• Closed • [Astedia] Ladies' Day (Celeste)

Valeria receives an invitation from Celeste Andaris

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Valeria Burhan
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[Astedia] Ladies' Day (Celeste)

10 Zi'da 717
Gaining an invitation to the Barony of Astedia from Baroness Celeste Andaris herself had sent Valeria into rapturous delight. When she'd initially received word, she hadn't been able to believe it. The notion that the woman who was in line to become the Duchess of Andaris and who was one of the most important people in Rynmere could have noticed her was too incredible for the young woman to grasp. When she'd recovered from the initial shock, she'd written straight to her parents to inform them of the good news, even if it was only a simple social engagement. In the world of Rynmere's political sphere, there was no such thing as "simple" when it came to anything social.

Her delight had quickly evaporated though when she began to panic over what she was going to wear, how she was going to present herself, if she ought to bring something with her and all the other trivialities that could have a lasting impact. Obviously, she knew that she could use Zanik's mark to assist her but she couldn't solely rely on it for such an important matter. It was almost enough to set her to ripping her own hair out in her anxiety, almost reduced to tears on more than one occasion as she dashed wildly around her home. Alena had watched her in bewildered curiosity, obviously wondering why her owner had gone insane but not too concerned as the cat soon grew bored, settling on grooming herself and glancing up every now and then.

When the Burhan noblewoman arrived at the estate, she felt under-dressed and under-prepared. She hadn't wanted to don a proper gown, which was for parties, and she hadn't wanted to dress to richly and appear desperate to impress the prospective Duchess. Foolishly, she'd convinced herself that a nice skirt and blouse would be sufficient for the occasion, a ludicrous fantasy that had held until she'd caught sight of the stunning white stone facade of the house she'd soon be entering. The men who were dotted around the place in the name of security seemed better dressed than she and the Lady found that she had more regrets than she could count. Worse still, she didn't have anything to make up for it having shown up empty-handed. Valeria only had herself to offer and right now, she didn't feel as if she was nearly enough.

The only things that she could be proud of was the Ouroboros pendant necklace that she'd received from her parents for her 18th birthtrial and the stunning crown of blonde curls that she'd managed to tease into a simple but attractive style, much of her hair swept back into a loose ponytail while a few carefully arranged golden ringlets framed her forehead. Even her make-up had been kept simple with the barest touchings of rouge on her cheeks and a far more muted lip stain than was her wont. A small amount of eye paint had lightened the lids around her kaleidoscopic irises so that she seemed bright and fresh-faced. Now she wondered if her seeming lack of effort would be taken as an insult.

Alighting carefully from the carriage, she approached the residence, undergoing a near interrogation about her business on the estate, even after she presented the Baroness' invitation. Security was understandably tight, given the importance of the occupants but she didn't fully realise the precious state of the noblewoman until she was shown into a stunning parlour after being shown glimpses of a building that proved that the wealth of the Andaris family far eclipsed her own.

When she entered the parlour, she found the brunette seated but of course the woman rose to meet her guest, providing Valeria with the opportunity to see her swollen stomach which strained against the fabric of her clothing. It seemed that the Baroness was well on her way to popping out an heir, a fact that the Burhan noblewoman chided herself for being unaware of such a thing.

The blonde bobbed an elegant curtsey, remembering the lessons that had been so carefully instilled into her. She didn't automatically offer her hand for the other to shake, taking her cue from her hostess. She'd already been announced by the servant who'd shown her in so a self-introduction was unnecessary; such an announcement had been mere formality in any case for she'd been expected. There were many social niceties that had to be upheld on this occasion and she prayed to Zanik that she could manage to present herself well. She held onto the source of power that the Immortal had bestowed on her and carefully allowed an ability to come to the fore, allowing the mesmerising aura to effect her facial features as she smiled so that she'd appear more radiant than her natural good looks would typically allow.

