• Closed • [Between Venora and Andaris] Brokenness

Darcy, please. Picking up the pieces post-Pythera ambush.

The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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[Between Venora and Andaris] Brokenness



Wow - family eh? What an emotional rollercoaster of a thread. You played Darcy's sense of tense, terrified, overwhelmed and relieved all in one really well. Her care for Caius was awesome and her thought processes as she first cauterized and then stitched were beautifully described. Lovely writing, just lovely. I'm really glad you got a leadership knowledge in there, too, that was very well handled!


XP: 15

Fame: +10 (saved a life)




Medicine: Bloodloss can induce shock
Medicine: Using reevi for pain relief
Medicine: Keep the patient talking to know they are alive
Medicine: Cool to touch may also indicate shock
Surgery: Boiling for sterilisation
Surgery: Cauterising large wounds to stem blood flow rapidly
Surgery: Stitching 101
Surgery: Sterilising with antiseptic solution
Leadership: Directing others in a time of crisis

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Caius: Said I love you
Caius: Told him you love him too
Caius: Sort of kind of proposed
Caius: Wants to take you to Gawyne
Caius: Called you his Winter Rose
Caius: Was wounded by Pythera
Caius: Smoked reevi in the past
Caius: Has his trial of birth tattooed on his wrist
Caius: Is a talkative stoner



Oh, poor Caius! Trying to do the very best he can by everyone and he's injured, afraid that he's going to die, worried for Darcy, cauterized, stitched and high all in one! You've detailed his injuries and how he dealt with them, how he felt them so beautifully. Honestly, though, the sock moment was my favourite. If I've missed anything, drop me a pm.


XP: 15

Fame: +5 (he's a tough cookie! He survived!)


Scar, jagged and unpleasant, as detailed in your review request. It will require restitching.


Endurance: Being in shock from a severe injury
Endurance: Cleaning a wound hurts
Endurance: Cauterization is horrible
Endurance: Poor stitching is agony
Endurance: Talking to stay conscious
Endurance: Someone else's body warmth for comfort
Resistance: Reevi for pain relief
Resistance: Reevi turns you toward prophecy
Rhetoric: Confessions of love
Rhetoric: Almost a proposal

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Darcy: You told her you loved her
Darcy: Loves you, too
Darcy: Sort of kind of said yes
Darcy: Your Winter Rose
Darcy: Got you high for medicinal reasons
Darcy: Cauterized your wound (shared her pain)
Darcy: Has only darned a sock instead of done stitches
Darcy: Might have judged your comfort level with reevi
Darcy: Is amazing
word count: 410
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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