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The Devourer: Part Two

Some day of... some season. I've lost track of time.

Hi. Lilith here. I'm writing these little letters mostly to myself, but... in case anyone's curious, I'll be making scribbled up re-writes and leaving them in... mostly safe, if winnowed hands. I'm writing this story - the story of my life - so that you can understand. I'm writing it as objective... truthful... as my mind allows me to at this point. Though, I can't promise total coherency. Sometimes, I can't promise I'm even really around. My mind goes... so many places, few of them waking.

My story has always been the story of others. I've always circled around other people - never really been myself, or wholly 'independent'. Maybe that's why I chose Aberration... I could be with someone, something, all the time. Even though he rarely talks... or laughs... or really does anything other than feed. My life is a story about other people, and so, I'm going to describe the... eating from the lens of Auriel, my Harvester.

But this first entry isn't about Auriel. It isn't really about anyone, it's... just me, saying hello. To the only friend I have - a pen. Expect lots of entries, because... I'm not really kept on my toes anymore. Everything's become predictable, just a sound creeping in from the corners. I need something to fill in the, whispering, silence. For now, until I find something less lonely, that will be this pen... and these letters to me.

Forever Hated,
Lilith Odam

Lilith's prologue. That was the first note, at the first scene.

The one he missed.

In some ways, his poor investigative skills meant nothing. The Devourer needed to die regardless of her motivations... and Alistair cared little for acknowledging them. In his view, all of these murders were random, all on innocent and unlucky individuals.

But he was wrong. Perhaps he would know that, soon, if he found her. Perhaps he would never know, even as a spear extended from her corpse.

If she died, it probably didn't matter.

Lilith drew nearer to them with each and every step they made, as she prepared her kills. One - a slave; follower to Lisirra's will. Two, a warrior, guarding the broken man with his blade and soul. Three, a harlot, though in truth a transmitter of hungering illness. Four, a child... innocent and bright, yet kin to a Defiler as she called them; a Yithnai. Two men, one woman, one little girl.

Those were the victims she sewed, and those were the ones he encountered, up on arriving in the coastal town of Hailen, on the western bay of Hyran. Unlike in Clairen, there was visible carnage, though it was more a casualty or accident than an intentional killer's modus operandi. The Plaguebearer, though some would call her the harlot, laid on the floor... snapped in half, with pieces of her interns strewn about on the solid ground. She was bitten cleanly into two sections, gashed by jutting fangs before being expelled by Lilith's maw.

But why? Why not swallow her, too? What was the purpose of the inconsistency? Did Lilith... have a capacity? Did she grow full?

"Damien," called the younger mage. "Will you check her...?" he asked. The implication was clear: he wanted Damien to browse through her guts and mangled bits, seeking something meaningful. Lilith was exceptionally clean, and proficient in undertaking her victims. This was a rare, and golden, opportunity.
word count: 593
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The Devourer: Part Two

The corpse... mangled meat.

It was so vicious, how he dissected it - stuck his claw in through the split, digging his red nails into her rended flesh... and then... pushing forward. He pulled his claws out, back, tearing through the flesh and the skin and raking her corpse; spreading her torso out in so many directions, ribbons of flesh rolling onto the floor. She had been diced by Damien's monstrous claw... but, the defamation of her corpse was entirely necessary. They needed to see... if another message had been left.

And there it was. Halfway between her throat and upper torso, laying inside of the bloodied, mangled tube. The letter was covered in all manner of things - mucus, saliva, blood. But it remained in-tact. Alistair stepped forward and grabbed it from the mess that was her body, somehow stifling a gag. Then, as if to offer her peace, he created a portal above her and pulled her in... her body hovering towards the blackness, dismantling to atoms as it touched the vantablack surface.

All that was left was blood - lots of it, all over, pouring out and streaming down any indent it could find on the cobbled road.

Damien bit his lower lip. That was... gruesome, even for him.

But the letter; they got a letter. They needed to know what it said.

Defiance... is pretty, it read.

"Oh gods," Alistair grit his teeth, absorbed within the letter; it was... absolutely ridiculous, and wholly pointless.

When I was a little girl, I loved to dance. My father taught me how to dance, early on, before the disease set in. When his legs still worked, he taught me form, and I danced within that form... always so elegantly. I was known for being light on my feet, agile, and seamless.

