The Longest Night of Cylus

The Council Convenes in an Emergency Session

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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The Longest Night of Cylus

Evening of Cylus 30, 718
Council Halls
 ! Message from: Aegis
Who can join this - Kura Wolfsdotter, Padraig, Faith, and Amaris, as they are council members + an influential member invited to the meeting. Anyone else can join this as a spectator if your character would wish to attend. Council Meetings are open to the public, however the plot will revolve around the council members involved unless for some reason an attending PC makes a disruption. IC questions and related topics are most certainly welcome.
Leshli Vy'Ihadi moved around the Council Hall, still wiping the tiredness from her eyes. She already lit the various hearths to begin heating the building, and was now moving about, lighting the lamps. The soft glows helped to cheer her up on this miserable night a bit. She'd been informed of an emergency meeting the council was holding, and as such, she was making all the appropriate preparations. She carried the extra chairs into the conference room, she dusted everything. She made sure water, wine, bread, and some dried fruit were available upon the concession tables. Each councilors seat had the cushions fluffed, had parchment, ink, and quill prepared for them.

She looked out the windows into the Cylus night, seeing the terrible weather and sighed. This was possibly the worst trial to hold an emergency meeting. The letters had been sent to the villages, but with the weather as it was, she expected maybe half the council at most. But she was the receptionist, and she would happily attend to her duties. And it wasn't like she had a home to return to anyways. Her apartment was one of those that collapsed down by the docks following the strange kidnappings. The public details were not... well, they didn't paint a clear story. But if one thing was clear, it was that the public was outraged at the Elements' multiple failures. They'd failed to keep the women from being kidnapped in the first place, failed to recognize the cult members among their ranks, failed to save all the women that were captured.

Failed to keep Leshli from losing her apartment and most of her belongings. The only reason she was alive was due to her having been here, filling out paperwork, as always. And while she was grateful to be alive, grateful to have work to keep her busy, to keep her mind off things. And so, when the first Councilor, Rand Broson, the Militant, arrived, she greeted him with a polite smile and took his coat. The man looked tired, and rightfully so. Much of the recent days issues seemed to fall on him. And soon he was joined by Brandel, Sidhe'nn, James, Francis, and Leigh. It seemed that only a few more would be coming, and the meeting would start soon.

For every arrival, Councilor or citizen, Leshli greeted, took coats, and directed to the conference room. The Councilors were already at their seats around the table, waiting, stress upon all their minds. And the worst of it was this was the icing on the recent disaster cake. After all, this meeting was not about the recent kidnappings at the docks, no. This meeting was about Rynmere. And every one of the councilors there was waiting on Councilor Kura specifically to arrive, for she was at the forefront of this new business.
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The Longest Night of Cylus

30th Cylus, 718
"I'm not sure," she said, as they walked through the streets hurrying to get to the Council meeting. "Maybe there's an opening for someone who wonders why they were invited?" Silver eyes looked at him mischievously and she smiled as she hugged herself to him. "If I knew, I promise you, I'd tell you. I'm very peripheral to this whole Council thing. I think mostly they keep me around to remind them to be nice to people." She genuinely believed it and, burying her face in her scarf Faith looked at the Council Halls. "If we're lucky, there'll be warm drinks. I miss the babies." Pulling herself against him, she glanced up at her husband and said what she knew he didn't want to hear. "I don't know more than you, but I suspect they want you here because of the expedition, because you are the leading, foremost young and upcoming academic on Scalvoris. They want you involved." She smiled and rested her head against him. "This could be the beginning of a marvellous political career, you know. Students of politics might mark this night as the beginning of what will become known as The Augustin Era,"

Looking up at him, Faith could not help but chuckle slightly. "My apologies. I should not torment you." He hated politics and the very idea of it was an anathema to him. She could hear it now, the grumbling which was going on inside his head. He was a scholar, not a politician, he was not interested in this, this stood in the way of progress and science. And, of course, he was right. She was more inclined to navigate the waters of politics in order to try and achieve what she wanted to, but she felt very similarly to him at the core of it. Still, Isonomia was up and active now and she knew that she needed to win these people's votes.

