Lost in the Woods

91st of Ashan 718

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Lost in the Woods


Alistair did not understand. None of it - literally none of it - made any sense. Jonathan asked him to think, and listen, and seek understanding... but the more he did that, the more holes appeared. In fact, he was convinced that not thinking was the solution here. If he simply ignored Hob's words in the beginning, and did not take from them their implications, he and Jon would have gotten off swimmingly. But he had to think... because he wasn't mindless. He wasn't only Jon's lover, but indeed, his mentor. And that meant knowing when he was wrong. Utterly, epically, wholly wrong.

This... was one such situation. The more Jon rationalized it, the more he understood how wrong he was. If he knew that Harvesters held the lowest possible standards, and that they thrived outside of the confines of peace, then why would he accept Hob? If to be with Jonathan he needed to simply let a Nightmare threaten him with the worse violence imaginable, and watch his partner defend that same Nightmare afterwards... he knew that he was not wrong. Alistair did understand. And that was why he lectured, and yelled. He had tried to live with this, but it had bitten him.

Now? He could only frown, and shake his head, and sigh. What was there to say?

Again, Jonathan tried to leave. Again, Alistair would stop him, though not immediately, as the spirit continued to mock his own voice with... foolishness. He didn't want to kill Alistair? He did not have the choice. Alistair was the Archmage for a reason - he stood above all others, all of his kind. No Harvester could simply flay him - the punishment of death would be swift, total and severe. Of course, he continued to be a fool... all of his arguments fake, and plastic. Alistair ignored all that he said. All of it was hollow.

"You are of the worst species in existence. You are a liar, a murderer, whose only purpose is to accrue power at the expense of living souls and their promise of eternity. Jonathan made his choice - between Aberration and I, he chose me. Why do you think I gave him that ultimatum? So that I would have to make no pact with a monster such as you." He shook his head, turning to the creature. He was... such a joke. So weak and insignificant. His only strength was his transient form. Alistair would simply find a way to destroy him regardless.

"I will deal with the consequences. But as a benefit of those consequences, I no longer have to deal with you. Jonathan will remain by my side, night and day. He will have no chance to speak to you. You will have no chance to manifest. When he hungers for ether, rather than indulging in your "bond", I will simply provide him medicine. You will fade out, and disappear, and grow bored. There will never be peace between us, demon. I will never compromise my ethics in such a way. How many of my people have you flayed? How many more would you, if you could?" he shook his head.

Hob had one chance to change his impression, and he failed it. Alistair's beliefs were now set - no Harvester had showed him otherwise, and he was certain this conniving insect would not, either.

"He needs my guidance. Unlike you, I will not feed into his dark indulgences and call it compassion. You say I have compromised his trust? No. I have proven that regardless of how he may recoil, I will always put him first, and do the right thing. Aberration is pure evil, and you are its manifestation. You are anathema to me. And... if I can impart upon him my small wisdoms, you will be to him, too. Now, be gone."

The mage blinked through the forest, ripping through space in small, thunderous motions before finding the other magister, and tackling him to the floor, pinning him. This was the end of this madness - it was time for him to lay down his feet.

"Jon," he called to him, forcing their gazes to meet. "We are not going home to Kaelserad. For the rest of Ashan... you and I will remain together, building Acadia. I won't neglect you. I won't leave your side. But you have to give me a chance. Stop it with Hob. Listen yourself. If you trust me, you will give me a chance: to be enough so that you will never need to turn to Aberration again. Give me that chance. Please."
word count: 770
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Jonathan Burr
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Lost in the Woods

Hob laughed. 'You poor fool creature. The moment you kill me, you make me a martyr, just like you did Daeva.'he said, and vanished. He had nothing else to say to Alistair. He'd offered him peace. The chance to reconcile with Jonathan together. Perhaps even become another strange triptych. Alistair's hatred of him would drive Jon further and further to his side. Hob could now safely and truly say he had offered peace and Alistair had promised him only violence. He watched passively as Alistair tackled Jon. Not a chance to speak to him? They could always speak to one another. Jon could never get away from the voice in his head.

