1st Ymiden, 718
Celeste Andaris was afraid.
Afraid of what that woman would take over her mind once again. Afraid of becoming her, of being her. Afraid of every memory she had which hurt her so much and, in doing so, hurt Xander too. However, there were some things which were fundamental. "I love you, Xander. More than I have words to tell you, but I am not living in an Inn any more. We are buying, or renting a house." She looked at him and smiled slightly. "I may have had all my standards suppressed for the past two seasons, but I am afraid that I am not prepared to maintain. Besides," she said, and meant it. "You need space. Space to practice, to train, to read and to be away from me. Us"
It would be reasonable to assume, of course, that she meant space to be away from her and the babies, but she did not. She meant space away from her and the interloper who lived in her head. Tessa Anders, the whore and weak willed, broken little tramp who Celeste hated. Tessa looked at him, and shrugged, changing in a blink as she did every time. There was no warning, nothing, just one trill she was one and the next, she was another.
"Both of us, she means," Tessa said and she looked down at Zana with a smile. "These two, you don't wanna be away from them. Jus' us. It's all we've got in common you know. Lovin' you an' these babies. Memories, too, some of them. What Master Peake did to us, that kind of thing. I don't remember that Rafael Warrick boy, though, an' yet I know him 'cos she does." Tessa looked down at the babies and her face twisted in pain. "I'm scared, you know. I'm really scared. I'm not real. My memories, they're not real, an' I'm just a made up part of her. So, you need to get rid of me so you can live yer lives. I know that." Get rid of her, it seemed so strange. Yet, there was a simple, unavoidable fact as far as Tessa was concerned.
"At least if I was gonna die, there'd be the unknown. I don't have that. I just have to cease. To stop bein'. Never to have been real." She sighed deeply and looked down at the children. "But if I'm not real then why am I so scared of leavin' my babies?"
Shaking her head, Celeste stood up and moved over to the window. Tessa spoke about her emotions, her feelings. Celeste did not. She did not speak of her shame, though it weighed on her constantly. For no apparent reason a deep blush often stained her cheeks and she was skittish and unsure of many, many things- yet she did her best not to show it. She sought Xander's proximity, but she could do no more than hold his hand or be held in his arms and, whichever one of them fell asleep, it was inevitably Celeste who woke at night, bathed in sweat and tears, fearful and begging.
"It seems," Celeste said, softly, "that Mr James might be our next lead. We should investigate, don't you think? We have to remember that they brought me here to bring you here and Benji was there when they... when she... when I was taken. That was why he hated me, he was working for her. I.. " she what? "If we get somewhere to live, I think we should live in separate rooms. Sleep in them, I mean. I just wake you up at night." There was more to what she was saying, what she was feeling, but Celeste left it there for the moment. Except, of course, to say, "I mean when we get somewhere to live. When, Xander Krome."
Afraid of what that woman would take over her mind once again. Afraid of becoming her, of being her. Afraid of every memory she had which hurt her so much and, in doing so, hurt Xander too. However, there were some things which were fundamental. "I love you, Xander. More than I have words to tell you, but I am not living in an Inn any more. We are buying, or renting a house." She looked at him and smiled slightly. "I may have had all my standards suppressed for the past two seasons, but I am afraid that I am not prepared to maintain. Besides," she said, and meant it. "You need space. Space to practice, to train, to read and to be away from me. Us"
It would be reasonable to assume, of course, that she meant space to be away from her and the babies, but she did not. She meant space away from her and the interloper who lived in her head. Tessa Anders, the whore and weak willed, broken little tramp who Celeste hated. Tessa looked at him, and shrugged, changing in a blink as she did every time. There was no warning, nothing, just one trill she was one and the next, she was another.
"Both of us, she means," Tessa said and she looked down at Zana with a smile. "These two, you don't wanna be away from them. Jus' us. It's all we've got in common you know. Lovin' you an' these babies. Memories, too, some of them. What Master Peake did to us, that kind of thing. I don't remember that Rafael Warrick boy, though, an' yet I know him 'cos she does." Tessa looked down at the babies and her face twisted in pain. "I'm scared, you know. I'm really scared. I'm not real. My memories, they're not real, an' I'm just a made up part of her. So, you need to get rid of me so you can live yer lives. I know that." Get rid of her, it seemed so strange. Yet, there was a simple, unavoidable fact as far as Tessa was concerned.
"At least if I was gonna die, there'd be the unknown. I don't have that. I just have to cease. To stop bein'. Never to have been real." She sighed deeply and looked down at the children. "But if I'm not real then why am I so scared of leavin' my babies?"
Shaking her head, Celeste stood up and moved over to the window. Tessa spoke about her emotions, her feelings. Celeste did not. She did not speak of her shame, though it weighed on her constantly. For no apparent reason a deep blush often stained her cheeks and she was skittish and unsure of many, many things- yet she did her best not to show it. She sought Xander's proximity, but she could do no more than hold his hand or be held in his arms and, whichever one of them fell asleep, it was inevitably Celeste who woke at night, bathed in sweat and tears, fearful and begging.
"It seems," Celeste said, softly, "that Mr James might be our next lead. We should investigate, don't you think? We have to remember that they brought me here to bring you here and Benji was there when they... when she... when I was taken. That was why he hated me, he was working for her. I.. " she what? "If we get somewhere to live, I think we should live in separate rooms. Sleep in them, I mean. I just wake you up at night." There was more to what she was saying, what she was feeling, but Celeste left it there for the moment. Except, of course, to say, "I mean when we get somewhere to live. When, Xander Krome."