Rynata's Plotnotes

The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.

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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Rynata's Plotnotes

Thread Wish List

As of Ymiden 718
  • Ashan's Blessing
Feel free to PM if you would like to plan!
Last edited by Rynata on Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:43 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 20
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Race: Biqaj
Profession: Merchant
Renown: 210
Character Sheet
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Rynata's Plotnotes

Travel Records

  • Scalvoris (Cylus 718~
    -Scalvoris Town
(Map of Scalvoris)
(Map of Sweetwine Woods)
(Treasure Map)
Last edited by Rynata on Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 20
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Approved Character
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Race: Biqaj
Profession: Merchant
Renown: 210
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Rynata's Plotnotes


Fluent: Common
Broken: Rakahi, Common Sign, and Scalveen

Starting - Common (Fluent) Rakahi (Broken)
Scalvoris Cycle Loyalty - Scalveen (Broken)
Novice Linguistics - Common Sign (Broken), xxx (Broken)
Last edited by Rynata on Sat Sep 01, 2018 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 26
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Approved Character
Posts: 361
Joined: Thu Feb 22, 2018 6:28 pm
Race: Biqaj
Profession: Merchant
Renown: 210
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Rynata's Plotnotes

Other Notes

1. Everyone in Gunvorton is really friendly and welcoming. However, this progresses and throughout Ymiden, it becomes more and more obvious that everyone in Gunvorton knows each others' business and expects to know yours. There's a thin line between good neighbour and interfering busybody - a number of folks here tread that line.
2. Shania is absolutely in control of the place. She says it, it happens. She mentions that she'd like it to happen, it happens. She considers that it might not be a good idea to do it? Oh, it doesn't happen. Yet she is always polite, friendly and not in the busybody category at all.
3. If Rynata is still here by the time Saun comes, she might be starting to think that, here and there, there might be some dodgy dealings going on. Just a very vague uneasy feeling - nothing concrete at all and it isn't based around Shania. Other than that, go for broke.
If you decide to explore any / all of these any further, drop me a pm and we can discuss. Failing that, just feel free to include them in your threads.
word count: 195
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