[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

The Stonerose

Developed by Zafir
Type of Material: Gem
Acquired By: Mining (90+), Endurance (40+)
Rarity: Legendary
Details: Rumored to exist in the deepest parts of many mines in the Ne'haer region, most gemhunters believe to have narrowed down the stone's location within the Ironridge Mines. The jewel itself is brilliant, an entrancing sapphire blue that glimmers with an impossible clarity. The gem itself seems to sprout from twisting rock, as if the surrounding earth bends to put the geode on display. The Stonerose plays a part in many legends in Ne'haer. Some say that the Champion of Jyroon, Marith Eddrus, wore this as a favor to a suitor from Ironridge, and that the reason she still stalks the graveyards is because she is separated from the Stonerose. Others claim that the Savior of Ne'haer left the gem behind as a reminder of the miracle of rebirth that occurred after the Great Waters, that even from the most impossible of circumstances new life can bloom. Regardless of its origin, most agree that The Stonerose exists. The trick remains in finding it.
Price: It isn't possible to purchase this item. It must be found, and the nature of the stone makes it so no one would especially want to sell it. However, if it were somehow sold, it would be worth an immense sum of money.
Other Information: The Stonerose is not an easy gem obtain. Once found, stony vines will shoot from the jewel and pierce the skin of the miner that has discovered it. Attached to a person, one of two scenarios will occur. The Stonerose will either drain all life from the victim, leaving a petrified corpse in its wake, or if the searcher is strong enough, the gem will bond to the miner in question. Once bonded, the Stonerose grants strange regenerative abilities to the wielder. If injured, instead of blood seeping from the wound, shards of crystal will move to cover and replace the torn skin. If injuries continue, so too will the Stonerose replace the broken parts of its user with crystalline substitutes. Once bonded to the user, the only vital part of the player becomes the Stonerose. As long as the gem survives, so too will the user. However, if an enemy were to target the Stonerose and destroy it or separate it while attached to a user, any part of the player that was replaced by crystal fall from the player's body. This can be particularly disastrous to those bonded to the Stonerose that have lost limbs, or worst, vital organs necessary for their survival. Requires Moderator approval to acquire.
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Developed by Zafir
The Ravenosi, pronounced Rav-in-oas-ee, is a dangerous predator that stalks the underground caverns throughout the region of Ne'haer. They are small group hunters, only found in numbers more than two during their mating season. However, even operating in pairs, the Ravenosi have been the scourge of miners and spelunkers in Ne'haer for generations.

The Ravenosi are monsters known for their ruthless persistence, impressive stealth, cruel attitudes, and uncanny tracking abilities which allow them to hunt in the absolute darkness of the underground. They have a base cunning and rely on ambush tactics in order to secure kills. Bearing razored claws, gnashing jaws, and grasping tendrils which stretch out from the creatures skull and back; the Ravenosi are more than capable of rending through flesh and lighter armors. They are the apex predator of their domain, only threatened by environmental damage brought about by expanding mining operations and other Ravenosi. Ravenosi can and often are cannibalistic of their own kind, killing each other over territorial disputes, mates, and access to food. It is often said that the best way to get rid of a Ravenosi is to simply find another of its kind and pit them against each other.

Lifespan and Development: The Ravenosi are born from the violent and cruel coupling of two adult Ravenosi. They have a gestation period of about 5 months, and then are born live in underground. After birth, they require roughly two years before reaching maturing into adulthood and leaving their parents searching for a mate of their own. From two to ten, the Ravenosi is considered an adult. A careful Ravenosi can live up to the age of fifteen, however few reach their later years due to the constant violence and competition inherent to their kind.

