• Mature • To Be Alone With You

80th of Ashan 718

A settlement east of Rynmere across a stretch of water called 'the eastern trench' broken into three regions: Welles, Oakleigh, and Berwick.
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To Be Alone With You

It didn't matter where they went, if Alistair was there. The words were kind, and immediately they warmed up his heart. He could tell that Doran was once again distracted, and probably flustered, but so too was he. They seemed to have that effect on one another, and it was benign. Alistair's fingertips massaged over the center of Doran's palm, the mage's eyes trailing downward, absently staring at the table as he thought. Where would they go? They could go to... many other places. Ne'haer, Etzos, Rharne, Scalvoris... perhaps even Uthaldria.

Doran would be astounded by all the things he saw there - the giant beasts and the giant men. Though perhaps it would only make Alistair jealous.

"We wouldn't have to go by portal," he stated, contemplatively. He looked away from Doran mostly because he was in thought. As with all things, Alistair held himself to high expectations, and the act of traveling and place they went to were important. Quickly, Alistair decided they did not need to use portals: it would be far more enjoyable to go by some other method, like on the back of a Sohr Khal, or atop the Llewnos Alistair had raised - Keanu.

Perhaps, that could have been... even greater. Glancing back to the eyes of the other, Alistair shook his head. "Yeah, no - we don't have to. There are other ways. It's up to you, though. Traveling by foot can be immensely exhausting, and physically exerting. But, I suppose many of the things we do together will have that effect," Alistair joked, and perhaps flirted, face lighting once again with a coy grin. Still, he did worry of the dangers, though Doran was not quite a fair and fallible maiden. He had come to Kingsley by foot - which was not as challenging as walking from Etzos to Ne'haer, but at least he had few complaints in doing so.

It almost surprised him that he would even consider such a journey, though; Doran had changed him some, the thought of magic being an act of necessity sticking to his mind. And, also, there was a beauty in living within the confines of one's personhood. Magic didn't always need to be the answer - riding a beast from city to city, exploring all of the hills and fields and townships between, sounded marvelous. And if Doran found the thought more comfortable, that was what they would do.

"Let's start with Ne'haer, for our journeys, then," he decided, at least in part due to his desire to settle there. "It's... the largest city in the world, by far, and filled with monuments, temples and wonders. I think it would be more likely to appeal to you as a first stop than... some jungle colony where they camouflage in their own fecal matter," Alistair half-grinned; he'd heard of such places, and apparently Southern Idalos was rife with such primitive people. Though he realized this could've been wholly exaggeration, as it seemed to be with most things where voices were involved.
Last edited by Alistair on Fri May 04, 2018 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 518
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To Be Alone With You

To both Doran’s surprise and relief, Alistair seemed to believe they need not travel through magical means. Though his eyes had fallen to the table in thought, presumably of ways in which they might find their way to other lands, Doran’s eyes had lit up with a warm glow, his cheeks still flushed but embarrassment having little place among the shift into something close to admiration as he gazed at the other man. Nodding at Alistair’s comments, picking up none of his more lascivious implications, Doran grinned, "I’m used to walking, though I haven’t felt my mind so exhausted in quite some while."

At the mention Na’Haer, his interest clearly perked, brows only raising a moment in subtle doubt when the comment about the jungle dwellers was made. "When we… ah, met? You said you’d come from there, from Na’Haer." He tilted his head in question, eyes bright and lacking judgement in both words and expression. "Was what you said then true? Were you really a doctor there?"

Though he had been unable to imagine Alistair as such when he had been playing the role of Kieran, after having spent most of the day with Alistair - the real Alistair, as far as he knew - he could better picture him in such a profession. He had a wonderful, passionate way of explaining things, and from everything he’d seen since their second meeting, not only was he gentle and attentive, but understanding as well. Though it still was a bit ridiculous to think of Alistair’s massive, muscular build in a profession more often associated with more… bookish looking men and women.
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To Be Alone With You

Alistair meant to ask if they'd wanted to wrap up the night, but Doran still clearly wanted to speak, which caused for its own level of satisfaction. Alistair didn't mind; in fact, he didn't say anything, the mage merely smiled and continued their conversation. Doran brought up the lie he'd told as Kieran - Alistair forgot about that, almost. Kieran was a different man entirely, separate and distinguished. He'd built a whole, long, intricate story for him... involving sailors, the outbreak of a plague, and eighteen siblings. Why not? He could always make himself more interesting.