Once they got inside, she gave over her coat and smiled in greeting to those who were here. She'd missed last season's meeting, having given birth to twins in a crashed carriage in the middle of the street just five trials before. With a straight face, she looked at Leshli and asked, "I hope you got my apologies for last meeting?" Then she smiled and showed Padraig wherever he was sitting.

Things were not good on Scalvoris, she knew. She'd been kidnapped in the street in broad daylight and it had taken her husband and friends to find her. Then, there'd been a second attempted kidnapping and again, the Elements were nowhere to be seen. What had happened in the docks a few nights ago was dreadful and Faith more or less assumed that this meeting was about this. But she sat, straight back and hands folded together in front of her, waiting for things to get started.
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The Longest Night of Cylus

"If that's remotely the case," Padraig responded dryly to the suggestion of a budding political career, for him, "then better I go into hiding now, and cut the possibility off at the pass." He would, if that's what it took and Faith knew it all too well. When he'd found the notice on his desk after he'd gone to the university to check on his work, if Padraig had thought the council didn't know where to find him, he'd have engineered the letter's disappearance, and then feigned ignorance. The practice of politics couldn't appeal to him less than it did already. Faith knew his thoughts. It did nothing but stand in the way of progress and forward thinking. A distraction.

Maybe she was right though, and the council only wanted information about the expedition he'd gone on. A firsthand account as it was. As a scientist and scholar, he was happy to provide that at least. Still, Padraig would have argued that the council's time might be better spent addressing the sham of an organization that was the Elements. He wondered, how many more would be kidnapped, murdered or blown up in their homes before somebody showed enough interest to actually do something about it.

"I'll be nice and behave myself," he promised, leaning in to whisper in Faith's ear as they stepped inside and surrendered their coats. Padraig expected that he wouldn't personally know many of the others who'd attend, save for Faith and Kura of course. And maybe a few others in passing. Then again he couldn't say that he'd attended a single council meeting since he and Faith had come to Scalvoris. At any rate, it didn't appear that they were too early, or on the other hand late. So waiting for things to get started, Padraig sat where he was asked to and settled in.
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The Longest Night of Cylus

Lavana had found herself inviting herself in, tell Raskalarns daughter no after last night and shed slap a bitch.

Play games with a wounded imperial princess, she was sure moma bear would love to hear how the council had fucked up so severly that not nobility but royalty had been drugged disrobbed possibly raped and then forced to run a gauntlet to survive, yea that fresh stab wound was still sore and she was salty like the ocean about it.

And what was the council's response? A circle jerk over rynmere, not who the fuck had messed with there people! Who let Mauve and the Cultists in! Not where did the Cultists come from! Let's sweep that unpleasant mishap under the rug and continue onto the next state of affairs and casually dismiss ourselves of wrong doing in the process.

Lavana could see through that steaming pile of bullshit.

The Mortal Born was furious as she took the bowl of fruit for herself; say something. Pretty please with a cherry on top. So much as look at her the wrong way, she dared the council or anyone in it. As she was quick to dismiss there help not like they were there when she needed them, as Lavana took a chair and sat down like a pompous arrogant bitch that was thoroughly unimpressed.

Apple in hand she took a bite, grimaced "Tastes funny, like the shit I got served last night."and nonchalantly tossed it aside on the floor with the intent of disrespect which was blatant and obvious as she desecrated the chambers floor.

Her body language while casually calm and dismissive was aloof if you could read girl it screamed irate volcano ready to explode as shed be determined to provoke a reaction to give an excuse to erupt, say something she dared them without saying a word.

Her hand fished for grapes to try a satiate her rage as she glared with her most potent womanly weapon the evil eye. The only thing keeping her some measure of calm was Kura, and even then there was no guarantee that she wouldn't flip out and cause a ruckus. There was resentment and possibly hate brewing underneath the surface of those amber eyes of hers as she stuffed her face like a menacing hellion.
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Credit To Pig Boy For The Posting Templet!
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The Longest Night of Cylus


Volker, as a rule, didn't get involved with politics. It was absolutely dangerous for a creature like himself to attract attention to his presence. He was bound to stay in the shadows, killing and eating as was his wont and satisfying his Harvester until it was time to move on. Until he got caught or enough suspicion was raised. It was a decent system as long as he monitored who he killed and when. Most guards were happy to sweep that sort of thing under the rug given the nature of Volker's crimes. Sometimes he could stay longer in a particular place if he cowed the local constabulary into submission.