On average, Ravenosi weigh about 240 pounds of dense muscle, and on their hind legs stand about 6 feet tall. Their is little observable difference between a male and female Ravenosi, however male Ravenosi tend to be slightly lighter and leaner than females.
Diet: Carnivorous in nature, Ravenosi are not picky when it comes to the meat they eat. Animals, humans, even other Ravenosi, nothing is truly safe from their expansive appetites.
Temperament: Cruel and ruthless, Ravenosi hold only themselves and their mate as anything besides food. They are known to play with their meals if a creature enters their territory, delighting in causing terror and pain to their victims before granting them the mercy of death.
Abilities: The Ravenosi have incredibly sharp claws and teeth, capable of tearing through skin and even steel with a few repeat strikes. Jagged teeth-like spikes dot their tentacle like appendages which stretch out of their head and back, strong enough to strangle a grown man. Their gray skin allows them to fade into the blackness of their cavernous domain with ease, and the Raveonsi are renowned for their quiet, near-soundless step. What perhaps is most terrifying, however, is monster's ability to track down its prey. Adapted fully to the darkness, the Ravenosi is able to track the warmth in another animal's blood with uncanny ease. Their sense of smell is extremely acute, and it is said that once a Ravenosi has your scent, they remember till the day they die.
Weaknesses: Adapted for absolute darkness, a rapid flash of light is a good way to briefly stun a Ravenosi. However, this measure is only temporary, and should be capitalized on for a speedy retreat. If one must combat a Ravenosi, cornering the creature with superior numbers can be an effective way of defeating a Ravenosi. However, this requires a Ravenosi to be revealed, a feat which is very hard to do if the monster does not wish it.
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

A quick little song for the Day of Songs.

"Teas, infusions, and tinctures.
Lotions, salves, and balms.
Herbs are the herbalist's weapon against illness and pain.

The doctor's tools are many.
Bandages, stitches, and splints to name a few.
But without the medicines that can prevent infections,
many of their patients would still be lost.

Teas, infusions, and tinctures.
Poultices, butters, and essential oils.
Herbs are the herbalist's weapon against illness and pain.

A surgeon wields his knives to save lives
when limbs must be removed.
But without the medicines that can relieve pain,
a patient's recovery would be uncertain.

Teas, infusions, and tinctures.
Syrups, salves, and more.
Herbs are the herbalist's weapon against illness and pain."
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Sarkanis den Nogg
Developed by Alistair
Sarkanis den Nogg, located in the far northern region of Lysoria, is a place of marvel and oddity. Appearing to outsiders as an observatory of reclining usage, Sarkanis is - in fact - the headquarters of the Coven of Ellasin, and a city built within a mountain, behind a great waterfall and shielded by complex magic. The entire facility, including the observatory, is warded... and it is said that much of the observatory, and the waters and cliffs surrounding it, are known to shift into an infallible mirage; living, breathing, not contained by ether and not easily dispelled. The observatory itself is a master-made Dustforge artifact, with a variety of precautions and counter-measures to forced entry, including providing answers and codes that shift on a cyclical basis.

Upon entering Sarkanis, one will immediately understand its designation as the Coven's premier stronghold. Thousands dwell within, working and slaving tirelessly, twenty four trials a day - only rescued from their labor to have their wounds amended by magic. These thousands are, quite predictably, all undead thralls... excusing much of the immorality from their intensive labor.

Sarkanis is perhaps the only place on Idalos to have an underclass of dead men, equally represented by an upper class of magical aristocrats. Necromancers, the ones who wield the collars and chains, reign supreme within the Coven's headquarters, and live extravagantly by the labor of their mindless minions, who perform increasingly complex trades the greater their well and class.

Revenants, of course, perform a variety of more developed mechanical tasks within Sarkanis... and many of them act as alchemists, jewelers and personal servants, working without recourse.

Sarkanis exists as the production capital of the Coven - and it generates tens of thousands of nel, every season. But more than that, it is an impenetrable blockade, protecting Ellasin from all harm. Even an Immortal would place themselves into immediate existential threat upon invading - the base is filled top-down with traps, undead warriors, powerful Coven mages and Ellasin's greatest undead creations. More than that, it holds the phylactery of the Necromantress, and her greatest guardian: Effren Galien.

While few know the exact purpose of Sarkanis, nor who dwells within it, many know of its perplexing nature... but simply choose to avoid it.
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Name: Ramik Olvash
Created by: Han Hetra(Though I’m just fleshing out the character name and position given by Jade)
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 58
Title: High Priest of The All Gods Temple


Rhetoric: Expert
Logistics: Expert
Politics: Expert
Caregiving: Competent
Teaching: Competent


Famula: Adored
Qylios: Favored

Details: Ramik is a long time member of the priesthood in Ne’haer, having joined when he was still a young man. Now, after nearly forty arcs and a long stay as high priest, Ramik commands both the respect and the obedience of the city’s faithful. Despite the political games that inevitably engulf everyone of position in Ne’haer, Ramik spends much of his time working alongside the lowest level priests and volunteers amongst the faithful. He is a man known for his relentless work ethic, his sagely wisdom, and- when called for- his decisive action and leadership.

