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Shoutout to Pegasus for brightening my morning by including "Broadsword" by Jethro Tull in one of her mod posts. I absolutely love Jethro Tull, and it now has me on a creativity kick.

Good looking out, horselady.
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I talk too much.

It's been a persistent and ongoing factor in my writing (and my life). I'm wordy. My English teacher once wrote on an essay "You have something of a tendency to call a spade an earth indenting horticultural implement. Aim for a concise tone."

Everyone's a critic, eh?

This post was, originally, a lot longer. It had lists. Reasons. Names. But you know - to every single member of this community, I'm just going to give a shout out and thank you. For kind words in Discord, PMs shared between friends, for movie nights and voice chats going on and for enthusiasm, fun and for every single post, idea and word. Thank you.

For players - thank you for the fabulous stories, the peer reviewing, the IC and the OOC and the great atmosphere in chat. For staff, thank you for the positivity, the determination and the absolute focus on just doing our best, being our best and continuing to build.

Wordy? Me? Naaah.
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Wow You Guys!

Tonight (my time) we did a "PSF Workshop" and I have to just give a massive, massive shoutout to all the staff who were there - and especially to those who stepped up and took psf tickets - the energy and commitment you guys showed, it's made a massive difference. The PSF is significantly reduced in the number of tickets waiting, and I have to simply give a loud and heartfelt THANK YOU!!

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Re: Kudos Thread

Credit where it's due

So, I could easily just message the people I'm going to credit for this. But I think it's important for this to be put out there so that they, and everyone else, can see it :D

First of all, Aegis. Our friendship normally consists of insulting each other, having fake digs at one another and generally being annoying to one another. But, as both a friend and a mod, I'm beyond glad to hang out with you. You're a fun and friendly guy and an incredible member of staff, and in the things we've worked on I've always enjoyed them. You work hard, you're determined and you're a huge benefit to the team. So thanks for being an awesome member of staff, and more thanks for being an awesome friend :D

And the second person is Oracle. It was only recently I joined the Rharne team, and as such myself and Oracle have talked a fair bit more to work out some plots, and I can honestly say that what she has done for Rharne is phenomenal. every bit of it is done with amazing plotting, with the players in mind and the city is made with a lot of care. As if that wasn't awesome enough, she's been nothing but helpful and supportive when it comes to both city modding, or any other stuff that might be going on. Overall, she's one of the sweetest, nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of working with and I am so incredibly grateful to work with her on everything.

Another two to go, starting with Chronicle, my other fellow Rharne mod. As well as being a genuinely awesome guy that I love talking to and plotting with, making things for Rharne has been incredible and we have such good Synergy with our ideas. I've never had an unpleasant talk with you and I'm really glad to be working with you, and look forward to continuing to work with you for as long as we can. Thanks a ton for it, and I look forward to doing some crazy Rey'na/Pat plots some time too!

And finally, Velaine/Lynessa. This is less of an on-site Kudos, though the threads we write are amazing fun and I'm grateful for them, as well as fun plots. But primarily, I'm adding this because you're a genuinely kind person. After planning one dream thread we started talking a lot and now you're a very good friend of mine, and I'm really grateful for it. So thank you a lot, and I mean a lot because you are a total hero. Be it general talking or helping me deal with RL issues and stress, you help me out with a lot, and I appreciate it beyond words. So, thank you! (Also I'm still going to torture Lyn. It's not changing because I said a nice post. Sorry not sorry.)

That's all! Much love guys <3

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Re: Kudos Thread

Kudos to you guys of Standing Trials or the nice reception I was given upon my return to the website this month.
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Re: Kudos Thread

It's been raining amazing new content over this website this week. The new additions to the magic system are fantastic. First Graft, then also Hone ! There's also The Beneath! Even more ... new and more flexible rules for the PC creation.

You guys are outstanding.

Kudos, kudos, kudos and more kudos to you all!
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So, this is my 6,000th post as Peg. I wanted to make sure that I did a post which was important and meaningful for a post like this. And what is more meaningful than a thank you.

So, here's a shout out to everyone, player or staff, who has worked to make this site one I love so much that I've got 6,000 posts worth of warbling to do. Every story that inspires, every starter quest that makes me chuckle, each flora and fauna, and every PSF ticket. Every time we post here, every line we send in chat - those are pebbles thrown in a pond, sending out ripples. So thank you, to each person, who is sending out positive ripples. You are all, each of you, appreciated. Enjoy the holiday season if you celebrate, and thank you for everything


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Re: Kudos Thread

Oh boy.