I love how Defiers dance with their magic - it's prettier than the darkly tunes of Bonesong, and certainly more attractive. The Defier that Auriel preyed upon this eve was a handsome man. Dirty blond hair, short, with golden eyes and a golden brown complexion - tan like a man of the ocean, but with the body of the most agile runner. He was... something.

And something, to someone, who I happen to loathe.

I killed a mother duck and left her chicks alone. I left her body on the side of the cobble road like trash. Some of the chicks still clung to her, as if she were still alive. Those who clung, I crushed; those who went free, their own way, I let live. That is the way of the world. No little girl may remain a pretty dancer, and no mother may be there for her children.

Not anymore.

Forever Hated,
Lilith Odam

None of it made... any sense. None of it mattered. It didn't point back to her, it didn't tell any story but one of her own madness. She was a volatile thing. That was the only thing the letter really told, and he already knew that. She was a Revealed Aberrant. No one could reach that state of being without losing their mind.

"Damien, this was a waste of time," he frowned. It was true - coming here, to Hailen, meant nothing. There was no further information garnered.

"Did you ask the townsfolk when she came here?" he questioned. The Lich frowned, nodding his head.

"Ten trials ago. We... went the wrong way," Damien stated, a clear disappointment expressed in his eyes, and brow.

Ten trials was a long time. How was the body still so preserved? That... had to be impossible. He... had to ask.

"Was she--"

"Frozen?" Damien responded. "Yes. One of Lilith's conjunctions - iced the nearby buildings, too. This woman only just thawed out, and they left her on the ground... afraid to touch her. But it's alright," he said. "She's gone now; buried in the sky, a more attractive resting place than most. I suppose we'll need to go--"

Alistair grimaced. Hailen, then Clairen . . . that was the order. So, she must've attacked the town after Clairen, too. East... towards Hyran. That was her direction. He could either pursue her with a straight line to the east, or rotate northwest, then northeast to catch her within her movements. But, he didn't know how she traveled. By road? By grassy plains? Through inhospitable hills?

It didn't really matter. He would portal to the southern point of Lake Lysoria, then cycle down southeast. Within a short time his ether would return, as he'd only be utilizing one, long jump. It was a safe option, and the only way they'd find Lilith before too many more casualties were presented. Knowing what she had done in Ne'haer two arcs ago, slaughtering a whole township, she needed to die now... before she re-enacted history upon this realm.

word count: 813
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The Devourer: Part Two

That night, he would dream... of a snake, crawling through the tall grass, whispering foulness with its slick tongue. Gold in color, blue of eyes. He could see her rise above the grass, but only for the briefest of moments; trills, and less than that. She sung him a song, poetry from a serpent's tongue.

Take me as you will,
I revel in the thrill.
Paint me as you may,
This remains your dying day.
I have known no love,
But the broken neck of a dove.
Come, lustful mage;
Come at once, my phage.

Take me as you will,
You will be my kill.

The beating of drums... the sounds of war. But no men, no armies. Only her against him; magic against magic. The raw power that both of them carried... this would end in a clash worthy of song. But not the one spewed from her serpent's tongue. No, he -- he needed it to be different. He couldn't die to the Devourer. Not now.

"Damien," Alistair awoke, springing from the bed frantically, as the Lich stared quietly from a seat at the edge of the room. "We're bringing them here," he said. "The Revenants. Icarus, Andreas... Deovan. I've been building formations, Damien. I've prepared for this... for so long."

The Lich nodded. "Alistair, you--"

The mage shook his head. "I need to kill her alone. Without you, Damien. You... would never survive; you're too slow to avoid her Spheres. And... you're not as durable as you used to be; you really could die, without much impact. I need... to fight her alone."
word count: 273
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Doran Cooney
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The Devourer: Part Two

Doctor Alistair var Radomir, once Lord Venora of Oxentide, The Shrike, The Sunless, The Dreamer, Deoch Daire, Armage, and Lord Proctor
Investigation: Mutilating the victim for evidence
Investigation: Paying attention to dates
Investigation: Seeking out a target's route of movement
Detection: Noticing hidden details
Detection: Detecting oddities in a corpse
Detection: Being aware of someone's movements over a long distance

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: 5 - for dismantling a body in broad daylight

Points 10
That was a good balance of gory description and investigation; it was a good, subtle-ish, reiteration of Damien's lack of humanity (but still soft of heart at the end), and it paired well as a foreshadow for the dream and Alistair's subsequent - and foolish? - decision to fight the Big D without Damien's help. The poem was a nice addition.
Please edit your grade request, thank you!
word count: 149
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