His Harvester, Oor, had made an excellent point about this particular meeting. He should go, and see whether the disappearances on the docks had been linked up to the random disappearances around Scalvoris Town since he arrived. Especially since his first kill had managed to drag a snail trail of blood through the snow. He was also curious to see whether or not the kidnapper had been identified. Volker liked to keep tabs on others of his kind. Two serial killers couldn't share a space safely, in his long experience. They ended up annoying each other sooner or later.

Thankfully, the session was open to the public.

The weather was hideous but the hall was warm. He stood quietly in a corner, observing the woman hurrying about preparing the hall. The councilors arrived, one by one, and the woman collected their coats. Volker followed one of them into the conference room, artfully dodging Leshli's attempts to grab everyone's coat and greet everyone. He didn't want to be registered, not even slightly. He was content to stand in the corner with his coat, knives strapped to his thigh and a blank expression on his face. A man and woman entered, seeming to know the woman preparing the hall and taking their seats. The other woman who entered was clearly angry about something, flopping down into a chair. She took a bite of her apple, and threw it on the floor.

Volker's jaw tightened. He could feel Oor attempting to squash the little impulse he had to pick up the apple. He shook his head slightly, like a horse shooing off a fly, and strode forward. He picked up the apple, returned to his spot, and drew a smaller knife from the roll on his thigh. He carved away the bitten bit. Carefully, so to minimize the amount of apple bits he was wasting. He then settled to carving it, eating it quietly. Well, drawing attention to himself had likely failed....but the apple was no longer irritating him. He scattered the bits he'd carved off into a flower pot. There. Nothing wasted. The plant got a little bit of nutrients from the fruit in its soil, and he was eating the rest.

Volker allowed himself a small look of distaste at the girl now fishing around in the fruit bowl for grapes. Imbecile.
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The Longest Night of Cylus

Amaris wouldn’t begin to say that they had the slightest clue of what this meeting was about. As had been advised by a number of people ( mostly their family ), they’d purposefully kept themselves in the dark. It had been for the best, until now. Immortals only knew what all that information would have done to them, given the state they’d been in for some time. A resurfacing one, at that. But now their mind was open to a wild number of musings concerning what the topic of discussion would be in this meeting could be about. The mixed blood didn’t want to speculate too much, but there was much that could have happened.

They’d heard some things on the way. Loud things. Unpleasant things. Voices making their discontent known about a number of things. Explosions, kidnappings, disappearances. That last bit was something they had an inkling of, but no real knowledge. Then again, they had only just begun to hear of these topics. But it was enough. A shudder rippled through them, a physical recollection of once more having stared death in the face. The same thing they’d left to avoid in the first place. Maybe there was no avoiding it for them.

Heaving a sigh, they rubbed a hand over their arm as they entered the hall, expecting to see familiar faces. It had been a number of trials since they’d last seen Faith or Padraig, and seeing the couple brought the start of smile to the mixed blood’s face. Chancing a glance around the room as they moved to take their seat, they spotted Lavana. Amaris noted that the woman didn’t seem quite so pleased to be here, and thought maybe she was more aware of the emergency than Amaris was themselves. Perhaps they would ask how she was doing after the meeting. But any good feeling was gone the moment they looked upon a face that they had hoped they’d never see again. Turning away abruptly, they stiffened in their seat, gaze intent on the table before them, studying the pattern with far too much interest.

