[Approved by Pegasus] Ilex Uva Ursi

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Ilex Uva Ursi
Approved Character
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri May 27, 2016 2:26 am
Race: Ithecal
Renown: 20
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Ilex Uva Ursi

Ilex Uva Ursi
Name: Ilex Uva Ursi (they/he pronouns)

Age: 24

Race: Mixed Race (Three-eighths Aukari, one-eighth Biqaj, one-half human)

Date of Birth: 16th of Zi'da, 692

Marks: N/A

Factions Joined: N/A

Languages Spoken: Fluent: Common; Broken: Vauni

Partners: N/A

PLEASE NOTE: The use of "they" for Ilex is primarily for the CS in order to acknowledge Ilex's identity. In writing, Ilex will use "him," but please respect Ilex's identity.

Ilex believes their six-foot-two stature to be a negative trait. It draws attention to them when they'd rather go unnoticed, and this desire to remain in the background is further emphasized by their long hair. They use it as a curtain to block out the world and as a way to comfort themself when their senses are overwhelmed, and it is a dark brown with strands of red hidden between the brown that becomes more prominent when underwater. Their posture is defined by hunched shoulders, as if they wanted to fold inwards until nothing remained. Ilex's arms almost always stay bent at the elbow, hands up by their midriff as if they're constantly expecting to have to catch something. Their fingernails are bitten to the quick and beyond that, but their fingers are nimble and strong.

High cheekbones, dark eyes, and a proud nose give Ilex a dramatic, almost pouty appearance. Though he doesn't tan well, it's unusual to see a sunburn on Ilex. He bears a number of scars up and down his arms and across his shoulders, even an inch or two up his neck, from the predatory birds of his youth. Most of these scars are centered around the forearm and hands, as Ilex refuses to don any protective gear unless someone puts it on him themselves. His clothing choice is simple, often in muted tones as opposed to bright colors, and objects to any rough or potentially itchy textures. When absolutely needed, he will tie his hair back with a soft leather string. When not in use, the leather string is kept on his left wrist.

Faceclaim: Miles McMillan

Ilex prefers to keep to himself. He deeply enjoys spending time around birds and often mimics their calls and noises. Around strangers, Ilex closes off his emotions and busies himself with picking at his fingernails or at the many scabs littering his skin at any given time. If forced into a conversation and not willfully initiating it, Ilex will limit his answers to short phrases or a single word or gesture. If holding a conversation of his own accord, Ilex is much more open and friendly. At times he will become mute and communicate solely through gestures and grunts.

Ilex is prone to stumbling over their words, especially when speaking quickly. They often describe their thoughts in odd ways or can't quite find the correct words; this can manifest in accidental insults that Ilex sometimes makes worse through their attempts to fix the initial miscommunication. They find themself oblivious to advances of any kind until a third party sits them down and explains it to them. Aside from interpersonal relationships, Ilex considers themself to be particularly perceptive, though they are only slightly more perceptive than the average human. They are usually more invested in their birds than in the rest of the world around them and they often forget to eat because of their intense focus.
Fast Facts About Ilex
  • Autistic (like me)
  • Nonbinary (also like me)
  • Partially nonverbal
  • Ambidextrous
  • Lactose intolerant
  • Prone to crying when emotional
  • Prone to being emotional
  • Walks with a slight limp
Character Goals

Short Term

  • Increase Animal Husbandry to Competent
  • Increase Animal Husbandry to Expert
  • Increase Animal Training to Competent
  • Gain a few close friends
  • Interact with a Volareon
  • Learn wilderness survival skills

Long Term

  • Increase Animal Husbandry to Legendary
  • Interact (somewhat safely) with a Jacadon
  • Ride a Jacadon
  • Gain a nemesis
  • Be accused for a serious crime he didn't commit
  • Be forced to leave the current city because of said accusation
  • Gain Karem's attention
  • Gain the Velduris mark
  • Experience trauma (physical, psychological, or emotional)
  • Become initiated into Empathy
  • Become initiated into Becoming

Ilex was born on the road from Etzos to Ne'haer to traveling merchants. He came into the world screaming after hours of labor and the constant fear and danger of his mother's Aukari heritage rising to the surface poisoning the air. Though his mother never did burst into flames, Ilex's family still took great care with him while he was breastfeeding. Once he was able to walk on his own and no longer reliant on his mother, Ilex was allowed to roam where he wished.

Ilex's family settled in Ne'haer. There he was raised and educated, though his parents resented the education system. They realized Ilex's specific needs and aversions and did their best to accomodate him. When he first displayed an acute interest in birds, they granted him permission to follow his passion. He found he had an affinity for recognizing bird calls and spent hours mimicking various chirps, whistles, and screeches. When not birdwatching, he sought out every bit of knowledge he could find about them.

Ilex's odd habits and fixation on birds placed a target on his back. Subtle jokes and sarcasm were thrown his way and he took them at face value. This abuse escalated until he found that it would not do to trust those who speak in riddles. Ilex was twelve when a group of girls around his age convinced him to follow them to a hurt sparrow. In hindsight, Ilex should've noticed the cruel giggles and turned tail the moment he realized something was off, but his fear for the sparrow overwhelmed his unease. The girls led him to a tall wicker cage that shook violently and positioned him in directly front of it so he could "catch the sparrow when it tries to escape!" and opened the latch.

Instead of a small, terrified sparrow cowering inside the cage it was a very large, very scared, very angry great horned owl that most definitely did not cower. It crashed into Ilex's small form and knocked the breath out of him. The owl clawed and snapped at the vulnerable Ilex and the only option he had was to roll onto his stomach and cover his head. The owl tore out several clumps of hair and left a number of nasty gouges on his arms and shoulders before it flew away, leaving Ilex alone. The group of girls bolted before Ilex could recover his breath and he didn't bother tracking them down or telling his parents who released the owl. He knew that even if he could remember their names and faces that it would only invite further abuse upon him.

