Ink and Prophet

Ready for review! Letterpress Printing and Bookbinding, at your service.

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Caius Gawyne
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Ink and Prophet

Ink and Prophet
Character Name: Caius Gawyne
Current Base Wage: 2 (base) + 2 (skill) = 4gn/day.
Profession's Main Skill: Printmaking (26), Drawing (25), Bookbinding (10)
Business Management Skill: 25
Business Name: Ink and Prophet
Business Location: Mid-town, Andaris
Type of Business: Letterpress Printing and Book Bindery

Business Description: Printmaking and bookbinding, at its basic roots, though additional services would include drawing and/or carving of images. Caius is specifically a letterpress printer offering his own own freelance "job printing" service, designing and printing posters, stationery, calling cards, formal certificates and contracts, as well as books. He can also repair and rebind books should a customer have a book in need of such services. He is available to any customer regardless of social class who can afford his services, but generally declines clientele unless they meet his rigorous creative standards.
Loan Amount: No loan from bank necessary, as Lord Nathaniel Endor has promised to invest in Caius' starting a business with a loan and Caius himself has money saved, as follows:
Total of Business Space, Equipment Expenses, and Personal Investment: 3760gn
Loan from Nathaniel Endor (available upon request): -1500gn
Personal Funds (in Andaris Bank): -2260gn
Nathaniel's Promisory Letter
Zi'da 717


The chilling winds of Zi'da have often instilled within the Kingdom a generosity not commonly seen in the previous seasons of the arc. Whispers of Saoire have often lulled me to sleep as a young boy, but her teachings live long into one's life. I hope you find the mask and cane appropriate. Although I do not understand the depicted person on the cane itself, it seems very scholarly. Both are a great representation of your desire to learn.

This is a promissory note to be an investor to whatever business you may be interested in starting. I have noted your inked hands on many occasions. There is something that you enjoying that I see potential in. Perhaps this investment could better us both as well as the connection between our families.

Come to me when you need the funds. We shall discuss logistics at that time. For the sake of transparency, tentatively assume that this promissory note is good for the following loan:

Business Starter Loan: 1500 GN
Additional funds can be negotiated.


Nathaniel Humphrey Endor
Lord of House Endor
Number of Employees: 2.25
+ PC: Darcyanna Venora, Receptionist and Organizer of Things
+ NPC: Shop Dog, Smudge
Shop Details (Inventory):
[columns=3]Letterpress Shop Furniture
Item Price
Printing Press 450gn
Flat Files 20gn
Type Case 50gn
Metal Type, 5 fonts 200gn
Furniture Case 20gn
Work Table (2) 40gn
Composing Table 30gn
Chases, Quions 20gn
Leading Case 20gn
Smelting Stove 50gn
Type Matrices 50gn
Composing Sticks 10gn
Galley Trays 10gn
Brayers 35gn
Beren 5gn
Composing Toolkit 30gn
Wash Basin, Lg. 10gn
Other Supplies
Item Price
Paper, Master Sheets 80gn
Wood Blocks for Carving 45gn
Lead for Making Type 30gn
Sand for Making Type 10gn
Ink Supplies 80gn
Rags, Cleanup Supplies 10gn
Book Binding Supplies
Item Price
Book Press (2) 80gn
Nipping Press 25gn
Sewing Cradle 10gn
Glue and Brushes 5gn
Binding Ribbon, 20yd 10gn
Sewing Kit 6gn
Leather Worker's Kit 60gn
Leather, 5yd 80gn
Artist's Kit 19gn
Backing Boards 12gn
Supplies Expenses Total:1610gn
Land/Building Expenses Total:1500gn
800sq ft of open space below current rental home in Mid-Town (will buy the rest later after rental contract is over), which is wood, stone, and plaster with stone flooring. 600 sq ft of workshop space, 200 sq ft of space just for the custom-built printing press.
Business Documentation Fee:150gn
Personal Investment:500gn
Final Total Expenses: 3760gn
Services Offered:
While this is by no means an exhaustive list, here are some examples of services Caius can provide to Andaris citizens. Most jobs will be priced on a per-job basis, but basic operations include:
Item Price Additional Information
Book Repair, per book 5gn Severity of book damage may require reprinting.
Book Printing and Binding, per book 8gn Multiples will lower the price 20%.
Calling Cards, per 100 cards 50sn This is for a 1-color job.
Announcements, per 100 small cards 3gn This is for a 1-color job.
Invitations, per 100 3gn This is for a 1-color job.
Posters, per 100 60gn This is for a 2-color job.
Certificates, each 5sn This is for a 1-color job.
word count: 730
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Prophet of Old
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Ink and Prophet

This whole thing looks good! I have NO idea when I will, but I'll be using this in plots.

word count: 21
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