"I thank you for your kind invitation, my Baroness. You honour me greatly by allowing me into your presence, especially during such a blessed time," she explained, her voice oozing with genuine gratitude. "I congratulate you on your good fortune and may the Seven bless you with a beautiful and healthy child."
word count: 891
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Celeste Andaris
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[Astedia] Ladies' Day (Celeste)


Burhan was a small, pissant little house constantly left on the back foot by the stupid actions of Velijorn and Elyna Burhan. Velijorn's actions were obvious, he'd headed up a rebellion, but Elyna was slightly more complex. Rather than get wed in the entirely reasonable match Celeste believed the woman had been given, she'd run off with the Krome boy's father, who wasn't even a noble himself but had just married into the line. At least he had the good grace to be a commoner so was more to be pitied than blamed, she thought. Still, the foolish actions of the woman hadn't stopped there; the daughter of the Judge, as Pavoo Burhan was known in her house had become a skyrider and had then murdered Velijorn Burhan. Now, whilst that might not be a bad thing in and of itself, it was still political suicide especially, if stories were to be believed and she had done it then run.

People, Celeste had decided many arcs ago, were stupid. Burhan people very much so. Still, it was probably due to being the only landlocked seafarers in Idalos. Ah well. Still, there was a new Burhan girl coming into society, her age and looks apparently making her potentially.... interesting. So, Celeste had used her chief of intelligence to find out what he could about the girl and then Celeste had invited her to Astedia. A personal invitation from the Baroness of Andaris, first in line and all that. Not that the invitation had said all that, no, no. She was no Alistair Venora, she didn't need to remind people who she was when she signed a letter.

They already knew.

So, the young Baroness sat and waited and then, the woman arrived. At the gentle tap on the door announcing the arrival, Celeste murmured a gently-spoken "Enter" and she waited. Oh, Immortals save her from platinum blondes who looked like children, she thought. As the servant introduced her visitor, Celeste stood and smiled. "Lady Burhan, it is a pleasure to meet you," in fairness, she didn't look like quite the cheap trollop Celeste had thought she would. All of the aspects were there for full trollop, there was no doubt, but equally, she was moderately well put together. She also hadn't gone overboard in terms of dress, which Celeste was pleased to see. She moved forward and greeted her guest with the obligatory fake air-kiss, realising that her guests good taste didn't extend to perfume. She smelled like a knocking shop.

The Lady Burhan was surprised at her pregnancy, Celeste judged. Silly girl hadn't done her homework, ah well that was her fault. Never miss an opportunity, the Andaris thought. "You look delightful, Lady Burhan. I love your perfume. Is it made especially for you?" possibly from the mixing of honey which had gone rancid and some crushed roses which had grown over a graveyard, "it suits you perfectly. Please, do have a seat. Thank you for visiting, I apologise for not being able to come to you, but as you can see." Her hand moved over her stomach and as the two of them sat, a servant appeared, as though from nowhere, to serve tea and small fancy cakes.

"Thank you so much. Yes, my husband and I are most wonderfully happy. We have been very blessed," with having the time to have quite a lot of sex and so a baby had been made. Celeste believed that was how it usually worked and the silly cow wittering on about how the seven would bless them was just irritating. Yes, lets all worship age old traditions and long dead people. Still. "I must admit, I invited you here for a reason, to ask you a favour. But first, to apologise." Celeste smiled a soft smile as she said that, "for we have never had the chance to get to know each other. Do tell me all about yourself." During which wittering, Celeste could zone out she thought to herself with a polite smile on her face and an expression carefully schooled into an appropriate level of interested in the obviously clueless beast in front of her.
word count: 709
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Valeria Burhan
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[Astedia] Ladies' Day (Celeste)

No matter what happened, Valeria knew that she had to remain on her guard around this woman. She couldn't allow herself to slip into anything approaching familiarity and even if the other invited her, or even encouraged her, to do so then she'd still have to be cautious. As such, she took her cues from her hostess, considering her own words carefully as she listened to those of Celeste and did her best to try to lead between the lines. She exchanged the necessary greetings, all serene smiles as she waited for an invitation to sit, eyeing the brunette's face closely. She wished that the Baroness had Biqaj blood so that her gaze would provide some hints to her moods, or at least a shift in them, but that advantage wasn't to be.

