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It's not over until one party falls unconscious.

Almund is a thriving township with a dark side. With houses made from the wooden bodies of decommissioned ships, there are many opportunities here, coupled with many dangers.

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Rumble in the Dark

When the Rusalka caught Lavana's meaningful gaze, she shook her head. It wasn't that she didn't love to fight dirty. What she wanted that night, however, was to give the Hounds a beating they'd never forget. She wanted to win in such a decisive manner that none could accuse her of cheating with a weapon like the archer had in the tavern. She wanted to send Gibney and Dana another message.

Part of Max was jealous of the imperial that she had the luxury of leaning over to catch her breath. With the archer back on his feet and ready for more, it was one she could not hope to afford. She shared her friend's pain. They had both reached a point where no amount of alcohol or drugs could spare them the effects of this brawl. Each were digging deep into their reserves to keep themselves standing. Their bodies were tired. Neither would be able to keep up the act for much longer. As much as she wanted to offer Lavana a word of encouragement, she needed to save every breath. The archer stalked toward her to make his final stand.

Come and get me.

His fist blow dipped under her guard to soften her body, but his closeness only gave her the opportunity to hurl her head into his face. If his nose hadn't been utterly broken before, it sure was now. He stumbled back with a stream of expletives, eyes involuntarily watering and guard raised while blood streamed down his face. Max's body lunged forward as though her life depended on taking the rare, temporary advantage. In a way, it probably did.

Her jab predictably was halted by his guard, but her right hook to his rib cage and the shin between his too-wide stance were left uncontested. When his body leaned in with the pain her uppercut rose to pummel him. With her other hand's fingers laced in his short hair to hold his head in place, there was virtually no escape. A last ditch effort to shoot in for her legs only resulted in her rapidly dropping all her weight onto his head. His forehead struck the hard ground with a speed and force he wasn't properly prepared to off-set. He was in a haze thicker than hers after that. All there was left to do was slip her arm under his windpipe and squeeze tight.

The moment his body went limp to signal his unconsciousness, Max released her hold. She collapsed over him, lungs heaving and muscles aching something fierce. The beads of sweat on her forehead were cold in the Cylus wind but her cheeks were bright red. Her sights looked to Lavana then. As much as she wanted to fade into the black in search of her bed and a new bottle, she wasn't inclined to leave the imperial locked in battle alone. Maxine made one last push to her feet, spat upon the unconscious archer, and made way for her friend.

Should Lavana need it, she'd be happy to intervene by grabbing the brute by the back of the head and slamming him down onto his back. The Rusalka was finished. Completely and utterly finished. That wouldn't stop her from finding it in her to bury her heel in a face if need be though. It was the least she could do for the woman that had agreed to enter her quarrel with ex-coworkers.

Just show me the opening.
word count: 593
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Lavana Tharn
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Rumble in the Dark

Lavana had been waiting for the go ahead, and when she had received her message in the form of a head shake the mortal born nodded in compliance as she understood her marching orders. Raskalarns Greatest Failure smiled outwardly, but grimaced internally as she stood there hunched over watching and waiting. Her tired hands rested on her knees while she was busy trying to catch her breath. Lavana felt if she had a blade shed of faired a lot better, however fisticuffs didn't come naturally to the mortal born not the way it did for the ex hound.

However despite this it would not deter her hearts desire to fulfill an obligation to do what the Rusalka had done for her; give her back her dignity.

Her eyes dialated as uneven breathes clamored from her lips in wisps of hot clouds. She was relying on endorphins and adrenaline kicking through her veins to carry on as the large hound had finally nursed his injury and lifted himself up once again. The mortal born understood herself enough to know, she didn't have the energy for another assault.

Shed rely on being a careful technician relying on foot work and tactics instead of strength and stamina which had been depleted. Lavanas aim was to circle with careful steps to the left as she raised her guard circling him, she was a wreck but her aim wasn't to fight anymore her strategy was to buy time as she dug in deep.

The mortal born was too exhausted, as even after her break she could feel the weight of her hands begging her to lower her guard. Lavana would try to find her rhythm with haphazard steps, following her opponent she took every movement and moment into account.

