5th Ashan 718
"Quiet tonight" Tessa said to Lexxie, another streetwalker working the cramped streets of Utheridge this night. Lexxie grinned and nodded. "That's alright. You look like you could use it. He's given you a poundin', Tessa." Tessa lifted her finger to her swollen lip and she shrugged slightly. "I drive him crazy, you know? He don't wanna be seein' me doin' this, wants to be able to look after us. An' he worries that one trial, I'll get a regular wot takes me away from 'im." She shook her head, it was a ridiculous idea, she adored her husband and always had. He had saved her, after all. She'd been sent here on a boat all the way from Andaris where the family of that name had set her free from slavery when she found that she was pregnant with Master Peake's child. Or, precisely, children, as she'd had twins. But Benji had taken her in, taken the children as his own. She couldn't ask for me and really, she knew deep down that he was a good man. How difficult must it be to know that your wife was turning tricks at night? Secretly, Tessa believed that he only beat her before he sent her out because he hoped that then no one would pick her up. That wasn't what happened, of course, often the johns took it as a sign that they could do more of the same.
She didn't tell him that, though, he'd get upset.
Or, she didn't tell him because he knew. He saw her after a night at work, after all and it never stopped him from sending her out, or for making sure that she remembered that she belonged to him when she got home. In her heart, Tessa knew - Benji got inordinate pleasure from controlling her, humiliating and breaking her. Sending her out to the streets was part of it. But, she had to be grateful to him; he had saved her, she was sure and so she had to just put up with the bits she didn't like.
"So, wanna share s'me tips with me?" Tessa asked Lexxie. Looking at her fellow prostitute, she knew that the young woman was better at this job than her and she wanted to make sure that she learnt everything she could from her. Lexie grinned.
"It's all in the hips, beautiful. When you walk, sway at the hips. Loosen them and let them sway. You've got great posture, should be easy for you." Tessa considered and Lexxi motioned for her to do it. So, she walked down the street they stood on and she tried, at first, to sway her hips and then she just relaxed and let them be. Lexxie laughed the first time, but then Tessa practiced and continued to do so. The more she relaxed, the more natural swing she had and she was pleased by that. Lexxie grinned and clapped her hands together. "You're gorgeous, girl."
Tessa beamed and skipped back to the woman who was both her competition and her friend. "Maybe we'll have more luck a few streets down, closer to the market? At least there's people feeling like buying things there." Lexxie nodded and slipped her arm through Tessa's. "Lets go and have a look, shall we?"
And that was what they did.
She didn't tell him that, though, he'd get upset.
Or, she didn't tell him because he knew. He saw her after a night at work, after all and it never stopped him from sending her out, or for making sure that she remembered that she belonged to him when she got home. In her heart, Tessa knew - Benji got inordinate pleasure from controlling her, humiliating and breaking her. Sending her out to the streets was part of it. But, she had to be grateful to him; he had saved her, she was sure and so she had to just put up with the bits she didn't like.
"So, wanna share s'me tips with me?" Tessa asked Lexxie. Looking at her fellow prostitute, she knew that the young woman was better at this job than her and she wanted to make sure that she learnt everything she could from her. Lexie grinned.
"It's all in the hips, beautiful. When you walk, sway at the hips. Loosen them and let them sway. You've got great posture, should be easy for you." Tessa considered and Lexxi motioned for her to do it. So, she walked down the street they stood on and she tried, at first, to sway her hips and then she just relaxed and let them be. Lexxie laughed the first time, but then Tessa practiced and continued to do so. The more she relaxed, the more natural swing she had and she was pleased by that. Lexxie grinned and clapped her hands together. "You're gorgeous, girl."
Tessa beamed and skipped back to the woman who was both her competition and her friend. "Maybe we'll have more luck a few streets down, closer to the market? At least there's people feeling like buying things there." Lexxie nodded and slipped her arm through Tessa's. "Lets go and have a look, shall we?"
And that was what they did.
Seduction: How to make your hips sway
Seduction: Be where people are buying, when you're trying to sell