Ilex was fifteen when they had their second encounter with a bird of prey. They'd seen a red-tailed hawk land in its nest high above the ground around nesting season, and at that point they desired a bird of their own. They figured the easiest way to obtain one was to steal an egg and raise it by hand. Little did they realize that climbing a tree was far more difficult than it seemed, and when they were halfway between the ground and the nest the hawk spotted them and attacked. Ilex lost their grip and fell; they were lucky that the tree had many branches to break their fall. Once they finally hit the ground they found they'd cracked two ribs, broke their left arm, sprained an ankle and bore several lacerations. The first person to discover the injured adolescent rushed them to a healer and called for their parents. Their parents worried Ilex's love of birds would falter after the attack, but it only served to amplify Ilex's love. It became clear that Ilex would care for birds until the end of time.

Ilex's parents left Ne'haer when they became sure he could live on his own. He could cook rudimentary meals, purchase necessities by himself, and had no trouble going about his daily routine. Ilex and his parents parted ways happily; last he'd heard, they were living in Etzos and his mother had given birth to twins.
Family Reference
Ilex Uva Ursi: 3/8 Aukari, 1/8 Biqaj, 1/2 (or 4/8) Human
Calamus Uva Ursi (Father): 1/4 Aukari, 1/4 Biqaj, 1/2 (or 2/4) Human
Kaja Kanane (Mother): 1/2 Aukari, 1/2 Human
Kelani Ej'qy (née Nji'gwar) (Paternal Grandparent): 1/2 Aukari, 1/2 Biqaj

Ilex's home is no different from many homes found in Ne'haer. One bed, two chairs, one table, two knives, a set of six plates, one chest, and a fireplace. One knife is always missing from the set, as Ilex keeps it on hand in case something needs to be cut. Only one chair shows the signs of frequent use, as the other is rarely used by another living creature. The table bears scuff marks from Ilex's boots and a few stains, some fresh enough to identify as blood.

Ilex lives alone except for a cast-iron plant (Aspidistra elatior) they received as a housewarming gift from their parents. Ilex talks to the plant often as if it could really hear them and thoroughly enjoys and prefers the plant's company. On the increasingly rare occasion another living creature is in Ilex's home, Ilex will forget that talking to plants is somewhat odd and subject the unfortunate bystander to a full conversation between themself and the plant.
Knowledge & Skills

SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Animal Husbandry 25/100 (N/A: FT) Novice
Animal Training 14/100 (14/251) Novice
Endurance 8/100 (5/251) Novice
Medicine 5/100 (5/251) Novice
Strength 8/100 (5/251) Novice
Unarmed Combat (Grappling) 25/100 (25/251) Novice

Animal Husbandry/Training

Animal Husbandry: Approaching a Frightened Animal
Animal Husbandry: Restraining Birds Safely
Animal Training: Theories of Bird Training: Basics (PG)
Animal Training: Using Bird Calls as a Training Tool (PG)






Western Idalos: Birds of Prey
Western Idalos: Songbirds
Ne'haer: Geography





Endurance: Protecting Your Face To Endure an Attack Longer (PG)
Endurance: Pushing Past Pain (PG)
Endurance: Waiting for the Healer and Enduring the Pain (PG)
Strength: Breath Control (PG)
Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Unarmed Combat (Grappling) [RB] 25[RB] 25 0
Starting Package 50 0 50
Animal Husbandry 0 25 25
Animal Training 0 10 15
Endurance 0 5 10
Medicine 0 5 5
Strength 0 5 0
Animal Training 4 [PG] 4 0
Strength 3 [PG] 3 0
Endurace 3 [PG] 3 0
Marks Section






  • At Home
    • 1 x Bed
    • 2 x Chairs
    • 1 x Knife
    • 6 x Plates (Assorted)
    • 1 x Chest
    • 1 x Fireplace
    • 2 x Set of eating utensils
    • 1 x Set of toiletries (Soap, brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste)
    • 1 x Cast-iron plant (Aspidistra elatior)
  • On Person
    • 1 x Set of standard-quality clothing (cloak, shirt, pants, undergarments, pair of boots)
    • 1 x Tinderbox
    • 1 x Waterskin
    • 1 x Knife
    • 1 x Kelani's Promise (Prized Possession)
NOTE: Kelani's Promise is not arcane in nature, nor does it grant special abilities or attributes to the wearer. It is a carved pietersite pendant in the shape of a Jacadon skull, valued at approx. 15gn due to size (1.5in long, 1in wide at widest point, .5in tall at tallest point, approx. 50g or 1.7oz) and labor costs. Kelani's Promise was carved by Kelani, Ilex's grandparent, who was half Aukari and half Biqaj.

Kelani's Promise was made to celebrate Kelani's heritage. It is primarily reddish-orange with deep blue sections around the lower jaw and nostrils and gold around the eye sockets and horns. Kelani chose a Jacadon skull because to Kelani it was an animal created by the union between fire and water. It symbolized longevity, strength, and freedom in the face of adversity.
Starting Package ... 100
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Total Currency: 0 ON, 100 GN, 0 SN, 0 CN
Fame Ledger
Item/ ThreadFameTotal
Starting Fame +20 +20
... ... ...
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... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Thread List
Name Date Characters Involved Status Skill Rewards Knowledge Rewards Item Rewards Other
Last edited by Ilex Uva Ursi on Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:55 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 2101

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