
7th of Ymiden 718

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Xander Andaris
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7th Ymiden, Arc 718
Xander stood with his hands over Celeste's eyes, a broad smile on his face as he waited to reveal it to her. He had refused to let her look where they had been going, guiding her into a carriage to get there and guiding her out too. Now they stood their and his heart beat heavily in his chest, nerves rising as he prepared himself. The wolf had refused to answer Celeste's questions on where he was taking her and why, wishing for the surprise to be sincere. Xander wanted to see the look in her eyes as she saw what he had done for the first time. In truth it had been quite rushed too, he had been overcome with the feeling of need for immediate action and so he had left that morning with two tasks which he had successfully completed.

"Are you ready?" He said softly as they stood there, each had a baby in arm and Ala'ni stood hanging onto Xander's pocket, a blindfold of her own on. "Here we go." The Shieldbearer removed his hand from Celeste's eyes and helped Ala'ni with hers too. Before them was a beautiful large thatched cottage, set in open surroundings with an unkempt wild garden. Ivy sprawled across the walls and the windows were inset into the timber framed wattle and daub. "What do you think?" He questioned his arm around her waist now as they faced the old but sturdy building.

In the line they stood they looked like a true family, Ala'ni hanging off his arm in curious interest and the babies held between the parents. His smile was broad as he looked at what he had found. The cottage sat on an acre plot of land, a garden surrounding the building but unused field being the rest. What the use of the land had been originally he didn't really know but it was quite sandy and dry, he didn't know much about farming but even he knew that wasn't optimal. Still he had ideas for how he would use the land himself.

There was no doubt that the house was not new, it had weathered more than a few winters but it still stood strong and proud. The inside was all ready to be furnished and filled, after a good dusting that was, and the outside needed some tidying too. There was plenty of room for the whole family as well, enough room for all the children especially as they grew up. It was ready for them to add their own touch and make their own personal escape from the world.

"I know I probably should have talked to you first but I wanted to surprise you, I wanted a place for us that was our own and I wanted it now." He shrugged humorously, a little concerned that she might not like it but mostly he was just happy. "I saw this place and I just thought it was perfect, somewhere we can truly make our own." Xander stepped out of the line and turned to look at the rest of his family, Katherine in his arms as he smiled at them all. "How did I get such a beautiful family?" His eyes seemed to shine bright blue as he shook his head with a sliver of disbelief.
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Alright, so money here will be interesting bare with me.

1 acre of land (Outside of City): 800GN

House (Using Scalvoris Housing guide):
1x Large Living Room-300GN
1x Large Kitchen/Diner-300GN
2x Large Bedroom-600GN
2x Medium Bedroom-400GN
1x Large Bathroom-200GN
1x Medium Library-400GN
Total cost for whole house: 2,200GN x 1.5 (Good) = 3,300GN

Total cost of unfurnished house and land = 4,100GN

I think I got that right.
word count: 645
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Celeste Andaris
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"Xander, what are you doing?" It had been a long time since Celeste or Tessa had giggled so much as she had this morning. If anyone had told her that a man was going to blindfold her, she would have thought that she'd have been nervous, but she hadn't been at all. Because this was him, and so she held on to Ala'ni's hand and was led by her husband. "I have no idea,", she replied, as to where they were or what they were doing, but she had to admit that she didn't mind that at all. Leaning against him, she waited for him to reveal whatever it was he wanted to reveal.

And then, he took his hands away and Celeste focused her gaze and then, realising what he was showing her, she gasped in absolute amazement and delight. "Is this... did you... oh, Xander, it's what we dreamed of so long ago!" A thatched roof, a sturdy and safe home. Almost as though she didn't quite dare to believe what he had done, she turned to look at him and her eyes were filled with tears. "Is this ours? Truly?" When he said yes, she looked back and let out a strange gulping sound. "It's.. perfect. It's perfect, Xander." Turning, she kissed her husband without pause or concern. They had a long way still to go, she did, she knew, but the feeling of his arms around her, his hands on her - they were so very different from what she had experienced that she could not be afraid of him.