Eyeballing what was going on behind the big guy, Lavana was keeping tabs on there fight. Shed been prepared to make a dash for the gear if she failed, but Amber eyes soaked in those techniques her uppercuts and knees. Max had managed to pull through as the Archers takedown was met with a headbutt with arms wide open.

Drawing the big guys attention with a jab here and there Lavana stayed elusive and out of reach as he seemed intent to run her down into the corner; the mortal born was on the run buying those trills for Maxine while she kept her distance being just out of reach as every time hed step forward shed step back.

Waiting, waiting each trill felt like trial when she was in deep water. Moving, and moving waiting biding her time until shed finally produced an attack of substance and merit as hed attempt to get in range with his hands.

A swift front kick into his kneecap that caused him to hunch and buckle as he bent the knelt to hold his insidiously sharp pain, shed danced around and produced what she felt was nothing with her lackluster performance as Maxine came to her rescue as the bell had sounded. Hed been grabbed from behind and launched back first Into the cobblestones.

In comparison Lavana felt she lacked the debonair flash that the baroness of scarlet sunsets could produce. But it was a victory, she knew herself and knew her enemy and played the sundial shrewdly. But still, she couldn't help but feel like she had once again lived up to her mother's expectations.

He was on the floor ready for Maxines foot finished him off, with one of those resonating thrawps you just can't forget after hearing it. Amber eyes lay in weight to watch her home girl finish the job.

If and after had she.

" hehehe, your just to fucking good with those hands bitch. But seeing as how we jumped these pricks, let's run em for there shit.

After all the most important thing about a conquest is the booty!

It's a rule of thumb really can't have a conquest without the booty "

As Lavana chuckled then groaned as she made her way over to the discarded items Amber eyes focused on plunder as she started sifting through there gear looking for valuables and coin purses.

"Fuck there gear is so shitty I wouldn't be caught wearing any of it, oh my what have we here." as lavanas hands picked up a pretty good looking crossbow, and started aiming it indiscriminately. Before realizing that this was Maxs day, as her eyes beamed in surprise before shifting over to the ex mercenary with a shit eating grin "Want his crossbow it's the only thing worthwhile. Nothing would say fuck you more then taking it, just take it I know you want too." Lavana would crack a wider shit eating grin. "Don't play girl, just take it and shoot him in the ass on the way out"

As Lavana offered it to the ex hound, a prize indeed.

"Let's get out of here, we still got those bottles and that bag of bug berries. Rather drink and smoke then get nabbed by the elements.

My treat let's party!"
word count: 857
Credit To Pig Boy For The Posting Templet!
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Rumble in the Dark

Her heel struck the downed man's face and that was that. Between the force of her hit and the way his head hit the ground, he was quickly put under just as fast as his fellow Hounds. Her chest heaved. Sweat beaded upon her forehead. Her entire body felt too heavy to hold, but her eyes were fixed down on her last conquest even as Lavana's quips rang sharp through the cold Cylus air.

While her friend went to ransacking the defeated, Max practically collapsed down upon the ground. She rested her elbows on her bent knees, gaze focused on the steady stream of vapor exiting her lips. The area was littered with unconscious Hounds and spattered blood. With Lavana's help she had succeeded in beating back the crew that harassed her. Surely a message would be sent to Dana and Gibney, their injuries and embarrassment a reminder of her pugnaciousness that they'd cast out. What she'd done that night didn't make her feel good. Just...better. She was torn from her daze when the crossbow was waggled in her face.

"Know what's a bigger 'fuck you'?" Max asked as she forced her exhausted frame back into a standing position. She took the crossbow and weighed it in her hands. Then she lifted it high above her head, only to hurl it with as much force as she could muster straight down into the ground. What didn't splinter or break was left to the mercy of her suddenly unsheathed sword. She hacked down at the weapon several times, severing the string, butchering the tiller, and loosening the bow irons from the wood. Maxine sheathed her sword and kicked the remains of the weapon once held toward them in the tavern, scattering the pieces like bones in a disturbed crypt for the archer to awaken to collect.