All that was left was for Kura to arrive and this meeting to be started, and then they could run back to the safety of their home. Or at least not have to deal with the man for much longer. Maybe even have a task to bury themselves in to forget ever having seen the old man outside of their nightmares. They were still hanging on to the hope that maybe all that had transpired that trial had been no more than a twisted dream born of prior terrors. The Ice Caves seemed like a possibly source; the anniversary of Jackson Eclipse's death was fast approaching and they'd already begun to be plagued by the memory of it. Sucking in a breath, they continued to stare down at the table, counting each the passing trills in their head.
Last edited by Amaris on Wed May 09, 2018 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 499
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The Longest Night of Cylus

Given that she had been part of the ordeal on the 28th, there were undoubtedly those on the council who had expected that Kura wouldn't be able to make it. But she had called the meeting and, over the vociferous objections of an Order healer, she would damn well attend it. She was in pain, though, her wounds hadn't fully healed yet and her Fracture Scarred arm pulsed and throbbed in time with her heartbeat. The pain, and the irritation it caused, had not put her in a good mood. The rumors she heard on the street as she walked to the council hall didn't improve her mood and by the time she arrived, her eyes had a noticeably golden hue.

She was the last of the council to arrive, and when she handed her coat off to Leshli, she was clearly not in a good mood. She had stopped by her office on the way and had grabbed the relevant letters and she set them on the table in front of her seat, not saying anything until the council was called to order. When it was, she immediately stood up, speaking to the civilian audience. "For those curious, this meeting was not called to discuss the events that happened on the docks. The simple reason for this is that this meeting was called on the 26th, two days before the events on the docks happened. The investigation into that matter is still ongoing, and for anyone who things we're trying to sweep it under the rug, we aren't. I was one of the captured women, I killed many of those cultists myself, and the council will look into this matter." she said, her tone blunt. Then she took a deep breath and calmed herself some.

"However, other emergencies must be handled and the council cannot ignore a potential foreign threat to Scalvoris, even in light of the recent tragedy." she said, before picking up Cassander's first letter as she sat back down. "Now then, to business. Early this season, it came to my attention that Rynmere closed their Eclipse Portal. The Eclipse Portals, for those who don't know, are powered by the Portal Stones recovered in the Ice Caves of Ishallr. Councilor Amaris and Professor Augustine were integral parts of the team that recovered the Portal Stones, and Professor Augustine was invited in case he has any information on them." she said, pausing to let out a sharp gasp of pain as her wounds flared up again.

After a moment, she continued. "The Portal Stone was loaned to Rynmere under the condition that the Eclipse Portal remain open. Bearing in mind their diplomatic and academic value, I wrote to King Cassander Renault in the hopes that he would see that value and re-open the portal. Not only did he refuse, he stated that the Portal Stone will be destroyed if his researchers conclude that they are powered by Domain Magic. More-over, he acknowledged the potentially disastrous consequences this could have on both Scalvoris and Viden, who also have one of our Portal Stones, but indicated that he would destroy the Portal Stone we loaned to Rynmere without consulting or even informing Scalvoris." she said, pausing to catch her breath. She hadn't had much useful rest lately, and between that and the pain she was in, she was still tiring quickly.

After a moment, she caught her breath and continued. "This declaration is equivalent to Cassander declaring that he has the authority to make decisions for Scalvoris, and Viden as well, without our permission or even our input. It is tantamount to him declaring himself King of Scalvoris as well as King of Rynmere, and if we let this go unchallenged, we would be surrendering our sovereignty to Rynmere." she said, before holding up a hand to stall any comments. "Now, it is possible that this is a mistake of wording, an error made in haste or the need to make his reasoning for not opening the Eclipse Portal clear. With that in mind, I have sent another letter to both clarify his intent and request the return of the Portal Stone we loaned Rynmere. However, we must know what our course of action is in case it is no misunderstanding." she said, looking around at the others seated at the table.

Taking another deep, pained breath, Kura leaned back in her seat. "I have not yet informed Yvithia of Viden, though I wrote a letter that will bring her up to speed. I suggest that we send someone to deliver that letter in person. I also put forth the question of sending a delegation to Rynmere as soon as possible to make clear the seriousness of our position." she said, before looking at Padraig and Amaris. "We also should know whether it's possible to recover the Rynmere stone with the Portal Stones still in our possession." she said, before looking up at the civilian audience, then over at Leshli. "Given the need, I also propose that the government of Scalvoris provide food and shelter to those whose homes and livelihoods were destroyed by the events on the docks." she said, before falling back in her seat and waiting for what the rest of the council had to say.
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The Longest Night of Cylus

Several of the council members were quiet as they absorbed this information. No other nation had ever challenged the sovereignty of Scalvoris, for none ever had a need nor opportunity. And to so blatantly close a powerful resource for academia, for diplomacy, to threaten the destruction of a relic of such magnitude was unforgivable, especially in the eyes of James Witchbane, the Academic. His normally lively smile was a thin line, his eyes wide in shock and outrage. This was a breach of trust. Of his trust, of the University's trust. Scalvoris had never done anything to cause harm to Rynmere nor its people, and certainly not through the use of the Portal Stones.

