Scouting for Future Clams

Gone fishin (Job)

1st of Cylus 718

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Scouting for Future Clams

Date: 1st of Cylus, Arc 718
The fisherman had departed from Ne'Haer to make for Rharne seasons ago. The voyage had been bitter sweet. Sweet for the chance to sail aboard a proper ship again, bitter because he had to give up his beloved Crag Dodger for defaulting on his loan. All along the way, his friend the Albatross Fortuna had accompanied him. So he presumed luck would follow, ever the optimist. He had his health, a good pair of legs beneath him, and enough coin left after the long voyage to rebuild his enterprise.

"Rawrk!" Fortuna crowed, flapping her wings against the dead shoots of grass that covered the bank of the Zynyx River. The force of the buffetting blew them flat.

"Aye, haven't forgotten I still have my cheerleader." He remarked to the Albatross, stepping along the banks of the river.

Far in the distance, he still could hear the singing and celebrations of the Festival of Lights. It was a local holiday that the people of Rharne followed this time of year. Their voices drifted off into the deep night of Cylus as he got farther into the Stormlands.

Rorom knelt by the banks of the river, surveying. Claming wouldn't work this season, he didn't think. When the warm season came after this Cylus, the thaw would render these flatlands adjacent the river into prime clamming grounds. The entire area would turn into a flood plain, fertile for not only growing things, but also clams and fish.

He understood that the place relied on staples of wheat, grains, and shoots as a staple. he'd likely have to search later on for parts of the plain that would turn into marsh, but it would happen. When it did, he would be ready to fish out the muscles, oysters, and clams, bringing them back to the city for a bounty.

"Rawkkwaaa!" Fortuna crowed again, turning her head to the side, and lifting one leg as if to take rest there in the middle of the plain. Rorom didn't talk back this time, but shot her a sideways look as he gathered the fishing gear and tackle he'd brought from the city. It'd set him back 35 nels nearly half of what he had right now. He'd have enough left to bunk someplace in the Earth Quarter, most like.

In the meantime, though, these cares fell by the wayside. He found himself caught up in the motions of shoreline fishing. He'd be the first to admit he'd never fished fresh water before, but he would wager it wasn't all that different to the saltwater variety.

He placed the net along the banks of the river, tying little lures and hooks to the lattice of hemp ropes. The weights he tied to the corners of the net, allowing that they'd gather any fish moving upstream.

He stood up from this task and took a few steps back, setting his bait on his fishing pole as he moved. Before long he was casting his line, and walked up and down the shore to keep warm.
-35 gn for a new fishing kit from the Earth Quarter Market
-15 gn for booking a thirty-night stay at a one-room shanty in the Earth Quarter.
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            Scouting for Future Clams

            It always seemed Rorom was hauling the bulk of the year's fishing during this damned Cylus season. If the pitch black of the season wasn't enough to complicate his efforts, it was the damned cold and ice. He was becoming a fair hand at winter and adversity fishing in the past few arcs.

            At least he had Fortuna to alert him of any biters caught in the net. That is, when it wasn't making noise for the sake of hearing it's own squawking and wings flapping. At the very least, the bird would make him aware of any fish he'd caught when it drifted toward the net.

            He rested the pole along the bank of the river, propped up on a forked twig. Once he was satisfied that it was secure, he doubled back, and stuck his staff into the ground. Then he hooked a lantern onto it, placing some oil into it. This done, he took to striking the flint and steel near the wick of the lantern. It took a score of trills, his efforts dampened by the miserable winds, but light the wick he did. It burned bright in the pitch dark of Cylus, a beacon to gather around and small source of warmth.

            Part and parcel to the art of fishing was a certain patience, and a diligent attention to side details. If he planned on being out here for any length of time, dressed in his meager clothing and cloak, he'd have to build a fire to provide warmth. So he went about gathering stones for a fire.

            Luckily, there were many stones of all shapes around, many of them rounded by ages of wear from the ebb and flow of the river they rested by. This seemed to solidify his supposition that the lands around the river would indeed become a flood plain. The dark played tricks on his eyes, making him think that he saw a clam where there was a stone. He placed these stones once gathered in a circle about a meter in diameter. Then gathered twigs and kindling for a fire. He wished he had some tools to bring down saplings for proper fuel for the fire, but for the moment the kindling would have to do.