"There," she turned to Lavana, cracking a rare grin. Her hand extended outward in a gesture of camaraderie with intent to clasp the other woman's forearm should she allow it. The Rusalka wasn't the sort to properly know what to say. She wasn't in touch with her feelings even though emotions often overtook her rational thought. Lavana had leaped at the opportunity to help her. She'd hardly seemed to have taken a moment to think, to consider the perils or consequences of aligning herself with Maxine. Her participation had been a snap decision. A reflex. The consistency of her loyalty challenged Max with one difficult question: had she been wrong that she could trust no single person? "Now let's grab the drugs and the alcohol, and do enough of the two that we forget how bad we're going to feel tomorrow morning."
word count: 462
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Lavana Tharn
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Rumble in the Dark

Lavanas eyes widened in a new found appreciation for her ex mercenary friend as she revealed an open smile exposing her teeth in jubilation.

The Rusalka was a positive delight as she was quick to take the waggled crossbow. And rather then claim it for herself as a prize, the ruthless bitch just smashed it to smitherenes as its fragments scattered across the cobblestones as she lifted it above her head and swung it with force. The ex mercenary had even gone a step further as she withdrew her gladius, hacking and cleaving dismantling an archers most sacred possession.

"Color me impressed that's a real fuck you, didn't even care to run him for his shit. Just broke it, I can't get over that." Lavana said while thinking about the symbolism involved in it. How do you come back from something like that, she wondered.

Lavana was happy and enthusiastic about her comrades fierce tenacity and her resolve to utterly send a resonating fuck you to the hounds. It was enough to put her feelings of self discontent and resentment behind her as they'd managed to pull through together, but no thanks to the mortal born as shed seen a different series of events unfurl before her eyes.

Max deserved better she thought, as they clasped forearm to forearm and nothing had been said. And although no words parted lips, Lavana had felt something emotional perhaps in the form of a partnership. They seemed to wreak havoc together, but even as Lavana was quick to cast doubt upon herself she couldn't get over that idea of simply destroying something like that; and it held a special place in her memory as over the loom she saw the man on his hands and knees clamoring for those broken shards with distraught eyes.

"Yea let's get wasted!" she knew she was going to get wrecked before she awoke wrecked. "ima be hurtin for certain in the morning."

And the ex hound was right, might as well party and forget about there problems for a little while.
word count: 351
Credit To Pig Boy For The Posting Templet!
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Rumble in the Dark


Intimidation: Name Calling
Intimidation: Breaking Down Egos
Intimidation: Inviting an Enemy to Try to Make Good on Their Threat
Endurance: Fighting Through a Crossfade
Endurance: Tired Muscles
Endurance: Taking a Throw to the Ground
Unarmed Combat: Protecting Your Head with Your Forearm
Unarmed Combat: Throwing an Enemy off Top Mount
Unarmed Combat: Hook to the Temple
Unarmed Combat: Headbutt
Unarmed Combat: Dropping Your Weight to Keep from being Taken Down
Unarmed Combat: Bashing Their Head off the Ground

Loot: N/A
Injuries: Minor "injuries" such as bruises on various parts of the body; will heal within a few trials.
Renown: Slight (+5)
Devotion: N/A

Points: 15


Unarmed; Kick to the solar plexus
Unarmed; Right Cross Counter
Unarmed; Kick To The Knee
Endurance; Taking A Stomach Blow
Seduction; Jacadon Kiss
Resistance; Smoking Bug Berries
Strength; Breaking A Mans Ribs
Acrobatics; Elastic Recoil
Tactics; Speaking Without Saying
Tactics; Buying Time

Loot: N/A
Injuries: Minor "injuries" such as bruises on various parts of the body; will heal within a few trials.
Renown: Slight (+5)
Devotion: N/A

Points: 15

Comments: Okay, that was definitely a quirky thread, and it had good combat and a cool premise. I enjoyed it, and I'm not going to lie, the dialogue made me laugh.

That being said...

To be a bit critical: Lavana's dialogue was veeeery modern. She sounded like she was chilling in an urban setting, not a fantasy town. : P Also, you're better than mistaking their/they're/there!

Other than that, great writing!
word count: 258
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