When Celeste commented that she appeared delightful, the blonde wasn't sure if it was a compliment or a subtle dig. Delightful felt close to charming or darling, which often held a position in an arsenal of descriptors that pertained to the juvenile. If a girl dressed up to emulate her mother, one might find it delightful. The comment about her perfume though was a lot easier to read: Valeria wasn't wearing any. If anything, the Baroness was probably catching a whiff of that rancid soap that she owned, which had a sickening odour to it that the blonde found seemed to cling. Although, truth be told, the scent was so overwhelming in her house that she almost didn't smell it anymore. It didn't seem possible that anyone could actually like the smell of the stuff; it was like something had died and someone had tried to bury the stench of death with the cloying smell of roses. The only thing the blonde was unsure of was whether she'd just received a backhanded compliment along the lines of "You look lovely but goodness, do you reek!" For all she knew, the woman secretly meant the opposite sentiment of everything that was coming out of her mouth.

It was confusing enough that she was sure to have a headache by the end of this.

"Thank you, Baroness Andaris. I can't say that I have it made specifically for me, no. A gift in fact although I was doubtful about its suitability," she commented, careful not to brush aside the other woman's remark but also sure to distance herself as much as possible from that awful cheap scent. It wasn't her fault. Needs must and all that. She should have scrubbed herself again although perhaps it had managed to cling to her hair.

She took the offered seat, taking as much care as if she was doing a curtsey, going so far as to hold the sides of her skirt as she bent her knees and perched herself with as much delicacy and grace as she could muster. With that done, she kept her knees together and crossed her feet at the ankles, placing her hands together in her lap. Valeria kept her back straight as she sat, careful not to let her shoulders droop or to allow her body to lean back; she didn't want to appear too much at home.

"I completely understand why you didn't come to me directly and I would never have had you inconvenience yourself on my account. Besides, hostess or not, a woman of your position should always have those like me come to her," the Burhan explained, wondering if she should attempt to draw on Elithem to aid her in this situation. However, unless she sang, she couldn't see how it would benefit her. Appearing exceptionally pretty probably wouldn't do her any favours.

"I'm sure that your child will be a source of pride to you. They'll certainly take after their parents in good looks and fine manners," she complimented, feeling some self-hatred for ingratiating herself so.

Lick arse, she sneered mentally at herself, knowing that it was just one of those necessities, especially as she was the one who'd been invited here.

She kept her expression as well schooled as she could, exhibiting polite surprise with the slight raising of her eyebrows at Celeste's talk of favours and getting to know her. She'd known that the woman had to want something. After all, someone in her position, well on her way to become Duchess, wouldn't summon a girl like Valeria on a whim. Her eyes probably gave away more than she'd like though, her irises taking on a storm grey.
The blonde tried to think of something bright to force her features to react appropriately. She thought of Zanik and the way he'd touched her at her party arcs before, his hands gentle but firm as they danced. Her eyes shifted to a happier, honey hue.

"Oh, you flatter me, my Lady. I doubt that there's much about me that could interest you," she explained with a soft laugh that carried music to it. "I'm sure that you know the basic facts pertaining to me. I hardly need to tell you that I grew up in Burhan or that it's rather disconnected from the rest of Rynmere. A shame but that's the reality of it. I have a close relationship with the children of Baron Frederick Gawyne, particularly Lady Ivy. Aside from that, I imagine that my upbringing has been rather standard, complete with the rather common noble musical education. Although, I'll admit that I never took to any instruments; I've only ever had my voice."