It's been a long time since I got involved in any of the out of character drama that is happening, or has happened. For those that don't know, I was formerly a Team Lead (Munchkin) of the Advocate team, a team of staff at the time dedicated to managing, maintaining and otherwise controlling OOC situations. This included, and most prominently featured, drama. Arguments, potential staff abuse and any reports that came in became a problem for us. I am also the son of Pegasus, Owner of the Site. Though, let it be known now that my acceptance to staff, my promotion to Team Lead and all other variables of me being staff - Peg kept out of them. If I recall, the only consistent party in my acceptance was Basilisk, who became a good friend of mine as I became staff and after we did a long modded thread in which 9 posts or so got done in a single night.

Now, that team was destined to fail in my opinion, and I was one of the supporters of removing it. A group of people (at times, a duo, not even a group) dedicated to handling dramatic situations could get out of hand, and when the Team Lead of the Advocates called Rumour had to leave a long time back, it was incredibly difficult. She was, as anyone who knew her would argue, the best of the best at her job. Firm but fair, supporting but anything but a pushover. Not having her around was tough, unbelievably so.

Now that the Advocate team is gone, I want to bring this thread back and give Kudos to all of staff who handle situations like the ones that our team initially had to handle. When that vote was discussed, everyone was pretty much in agreement that it was gonna be tough at times - and you guys do well with it overall. We're humans, slip ups happen, but as a site collectively I adore the staff team here and have been treated kindly by a lot of them. Yet I know some people on the site feel (or mostly felt, as they are gone) that way.

So let me make a little statement where possible, and explain why I am posting this here.

There are very very few situations on site that I have seen and disagreed with, drama wise. Whether it be a player has used the succession packages, lost their PC and then tried to abuse the staff into giving it back to them (for months, may I add) until they were banned, an ex-staff attempting to claim that work they posted on a Public Domain is copyrighted by them and they have full rights to it so we should take it down or be sued or players abusing mechanics, breaking rules and acting surprised when they are warned for the fifth time - these situations have much more behind the scenes than many people see. If drama like that is brought up, please do the staff the courtesy of asking politely and waiting for them to form a response, or only acting off of full evidence.

With light of a situation I have seen recently, for those of you that are incapable of googling what a Public Domain is yourself and have decided to cause a scene, I did it for you! Image below:


"the state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole, especially through not being subject to copyright or other legal restrictions." - take notes. You know who you are.

And here is where my Kudos comes in (apologies for the long introduction).

Obviously, I give full Kudos to the staff team, especially those who know exactly which situations I am talking about and have put up with them for months - if not years. You do amazing amounts of work for our site, give us stories that are mindblowingly fun and overall make this site a pleasant and loving place to be.

But my main Kudos is to all of the committed, hard working and talented writers on Standing Trials - staff or not. Anyone I have done threads with has been an absolute gem, especially in the past year or so. You're all incredible writers and I love reading what goes on here. Thank you for all the time you put in to helping this community and thank you for every minute you've spent writing with me. You're all awesome, and I'm sorry that the drama of others has to bring some of you down or damage the work you have done here. I hope people like that realise sooner than later that all they are doing is hurting others, and stop doing it.

So, please make sure this channel gets some use. I know a lot of people that deserve Kudos. Let's give it to them.
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Re: Kudos Thread

So many thanks
So -on the 1st February 2019, I put in a PSF ticket putting forward a plot in reaction to a story written by another pc. When Qit'ria died, murdered by undead sent by the necromancer Ellasin on Faith and Pad's house - so began a plot that has taken a year (all bar three weeks). And it has just about finished. So, it's time to give some thanks, here. If I forget anyone, then I apologise for that - and assure you it's the fault of my memory, nothing more.

Those who saw it all the way through.....
Pig Boy You picked this up, after Aegis left, and you really made it a wonderful experience. You did something which must have been really difficult as a mod, in that you took a complicated plot with some very well established PCs and NPCs. What you did was amazing, and I'm incredibly grateful to you.

Padraig oh my gosh - you poor, poor fella. So many years writing together (not admitting how many!) and so many stories. This one has been a doozy, for sure. There are a thousand thank you's I could direct towards you - but this one will have to do!

Vivian & Kura: One of my first writing pals on the site - and Faith's firm friend Kura. I really enjoyed writing with Vivian throughout this event. Thank you so much for the plans and plots and great fun. Thank you.

Varlum: I think for me the highlight of this whole plot, OOC, is the moment you found a size comparison of Faith and Varlum. IC, it was Varlum standing up to Vri.

Nir'wei: Oh, you know - the things we've seen and done with these PCs. Thank you so much for the IC and OOC imagination, ideas, encouragement and support!

Maxine: Your writing throughout this event has been consistently amazing - I'm in awe of your writing talent. While our pcs may well never get on, I've loved your input into this event. Thank you!

And, of course to those who weren't in that endgame but who contributed so much to the event: Aegis, Gennadia, Ricky, Patrick, and Sephira. Thank you all.

Massive, massive thanks to all.
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I just wanted to say thanks to the staff for all that you do for the site. I cannot thank you enough for all that you do.

Really, thank you.
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