Of course, all of it was bullshit, though he was a doctor in Ne'haer... currently. He only arrived in Oakleigh en route back from Scalvoris, as Cappola was the heart of his portal network. What was supposed to be a day of debriefing before returning to Ne'haer became much more, however, as Alistair longingly waited for Doran. He supposed Kleine was likely to be enraged upon his return to Kaelserad, considering all of the patients who'd been waiting for Alistair's return, and their expected treatment.

He was always poor at valuing his business before his personal fulfillment.

"I'm a doctor there right now," he answered honestly. "Kieran is just one face of mine. I wear this one - my real self - far more frequently. I have a whole life in Ne'haer, a business and a political campaign. I'm even building a group of mages, slowly, to help provide refuge for those impacted by Rynmere's change in policy. Much of what I do is there -- there's a lot more opportunity in Ne'haer. You'll see that, when we go," he said.

"But," Alistair began to add, "I usually go there by portal, back and forth. If we wanted to, we could go to Kaelserad right now... we'd be there within moments. But our decision has been made, so we'll stick to flying," he nodded. Then, going around the table, he stepped to the side of Doran and kissed him softly on the forehead. He could do that now, freely - they were together, after all.

"What do you do?" he questioned, rubbing the smaller male's shoulders from behind as he once again kissed him, this time on the cheek.
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To Be Alone With You

Blinking several times before the information made sense, Doran managed a soft, contemplative "Oh." Though he understood that Alistair’s Rupturing allowed him near instantaneous travel, he’d never really thought of what it might mean for how Alistair lived his daily life. He’d imagined the man to stay in Cappola, perhaps travelling here and there when necessary; that it was Cappola he visited, his life otherwise in Na’Haer, surprised him, even with his knew found knowledge of portals and sundials.

He realised Alistair’s admission also meant he was a practicing man of medicine. Not only that, but apparently a public figure, one who strove to protect those fleeing from Rynmere. While Doran initially found the idea of gathering mages to be a disaster waiting to happen, he was reminded of their earlier debate and his tentative conclusions. He supposed that most of the mages had very few places to turn to. Sticking together to protect themselves was logic, and Alistair had already seemed to express a desire for magic to be used as a benefit to humanity - though, perhaps, weapon when he deemed necessary.

Mulling over these thoughts, he nodded gratefully at Alistair’s declaration that they would stick to non-magical transportation. He’d never ridden anything in sky before, and his eyes brightened some at the thought of it. Having never had anywhere to go, specifically, nor nels to toss away on something so expensive as travel by air, he’d never really thought much about what it might be like to fly. It had always been something he’d occasionally wondered about, a vague sense, when he’d seen birds or bugs. That it was now an eventuality filled him with a giddy sort of childlike excitement. "I look forward to it."

Distracted as he was, he instinctively began clearing away his bowl and spoon as Alistair rose. When the brustle of his gentle kiss pressed against his forehead, Doran blushed bright, reaching across his own chest to lightly grip Alistair’s wrist as his fingers began to tenderly knead into the muscles of his shoulders. "Ah-" He chuckled, a bit anxiously, as Alistair pressed against a knot that was, no doubt, a direct product of the answer to the question he’d been asked.

Hardly comparable to Alistair’s more philanthropic and - from what Doran had gathered from everything Alistair had shared about himself - lucrative profession, he spoke quietly; the muscles in his back beginning to relax as Alistair stooped to kiss his cheek. "I perform. Just within Venora… little things. Flips and tricks." It was enough to put food on his table, and he enjoyed being free to wander as he pleased and under no one’s direction. Catching Alistair with two of his fingers pressed lightly against the fuzzy bottom of his chin, he turned to face him, smile soft, as he lightly pressed his lips against his.