"I love you. I.. don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm grateful, Xander. So very grateful. For all of you." Lowering to kiss Ala'ni's head the little girl looked at Xander with a very solemn expression. "I want to learn to fight, Father. Will you teach me? Like you were before Mama and the twins got stolen." She frowned and said, most sincerely. "When I'm big, I want to protect people and make things right."

Celeste looked at the little girl and she knelt down to speak to her. "You did that already. The people who stole me, they changed all my memories, turned all the good ones into bad ones. That made me very sad. But you know what?" Alan'i shook her head and Celeste spoke softly. "I love you and your father so much, that my memories of you were too strong to change. So they took them away. But that meant that there were gaps. Things that didn't make sense. And that's how Father helped me find all the right memories again. Because of you and him and how much I love you." Alan'i turned serious eyes to Xander to check that Celeste was telling the truth and then, apparently satisfied nodded. "Good. Can I still learn to fight? And can we get a swing?"

The little girl ran off to explore the nearest tree and Celeste turned to Xander and shook her head. "No, you did the right thing, Xander. Just the right thing. This is... it's perfect. Just like this." She couldn't wait any more though and she tugged him by the arm towards the house for them to explore. As they opened it up, she spoke quietly to him. "I know how this sounds, Xander, but I feel like.." Frowning slightly, she tried to put it into words and then shook her head and chose to Tessa it, instead. "I'm hurt, I'm damaged and I need help. I'm afraid, so much of the time. But I see this and it's wonderful, Xander. Just, wonderful. I want to clean it and get us settled, learn to make us blankets to snuggle under. I think, at the end of this, I'll be a better person for being both of the people I maybe always was." She didn't know, not for sure, but turning to look at Xander she considered the base line truth for her.

"You've always looked after me. Cared for me. I want to do the same to you, here. Then, out there we can be the wolf and the dragon. In here, you can be my husband, and I'll be your wife." She smiled at him, mischievously, as a memory of Celeste's surfaced. "And my cookin' is much better than it used to be. You'd better not be throwing my food off the dining room table, no matter how frisky you're feeling."

Looking around she nodded. "Working together, we can make this ours. Lets get started."
word count: 790
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Xander Andaris
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Xander was filled with happiness to see that she liked the place, he had wanted nothing more in that moment. Apparently, for what felt like the first time in seasons, he had done something good for his family. The Shieldbearer couldn't hide his joy and was more than happy to receive Celeste's kiss, holding onto the connection for a linger few trills. "I love you too, this is ours now, truly." Of course the moment was quickly interrupted by their eldest child who seemed rather off topic at first. Before Xander could give an answer Celeste chimed in, crouching before Ala'ni.

Xander watched as the mother praised Ala'ni and told her how she had helped to bring back Celeste's memories. Ala'ni did not seem completely convinced at first but as she looked up at Xander he nodded in agreement and ruffled her hair. "She is being truthful little one." He smiled at her and she seemed to accept it, returning to her original question. "Yes I will continue to teach you once we are settled in Ala'ni." She nodded and off she went searching for a tree in which she would likely force Xander to try and build a swing. Although it was not like the ex-noble had much of an idea about how to go about that.

The wolf allowed his dragon to lead him towards the house, her arguably more forceful presence in that moment quite like how it used to be. Of course it wasn't she was different now, not better or worse in Xander's eyes, just different. He still loved her but time was still needed for him to fully get used to this new wife he had found himself with. She began to speak and Xander listened happily as they came up to the front door, large and made of hard wood. It was a dark brown like the wood frame and inset with a four smallish green coloured glass panes. It was once again saddening to hear of her fear but she seemed to be growing more comfortable and at ease with her mixed personalities. More often than not he was certain they were the same, united into one new being.