The Transmuter did not appreciate being tackled. He scrambled onto his back and looked at Alistair. He was tempted. Sorely tempted. The soil beneath him could be a powerful tool. If he wanted to, he could strike Alistair in the ribs or gut with it. Fling him aside and get up to escape, back to Kaelserad and his room. 'Lay low. He can, and will, kill you. Remember, he views you as a mad thing. He might decide to put you down, no matter how much he claims to love you.'

Jon put his hands on Alistair's chest. He hated that the other man could just...tackle him and pin him like this. "I am tired, Alistair." he said, his voice heavy. He pushed at the other mage. "Please. I just want to rest. Whether it be here or Kaelserad I don't care anymore. I am sick of you two fighting. I am tired of the threatening, the posturing. I just want peace. I want to be happy again." He settled back on the soil. His hand spread out in the dirt, and he spread his legs slightly. He sank in to the soil ever so slightly as what he immersed in ether and destroyed was brought together as a whole. Clusters of rocks and soil bound together by his ether slowly stretched between them. The rocks branched out into fingers, and Jon slowly, carefully eased Alistair off of him. He didn't want to hurt him, but the rocky hand on Alistair's torso and collarbone was firm. Gentle, but firm. Jon crawled out from underneath him to sit up properly, and the strange hand collapsed to the soil.

"I'll give you a chance." he said softly. He stood up, brushing dirt off of himself. "At least you can probably light a fire better than I can. There are some things Transmutation can't touch." He rubbed his arms. He was cold. He wanted a decent bath and some food. "And...don't destroy the sculptures. I spent a lot of time on them." he added over his shoulder.
word count: 468
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Doran Cooney
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Lost in the Woods

Doctor Alistair var Radomir, once Lord Venora of Oxentide, The Shrike, The Sunless, The Dreamer, Deoch Daire, Archmage, and Lord Proctor
Transmutation: Using brilliance to shine light on tracks
Transmutation: Beaming forward with Brilliance like a flashlight
Transmutation: Sculpting appears to cost no ether
Transmutation: Sculpting
Transmutation: Sculpting can be used like a scalpel
Negotiation: Refusing a deal with an untrustworthy individual
Negotiation: Viewing terms objectively
Detection: Hearing sounds against water
Detection: Noticing someone's traces
Detection: Pin-pointing the location of someone fleeing
Detection: Using perception to lock someone down

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: N/A

Points 15 - these can be used from Transmutation
Jonathan Burr
Discipline: Trying to maintain sobriety
Discipline: Trying to maintain peace
Aberration: The bond buries deeper.
Medicine: Addiction returns in times of stress.
Medicine: Addicts are forever.

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: N/A

Points 15
Oh baby. Like on one hand, Jonathan is totally right: Alistair really doesn't know how to love anyone and just wants to control people, though he doesn't seem to realize it. Then also, Jonathan is completely grasping at straws by asking Alistair to understand Hob haha, like an Emea nightmare horror who literally destroys souls is definitely not a complicated thing: it's just bad news period. I think it's pretty interesting how much Jon thinks he's in the right letting himself be manipulated by this creature that only cares about his ether, and I think it speaks pretty well to aberration as whole. He's going crazy, pushing the people who would be good for him away, and the whole time feeling like he's justified and just misunderstood. Ali, on the other hand, I'm surprised didn't just straight up kill Hob haha. Hob ran his mouth like a dummy, so he's screwed himself in the long run, whether because Jonathan gets rid of him, Alistair kills him, or Ali and Jon have a falling out and have to fight - in which case I guess Hob might win but then Ali is dead and Jon is a hot mess so. It's definitely a garbage fire of possibilities haha I love it. Also Jon should have flayed Doran, or at least tried to hit him. What a coward. loljk
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[center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=39&image_id=7932[/img]Doran Cooney[/center]
word count: 409
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