He spoke first, after first shaking his head, "No, this is no mistake in wording. We know Cassander has advisers, ones far more intelligent than he. This is deliberate." He took a gulp and a deep breath, and got one thing off of his chest, "Do we know what led to this line of action from Rynmere?" The unspoken question lingered, "They've never been one to fall to ignorance before. What changed? You mentioned that they are concerned over the stones being under the influence of Domain Magic. Is this.." Another deep breath, "Is this a choice made because of a shift to an ignorant, religious mindset?" The man had never spoken ill of religion prior to this, at least not publicly, and yet, there it was.

Albarech Brandel spoke next, "Shame on you James. Even if that is the case, you know that isn't the issue at hand. They are challenging us. And we mustn't back down. If other nations see is balk, soon, every single one of them will be seeing how they can take advantage of us. We must meet them. On our terms."

Merchant Francis was quiet, likely calculating the costs this might occur in trade disruption, if any, as well as working out how to best profit from it. Proper Leigh remained silent as well, though that was business as usual for the woman. Rand though was red in the face, and struggling to contain his temper. And for a brief moment, it could be seen that his gaze fell on one Thorst Fall, sitting among the civilians. Her face was stern, as she remained impassive and unresponsive. Rand took several deep breaths.

"We cannot show ourselves to be weak, even if our... No. Even if my failure with the recent events has shown otherwise. They cannot see that. If they will challenge us first by word, sword will follow. They've struck the first blow. We must payback, and then some, if only to keep the wolves off our shores. Send the delegation to Rynmere. But our priority must be to get the stone back, by any means necessary, not inform them of our sovereignty. They are aware. They chose to strike first. And will do so again if they do not fear the consequences."

Albarech spoke once more, "Anyone we send would be at risk. If they are willing to destroy an artifact, whose to say they would not imprison our people, or worse. Clearly you won't be sending a military escort, not with the state of things."

Academic James, "Slow down. You people are acting as if we are already at war. Someone must be sent to sort this out, with the authority to make decisions on our behalf. It... It would have to be one of us."

Sidhe'nn Fraear was quiet, but he saw his former intern and could see she had something churning in her mind. He gave a slight nod, trusting her instincts, for he trained her personally. Kyniya Sherapo raised her hand from the civilian section, and Sidhe'nn gestured to allow her to speak. Unusual but not unheard of, and typically only allowed because a Councilor gave way for it. "We cannot send the Elements as protection, nor can we send any delegation without such. I'm with the Darbyton Logging Consortium, and I've recently established connection with Yaralon, in order to acquire a new trade partner. I offer that the Consortium hire a Yaralon company designated to protect anyone we send while in Rynmere. This would keep our own troops out of it, would protect our delegates, and show that another nation stands by us in our sovereignty. The Consortium, of course, would pay for all of this. We simply wish for a peaceful outcome that benefits Scalvoris."

Sidhe'nn smiled smugly at this. He'd already been calculating the cost that a delegation might raise, and if he could pass that on to a private company, he gladly would. Anything to save a copper. The councilors fell silent for a time, waiting for those who had not spoken to do so, before Academic James once more spoke, looking directly at Councilor Amaris first, and then Professor Augustine. "Can you say whether or not the portal stone is tied to domain magic or not? Could we recover it by any means other than physically going to fetch it or to have it sent back to us?"