She smiled, her gaze carefully fixed on her hostess rather than straying to the spread before her on the table. She'd provided the Andaris with a potential hook to allow her musical and Immortal-given talents to come into play but if she ignored it then so be it. In the meantime, the blonde was prepared to be a little more direct.

"But here I am prattling on, when there are more important - and interesting - things to discuss. You spoke of a favour, what is it you wish from me, Baroness Andaris?" the noblewoman asked, keeping her face purposely bemused. Let her believe her stupid and underestimate her if needs be. Valeria would watch to see if the mask slipped or an opportunity arose.
Last edited by Valeria Burhan on Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1071
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Celeste Andaris
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[Astedia] Ladies' Day (Celeste)


What amused Celeste more than anything about people, especially stupid people, was when they tried to play politics. The Burhan girl changed, her demeanor and everything about her shifted. She moved from rapturous delight and oozing gratitude to careful, fake. Immortals save them all if the future of Rynmere was in the hands of such abysmal politicians as this one. Celeste, as always, was careful to present one thing and keep her thoughts to herself, but this one didn't even do that. No, she was changeable and that was dangerous in this sort of world, all pretty simpering and playing at nice one moment and then guarded and cautious? Celeste smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm told that each perfume reacts differently with different people. Something to do with the natural oils of your skin. Evidently, you've found a match." Sick, cloying and cheap.

Celeste was an observer, had always been and she watched the Burhan girl sit with interest. Grace and beauty were natural and relaxed, not at all forced and tense like this silly child was being. The art to appearing graceful was practice and the ability to sit with consummate ease and make it look like one hadn't practiced, and practiced more. Still, the next outrage was that this creature, a lady in a minor house, then proceeded to tell her, the Baroness of Astedia, that a woman such as herself should always have little people like this Burhan lady come to her. Celeste raised a single eyebrow at that particular slip of etiquette, appearing a little shocked at the audacity of the young woman. "Thank you so much for that reminder, Lady Burhan." Celeste's smile was rather obviously forced as she tried to gloss over that moment of awkwardness.

Then, a few words about the child and Celeste allowed her smile to become more genuine. Things seemed back on track, then Valeria Burhan spoke again. Burhan or not, frankly the silly little creature should not be allowed out without a helper, Celeste thought and she gave the young woman a steely gaze. "I can assure you, Lady Burhan," an emphasis on the word that the silly cow would be best remembering she was, "I am not prone to lying to visitors for no reason. Nor do I find such a thought funny," she referred of course to the simpering giggle after the child of Burhan had dared to suggest just that. The association with Ivy Gawyne was interesting. Hunter's sister. Celeste stored it away and pursed her lips, trying to bite away the irritation, or seeming to be be doing so.

In truth, Celeste really was not concerned at all with the Burhan woman's consecutive blunders, but they gave her an advantage. An edge. "Ah, yes, the duty of each of us to know about the others. I am afraid that I have rather fallen out of the habit, what with the wedding and now the baby to plan for." And the fact that she did not need to find out any more, she had dossiers on each family, provided by her staff. Still. The Burhan downplayed her talents and Celeste allowed herself to look disappointed. "Oh, I had heard that you were musically talented. As I said, my information is not as reliable as it has been previously. Then, please, forgive me, for I have brought you here under false pretenses." Earnest brown eyes looked at the Burhan girl and Celeste seemed to be genuinely irritated at herself. She was genuinely irritated, it was true. "I should have gone with the recommendation given, but I was sure... well, not to worry, it is always good to meet another person. My sincere apologies, Lady Burhan."

