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Kohan Wulfbjorn
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Um, hi. I'm Kohan.
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Hi Kohan! Welcome to ST and I hope you have a long and happy stay here! Feel free to ask any questions here or pop into our Discord!
word count: 28
Life, Death and the In-Between .
Kohan Wulfbjorn
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I'm having a hard time figuring out the time scaling. What Trial of Ashan is it? Or we don't keep track of the days? My character is 27 and I want him to have been born in Vhalar. What year would that be? 691?
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Oh! We've JUST moved into Ymiden. We've actually just moved into the "Hot Cycle" which is both Ymiden and Saun in terms of the IC calendar and we will be able to write in those seasons for June - September IRL.

The Timekeeping wiki page might be helpful to you here! The whole of those two seasons are open - we do track what our pcs are doing on specific days (trials) but we can write in all / any trial of the Hot Cycle for these four months.

And to be 27 now, yes, he'd have been born in 691 - then in Vhalar, he'll be 28.
word count: 108
Life, Death and the In-Between .
Kohan Wulfbjorn
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You Only Say Hello Once

I think I get it now! Thank you!
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