6th of Ashan, Arc 718
(My 100>103 Polearms thread, from Medium Renown Rewards)
Scorpion Strike; quickly stun the enemy with a forward, upward or downward sting, disarming them rapidly before they can react via kinetic force. Shadow Sweep... evade, strafe, kite, then sweep their hamstring, calves or lower back. Disable their movement entirely, then swipe or jab once more to finish them off. Rapid Swing - pull the spear back, then with momentum, swing it rapidly and swipe through a sensitive area, such as the jugular. The rest... dodge, strafe, kite, evade, parry, riposte, dance, dance, spin, dance.
It was a fluid, evasive, counter-attack focused style. Shadowdancing as a whole was as such. Kian had done a great amount to take its current principles and reform them, beginning with Duskfall and Shadowspin. Now, he wished to create a new ability: Shadow Sting, an ability that would require an immense amount of material skill with the spear, as well as reflexive capability. Kian did have wondrous reaction times, and a high amount of cognitive martial skill, but even with these assets he still did not imagine he was quick enough to perform Shadow Sting as he'd conceptualized it.
It was an ability inspired by the Llewnos; they would preemptively counter a move, disarming their foe or killing them outright. To do this, they followed their foe's movements much like a shadow, clinging to each movement of their muscles as they struck. Shadow Sting was the ability to use a polearm's reach, coinciding with reflexes and cognitive ability, to detect a move before it began and follow it with an immediate counter-disarmament or death blow.
It would be among his final abilities created for Shadowdancing, as the polearm grandmaster had determined that the style would be developed enough at that point. As a rather young physical art, it did not possess many "keystones" for masters to obtain, but this was one such ascendant ability.
And, he had a foe. Deovan, his quickest and most powerful Revenant. The man was as fast as one could imagine, easily capable of keeping up with Kian due to his Emetyte well and his skill in life. He was a perfect speed test, and due to the nature of his weaponry - the dagger - it was relatively risk free when compared to a larger weapon being lunged forward. Kian could dodge if he could not preemptively counter; or he could parry it outright.
With the specifics in place, the only thing left was practical application. The Necromancer commanded, "Deovan, go," and so the minion obeyed.
(My 100>103 Polearms thread, from Medium Renown Rewards)
Scorpion Strike; quickly stun the enemy with a forward, upward or downward sting, disarming them rapidly before they can react via kinetic force. Shadow Sweep... evade, strafe, kite, then sweep their hamstring, calves or lower back. Disable their movement entirely, then swipe or jab once more to finish them off. Rapid Swing - pull the spear back, then with momentum, swing it rapidly and swipe through a sensitive area, such as the jugular. The rest... dodge, strafe, kite, evade, parry, riposte, dance, dance, spin, dance.
It was a fluid, evasive, counter-attack focused style. Shadowdancing as a whole was as such. Kian had done a great amount to take its current principles and reform them, beginning with Duskfall and Shadowspin. Now, he wished to create a new ability: Shadow Sting, an ability that would require an immense amount of material skill with the spear, as well as reflexive capability. Kian did have wondrous reaction times, and a high amount of cognitive martial skill, but even with these assets he still did not imagine he was quick enough to perform Shadow Sting as he'd conceptualized it.
It was an ability inspired by the Llewnos; they would preemptively counter a move, disarming their foe or killing them outright. To do this, they followed their foe's movements much like a shadow, clinging to each movement of their muscles as they struck. Shadow Sting was the ability to use a polearm's reach, coinciding with reflexes and cognitive ability, to detect a move before it began and follow it with an immediate counter-disarmament or death blow.
It would be among his final abilities created for Shadowdancing, as the polearm grandmaster had determined that the style would be developed enough at that point. As a rather young physical art, it did not possess many "keystones" for masters to obtain, but this was one such ascendant ability.
And, he had a foe. Deovan, his quickest and most powerful Revenant. The man was as fast as one could imagine, easily capable of keeping up with Kian due to his Emetyte well and his skill in life. He was a perfect speed test, and due to the nature of his weaponry - the dagger - it was relatively risk free when compared to a larger weapon being lunged forward. Kian could dodge if he could not preemptively counter; or he could parry it outright.
With the specifics in place, the only thing left was practical application. The Necromancer commanded, "Deovan, go," and so the minion obeyed.