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Zafir please

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These Hands I Offer

Ashan 15, 717

Fate was rarely grand in the way storytellers and writers often made it out to be. It was much smaller, like most legends were when examined up close; it lived in small moments, in passing glances on busy streets and accidentally leaving something behind.

As it had been two days earlier, Cailurion was returning to home after settling Odd Thing in for the night. The sun was on its way toward setting, though not yet there; everything had a pale glow to it, and the city of Na’hear rustled with a thousand hands finishing up the day’s work.

By chance, Cailurion chose to duck into the Golden Flask tavern, just to rest her feet and see if any food was decently edible today. It was relatively calm––the main body of patrons had not yet arrived––and a soft, anticipatory calm was settled over the place. The barmaid cleaned and checked her wines and glasses, while the three servers drifting about were rolling their shoulders and cracking their knuckles to prepare themselves for the rush. There were a few early patrons, mostly those who simply wanted to drink and leave when the crowd arrived, and Cailurion herself thought she might be one of them.

Although not a regular, the Ithecal was distinctive enough that one of the servers recognized her. The young man padded over with a nod of greeting.

“Water again?”


“Aye. I’ll look in back and see if the cook has something for you also.”

“Thank you.”

Cailurion took a seat in the corner, as shielded by the fireplace as she could manage. Though the Ithecal were respected enough in Na’hear, it was still quite difficult to escape notice; she hoped that sitting out of the way would at least make her less immediately obvious.

It wasn’t as if she intended to stay long, after all.
word count: 317
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Quill to parchment, Zafir was writing like a madman. He probably appeared a madmen to the owner of the Odd Thing; spending long hours in the back of the inn muttering to himself as he scratched life into the blank sheet on the table. He would sit for hours at a time just scribing his thoughts and opinions down in the tavern, sometimes ordering food but mostly forgetting to feed himself. He couldn’t help it. For the first time in far too many arcs he felt more than just a drive to change Yurrova, he felt he had a chance. One meeting of strangers in the dead of night had provided more opportunity for the young Ellune than cycles of complaints. He couldn’t afford to waste this chance. Yurrova couldn’t afford to waste this chance. He wouldn’t waste this chance.

His meeting with the Councilwoman was fast approaching. Zafir put his ink stained fingers to his forehead. Five trials. He had five trials to prepare a meaningful political treatise. Eyes drawn tight, he squinted at what he had written. He had spent he better part of two breaks early in the morning putting his thoughts down on paper, and it was time to see what his efforts had wrought.

His thick fingers drifted from his forehead to the bridge of his nose. Gibberish and manic ramblings. He crumpled the paper into a tight ball and threw the parchment into the fireplace that say a respectable distance away from the Ellune. Rising from his table, moved towards the inn’s exit. He needed to clear his head. Distance himself from the events of the night two trials ago. He was at his best when he understood all the angles, and right now he was too close to this issue.

Half-a-break later, Zafir returned to the Odd Thing. He was calmer now, but his movements sill carried a manic energy one might not expect from his more subdued race. Entering the inn, he was glad to see that it was still early enough that the crowd of regulars had not moved in. Zafir enjoyed writing at taverns, but he would not be able to focus if the raucous calls of drunkards echoed throughout the inn. Stepping further into the business, however, Zafir did see something that stuck him as strange.

An Ithecal. Not just any Ithecal, but the Ithecal. Cailurion. The reptilian woman from the night two trials ago, the woman who pushed Zafir to drop the vaunted Ellunian politeness and simply speak his mind. It had been mere chance the first time the two had met, but now Zafir had a sneaking suspicion that some Immortal or other was taking great pleasure in forcing the Ellune into strange social circumstance. For half-a-bit, he considered leaving. Today was already seeming unproductive, and he still felt hat powerful need to develop his thoughts for the Councilwoman. However, this was something he could not ignore. Twice in two days in a city of who-knows-how-many? This couldn’t be mere coincidence.

Steeling his nerves, Zafir took deliberate steps towards the Ithecal. Standing at her table, he gave the woman a polite smile. “Twice in two trials? We must be careful, Ne’haerans do love their rumors and neither of us are exactly conspicuous.” A simple jest, but Zafir hoped it would eliminate any remaining tension between the two. He was unsure if he was unkind to the Ithecal two trials before, but he would rather have an ally than an enemy. Besides, politics were in his mind and her perspective, well, interested him. “May I sit?”
word count: 612
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The reality of this hour, when the inn was mostly empty and the staff getting ready for the rush, was that every person was there for themselves. While some might have noticed the gigantic lizard now among them, no one quite cared; they had their own thoughts to mull over, and Cailurion appreciated the solitude.

Then the door creaked open, and an Ellune stepped into the tavern.

The mercenary blinked in surprise, tilting her head as she took in the color, the markings, the mining clothes, the ink that stained his fingers. She also took in the tight knot of his shoulders and the disheveled state of his clothes; there was a glint in his eye, part frantic and part determined, and it only sparked brighted when his saw Cailurion.

For a brief moment, the two regarded each other in silence. The Ithecal felt vaguely pleased to see him again, though thought perhaps he seemed more energetic and unfocused than when they had first met in the city squre.

Zafir of Yurrova approached the corner she had claimed, steps measured and somewhat cautious. Cailurion rustled in her seat, drawing in her tail and limbs to create space for two.

When he spoke, she snorted lightly. “Na’hearans do many pointless things. If they wish to waste time gossiping, that is their concern and not mine.” She gestured to the open stool. “Sit.”

They made a strange sight, tucked in a corner with tables and stools that didn’t quite fit. If there had been a proper-sized human with them it might have been different, but everything looked like a child’s playset compared to the two giants sitting there. This was a sight that did draw one or two curious looks.

Ithecal noticed the same young server slipping back toward her, mug in hand.

“Zafir of Yurrova––you remain in Na’hear,” Cailurion stated quietly. “For your day with the councilwoman, I assume?”

She paused as the server arrived and set down her water.

“Something for him,” she said, nodding toward Zafir. “On my coin.” Then to Zafir directly, “What will you say to her?”
word count: 356
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