Tenderly slipping his hands into Alistair’s, he shrugged the man’s hands from his shoulders, his turn to stand. He stared at Alistair with a mix of curiosity and desire, though the latter was somewhat restrained by former, gaze steady and studying. He kept his fingers interlaced with the other’s, roaming had far too distracting to allow him any semblance of cohesive thought. "It’s… late. I think." The aside was delivered with a rising blush; he seemed to lose a break each time he looked at the other man. "I should go." Though he spoke of leaving, his hands remained in Alistair’s. "Thank you for the supper, for the conversation, for the… company." He cleared his throat, voice even softer than usually and wholly abashed. "I’m glad I came to see you again."
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To Be Alone With You

Doran was humble, of course. He wouldn't expect any less, and it was a satisfying moment when he'd discovered the profession of the other. Flips and tricks - an Acrobat, in all likelihood. Alistair, too, was an acrobat. He was skilled with his body, though the vast majority of his focus was on ways to efficiently kill others, rather than increasing his charm as a performer. He'd learned acrobatics through Voiding, an individual school built to dodge, countering and utilizing speed and flexibility to turn strength against itself, inverting the enemy.

As such, he imagined their motions were different, though such differences interested him as much as the potential parallels. Alistair found himself wanting to slip into his short trousers and flip across the room, meeting Doran in a dance of core, calve and thigh; the mage was always extraordinarily passionate about all of the things that he did. Of course, he did not express his giddiness openly, and instead did so with a small smile and a nod. "That sounds attractive - you should show me some time," he said, invitingly. If Doran and Alistair did gather to display their gymnastic capability, he would be certain to come on his own game, too; he desperately wanted to show off Gravelmonger to someone else, as in conception alone it was a nearly impossible form.

Clearly, he was always excited to show off. It was a large reason as to why he developed his skills in the first place, and having Doran as his partner made him want to demonstrate his manliness and physical capability as much as humanly possible. He supposed being the more dominant of the two - which he styled himself to be - made him much more inclined to feel this way. That, or Doran being as gentle as he was only invoked his protective instinct. He did not know.

"It is late," the mage agreed, clearing his throat as he escaped his thoughts. It was time for Doran to rest, one way or another, and Alistair too. He only wished they didn't have to do it from so far away.

"Thank you too," he nodded, gleaming, as he brought Doran's chest into his and pressed their bodies close. Kissing him on the lips, he stroked his back with his one free palm, showing his passion in multitudes all at once. "It was good to see you again, as well, Doran. But... I don't want to say goodbye just yet," Alistair whispered, laying another kiss as he simply pressed into his partner, breathing through his nostrils with Doran's face pressed into his shoulder.

"Hey, I'll take you home," the mage stated, a quiet overtone of defeat within his voice. He was clearly not keen on this goodbye, a thing he hadn't realized until they'd already begun to separate. "Doran, just... remember that my doors are open to you. There are other rooms, here. I'd let you stay in any of them, any trial for any reason. You can even have my room if you want - it has a bit of medical things, but it's cozy. I..." Alistair said this as a kind gesture, but in truth it was more of an offer; a way to keep him from being forced to stay away from the younger male.

But still, it must have been too soon. He relented.

"Right, I'm... sorry. Too fast; I'll take you home if you'd like."
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To Be Alone With You

By their second kiss, Doran had decided he very much liked the warmth of Alistair’s affections. His own hand settled comfortably against the smooth skin of Alitair’s lower back, fingers pressing lightly in positive response. The happy smile on his lips faded some as Alistair murmured his reluctance into his hair, the beat of the other man’s heart providing a steady bass to his words.

The manner in which Alistair pressed against him rather than trying to pull Doran into him, trapping him in a cage disguised as embrace was almost as alluring as his kisses. He too found he didn’t want to leave, not yet, but he was well aware if he did not, he would do something he would surely regret. While he wanted to be with Alistair, to share in his life as much as he could, he was still wary of him.

Alistair was attractive, intelligent, tender, and strong. There was much about him Doran didn’t know, and that which he did was a mix of wonderful and terrifying. That he had even allowed himself to revel in the man’s affections at all was a bit of miracle in and of itself, as he was well aware it would be better - for the both of them, really - if they had never met in the first place or he had returned at all. But what was “better” couldn’t compete with what was desired, not where Alistair was concerned.