They stood by the locked door as she spoke to him and finished her words. He just smiled and reached into his pocket, removing a large key and pushing it into the lock. "I'd have been amazed if your cooking had gotten worse." His tone was playful as he continued with the door. There was a loud clicking sound as the key turned and the lock came free, it was not often opened and would take some time to loosen up. "Let's get started." He confirmed, waving her into the cottage and following in behind her. He left the door open so they could hear Ala'ni and to let some fresh air in. Old buildings were always dusty and filled with stale air, this was the start of switching that air out.

The door entered into what appeared to be the large living room, it was rather empty besides a fire place and a few shelves bolted to the walls. Other than that it was barren besides the thick layer of dust that clung to the surfaces around the place. "Welcome home." Xander moved through the room and opened another window, creating a through breeze. "It is very stale in here." He explained as the air flooding in began to give the place a cleaner feel already, it began to feel more alive. "This is the living room, plenty of space for all of us."

Moving over to another door he gestured through. "Kitchen and dining through there and over there." He pointed across to the back of the living room. "That is the bathroom and there next to it is a library or study for us." He smiled as he walked over to the bottom of the stairs. "Upstairs are the bedrooms, four of them." He looked to her for her approval eagerly.
word count: 684
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Celeste Andaris
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Watching Ala'ni run off, she slipped her hand into his and her voice was thick with emotion. "Two ropes, some wood. How hard can a swing be? Not too difficult for Father." Her hand, so much more calloused, rougher than it had been but firmer in its grip, more sure, squeezed his. "Nothing is, after all. Not in her eyes."

Standing by the door, with the most beautiful green glass, she turned to look at him in amazement, delight and anticipation as he put the heavy key in the lock. But then he said that he'd be surprised if her cooking had got worse? Tessa laughed, a sudden and almost manly sound as the surprise of his teasing hit her. "I got better. You'll see." She was reassured by the loud sound of clicking, the door was sturdy and that was a good thing. A really good thing. But they went in and Celeste looked around with pleasure etched onto every inch of her face. "Oh, Xander, it's beautiful. I love it!"

The living room was large and when he opened the windows, light and fresh air poured in. There was a fireplace and shelving. She could see it, in her minds eye and she gave a sudden gasp. Before he showed her any more, she grabbed on to his hand and spoke quietly. "I was just picturing what this place will be like, what we could put in here. I can picture it, real clear in my head. And then I realised what I was seeing." When she'd been little, she said, she'd had a dolls house. Not a big, fancy thing, just a small one which had three rooms downstairs, three upstairs. "I used to spend breaks, arranging the furniture in there. It had a thatched roof, and .. and it's what I saw in my imagination now." She'd dreamed of that house as a child, it was a place where she could play and be herself. In her Tessa memories, she said, she saw the doll house and she wanted to destroy it, break it. "They're both true. It's what I did in the end. I broke it up, because I knew I'd never have it."

Wrapping her arms around him, she lingered in kissing him and her smile was one of contentment. "Thank you, Xander Lupine. My husband." She shook her head, still not quite able to believe what he had done and she slipped out of his arms and beamed in excitement. "The kitchen? Let me see!" Moving into there at a jog which was almost a run, she turned to him with her emotions very evident in her eyes. "Xander, it's huge! I love it. Oh, we'll eat together here, all of us, around a big table that's always brimming with food. Can we grow things, here, too? Vegetables and things? I don't know how, but I'll learn. Oh, it's.. lets look!" With an excitement which she'd never have felt as Celeste or Tessa, she ran upstairs and explored each room.