And so it seemed Rynmere most certainly was at the forefront of the conversation, while the aid needed to be given to those whose homes were lost at the docks was being forgotten.
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The Longest Night of Cylus


A simple and honest transformation came over Faith as she stepped away from Padraig, having kissed him on the cheek and whispered, in response to his words, "I believe you to oblige, Professor." she said with a smile. But then, much more seriously, "be yourself and you will be magnificent." No doubting it in her mind, so she simply moved to her seat, confidently. The woman, Lavana, she had met a few times now and as she walked past her, she looked at her very calmly, with ever such a slight smile. "Please, there is no need. At least some of us are here to do the right thing, the best we can." was all she said, but she met the woman's gaze and smiled slightly. She wasn't intimidated or arrogant, she simply was where she was and that was that. In truth, Padraig knew just how much anxiety joining the Council had given Faith. She had no wish to be in the public eye, no wish to speak in groups. But Faith had a fundamental, over riding belief that in the battle between good and evil, all that good had to do in order to allow evil to win was to do nothing.

She would not, he knew, do nothing.

So, she took her seat and when her gaze landed on Amaris, Faith smiled a genuine expression of pleasure. "It's good to see you," she whispered and touched Amaris' arm gently. "It's been too long." But they had no more time than that, before Kura arrived and Faith looked at her friend with a calm gaze. Cally, the ghostly form behind her, too, Faith nodded to. She didn't fuss about Kura, she knew better than to think that Kura would do anything other than hate that. Truly, hate it. So she smiled to her friend and she nodded her head whilst wondering what she could do. She listened to Kura speak and then, to those who answered her. Faith did what she always did, she waited her turn. And then she spoke.

"There are two situations here. Both of them constitute an emergency and with all due respect to all concerned, I believe that we are able to discuss both. Especially," she added, "since one is more easily dealt with. Isonomia, the faction behind Cally's Restaurant and the charity work we do, offers its services unequivocally to the Council for the relief effort. In the coming trials, the first thing we must do is provide medical care, shelter and food to those who need it most. We will put ten thousand gold, workers and resources to this task and ask that the council match those funds and provide the same. It is not enough, but it is a good start." She looked at them all, each one and there was a slight crease on her forehead which Padraig would recognise. She was irritated. "Because the people of Scalvoris must be cared for. All of them. By all of us." She looked at the Albarech and said, simply. "Ten thousand gold from Isonomia, ten thousand from the Council. In my role as Councillor for Welfare, I will oversee and organise the efforts to the best of my ability." She would exhaust herself and take up every moment, she meant, but she could not allow people to die because it was inconvenient to her to help.

Motioning to Kura, then, she added, "My esteemed colleague is absolutely correct in that we must look into what happened, that investigation has begun, I believe, but it is not the remit of this meeting. A securing of aid and minimising the deaths due to a lack of basic facilities, allowing infection and hunger to come in will be our first priority. The investigation of what happened, can wait until we have cared for the living and seen to our dead." Yes, she was definitely ticked.

Then, she turned to the next matter at hand. Faith was an incredibly disciplined woman and as much as her voice was usually quiet, somehow here her tone cut through and she spoke, clearly. A professor at the university of some experience, now, she was used to addressing crowds and running meetings with her business and charities. She had no fear for this any more and in that moment she wondered just when that had happened. "I have met Cassander, King of Rynmere. Twice." She had come from Rynmere, after all. This was not a secret. "And he is not a stupid man. Nor is he someone who is afraid to take risks. However," she said and she turned to James Witchbane. "To deny the Immortals exist, to call religion ignorance is as foolish as denying the laws of physics. It is a most unscientific viewpoint to deride religion when our gods walk the earth and sire children, leave their marks upon mortals, such as the marks I bear. Besides, Rynmere has a different religion, not that of the Immortals. This is not likely to be due to religion." Her gaze was calm, stoic. She would see his academic credentials and raise him twenty, that gaze said and she was a very religious woman. Ignorance indeed.

Listening to the others then, she considered. Once they had spoken, she had to agree with some, but not all of what they said. "We have to send a delegation, but we have to consider carefully what Andaris is like. I lived there, as did my husband. If we send a mercenary company with our delegation, whoever they are, then we will be showing a weakness we have no need to show." That was absolutely correct in her mind. "Cassander responds to personal, not impersonal. When there was a member of nobility trying to usurp him, he hid among them in order to find out who the man was." Faith resisted the urge to mention that he'd held her hand. She didn't think Padraig would like it, and besides, she might have mentioned it a few times. "I suggest we send a small delegation who are able to look after themselves." She glanced at Kura, thinking that her friend would be the ideal, but not wanting to suggest it, just in case.