When it comes to magic, Ramik finds the idea of humans laying hold of divine power both foolish and unnecessary. While not violently opposed as many of his fellow priests are, he believes that the power of ether is best used through marks, the way the Immortals have intended, and urges any mage he meets to flee their addiction.
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Sol Duc Lake
Developed by JONATHAN BURR
The Sol Duc is a location in mountains northeast of Ne'Haer, near Yurrova. It is a large glacier-fed lake that experiences heavy insurgents of runoff during the Ashan and Ymiden seasons. During these seasons one can find hundreds of small waterfalls feeding the lake, which turns a pale aquamarine in color from the glacial waters. The lake itself is bowl shaped, with steep shale slides leading down to a narrow shore of sharpened rocks. It is unforgiving to the unwary traveler, who might find himself sliding down a steep river of shattered stone towards an icy grave. To complicate matters, deadfall from the unstable ground around the lake means that the shore is often lined with fallen logs. These logs may look stable, but are treacherous to navigate. To the man determined enough, the lake yields cool, clear waters teeming with fish. The clay deposits left by many seasons of melting and refreezing have made the waters rich in nutrients. Elk and other species of deer are common here, either scavenging the water plants in the shallows or using it as a safety net to avoid predators.

If a traveler can avoid falling down the steep climb, or causing a rockslide, one still has to contend with the rain. This area gets more than 140 inches of rain annually, so torrential downpours are not only commonplace but expected. Getting caught in one of the rainfalls can be just as dangerous as climbing down to the lake, as the entire area turns into a mudhole of deadly proportions. Bandits often use this area to trap travellers, as many men are unprepared and unaware of the dangers that lie within the seductively calm pool of Sol Duc.


Name:Ashwari Bourund
Created by: Jonathan Burr
Title: The Catamount
Field Craft: Expert
Fishing: Expert
Navigation: Competent
Thrown Weapons: Expert
Details:Ashwari has survived near the Sol Duc Lake his entire existence. He is the sort of man who can look at the sky and predict the next rainfall, and can track an elk up and down the rocky slides without any difficulty. He is a patient and stern sort of man, the type who will leave you to drown if you do not learn how to swim. To that end he is an incredible teacher to those wishing to excel in field craft, but be warned. He is an isolationist who is not very kind to strangers. Many times he is content to see if any visitors to the lake will survive on their own before offering any sort of assistance.

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Note about location or NPCs needing moderator approval here. Yes? No?
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

The Free Realm of Acadia
Developed by Alistair
Please Note: This article does not reflect the current, exact state of Acadia. This is more meant as a blue-print, though the township itself may be more, or less, developed than what is featured in this article - to the discretion of Ne'haer's mods, and the PC and NPC plots ongoing within the realm.

Acadia, also known as Radomir, the Common Realm and the Northern Refuge, is a land locked between three great mountains that overlook and protect the great valleys that lay within. It was founded, developed and built by Alistair var Radomir, a fallen Lord of Rynmere with the dream of creating a city - and eventually a Kingdom - free of the same ancient vices befallen upon other lands. A city for all freed people - refugees, slaves, mages, the oppressed and marginalized, and those denied knowledge and success by their family or peers.

The appearance of Acadia is that of a long strip of urban area, mostly built on the surface of a small hill leading onto Mount Reyard, with a strip of ascended land built from the slope of the hill, and raised by a massive structural foundation of pillars and other stone. In truth, Acadia's dominion extends beyond this alone... to the bottom of each hill, their surroundings, all the fields and valleys and crops of farmland within the great divide between Hyran and Lysoria. A Northern Realm like Lysoria and Ironridge, Acadia holds lands untouched by the claims and machinations of Ne'haer, and due to its geography it is naturally isolated and defensible - acting as a perfect refuge for those who wish to be free.