            He brought a dry branch to the flame of the lantern, at which it caught fire easy. That done, he threw the branch onto the campfire circle. The rest of the branches caught on quick, and Rorom took the opportunity to warm his bones, while he waited for the fish to wake up.

            He sat for a few more bits by the fire, before rising to his feet, and then walking back toward his fishing pole. The pole, he saw had caught onto something. He didn't get too excited. For all he knew it could've been a discarded boot from upriver.
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                      Re: Scouting for Future Clams

                      As steady as he could manage, Rorom began to tug on the line. One of the first rookie mistakes any newbie fisherman could make was to let their anxiety or excitement get the better of them. Rorom, from his many arcs of plying the coasts of Idalos for its bounty, had imparted a deep patience. He rolled the line around the fishing rod, gentle but at a decent pace.

                      Whatever had caught on the line was heavy. It could be a twenty pound fish or else a sack of rotten vegetables that had gone to waste. Rorom had seen some strange catches in his day. He didn't let these doubts and hopes dash his concentration, though.

                      The line got tighter as he drew it in. Rorom didn't roll the rod anymore, but moved to the side a bit, to evade whatever obstruction his catch had swam upon.

                      The fisherman rolled his rod a bit more as he moved toward the bank to give the line more slack. At the last moment, he decided to go for broke, and started rolling the line on his rod, down the line, on and on.

                      Finally, the obstruction that kept his catch from emerging gave way, and he began rolling faster. He checked the tension in the line to assure himself that there was still indeed a fish or object stuck to the hook. He nodded, feeling it taught as ever. Rorom rolled the line until at last his catch showed it's fins above the water.

                      By Chrien's children, this was a large bass! He gingerly laid his fishing pole on the ground, making sure to leave a heavy rock on it so it wouldn't roll into the water. This done, he then approached his impressive catch. On closer inspection, it appeared to be a catfish. He was careful to avoid contact with it's whiskers, knowing that such contact could injure him. Rorom couldn't afford to spend another night at the healers.

                      He knelt by the fish, and prayed to the immortals, giving them thanks for this catch. Afterward, he honored the spirit of that fish before ending its life. He smashed it's head against a nearby boulder, and let the briney blood drain into the waters of the river. Giving thanks to Uf'rek for leading him to this spot, Rorom began dissecting his catch. Once the butchery was complete, he skewered the cuts of meat on little wooden sticks, and set them above a stone circle he'd built previous to the catch.

                      Smoking one's catch was an important skill to learn as a fisherman. Especially given the perishability of the meat. Even so, in the depth of Cylus, it wasn't easy building a fire. Luckily, he had a lantern that already had a flame. He used this to set fire to the kindling, and in time with a bit of collecting driftwood and falling branches, had a decent fire going.

                      He was careful to fan the smoke inward enough that it would be contained around the fish, and for minimal dissipation from the open fire. In a few breaks, the preservation of the fish was thorough, and he took them off the fire, kicking snow into the circle for good measure. Then he made for the lights of Rharne.
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                                Re: Scouting for Future Clams

                                Reverse Pirate Rynata,
                                here to reverse pirate your rewards!
                                Name: Rorom

                                Fishing: Patience is paramount when fishing with a rod.
                                Fishing: Smoking your catch to preserve the meat and enhance the flavor.
                                Fishing: Shallow lagoons are good places to search for clams.
                                Fishing: Check the tension in the rod's line to ensure it doesn't snap.
                                Resistance: Working through the freezing weather.

                                Loot: N/A
                                Injuries: N/A
                                Expenses: N/A
                                Renown: N/A
                                Magic XP: N/A

                                Points: 10
                                Comments: Nice job thread. I really liked Rorom's attitude throughout the thread. Idalos is a tough place but it seems he gets by with cheer in his heart.

                                If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Also, please indicate on your request thread that this has been reviewed. Thanks!

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                                word count: 166
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