• Memory • Seaspeak

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Charlotte Vale
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24 Zi'da 717
She could see her breath in the air as she gripped the large wooden box, blood surging through her small arms as she lifted with all the strength in her back. The box barely budged, filled to its brim with salt and spices as it was. Groaning, she tried again, exerting more effort, but Charlotte could not lift the heavy crate. The man behind her, Killion, clucked at her and strode past her, gripping the box with arms tanned by the suns and muscles forged by the hoisting of sails. The Biqaj strained against the weight, but carried the large container for her. Charlotte grimaced, where once a sheepish smile may have sat on her face.

"Des'penya, little one," Killion said, using the Rakahi pidgin he'd picked up in his youth. Charlotte didn't say anything in return, but screwed up her nose to indicate that she didn't understand. She spoke very little Rakahi, and even less of the bastard language the layabouts had created for themselves. Killion stopped and laughed, causing Charlotte to bristle.

"It means don't worry. If ye's gonna sail wit' us, ye may wan' ta learn a bit o' our language," he said, winking at her. She huffed and sat on the edge of the crate, watching as he loaded the rest of the cargo. Her blue eyes trailed the man, and were he not as smart as he was, he would have been sure she was lusting after him. Instead, though, he had seen the hilts of her daggers poking from her garb, well hidden but for when she struggled to lift the crate. He didn't see in her pack, nor did he know of the strange crystalline object in it. But he understood that she was not an innocent little princess, or a noble heiress grown bored of her ball gowns.

"You may be right, Killion," she murmured, voice as cold as the steel sheathed on her lower back. The two had met three trials earlier, as the Biqaj's merchant schooner planned to set sail to Viden for a trade mission. Killion, the captain of Chrien's Bane, had accepted her plea to take her with them to the frozen city. She had offered him gold, and he had accepted, though at a much lower rate than she had anticipated. The merchant seemed to take to her instantly, and she could never know why. She had no idea it had to do with the black band circling her left wrist.

"Will you teach me?" She asked him, giving him cause to pause. He turned and smiled, nodding.

"Soon's we set off an' I'm not needed, toralat," he said, repeating the pidgin word in Common for her, 'darling'. He set back to loading the rest of the cargo, and she sat back, sure that her small stature would be more a detriment than a boon. As she did so, another Biqaj family joined them. A woman, her husband and their two children, a boy of six and a girl of 2. Smiling at her, they all passed jovially, exchanging Rakahi greetings which she returned automatically.

Her eyes followed the woman, though, whose hair was damp. It was possible she had just come from bathing, but the freezing air would cause her to catch a cold. The hairs on Charlotte's arms stood up, and she watched as the family disappeared around a stack of cargo. Her left hand twitched, and a faint chiming came from her bag, but she didn't dare to open it. The wind blew ever so slightly, and Charlotte grimaced.

This was going to be a long trip.

When Killion had finished, the schooner and the crew set sail. It was then that Charlotte approached him.

"Captain? You promised me lessons," she said, peeking into his cabin. He wore flared satin pants, bright white, and no shirt to reveal many tattoos and scars. One of them, across his abdomen, looked as if it had been a wound to disembowel, but instead now was healed over and blood red, but clearly older. Killion smiled and nodded, inviting her in. In front of him sat a board game, tielma in the Biqaj's native tongue. It was similar to a game she'd seen in Warrick, but the pieces were foreign.

"That I did, toralat," he smiled. She remembered, and he nodded. "First, though, ye gotta know how ta look fer stuff in the language 'fore ye can learn it. Or have any hopes of ever learnin' more'n I'll teach ye," he chuckled. He kicked back, laying a tanned and tattooed hand across the red scar on his stomach. "Zyqat" was tattooed above the scar, drawing her eyes. Killion followed her gaze and laughed, causing the skin to flex and contract.

"'nither story fer a'nither time, love," he said, smiling. "Fer now, words," he said, and he began to instruct her.
word count: 833
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Charlotte Vale
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24 Zi'da 717
"Firs' thin' ta notice about a language is how its sentences go," Killion said, speaking a rapid flurry of Rakahi. Charlotte caught a few words here and there, but just shrugged when he stopped and looked at her expectantly. He chuckled and repeated it in Common.