Founding and Growth
Acadia's initial founding and development came as a result of the conflict between the major territories surrounding Ne'haer. As a result of the loss of governmental power over the citizenry, and the wars and famine consuming the realm, a great deal of refugees and escaped slaves began to corner the undeveloped borders of their respective territories. Investing in industry and infrastructure, and inviting the forlorn migrants, refugees and fallen citizenry of other places, Acadia has begun to build itself as a place for those without much to call their own - a settlement, yet near and native to the region.

Furthermore, Acadia acts as an open invitation to mages and slaves particularly, offering slaves freedom and mages homes, subsidized by the crown and built by laborers and fellow denizens. As such, the realm has been able to grow significantly in a short period of time, due to the currently global crisis of magic, slavery and internal conflicts.

Acadia is an Absolute Monarchy, similar to that of the surrounding territories of Ironridge, Hyran, Lysoria, Yurrova and Millstone. It is led by a Lord, who reigns from Castle Radomir (pictured above), a castle yet unfinished. The current ruling and founding ruling family of the township of Acadia consists only of Alistair var Radomir, with the reigning dynasty that of the "House of Radomir", whose symbol is the Sundial, a Rupturer's guide. Aside from the very top of Acadia's leadership, it is to be led secondarily by an administrative council, consisting of a Martial, Chancellor, Treasurer, Admiral (as the realm develops near the coast and extending rivers), and Spymaster.

Furthermore, the Ordinators of the Commonwealth for Free Mages act unofficially as a form of leadership, as they are capable of taking matters into their own hands and doling out justice without proper notification or royal writ, within the city. The Ordinators are, essentially, the rulers of Acadia's law - especially among mages, but even among uninitiated citizenry.

Acadia's center, the strip between Mount Reyard and Mount Damien, is mostly industrial and focused on business, trade, and other skills such as textiles, dyes, ceramics, production, smithing, alchemy, and other urban trades that produce great amounts of wealth. The city does carry an aqueduct leading out from its extended stone foundations, with a sewage system fairly complex and expansive due to its contemporary growth. On the fringes of the valley, away from the center of Acadia and Castle Radomir, are military fortifications and encampments. And, within the fringes, Acadia's infrastructure mostly hosts farmers, lumberers, hunters and miners. As Acadia is situated in a valley with several large-sized mountains, much of its external infrastructure is mining-focused.

The military of Acadia is divided into two split sections, that often intertwine, forming versatile divisions of integrated soldiers - mage and non-mage. Though the military currently looks much more like a retinue, small in size, the tradition of military carried on by the founders of Acadia and the mages that inhabit the realm . . . shows well in its forces, low in number as they are. Acadia's forces are split between the Aspirants of the Pyre, an Arm of the Commonwealth for Free Mages, and the Blackguard Syndicate, a military force of mostly non-mages that seek to promote the common wellbeing of the citizenry, as well as humanist interests.

The Blackguard Syndicate, larger in number than the Aspirants, are the traditional infantry of Acadia. They are the vanguard, and are trained in shell-like formations built for elongated, defensive structures. Phalanx is among their most common formation, whilst the Aspirants act as the cavalry of the military force, flanking opponents and raining ether from above as they attempt to penetrate the ineffable wall of the Blackguard.

Aspirants, as the offensive force of Acadia, are trained night and day to achieve what can only be called perfection. There are several requirements for each aspirant, in order to ensure they function properly within the army. They must be trained in Discipline, to ensure they do not use magic recklessly. They must learn how to ride a Mount, typically a horse, Bruxen or Drexion. They must learn a medium-ranged or short-ranged physical weapon, like that of a pike, spear, lance, zweihander, longsword, saber or rapier. And finally, they must be of considerable capability in at least one magic.

There may only be one Aberrant in all of Acadia, and that Aberrant must be a member of the Aspirant. They act as a lone rear flank, who sets up Conjunctions in the backline of enemy forces, or mutilates opponents with Spheres from afar. The one, singular Aberrant is truly invaluable to the Aspirants, capable of culling large numbers of opponents in a short period of time, and easily breaking enemy formations.

The Ordinators are the leaders of the Aspirants, de jure, whilst Alistair is the de facto leader of both - but primarily the Blackguard Syndicate. This is intended to change upon the addition of a Martial into Acadia's leadership.