"And also, a delegation to Viden, to speak with Yvithia, if needs be, about the nature of these portal stones." She didn't look at Padraig, but she knew that he was the best person to go. After all, the mark on his face told that he was one of Yvithia's chosen, a physicist and he had studied there. "That is about finding out as much information as we can in order to know what our options are, should diplomacy fail." Pursing her lips slightly, she made a final point. "But I believe that Cassander can be spoken to, reasoned with. So too, the Empress, Emerson Sands. A small, but impressive, diplomatic force there, a delegation to Viden and a relief effort here so that, whatever happens with Rynmere, our people are looked after. That is my suggestion." Looking at the Alberech, Faith raised an eyebrow and gave a slight smile.
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Renown: 20
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




The Longest Night of Cylus

Lavana couldn't handle how things just kept going on and on. To her this was like a battle of words and posturing, as they waged verbal wars to make others submit to there ideas. Yaralon mercenaries sounded interesting, but the mortal born kept her mouth shut. She didn't know the darbytown figurehead but she liked her get the job done attitude, it was a good measured verbal riposte.

Besides no one wanted the elements around them anyway, certainly not her.

More grapes as she watched Amaris, hrmmm as she started to second guess eating them. Grapes were put back in the basket, she wasn't going to go down that path again. As she smiled warmly to her most benevolent acquaintance whom had shown her gifts of kindness as she gripped the hood to her most treasured possession as she swung it over head.

There's was Kura, and she was doing her political thing. Lavana heard words but they started to slip from her as her mind started to fill in blanks as the conversations were awfully dull and she didn't have a head yet for such political musings. The only thing in her mind was she had the imperial owls back and that's all that mattered at the end of the trial. Get reckless with Kura get wrecked, easy enough policy for Lavana to enforce.

Nothing said yet aside from mercenary companies had done little to peak her interest. Although she would be happy to join, it seemed if Cassander wanted to pick a fight hed certainly done it at a good time. The mortal born wondered in quiet contemplation.

She shrugged and had a few more grapes as she watched on intently. Lavana was certainly in a shitty mood, and she was harboring resentment and outrage while being lulled into boredom but the sharp pain of her injuries kept her awake and but discontent.

But when Faith came up and smiled at her, she felt acknowledged and straightened herself up as she sat in her chair like an adult not a thug. "Thank You."

As usual Lavana liked what Faith stood for, the woman always came up a copper short of something she herself could rally behind. It was always the feel good things with her, but in order to have that there was always a blood price. Wealth and privilege had a way of creating ideologies that were out of touch. She summed it up to wanting what was right without the want to feed the war machine, those gears needed to be oiled in sanguine by the weak that bit the hook baited with filthy lies and rhetoric to be dragged into the meat grinder.

Amber eyes watched on as she spoke, not even last season the order of Adunih required the hounds to see them on there pilgrimages and that was at the best of times. Did Faith think laddels of soup, bandages and a blanky would replace lost loved ones? It wasn't going to change the hate and contempt they held in there hearts for the elements as she drew her conclusion from her own viewpoint and methodology, Lavana knew it because she felt the same way in her bones every time she saw one of those shitty pins.

They needed to maintain order though within the military structure first, without firm security they'd been in trouble on an island chalk full of pirates. Certainly she wasn't the only one who saw this.

Her mouth opened as if to say something but then closed as she used her cloak to shield her face. She was at a loss for words in the moment, shed watch the imperial owl navigate this and try to learn as she had a voice but not will to use it. As she hid behind her fabric; her fortress of solitude.

As deep down she forsaw a massacre, shed guarantee death and violence the atmosphere a quietus as resentment and hate would breed and spread like an outbreak. The symbols that once provided safety desecrated ushering in the demise of order to let anarchy reign supreme.
word count: 695
Credit To Pig Boy For The Posting Templet!
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