"Alright, well this is going to take a few trials to get ready, I'd say. First things first, we'll need to go buy some furniture, then while we're waiting for it to be delivered, I'll get this place clean. Really clean. Shall we do that? I know what I want, I can see it. Each room. Our bedroom, the twins room, Alan'is' and Torqin's We can all live here, and be happy."
Off Topic
Ok. So. Furniture.
Table: Large50 50
Double Bed x 2 100150
Couch 35185
Archair x 2 30215
Dresser: Small 30245
Rocking Chair 10255
Large bathtub100355
Ottoman x 260415
Cradle x 2 40455
Changing Table 30495
Bakers Rack 20515
Kitchen cabinet x 5125640
Single Bed 25680
Kitchen pots and pans and stuff 175855
Bedding and linen65920
Gardening equipment801000
Last edited by Celeste Andaris on Sun Jun 24, 2018 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 662
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Xander Andaris
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Xander was delighted to see her excitment in exploring their home, her brown eyes searching everything. He could almost see her brain working through the possibilities for each room, it was certainly more up her alley than his own. The Shieldbearer was certainly not one for arranging furniture, it has been hard enough choosing a suitable and adequate house for them. Each one he had seen on his travels across the Yithiral had its own perks but eventually he had returned to this one. He followed her up the stairs, giving her space to move between all the rooms and examine them one after the other.

He enjoyed watching her do so, she seemed without worry for the first time since they had been reunited. Her comfort made him happy and so he was relaxed and simply allowed her to go about her adventure of the place. Although she said one thing at the end and he was caught off guard, a little surprised. "Torqin?" Xander asked, not having expected the Lothar to be joining them in their family home. The rooms had been enough for them and the kids as they got older and while for now they had a spare room what of guests?

Perhaps the wolf was more jealous than anything, his wife seemed to attract the most heroic of men, Andraska and now Torqin and even himself. While he had not felt like Torqin was a threat to him and his marriage in any way the idea of him living with them was odd. "I didn't know you wanted him to live with us." The Shieldbearer would prefer he not, honestly, but if it was what she really wanted he would have to live with it. He had learnt fast that fighting with his wife rarely gave him his favoured outcome. Xander wouldn't mind Torqin living near by or even on their land but in their house next to where he slept with his wife. "If its what you want?" He shrugged.

In truth he was already trying to decide whether it would be worth the cost of building the man a small cottage on the empty fields. Xander had grown to trust the human battering ram but still he was nervous of other good men. He wasn't jealous though not of Torqin, in fact he was more nervous. With Andraska he had felt green, unable to hide his distaste, but with Torqin it was different. He wasn't sure what it was but he trusted his wife too and it would be fine surely it would.

"Let's get that furniture." The ex-noble dismissed his worries and took her hand smiling as he lead her back down the stairs in order to go and spend even more of their money. It took them all day to pick out what she wanted, moving between a large amount of different stores but eventually they had it all and it was ready to be delivered within the next couple of trials. It seemed they would all have to endure the Inn for a couple more nights before they could finally settle in at their new home.
Standing just outside of the front door Xander watched as the sun began to set, the house was full of new things, couches and other such items he would have struggled to accurately name. The land before him was his own, at least for a little ways and soon he would begin to erect the next building. The headquarters of the organisation, he didn't know what they would be called yet, he wasn't even sure of their overall goal but one was to be formed. From the pain and anguish brought by the webspinners a new and great thing would be born, rising from the ashes like a phoenix the man who had lost it all would begin again.

With Celeste by his side he would show the webspinners and the other evils of Idalos the might of the mortal and their unbreakable will to do good. The Shieldbearer would bring justice to the world and offer out the safety everyone deserved to develop and grow, he would cut the webs and draw its the corruption from Idalos and with it usher in a new age of true freedom. In that moment it was not revenge he thought of but equality, truth and honour, the values he had treasured back in Rynmere and based his image of its future off of. Perhaps he had not changed so much after all.
word count: 764
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Celeste Andaris
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He sounded surprised when she spoke of Torqin and Celeste turned to look at him. She had a thoughtful expression on her face as she did. "When I was a little girl, he stopped my father. He had been.. the way he looked at me, the clothes he made me wear. I had to put on Mother's perfume," it had been getting more and more apparent, she told him. Xander had seen portraits of her mother and they could be portraits of his wife. "He was drunk, I was told to go to the stables and Torqin was helping me with Sparkle. My horse." Tessa grinned ruefully at him and then gestured to the house. "I'm not suggesting he lives here permanently, but until he's settled, he can stay in the guest room?" They couldn't just leave him at the Inn, surely? "With the three of us working together against the webspinners, maybe we can build him his own cottage in the grounds here?" Moving over to Xander, Tessa put her hands into his and she looked at him with serious brown eyes. "I just feel like we owe it to him to give him somewhere to be, but I'm not sayin' I want him to live with us." She reached up and kissed him gently. "I want us to live with us. Only us."

