Review Request 2.1.3

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Nalin Marit
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Ink Burning Darker than Black
City/Area: Almund
Notes/Warnings: Not much of note
Requested Rewards:
Nalin Marit: 8 Knowledges + 2 Knowledges (2 past 3 posts)
Acrobatics: To fall correctly.
Linguistics: Noticing Verbal Nuances and Queue's
Seduction: The sideways glance and smirk
Seduction: Taking off a layer at a time
Seduction: Eye contact can be quite invigorating
Socialization: Not taking bribes when they you aren't there for what they think you are there for.
Socialization: Being careful of your words.
Socialization: Sticking to the truth
Storytelling: Stories about yourself
Endurance: Baring the sickness well.

Lavana: Asks a lot of questions
Lavana: Failed to give her name
Lavana: Assumed I was some sort of Assassin
Lavana: Threatened to kill me.
Lavana: Likes how I look
Lavana: Tried to pay me to not kill her
Lavana: Calls herself a bitch.
Lavana: Doesn't believe I'm from Scalv
Lavana: "Cool story brah"
Almund: Butcher's Shop

Loot: +100gn to Ledger. Guilt payment from Lavana
Injuries/Overstepping: Nausea, Overheating and Intense sweating due to Inkbloom Other than that? Maybe a minor cold from being out in the rain with only half his clothing on?
Renown: Grader's Discression
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
Lavana Tharn: 8 Knowledges + 2 Knowledges (2 past 3 posts)

Discipline; Staying Vigilant Of Danger
Discipline; Realizing when eyes are wandering
Leadership; Taking charge to help a sick or injured person.
Leadership; Taking responsibility for your actions, and trying to make things right.
Business Management; Trying to buy out a would be assassin.
Business Management; Not allowing a customer to die on the floor, on your shift.
Tactics; Using the counter as a barrier from possible danger.
Strength; Lifting a man off the floor
Endurance; Using oneself as support
Endurance; Walking while carrying an injured comrade

Non-skill lores

Nalin; Not an assassin
Nalin; Possibly a victim of a mugging
Nalin; Claims his injury is ink bloom
Nalin; Easy on the eyes
Nalin; Soft of body.
Nalin; Speaks broken common

-100gn from ledger. Given to Nalin Marit (out of Total and complete guilt)
Injuries/Overstepping: Just her pride
Renown: Grader's Discression
Collaboration: Yes
No Magic exp!
 ! Message from: Peg
Test Review Pending!
word count: 372
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Celeste Andaris
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Between The Roses
City/Area: Venora
Notes/Warnings: Nope.
Requested Rewards:


None, thank you.

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: None
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no


Politics: Love Complicates Arranged Marriages
Politics: People Look Up to the Men
Politics: Being A Noblewoman is Tricky
Politics: Don't Say Your Betrothed Is Intimidating
Politics: Family as Back Up
Politics: Servants Can Be A Source of Information
Deception: Making Men Fall For You to Control Them
Deception: Showing Vulnerability
Deception: Choose Your Words Carefully

Celeste Andaris: Very Pregnant
Celeste Andaris: May Birth Twins
Celeste Andaris: Was Engaged to Alistair Venora
Celeste Andaris: Shrewd Politician
Celeste Andaris: Curious about Your Betrothed

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: Nope
Renown:Not applicable
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no
word count: 131
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: When It Rains, It Pours
City/Area: Almund, Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Language and violence
Requested Rewards:
Acrobatics: Diving Through a Window
Detection: Screams Indicate Danger
Discipline: Moving Toward a Goal Despite Danger
Intimidation: Threats of Death to Get What You Want
Intimidation: Motivating Success with Threats of Death
Mount: Driving a Cart Forward
Resistance: Working in a Smoke-filled Room
Strength: Half-Carrying an Injured Man
Deception: Stealing Under the Guise of Heroism

Detection: Spotting Weak Points of a Burning Building
Endurance: Taking Multiple Bolts to the Body
Intimidation: Threats of Violence
Leadership: Barking Orders
Strength: Pulling Someone Out of a Fire
Larceny: Stealing Off Someone's Person
Discipline: Moving On in Spite of Pain
Discipline: Refusing to Succumb to Injuries

Loot: Max stole an Element pin
Injuries/Overstepping: Many for Merces
Renown: Likely slight/small for arson/heroism
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: I don't think so.
 ! Message from: Aegis
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Working It Out
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: Nope.
Requested Rewards:[/googlefont]

Discipline: Making yourself do something that you know is going to hurt.
Discipline: Anger can be a fuel, if focused.
Discipline: Admitting weakness
Endurance: Moving when movement hurts.
Endurance: Pushing yourself to the point you are trembling.
Endurance: Emotional state impacts physical endurance.
Strength: Pulling self up with upper body only
Strength: Holding body weight on rings and swinging self to move.