As one might recognize from viewing the forces of Acadia in action... they are trained, specifically, to be able to defeat mage hunters - even large forces of them. As the mages are all mounted and therefore have excellent mobility, as well as considerable martial skills of their own, they are very difficult to defeat merely by locking them from their domains.

As of right now, Acadia's economy is focused primarily on the products of miners, with ore and gems their primary export. This industry has been heavily invested into by Alistair, and acted as the initial footprint of the realm, with miners from Ne'haer and Yurrova coming in for work and proper compensation. With mages beginning to flow into the city, temporal products of Transmutation and the useful trades of Apothecaries and Alchemists do great for the city's trade. Founded by a doctor himself, Acadia has many poisoners, gardeners and producers of medicinal herbs, poultices and reagents. Alongside the obvious connection to Alchemists, these productions bring in wealthy merchants with long-standing illnesses, and therefore foreign wealth.

In terms of imports, much of what Acadia needs is food. It does not have long-standing agricultural communities, or developed farming infrastructure. Thus, a great deal of food is imported into Acadia from Hyran . . . particularly the northern portion of it, with the leadership of the realm slowly seeking to economically integrate much of Hyran's north into the realm as a whole.

The only current noble family within Acadia is the House of Radomir, the ruling family. The laws protecting nobility are fairly typical as per other realms, and nearly mimic that of Rynmere's nobility, though unlike in Rynmere the middle-ground between Lord and commoner is not wealthy merchant families... but Lesser Nobles. Lesser Nobles are houses built by exceptional Cloudseekers, Soldiers, Innovators and Councilors, whilst Greater Nobles are the descendants and households of Acadia's Ordinators.

Unlike in most other feudal realms, Acadia's nobility is not entirely mandated by blood, though blood heirs are the standard. A noble may remain unmarried and may legitimize their firstborn bastard as their heir, or may even adopt their heir. Marriage is less important as an aspect of nobility, particularly considering the small stature of the realm, and its unwillingness to incorporate intricate inter-marital alliances between noble houses, which will ultimately lead to corruption, competition and upheaval.

The laws of Acadia are fairly typical among feudal realms, but with a few notable exceptions, inscribed into the very foundation of the Kingdom. These laws are - without fail - unequivocal, and act as the only true set of laws not steeped in transience. They are built into the foundation of the city, inscribed into the pillars of Castle Radomir, almost as commandments. These commandments are, of course, a reflection of Alistair's meritocratic, liberal mindset.

1. All men are always their own. No one shall ever be a slave, nor indentured servant.
2. Magic exists as a part of Idalos, and must never weigh against one, unless purposed for evil. To spread bigotry and anti-mage sentiment is to break Acadia's common law.
As an extension to this law: there may only ever be one Aberrant within Acadia at any given time, and they will be watched by the Ordinators. The magic can be utilized only for utilitarian purposes, directed at the enemies of the Realm. If any Aberrants seek refuge within Acadia beyond the first one, they will be executed without condition. Anyone initiated into Aberration by the singular Aberrant will also be executed, as will the Aberrant who initiated them.
3. All races, and all people, have equal access to the realm as citizens.
4. All people may have access to knowledge.
5. All people may follow any faith, as long as it is not weaponized or utilized as a political instrument. Theocracy is disallowed.

Aside from these five tenets, Acadia follows the same feudal laws as any other realm. Though serfdom is not quite so commonplace, and though the inequalities between nobility and commoner lay far more measurable, there is still - always - a disconnect between classes. As Acadia does not have a long and established history of nobility, the true disparity lies in the Cloudseekers - the business owning arbiters of law - and the common man.
 ! Message from: Chronicle
Noted, Currently under discussion!
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Name: Jemus Rotilryn
Created by: Finn Ashbroken
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 54 arcs
Title: Grand Cleric of the Faithful

Marks: Taithir

Skills: Leadership (70), linguistics (45), meditation (52), negotiation (60), persuasion (65)

Details: Jemus is passionate about the Faithful and the faith itself. For him, religion is the ultimate answer. It has the unquestionable power to lead people in order to save them. Although he sometimes comes across as stuck up with a dismissive attitude, he lives and breathes to protect Ne'haer and its citizens.

