
6th of Ashan 718

A settlement east of Rynmere across a stretch of water called 'the eastern trench' broken into three regions: Welles, Oakleigh, and Berwick.
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6th of Ashan, Arc 718
(My 100>103 Polearms thread, from Medium Renown Rewards)

Scorpion Strike; quickly stun the enemy with a forward, upward or downward sting, disarming them rapidly before they can react via kinetic force. Shadow Sweep... evade, strafe, kite, then sweep their hamstring, calves or lower back. Disable their movement entirely, then swipe or jab once more to finish them off. Rapid Swing - pull the spear back, then with momentum, swing it rapidly and swipe through a sensitive area, such as the jugular. The rest... dodge, strafe, kite, evade, parry, riposte, dance, dance, spin, dance.

It was a fluid, evasive, counter-attack focused style. Shadowdancing as a whole was as such. Kian had done a great amount to take its current principles and reform them, beginning with Duskfall and Shadowspin. Now, he wished to create a new ability: Shadow Sting, an ability that would require an immense amount of material skill with the spear, as well as reflexive capability. Kian did have wondrous reaction times, and a high amount of cognitive martial skill, but even with these assets he still did not imagine he was quick enough to perform Shadow Sting as he'd conceptualized it.

It was an ability inspired by the Llewnos; they would preemptively counter a move, disarming their foe or killing them outright. To do this, they followed their foe's movements much like a shadow, clinging to each movement of their muscles as they struck. Shadow Sting was the ability to use a polearm's reach, coinciding with reflexes and cognitive ability, to detect a move before it began and follow it with an immediate counter-disarmament or death blow.

It would be among his final abilities created for Shadowdancing, as the polearm grandmaster had determined that the style would be developed enough at that point. As a rather young physical art, it did not possess many "keystones" for masters to obtain, but this was one such ascendant ability.

And, he had a foe. Deovan, his quickest and most powerful Revenant. The man was as fast as one could imagine, easily capable of keeping up with Kian due to his Emetyte well and his skill in life. He was a perfect speed test, and due to the nature of his weaponry - the dagger - it was relatively risk free when compared to a larger weapon being lunged forward. Kian could dodge if he could not preemptively counter; or he could parry it outright.

With the specifics in place, the only thing left was practical application. The Necromancer commanded, "Deovan, go," and so the minion obeyed.
word count: 432
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Deovan descended, quickly. He moved like a cat, striking forward with a singular leap, swatting with his claws. While Kian was a Shadowdancer, Deovan if anyone battled like a Llewnos. He moved into darkness, sprung from nothing, and kept one on their toes as he leaped and evaded. With the Emetyte well, he was even faster, and stronger. But Kian had gotten stronger since killing him, too - Kian was not a pushover when it came to physical combat any longer. He threw himself back with intense force, traction from his feet propelling him to move away from the initial dagger swing. It was too quick to properly counter, which meant he needed to dodge until he'd properly determined Deovan's rhythm of movement. The only difficulty was - Deovan's entire style of fighting prospered on maintaining a wild and unsteady rhythm, consistently going for cheap kill attempts.

As soon as Kian regained his footing, Deovan swung, with the pinkish-orange claw-dagger violently clashing with the center of Shadowsong. Kian then swung the spear forward, utilizing his superior strength and the weight of his spear to throw off Deovan's aggression, with the acrobatic Revenant reacting by twirling to the side and attempting to plunge his dagger directly into Kian's throat. The mage spun his spear, pivoting to the side as the spin deflected Deovan's attack. Then, Kian danced to Deovan's flank, sweeping at his feet. Deovan quite literally jumped over the spear, quickly, before attempting to strike once more - this time at Kian's forehead. The mage utilized Gravelmonger, anchoring himself low to the ground and balancing on the edges and sides of his feet. He then thrust his spear upward, aimed for one of the gaps in Deovan's armor: his underarm. With the surprise, low sweeping motion of Gravelmonger, he caught Deovan off guard and managed to plunge Shadowsong through his underarm and up into his shoulder. The minion then attempted to strike downward at the anchored mage, who responded by propelling himself along the floor with the sides of his feet, continuing to fight Deovan like a snake. He withdrew his spear in the same motion, before rising upward and dancing back.