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Not unless anyone might hear the shouting?
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no


Construction: Constructing body building equipment.
Deception: Overly cheerful.
Discipline: Purposely irritating someone you love.
Discipline: Dishing out tough love
Discipline: Putting what you want in second place to what she needs.
Persuasion: Use short catch phrases.
Strength: Using your upper body to lift your own body weight.
Strength: Use of equipment to help build strength

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: Nope
Renown: Maybe 5 if the father / cousin talk to other biqaj about him. Or anyone heard the shouting.
Collaboration: yes
Magic EXP: no
Reviewed ByImage
word count: 186
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: I. Things Not Planned For
City/Area: Etzos, Outer Perimeter
Notes/Warnings: Sporty Language and Awful, Sexy Violence

Requested Rewards:
Stealth: Don't Attract Attention
Deception: Masking Surveillance by Pretending to Read
Tactics: Separating Enemies to Kill Them Piecemeal
Tactics: The Benefits of a Hidden Bodyguard
Blades (Gladius): Needs a TIGHT Grip
Unarmed Combat: Gouging Eyes with Thumbs

Loot: No
Injuries/Overstepping: No
Renown: Probably a bit, Kas being all street-daemon-y
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
word count: 83
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: II. Bugger of a Night
City/Area: Etzos, Outer Perimeter
Notes/Warnings: Swears N Savagery, as always...

Requested Rewards:
Endurance: Accept The Pain
Tactics: Get in Close, Under Their Guard
Unarmed Combat: Twisting Away from a Thrusting Blade
Unarmed Combat: Knee to the Crotch
Unarmed Combat: Wrist Lock and Takedown
Intimidation: Cultivate the Reputation of a Savage

Non-Skill Knowledge:
NPC Waxhaw Brothers, Crassus and Fessus: North Etzos Gangsters

Loot: No
Injuries/Overstepping: Scars on forearms and chest, now healed after 13 arcs
Renown: Oh, yes...
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No
Last edited by Kasoria on Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 96
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Finnegan O'Connor
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Pledge
City/Area: Foster's Landing, Etzos
Notes/Warnings: Two kids and a crook walk into a bar...
Requested Rewards:
Discipline: Minding Your Own Business
Discipline: Recalling a Voice From Long Ago
Intelligence: Recognizing a Potential Asset
Intelligence: Briefing Without Giving Away Too Much
Finn O'Connor: Plucky Street Rat, Far from Home
Ivanthe: Weird Kid, Possible Liability
Acting: Playing the Outraged Dad
Intimidation: Playing On Reputation (Yours and Your Master's)
Negotiation: Setting a Price for Services To-Be-Rendered

Discipline: pain creates focus
Unarmed Combat: strike at the limbs
Unarmed Combat: surprise as a weapon
Discipline: cold is temporary
Deception: guarding your answers
Deception: know when to abort
Acting: this is my brother
Acting: believe your own lie
Medicine: saliva, nature’s disinfectant

Finnegan O'Connor
Leadership: making Ivanthe follow you
Acting: half-truths are the best lies
Persuasion: enhancing a story with enticing mystery
Negotiation: making Ivanthe do as you want
Acting: playing along with Kasoria
Endurance: taking a fist to the stomach
Caregiving: making sure Ivanthe is alright.
Discipline: remaining cool opposite a dangerous crook
Negotiation: demanding a reward
Kasoria: Raggedy-rat from the past
Ivanthe: Jumpy friend

Loot: -
Injuries/Overstepping: Some mild abrasions for Ivanthe
Renown: Maybe a little for Ivanthe and Finn for the scene they caused.
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
word count: 226
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Roast Session
City/Area: Etzos
Notes/Warnings: Nope

Requested Rewards: Night
Knowledge: No thanks, I'm too lazy to look
Loot: Nah
Injuries/Overstepping: Nope
Renown: Medium or Small, at the discretion of the reviewer(Participation in the roast, stopping any potential fight/scaring away the drunk, storytelling)

Requested Rewards: Nauta
Cooking: Getting rid of the stench in bear meat
Cooking: Using tasteless ingredients to complement other ingredients
Deception: Use retrieval of missing gear as an excuse to get someone away
Logistics: Preparation of an anticipated event
Cooking: Food which taste good and food which fills
Deception: Go after to work off another person's account
Storytelling: Excitement sells
Linguistics: The difficulty or understanding drunken slurs
Tactics: Large winged Avriels make good meatshield
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Medium or Small, at the discretion of the reviewer(Participation in the roast, getting called out by the drunk, storytelling)

Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
Reviewed ByImage
word count: 163
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name:A Snake in the Grass
City/Area: Scalvoris Town
Notes/Warnings: Sephira meets Roland when they take down a conman.
Requested Rewards:
Investigation: Deducing that the ointment was a fake
Intimidation: Making a silent threat with a sheathed weapon
Leadership: Encouraging others to take the lead
Etiquette: Accepting the offer of a drink to make a friend
Detection: Noting the gathering crowd
Psychology: Using words to box in an enemy
Tactics: Using the crowd to corral a criminal
Persuasion: Persuading the crowd to demand another demonstation
Discipline: Resisting the urge to chase after the conman

People: Roland Demira: Gentleman with a silver tongue
People:Roland Demira: The sly fox
People: Roland Demira: Helped stop a conman

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Medium or small for publicly stopping a conman
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: No
word count: 142
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Victor Amielle
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Review Request 2.1.3

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Immortals and Magic
City/Area: Scalvoris.
Notes/Warnings: This is just a classroom thread so that Victor can finally get his degree. I'm not sure if it's particularly exciting.
Requested Rewards:
Discipline: Not eating even though you’re hungry
Etiquette: Don’t talk with your mouth full
Etiquette: Eating in class doesn’t have style
Etiquette: Good manners are important
Research: Don’t forget to list your sources

History and Theory of Magic: What the Immortals think about magic
History and Theory of Magic: Some Immortals refuse to mark a mage
History and Theory of Magic: Famula is especially opposed to necromancers

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: no
Collaboration: no
Magic EXP: no
word count: 123


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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