• Solo • A New Facet

Genuvah tries to create a new illusionary form for himself.

9th of Cylus 718

The crystal city of Uleuda is accessed from the minds of the Yludih. A safe haven from the persecution suffered in Idalos, Uleuda provides a place for Yludih to learn about their people from the Ancients, congregate together about the light bringing crystal Yldria, and begin the process of unlocking their 'gates' to eternal life.

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A New Facet

9th of Cylus Arc 718

Genuvah found the chambers as he'd remembered them, three years to the day. The day on that ship, on which the enclave had escaped Rharne, when he'd discovered the mysteries of his race. Qada had been an adequate teacher, but even he could only teach him a single form before they parted ways.

It was quiet in the meditative chambers of Uleuda. The barest hint of a trill from the crystalline surroundings was the only sound he could hear. Genuvah stepped into the chamber, and even the trill faded into the periphery. He knelt by the crystal light at the center, unsure of exactly what to do.

Time spent out of Uleuda for him had always warped his perception of time inside. Often his memories of this place seemed vague, undefined. He was hard pressed to remember much beyond the last misadventure. An older Yludih woman and he had slipped with discretion from a strange congregation. The cult gave chase, leading them to all manner of blunders on their way out of there. He had to shake his head free of that memory, it was a strange episode.

Genuvah was here for the purposes of learning a new form. He tried to remember his old mentor, Qada. A memory unbidden sprung to mind, huddled with many other Yludih children in the bowels of that ship. Qada had prompted them all to hold hands, and enter a meditative trance. Once they'd fallen silent, he bid them to relax, to empty their thoughts and visualize a light.

Genuvah began remembering, he would reach for the light with his mind's tendrils. His thoughts would mingle with the interplay of light and shadow, tracing their path. Once he found where they'd gone, there he would be, in his new form.

He already had an idea how he wanted to appear to others. He wanted to be shorter, to evade parallels with his other forms. He would have yellow hair, a human five feet and eight inches tall. He saw a figure that distended as he grew stockier. Solid in build but a little wide in the waist. He likely wouldn't be able to fit into his old clothes this way, but that was fine with him. People would be able to recognize his old clothes, especially given he had one outfit.

He shook these concerns off with a roll of his shoulders. Concentrate... His eyes opened gradually, to behold the image that the crystal projected. It cast his new form in a yellow light to the other side of the crystal, reflecting against the mirror surface of the chamber walls.

He rose to his feet, and began deep focusing on the image in front of him. Before long, he felt the change inside him, the light reflected against his asterism. He could feel the illusion moving inside of his core. It switched out various elements of his appearance, altering the way the light reflected against his crystalline body. He felt the change well underway.
Last edited by Genuvah on Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:57 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 511
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A New Facet

As he deep focused on that image against the crystal walls of the chamber, he defocused with one eye. This had the effect of warping his perception, and was another trick Qada had shown him a long time ago. A trick of perception that made a two dimensional image appear in three dimensions. It had the effect here of transforming the image in the crystal wall into more of a bust, as parts of it seemed to materialize in the crystal substance. It extended further from the walls, until it grew out and stepped out of that wall, fully materialized as it were.

He walked around the image for a few moments. While Genuvah wasn't exactly a judge of human beauty, he could tell from the asymmetry of this specimen's face that he was not at all handsome. Homely, he was sure anybody else would describe him so. The man before him was fatter than Cowle Rioghsson, setting the two forms apart even farther. Yellow hair spilled from his scalp, well-formed straight and grown thick.

He stood at around 5'6", shorter than Genuvah had planned, but good enough for his purposes. More than enough to set this form apart from the one he'd been using for a few arcs.

Genuvah reached out with his arm, touching the form to test its texture. To his surprise, the tactile sensations were correct to his perception. Taking this as a sign of success, he moved himself into the image, 'embracing' it. The image shivered a few times, and then shrunk it's light into his asterism.

The first form he'd ever taken sprung to mind. His only link to the past. Genuvah backed out of the center of the room, and brought it to mind. It was easier conjuring this one, as it was foremost in his mind. The pencil-necked redhead was an old form, one he needed to dispel, once and for all. It looked much like the form he had adopted. While he knew he couldn't simply shift from form to form willy-nilly, he wouldn't have to worry about disguising himself. That is, should he need to throw someone off his trail. There was more to it than that, of course. But he wasn't willing to dwell on it now.

He brought the form into the middle of the chamber. It gingerly stepped into the light there. Genuvah sighed. This image was the last pure vestige of his mother that he had. It was more or less the male version of who his mother might've been. The resemblance was uncanny. The form he'd been assuming for the last few arcs was more of an amalgamation of he and his father.

Without waiting any further, lest he change his mind, Genuvah reached an arm out. He drew the essence of the image into his mind's eye, transposing the new image over it. He felt his crystals rearranging themselves in major shifts. Once the major shifts finished, he worked on the smaller details to grant himself the image he had seen. The images collided and melded into each other. Before long, one image won out. The yellow-haired man, older than the boy he'd left behind, but not quite middle-aged.
word count: 553
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A New Facet

Genuvah found the prospect of forging a new identity very liberating, exciting even. His mind began racing with all kinds of interesting facts about his alter ego. What was his favorite color? Food, surely he had a favorite dish. Oh, oh, did he have any flaws? Vices and virtues? Genuvah couldn't wait to work on his backstory. He wondered why he didn't change his identity more often. Then again, that was easy. Qada had warned him against losing his identity to the changes he would inevitably have to make once in a while. Visits to Uleuda were meant to be illuminating, bringing one back to center, closer to realizing anYludih's true self. He couldn't waste too much time playing pretend in Uleuda. Was it downright... disrespectful? Inappropriate? Yeah, probably inappropriate. There'd be time for playing around when he was back to the other world.

He closed his eyes, and let the image speak to him. Only one thing would he take away from this excursion. A name. "Selmon Barber." He spoke the first set of syllables that came to mind and then added a rather mundane surname that literally anyone could have. That done, he let the name sink in and the image burn itself into his core memories. He sat and meditated just a break or so, then rose again.

He went to exit the chamber, making his way toward Yldria. Genuvah approached the great light at the center of Uleuda, walking closer until the sight of it nearly blinded him. He entered and awoke to darkness, a room where the candle had guttered out. He was swift to find a match to strike against the candle, illuminating the room and finding himself safe in his new form. As expected, the clothes he had didn't fit quite well in this form, too long, and too skinny. The string-belt that kept his pants on his waist up was strained to breaking. The next morning, he'd change back into Cowle Rioghsson, and return to Scalvoris Town for both a bit of shopping for his new friend Selmon Barber and a search for new work. All the while, his mind raced with interesting and not so interesting facts about his brand new personality.
word count: 379
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A New Facet



I don't think I've ever seen a boxcode change used quite so effectively. I really like how you wrote this thread, and I enjoyed the glimpse into the "real" Genuvah that it gave me. I'm looking forward to this new form, and seeing what he does. I'm looking forward to seeing all those interesting (and not so interesting, apparently!) personality traits! Great little thread, enjoy the rewards. Drop me a pm if there's any questions!


XP: 10 (not for Domain magic)

Renown: Nope


Nope (new form!)


Deception: Forging an Alter Ego
Deception: Crafting a Backstory
Detection: Warped focus to find abnormalities in two-dimensional images.
Disguise: A skewed physique
Disguise: Changing complexion
Meditation: Visualization of the goal.


Uleuda: Meditation Chambers
word count: 131
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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