"I said, 'ye never know the truth till yer starin' at the consequence'," Killion murmured, "But in Rakahi, ye put the subject aft' the action. So in truth, I said 'until yer starin' at the consequence, ye never know th' truth'," Killion explained. "In Rakahi, sentences're set up like that. Dunno why, just always was. Makes us feel like we's sea-seers, like the old tales," he said, laughing at himself. The Biqaj believed that their origins may have been rooted in seafaring fortune-tellers who could read the waves.

"A parlour trick dictates your language?" Charlotte asked, and the amusement in Killion's eyes shone. He nodded vigorously, shaking the suns-bleached blond locks free of their binding.

"Qes, somethin' like that," he agreed, shrugging. The grin never left his face. "But it's how it is, so I use it," he said, saying another thing in Rakahi. The annoyance in Charlotte's face must have been immediately noticeable.

"A'right, so ye go' that. Now let's practice some words. I've gotta see ta th' crew, so whiles I'm gone, ye practice rememberin' an' pronouncin' these words," Killion instructed, standing. He scratched the raised scar on his stomach as he repeated and wrote down a few words in Rakahi, and their meaning. As he left the room, Charlotte checked to ensure he was gone, then began to practice the words.

The syllables were stronger and more lilting than Common, as if the Biqaj were singing their sentences, and furiously. Perhaps they were. They were children of U'frek, the Wild Sea, and it was possible they would scream their sentences over an ocean far too mad for them to traverse. And perhaps the Sealord would hear them, since they had flourished. She repeated a particularly tough word, struggling to curl her tongue to roll the "R" sound. Frustrated, she spat, but nothing came out.

"Fucking Fates," she muttered, trying the word again. It was a strange one, and she didn't know it, but in Rakahi, it meant 'impossible'. She wouldn't have appreciated the irony, but Killion certainly did. He was on another part of the ship, chuckling to himself as he imagined her struggling to use the word. The Biqaj used it very seldomly, as they didn't like to admit that things were impossible.

When he returned twenty bits later, she was seated cross-legged on the floor of his cabin, eyes closed and in deep thought. She mouthed the words, but no sounds were coming out. Instead, she just practiced the shape of her mouth. When Killion entered, blue eyes snapped open and she stared at him. Without blinking, she repeated each word, slowly and deliberately. Perfectly.

"Well done, child," he grinned, and she just stared.

"Vocabulary? Why?" She asked, still staring.

"Ye've never struggled ta find the righ' word in a sentence? Ye must be Yvithia herself, then," he chuckled, popping a grape into his mouth. "Ye study lexicons fer the boon o' havin' the words, should ye need 'em. Hate ta find yerself talkin' to a cap'n on a ship an' ye say 'arsehole' instead of 'cap'n', " he laughed, chewing slowly as he watched her face. She scrunched up her nose.

"Perhaps the captain should learn Common," she demanded, and Killion shrugged.

"Prolly know it, t'be honest wit' ye," he said, face serious, "But yer on his ship. Ye should learn his language, an' if ye know it already? Yer better off," Killion grinned deviously. "Last t' walk the plank, I'd wager, toralat," he smiled. She just glared.

"Okay, fine, so I learn Rakahi. If death comes, why give in to him beforehand?" She was a stubborn one, and too cynical for one her age.

"Yer a ball o' sunshine, Vale," he mentioned, calling her the only name he gave her. He seemed to know her, though, and it was as if she needn't have given him a name at all. "Because, not everythin' is life or death," he said.

If only he knew.

Nodding, though, Charlotte accepted the wisdom for what it was.

"Now that ye've got the words, listen ta me carefully. In Rakahi, some words have multiple meanins', and dependin' on the tone an' context, the meanin' can change. 'Dead' an' 'playin' dead' sound the same, but it just depends on the context," he explained, and she nodded. Common slang was similar, in that words she thought meant one thing took on another based on their usage. It was an evolution of language, Killion explained, but she didn't care. She only cared to learn how to use it.

"A'right, s'enough fer th' trial. Go smell some sea air, it'll do ye well," Killion commanded, and she stood silently. "We will learn more tomorrow," he said. She turned and strode from the room, still silent. The captain mused at her back. Bright girl, but something was off.

She knew it was because she was going to kill one of his passengers. He didn't.
word count: 899
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Charlotte Vale
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24 Zi'da 717
She was right there, a few feet away, just smiling out at the sea while her children amused themselves with some sort of make believe in front of her. Her husband, he was off helping to sail the vessel, but the woman and her children were free to roam, passengers in much the same as Charlotte was. Killion wouldn't tell her what he charged them for their passage, but they did not look wealthy enough to pay anything substantial. Instead, the woman, whose hair hung in damp strands, was being transported from the kingdom for some other reason.