The Revenant had already begun to regenerate the underarm-shoulder wound. Kian had to shrug it off; he could've swiped Deovan in half there, but he didn't want to damage his armor if he didn't have to. Deovan was very strong, and fast, but this wasn't really a life or death challenge any more. He'd already surpassed his level; now he was more of a high speed training dummy.

Still, Shadowsong was now covered in blood-like Necromantic bile. He'd need to wash the spearhead off later.

Deovan lunged forward once more; Kian this time immediately responded, attempting to disarm him of his claw-dagger. Deovan's weapon was unique in that it was embedded into his armor, meaning he wouldn't simply lose grip of it. He would need to have it dislodged from his armor, which would require a very precise and steady blow. If he didn't dislodge it, he was making himself vulnerable. So, with all of this going into his action, he held his spear firmly with both hands and pointedly 'stung' at Deovan's claw-dagger, attempting to dislodge it from his armor and disarm him. Unfortunately, the Revenant was a quick opponent, and he lowered his arm preemptively to have the spear merely skid along the edge of the blade. Kian responded by pushing the weight of the spear downward rather than forward, which sent his strike off balance, but still prevented the mage from disarming his minion. Deovan followed this standstill with a secondary lunge from his offhand, attempting to lodge his blade into the mage's neck once again. Kian responded with a swift upward kick at his arm, bashing into it with all of his strength and breaking his bones.

Deovan's arm went limp, and once again would need to regenerate.

"Fuck," Kian groaned. It was difficult - almost impossible. A truly elite, flexible and quick enemy could react in all manner of ways to avoid disarmament. This meant that Kian's initial 'sting' would need to be at a speed so quick that even someone like Deovan couldn't react to it.
word count: 729
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Regardless of his failures, he could feel himself improving with the spear. He was becoming faster - even on a micro level - by being forced to react to the Revenant's strikes. While Deovan wasn't a full challenge for Kian, his speed was nearly equal to his, forcing the mage to fight at his maximal. Due to the reduced weight of Deo's weapons in comparison to Alistair's full Terrendyte and Beryllium Emerald spear, there were even points where he felt himself lagging behind in speed. While initially he was fighting Deovan to learn a new technique he'd thought up, the lesson between them quickly became one of reflexes and keeping up with a difficult opponent. The lesson was necessary and valuable, and the mage enjoyed it.

The two of them started a ceasefire for the moment, as Kian theorized what he might be able to do to increase the speed of his thrust. He placed his arms along the length of his spear in different ways, with one thumb holding the handle one way, and another a different way... his arm flexed or bent a different way; all manner of poses and ideas to fully perfect his form. He then started to realize that to be a true master of the spear, one needed to adjust to fighting every type of opponent, which included one's stance and the way the spear was held. He decided that he would need to hold his spear for speed and reflex when fighting Deovan, when typically he held it firmly to ensure he could properly parry, counter and riposte incoming blows. He typically used the enemy's strength against them, by playing into it and then matching or exceeding it. Against this man, he would need a different approach, and the only issue was drafting it.

By now, Deovan had fully regenerated. The Revenant's golden-amber eyes stared into Kian's, as the two began to shuffle and flourish in anticipation of a second round. But for this night, that round would not come. Kian needed to meditate on all of this, and better prepare himself for the Revenant's unexpected style and lethality. There were several situations this trial that could've led to his death, and he only narrowly escaped all of them. Speed was so important - he had always forgotten. It was what drew him to Rupturing. The fastest to kill the other was the victor of any fight.
word count: 413
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A very interesting read! I don't have much experience reading the threads of a character that's so efficient in combat. It was definitely a nice of pace and it's pretty inspiring, honestly. Good job here.


EXP: 10 points

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Skill Knowledge:
Polearms: Spear - Shadow Sting
Polearms: Spear - Incorporating low-lying movements
Polearms: Spear - Matching a foe's speed
Polearms: Spear - Adjusting one's stance for a specific foe
Polearms: Spear - Disarming a claw-dagger is difficult
Acrobatics: Gravelmonger

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Items: None

Injuries/Overstepping: None
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word count: 126
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