Jemus was born in Ne'haer but youth took him travelling around Idalos. It was not until he travelled to Athart where his faith strengthened to an unbreakable set of beliefs. Almost a personal creed you could say. The city of slaves and fake superiority drove him to actions which granted him Ethelynda's favour (and consequently her mark). With that he returned to Ne'haer, reborn. He entered the Faithful with a clear purpose set in stone and known to others - to cleanse the city and make sure that the horrors of Athart would never happen within the walls of Ne'haer...in any shape or form. He climbed the ladder with astonishing speed. He had and still has a spark of purpose in his eyes and something in his demeanour hints that he will do whatever it takes to achieve what he believes is right.
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They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.

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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Name: Lady Elisia
Created by: Finn Ashbroken
Race: Mixed (Human and Sev'ryn)
Birthday/Age: 45 arcs
Title: Grand Cleric of the Faithful

Marks: Sevrath (Adored)

Skills: Caregiving (80), Animal Husbandry (50), Etiquette (100), Medicine (80), Gardening (45)

Details: Lady Elisia believes in live and let live. Life itself is sacred for her. She would nurture it and care for it by any means necessary. Much like the rest of the Faithful she wants to protect the citizens in order for them to flourish and grow to their utmost potential. She is a kind, caring woman with the first few hints of wrinkles adoring her face. She has a great knowledge in medicine gained throughout her years in the Seacres Hospital where she still volunteers nowadays even after becoming a Grand Cleric. She is also very well versed in the ways of the higher society where she can sway opinions.
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They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.

~ Ymiden
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Seacres Hospital
Developed by Finn Ashbroken
Seacres Hospital is located a short walk from Lochgrass Gardens. It spans a few acres of land carved out in the city. Currently, the council is funding a further expansion of the hospital initiated by the unrest in the surrounding territories but also as a result of the shadow beast attack a few arcs back. It is run by a simple but efficient administration.
The beginning of the hospital goes centuries back when a mixed blood from Viden arrived in Ne’haer to establish himself. His name was Alduin Seacres. Born in Viden to a Human and an Eidisi, he was looked down on. He struggled in his homeland to the point he saw no reason to stay and waste his talent away where it was no appreciated. When he arrived in Ne'haer, he established only a small practice at first.

Word spread and people started seeking out his practice were for a small coin they could receive medical care. As time passed, he hired the first employees for his practice. Citizens with some knowledge in medicine but not necessarily qualified. His practice wasn’t much regulated at that point but as long as an individual exhibited a sound knowledge of herbs and basic medicinal practice, they were welcome to help Alduin cope with the rising number of clients.

He also accepted volunteers to help care for the money deprived and homeless who could not afford to pay. It was a win-win situation - Alduin did not pay the volunteers, the volunteers earned experience if they wanted to pursue the career, and the homeless and extremely poor could get at least some sort of health care.

By the time of Alduin’s death, at staggering 115 arcs, the hospital was established and expanded to nearly 600 beds, with a more structured hierarchy and more staff - some qualified, some not. As a result of the owner’s death the Council made a move and appropriated the hospital because Alduin left no heir. The Council established the first proper administration in the hospital as well as reviewed the payment scheme it was running, largely eliminating the fees that were to be paid by patients. In honour to Alduin's name, the hospital was renamed from The Order’s Refuge to Seacres Hospital. It is still rumoured that the hospital had and still has connection to the Order of the Adunih.
Current administration structure
1. Hospital administrator the ultimate decision maker; runs and oversees the hospital in every term there is (supplies, personnel, dealing with the Council and the Faith,...); due to the amount of paperwork does not get involved in caring for patients; appointed by the Council
2. Medical superintendent an individual responsible for the medical personnel; answers directly to the hospital administrator; runs interviews with new applicants for doctor or nurse positions; is an advisor to doctors but occasionally will get involved in medical procedures
3. Supply overseer an individual responsible for medical supplies, food stock, bed linens; runs interviews and placement of kitchen and catering staff; answers directly to the hospital administrator and works alongside the kitchen staff, nurses and doctors
4. Doctors, nurses and volunteers caring for patients
5. Catering staff feeding patients
Hospital capacity

The hospital has 1500 beds, surgery theatres and examination rooms. It offers communal areas for patients and their visitors. Food is served strictly to the patients at their beds. Majority of rooms house between 20 to 50 beds. There are single bed rooms for the gravely ill and the dying. It has no gardens but makes attempts on keeping some greenery inside the hospital.