Charlotte could guess why.

The children, Jorjorian and Elzy, giggled and rolled on the deck of the ship. Their mother, He'lena, chided them in Rakahi, only a few words of which she understood. Mainly 'trouble' and 'punish'. Seated behind the family, they had no idea that she was listening. The woman spoke aloud, mostly to herself, of leaving their home and starting a new life somewhere far from the brutality of Rynmere. She promised them a better life, a better chance to grow up and be normal away from the killings and burnings of mages. Again, Charlotte understood very little of her statements to her children and the wind.

But she understood "Mage".

Clenching her fists, her left hand twitched towards the daggers seated at her back. She could free one and stab the woman in the neck without giving the mage time to react, but there were too many witnesses. The crew would see her, and would see her returned to port and hanged for her murder. Even if it was justified, she doubted she could convince Killion of that. And that was assuming the ship's crew didn't demand justice before docking. She couldn't risk it, not here.

She knew the woman was going to Viden, and so too was Charlotte. There was time.

"Vale?" Killion's voice startled her from her reverie, and when she looked up, he was standing above her. Dressed in silken gold billowing pants this trial, and with a white-and-gold headband holding back blonde hair, he looked like a god ringed in a corona of sunslight.

"Join me in my cabin? We can continue your studies over salt fish and boiled eggs," he offered, and she agreed. She was loathe to leave the woman alone, but she didn't trust her discipline to hold the more she listened to the woman's soliloquy. Standing stiffly, she followed Killion, who seemed to understand her thoughts. She thought it strange, but didn't question him. Not yet.

"Pyotr makes the greatest boiled eggs on U'frek's seas," he said when they sat. He offered one to Charlotte, who accepted. She realized she hadn't eaten in trials, and she devoured the egg before she had time to truly enjoy it. Still, there was strange flavour to it, like dill or something. Smiling, Killion offered a second. This one lasted a trill or two longer.

"Yeah, s'been said he stole the knowledge from Cassion 'imself, though I doubt it," Killion explained, leaning back as he popped a piece of salted cod into his mouth and chewed. "Old Dust'd likely jus' share the recipe," he mused, laughing. The red scar seemed to flex with the motion. It was the most delicious egg she'd ever tried.

"Well, then, where were we? Ah, yeah, okay," Killion remembered, scratching his locks. "Met a professor in Rynmere an arc or two ago, maybe ye know 'im?" Killion asked. Charlotte shrugged.

"Professor de Bougervile, he was, an' he taught languages an' such. Told me that languages differ because thoughts an' cultures change, an' that stuck wit' me," Killion admitted, looking at her candidly. She took another bite of the divine egg.

"Rakahi, an' it's trade-form, developed because the Biqaj themselves was changin'," he said, "an' wit' it, our identity. An' so the language changed, not in a trial or two, but a generation. Two, maybe. An' alluva sudden, ye had the strange Rakahi that is close enough to Common to share roots, but not so much that they's th' same," Killion explained. He took another bite of the fish, smacking his lips to taste the salt.

"So Common and Rakahi actually share roots?" Charlotte asked, and Killion nodded.

"Qes. Ev'n though they might not've in the beginnin', they do now. Make sense?" He asked, ensuring she was keeping up. She nodded and he smiled. "Vrelore," he said, and then translated the word to her. It was going to be an interesting trip, at this rate.

For both of them.
word count: 783
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Claimed from Han because his laptop broke from porn overload


Thank you for volunteering for the Defier Overpopulation Oppression Movement. Althought Defiers impact the livelihood and relevance of other PCs, it is difficult to manage them because they are considered a charismatic and iconic species of mage in the indigenous regions of, uh, everywhere. Each Defier can bear up to 6 live young through its sorry life. Thank you for thinking of the children.

Stab them too. Just in case.


XP: 10/10


Stunned by shirtless guy
Loot: Shirtless guy memories
Fame: 5


Intelligence: Eavesdropping to gain information
Linguistics: Phonology
Linguistics: Languages changed based on cultural change
Linguistics: Sentence structure
Linguistics: Languages share roots
Linguistics: Context dictates meaning

Rakahi: Strong and lifting
Rakahi: Verb before noun
Rakahi: Developed around Common
Rakahi Pidgin: Seafaring tradespeak
Rakahi Pidgin: Terms of endearment
Rakahi Pidgin: Spoken by Captain Killion
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