It was something like a compulsion, almost. Whenever he saw the man’s face in his mind, or even more embarrassingly so, his body, Doran found himself unable to think of anything else. Certainly it had been a large influence of lust, but after their trial together, the images had been joined with warmth of emotion and echoes of laughter and smiles. He knew there was much more to Alistair than simply that; he’d experienced some of the darkness firsthand. Still, his heart ached at the thought of taking his leave, and raced at the thought of seeing him again.

His lips gently pressed against where he felt the beat of Alistiar’s heart to be strongest, smiling at the man’s reassurance that Doran was free to go - and stay - as he pleased. He wanted to stay, to run his hands over Alistair’s body and watch the steady rise and fall of his chest as they fell asleep, warm in each other’s arms. It was incredibly enticing, and as Doran drew breath, pushing back against his chest to stare up at the impossible colors of his eyes, Alistair made the decision for him.

Mistaking his bright, searching gaze for one of hesitance, surely, Alistair suggested he taking Doran home, going so far as to offer apology. Snaking his hands along Alistair’s torso until he had some tentative grip on either side of his jaw, Doran gently pulled, drawing the other man’s lips to his one last time. Their bodies pressed together, the mutual heat of their attraction rivaling that of the fire that still quietly crackled in the kitchen’s hearth. When he pulled away, his cheeks were gently colored and gaze soft with affection.

His voice was a quiet murmur, smile in expression and tone. "You’re quite the gentleman." Not without some effort, he pushed himself away, glad that Alistair had respected his wishes, even when he himself had been willing to compromise not a trill before. "But I’m afraid if I were to remain in your company much longer, I wouldn’t be able to leave at all." There was a tinge of wistfulness in his voice, but he shook it off with a shake of his head. "May I… see you again? Tomorrow?"

As he began making plans for the next trial, he gathered up the bowls and spoons, popping into the kitchen to set them gently into a large wooden basin where they could easily be washed. Wiping his hands on his pants, Doran headed toward the door, speaking softly but conversationally, requiring quite a bit of his own self-discipline to keep from changing his mind on where he’d be spending the night in spite of Alistair’s support. "Knowing a bit more about your portals is… better. But... " His tentative smile was not without some chagrin as he glanced up the man, his fingers beginning to lace his left boot. "I think I might need some practical preparation; that is, if you’re still planning on having me visit?"

He smiled at both the question and himself, finding it a bit silly that he might even ask. "Then, until tomorrow." Boots fastened, he turned to place a final, lingering kiss on Alistair’s lips before departing. The cool air of the evening helped somewhat to clear the heady fog of his own attraction, and his grin was wide as he began the trek back to his cousin’s estate. In a true turn of events, he was quite pleased with everything that had happened that trail, and he found himself already looking forward to the next.
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To Be Alone With You

Name: Alistair

Cooking: Venison stew
Cooking: Making the 'batter' for stew
Cooking: Using wine to add flavor to other liquids
Cooking: Adding flour to a brew for thickness
Cooking: Chopping vegetables
Cooking: Garlic is not as easy to chop
Cooking: Cooking meat on a rack
Cooking: Cooking stew over a fire
Cooking: Simmering something
Cooking: Pacing your cooking process
Cooking: Following ingredients
Seduction: Using acts of kindness to make someone susceptible to you
Seduction: Feeding your partner is an important part of courting

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Expenses: N/A
Renown: N/A
Magic XP: N/A

Points: 15
- - -
Name: Doran

Strength: Properly Cutting Vegetables
Endurance: Holding One’s Ground Against Advances

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Alistair: A Doctor of Na’Haer
Alistair: A Public Figure in Na’Haer
Alistair: Back Tattoo

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Expenses: N/A
Renown: N/A
Magic XP: N/A

Points: 15
- - -
Comments: Aw, you cuties. I enjoyed reading Alistair's thought process and laughed when he immediately started stripping. Doran too, his caution is believable and a good story element.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Also, please indicate on your request thread that this has been reviewed. Thanks!

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