Patients are not segregated by gender or age.

Room types

Large halls 20 to 50 beds; each bed has white linen, blanket and pillow; next to it is a simple bed table; large windows let in the daylight; fireplace is at the end of each hall; during cold cycle, everyone gets thicker blankets and fur covers, limited amount of bed warmers is circulated among the ill; chamber pots are universally placed under all the beds if patients are unable to make their way to the shared bathrooms; groups of 5 to 10 doctors come in to check on the patients and constant care is provided by about 15 nurses per hall
Private rooms small rooms that accommodate one single bed, bedside table and a chair; a single window offers some daylight; during cold cycle patients are given thick blankets and fur covers; since there is no other source of heat, bed warmer are circulated among patients; the gravely ill, dying and elderly are placed in these rooms; mainly nurses care for the patients; doctors are only called when death occurs or serious complications occur (either the fear of spread of a disease)
Surgery theatre simple room with the most natural light; smooth polished stone table works as the bed for the patients; surgical tools are kept in a cabinet wrapped in silk after being cleaned to avoid dust contamination; medical concoctions, liquids and other materials necessary during surgical procedures are kept in the drawers of the same cabinet
Examination room small-ish room with a desk and two chairs (one for doctor, the other for patient); cabinet with readily available, everyday medicine is present in the room, can be sold directly to the patient; the room is manned solely by the doctor; no nurse assistance; small procedures that don't require the patient to be anaesthetised are conducted here
Communal room medium to large sized hall the has tables and chairs for patients and visitors; it has a fireplace on one end were during winter times chairs form a semicircle to get the most from the warmth; no refreshments are provided here for general public but visitors are allowed to bring their own food and drink
Kitchen large enough to cater for the patients and buzzing with activity every day; accessible only to cooks, their assistants and nurses who distribute the meals
Current affairs
- The hospital along with the Council is considering to open a ward for the mentally ill.
- Doctors can do home visits if requested. However, it comes at extra cost of 15gn/call out.
- Majority of running costs subsidised by the Council.
- After repairs and renovations on the hospital finished, the council is considering financing additional expansion to bring the capacity up by 700 beds. Deciding to do so would mean that surrounding houses will need to be evicted and levelled to the ground in order for the hospital to have space for the expansion. Negotiations and discussions are still under way.
- At the moment care for the homeless and extremely poor is spread between the hospital and the Faithful.


Name: Lady Elisia
Created by: Finn Ashbroken
Race: Mixed (Human and Sev'ryn)
Birthday/Age: 45 arcs
Title: Volunteer (aside from being the Grand Cleric)
Skills: Caregiving (80), Animal Husbandry (50), Etiquette (100), Medicine (80), Gardening (45)
Details: Lady Elisia started working in the hospital from a young age when she was already devoted to Moseke. She worked hard to learn medicine and she shadowed a lot of the nurses and doctors. Her family recognised her potential and although not taken with joy they have funded her studies in Viden where she gained her qualifications and returned back to Ne'haer to work in the hospital short-term as a doctor before fully devoting herself to religion. She continues to volunteer at the hospital when she can.

Name: Mathias Ehrmann
Created by: Finn Ashbroken
Race: Human
Birthday/Age: 51 arcs
Title: Hospital administrator
Skills: Business management (85), Etiquette (40), Field craft (37), Intelligence (65), Leadership (74)
Details: Mathias comes from the Council where he was a member. He has very little understanding of medicine, but excellent management skills. He is sometimes slow to fully understand the bigger picture when it does come to medicine (ie why would they need more of X for Y). However, under his control, the hospital is running smoothly if medical superintendent and supply overseer have the patience to convince Mathias that certain items are just necessary to purchase or request from the council.

Price List

Item Price
Medicine uniform price found in local shops
Call out 15gn/call out
Medical check-up 1gn
Small procedure 10gn 5sn
Note about location or NPCs needing moderator approval here.
word count: 1395
Favourite quote:
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.

~ Ymiden
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