high vaulted ceiling as she did so. The architectural design made the place look impressive, but at the same time she couldn’t help wondering if that was just wasted space. Where were they keeping the gold? In one of the high security rooms down the hall or underground? Touching her side, she let out a soft sigh. Her left hip already felt empty and too light without its usual companion.

Coming into view of the counters, Rynata realized she must have picked a very busy time to drop by. She had planned to be in and out fairly quickly, depositing the gold. However, with the tellers busy with what looked like upper class merchant customers, it would be a while before one of them was freed up. She had a feeling that negotiations on the level and scale of the most wealthy of Scalvoris took a little time. Casting around the room, Rynata picked out a corner with a plush couch and side table to wait at.

Sinking into the luxurious furniture which she mused would make quite an agreeable bed, Rynata looked out over the spacious main hall. The tellers all wore a professionally amiable smile as they dealt with transactions and polished shoes clicked smartly across the equally well manicured and reflective floor.

On the glossy side table next to her, there was a notepad and a spun glass pen holder. Guessing it was placed there for when parties needed to take down details of their dealings, Rynata gently tugged out a sheet for herself and took up the pen. It had been a while since she had made any sort of contact with her family, and she figured returning the loan was as good an opportunity as any.

Guiding the fountain pen, she proceeded to ink greetings as the heading to the note, listing her father, mother, and each of her brothers. Though she hadn’t talked to them in some time, the letter came easily. It was like an excited child rushing to their guardian to tell them of all the exciting things that had happened to them. Since Rynata had heard of clans drifting apart, it was a relief to know that she still felt a familiar warmth toward her own relatives. Even though it was somewhat difficult for them to be face to face much of the time, they could still keep in touch in small ways.

Starting off by penning the customary news about herself and how her business was, Rynata filled her family in on her independent life. Work was going smoothly, as they would probably be able to surmise from the early repayment. Despite it being a rather harsh Cylus, she had still found things that needed doing around the island. Now that the weather was slowly turning warmer, prospects were even better. As for herself, she was successfully falling into the rhythm of life on the strange island. While she missed them and The Blue Wing very much, she had made friends with staff from a local tavern and was being looked after quite generously. So there was no need to worry. Adding that she wanted to news from them and to know how they were doing, Rynata paused, looking over what she had put down so far.

Now that her family knew she wasn’t destitute and was actually getting along quite well, she could inform them of some of her more daring adventures. Deciding to turn to the more exciting news, Rynata began detailing the day she and two others set out to solve the issue of a kidnapping. She told her family that the cold Cylus day had started out like any other. That was until a panicked young girl had started shouting and crying for help, saying her family had been kidnapped. Caught up in the incident, Rynata and the helpful bystanders who gathered by the affected homes had discovered that three families were missing some of their members. That was how she and the strange group set out on the quest to rescue the girls’ parents. Describing the biting snowstorm and the foul villain taken down by one massive Mr. Tiddles, Rynata wove an nonthreatening account of what had happened that day. Something interesting to add to her father’s collection of stories.

As it was, Rynata left out and glossed over the most dangerous parts. For example, she failed to elaborate on the details of assault and the subsequently grisly wounds suffered by the man at the jetty. She had a feeling such material wouldn’t be so well received by those who had an emotional stake in her well being. If she had been able to speak to them face to face, it might have been more acceptable. Her family would have been able to see her alive and well, after all. Instead, the current distance would probably make what was intended to be a thrilling story, only very concerning.

However, she did manage a rather humorous telling of her and Amaris’ initial botched attack. Not everyone could say they’d been bopped in the face by their ally. With a bag, no less. Thinking back on it, Rynata was really grateful that hadn’t been a proper weapon in her friend’s hand. The uncertain future of the girls was sobering, but if anything, they had Mr. Silver, herself, and Amaris to look out for them.

Flapping the note to dry it out mote quickly, Rynata glanced at the empty counter and stood from her plush seat. Carefully folding the piece of paper, she reached the teller and drew out a coin pouch with the appropriate sum if money. Placing both on the counter, she smiled to the staff waiting to hear her request.

“I’d like to make a deposit to an account by Qy'Ufnaj. 300 gold nels and if you could, a message in their deposit box.”

A set of scales were brought out to weigh the gold and in the meantime, Rynata was directed to fill in a brief form, stating her business with her family’s account. Another teller appeared and quickly swept away the items toward the back of the building.

“Is there anything else?” the bank teller asked crisply.

Rynata paused. She would need some capital for her business and the bank was probably the safest place to apply for one. She could no longer look to her family for help. Not that she didn’t think that they wouldn’t give it, but because she wanted to do this on her own.

“Would you happen to have forms for business loans?” she asked.

It was a relief to finally pay her family back, and an achievement that made her quite proud. However, the prospect of another debt, even a willing one, put back some gravity in her steps as Rynata walked away from the bank’s main hall. Briefly pausing at the hall, she safely collected her things and stepped out of the grand building. Perhaps she would go find somewhere she could quietly celebrate her temporary freedom from debt and coming of age birthday.
word count: 1411
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Tristan Venora
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Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Re: Coming of Age


Business Management: Repaying a loan on time
Business Management: Handling monetary transactions at the bank
Discipline: Keeping to the budget
Storytelling: Leaving out certain details
Storytelling: Consider what is appropriate for the audience
Writing: Writing a letter to family

Loot: None. Rynata loses 300 gn!
Injuries: N/A
Renown: N/A
Magic XP: N/A

Points: 10
- - -
Comments: This was a lovely little solo.

I kind of wish you’d included Rynata’s actual letter to her family near the end of the thread though. I would have loved to read that.

It’s great that she managed to return the loan so soon!

Enjoy your well-deserved rewards!

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