Besides, she could tell by him that Xander wasn't totally happy with the idea and so, with her nose touching his she looked at him and whispered. "But if you don't want to, we'll work somethin' else out. It's our life, and we've got to both be happy," Celeste looked at him and smiled, her hand reaching up to stroke his cheek. "Tessa, being Tessa taught me that. I've changed, and I know that's hard for you. I love you, that hasn't changed at all, but I've learnt that there is no place for power struggles in a real marriage. Both of us, or neither of us, Xander." Leaning against him she breathed in and closed her eyes. Would she ever feel like this, safe like this, outside of his arms? She didn't know, but then she'd considered that she'd never feel safe again. "My wolf," she whispered and then nodded her head. Furniture? Oh, she'd make this place a home for them, she was determined.
It was a good two trials later that everything was in. Before that had happened, Xander had seen an entirely different side of Celeste. She had scrubbed the place clean with a determination which was not knew, but a focus which was. She had washed walls, scrubbed floors and cleaned windows, the place was spotless by the time the furniture arrived. Then, when it was all in, she made the beds and hung the curtains. If he helped, she was delighted, but if he didn't, she didn't ask him to. As he stood, outside their back door he heard the sound of the door opening behind him.

As Celeste slipped her arms around his waist, from inside the house came the waft of a most unusual smell. Good food. "I made us a beef and ale pie with potatoes and vegetables and home made bread. Are you hungry?" She moved so that she was beside him and she rested her head on his shoulder. Perhaps she'd been reading his mind, or maybe hers was working in the same way, but she spoke very seriously. "It begins here, Xander. In this strange place, we can do real good. No games of nobility or restrictions on behaviour. Together, there's nothing we can't achieve." She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "But you'll achieve more with good food in your stomach. Come on."

word count: 646
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Xander Andaris
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The Shieldbearer flinched at her initial touch, resisting the urge that came at first to reach for his sword on his hip. He hadn't really noticed that the sounds of pots and pans had ceased but once she roused him from his contemplation it was clear but it had been replaced by a most appealing scent. Some food that wasn't blackened and that felt warm against his nostrils, it was a glorious smell in truth, home cooked food. She described what she had made and he nodded as she moved along side him. "It smells lovely, I am hungry for my first home cooked meal, definitely." He placed his arm around her shoulders and squeezed her against him a little.

"Things will never be the same, not for us or the rest of Idalos." He nodded and looked down at her with a smile, he was over his self pity, it was not worth the pain. Still he felt the anger though, the rage for the webspinner's bubbled away slowly in the depths of his heart. For now though all was calm and he was focused on establishing the next stage before something came and pulled the rug from under them. "Let's eat." He agreed and followed his wife inside.

The place was fully decorated now and most certainly ready to be inhabited by the young and reunited family. The kitchen was warm and steamy but the food sat ready on the table for them and Xander took a seat at the head of the table. A tradition he supposed in most households, for a moment he thought against it but in truth his position meant little here. The head of the table had no implications within his family house, this was not politics any more.

He looked at Ala'ni and smiled warmly, reaching a hand across the table and taking the girls. "At least they made her a better cook hmm?" Xander declared playfully and winked at the little girl. Ala'ni sniggered in response and glared at the large pot in the centre of the table, the wolf was certain she was moments away from drooling. He was happy and this was home.
word count: 370
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