In an obvious attempt to salvage the situation, Celeste turned the conversation to something different. "So, how fares the social circle? Since my wedding, and a little before, I have been rather too busy to attend the parties and formals. I must admit to rather missing it." Celeste smiled and wondered if it might be possible that the vapid tramp in front of her might just spontaneously die. But then, she considered, she probably wasn't that lucky.
word count: 705
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[Astedia] Ladies' Day (Celeste)

Valeria couldn't say that she agreed with the Baroness' assessment but it would rude to go against her so she simply smiled and nodded both her understanding and thanks. She knew the scent wasn't pleasing to her although right at this moment, the blonde couldn't get a whiff of it. She still wondered if it was an insult. After all, given the woman's position, she wouldn't be surprised if she'd learned to present a pleasant smiling face while a viper hid beneath it. The young woman had no illusions about either her acting abilities or her political ones, but then she hadn't had the need for such things. She was only a lady after all whereas Celeste was well on her way to becoming a Duchess. There was no way the Andaris heir could have reached her station in life without being able to hide her true feelings. She was also someone who knew how to get what she wanted and she'd apparently wanted Xander, who had previously only been a Krome, hardly a catch in Valeria's eyes. Still, the man seemed to possess a certain acumen for politics and so it was unclear if she'd chosen him for love or as a suitable political partner.

Apparently suggesting - or rather announcing - that Celeste should have all guests brought to her was a mistake. The woman's smile became forced, effectively broadcasting the fact to the blonde so that she was forced to concede that she'd spoken out of place. Her own smile became a little sheepish, her lips pressed together while the corners quirked upwards ever so slightly. It was the only way she had to apologise without doing so verbally. Unfortunately, the situation only seemed to worsen from there as it became a little more obvious that she was saying all the wrong things and making an ill impression. It was enough to make her want to bury her face in her hands and scream.

The blonde was starting to believe that the encounter was unsalvageable. At this point, she might almost give up. There was nothing she could do to claw her way back in the woman's estimation and while she could try, it would merely stink of desperation. Perhaps that was the problem; she was trying too hard and it was merely falling flat. It might be that she would simply have to be frank or rather drop most of her artifice. In fact, the attempt at humility had made the other disregard her musical talents altogether. It also seemed that the Burhan had been brought here with the understanding that she was musical and evidently, she'd wanted to make use of her skills. That was an unfortunate blunder on the noblewoman's part and she cursed herself inwardly for it. However, Celeste's request for news of the social circle gave her an opening.

"Oh, well I'm sure that I haven't associated with as many of the true social circle as I ought to have done. I suppose that you heard about my singing abilities due to the events I've been performing at. It was one of the things that allowed me to come into contact with Darcyanna Venora. She said that I underestimate my musical abilities but I still hold that it was her piano accompaniment that truly did wonders. Unfortunately, I didn't encounter any other nobles during Ser Hawthright's wine tasting although I have socialised with Lady Venora since. I've also been regrettably out of touch with the Gawynes aside from the occasional correspondence with Lady Ivy," she admitted frankly.

She rested her fingers delicately upon her chin as she drew upon Elithem. She needed the woman to regard her favourably and while she doubted that her appearance would do much to help in that regard, she didn't think that could cause any detriment. Thus, she chose to utilise the Eye of the Beholder to its full effect, spreading the magical aura over her features so that her eyes shown with greater lustre, her lips more luscious and she hoped, her chin far less prominent and unattractive.

"I'll be properly associating with the social circle with this season. I've been away from the right sort of people for too long. I'm sure if you require some more up-to-date information, I'm sure I'll be able to provide it soon although it's doubtful that you'd require my assistance," Valeria explained. "I'll certainly be attending this gala that's set to take place on the 49th in Venora. Philanthropy is something that I believe is true to the heart of yourself and your husband. I understand that you gave away your wedding presents, very admirable. Do you think that you will be able to attend? In actuality rather than spirit?" she questioned softly.
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Celeste Andaris
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[Astedia] Ladies' Day (Celeste)


The trick to learning about people, Celeste had long since understood, was observation. Careful observation could, and would, save breaks of time and allow for a much more efficient collection of intelligence. Valeria Burhan, as far as Celeste could see, was just what she seemed to be. That was always disappointing to the young heiress, especially when what she seemed to be was so very shallow to begin with. Still, the only way that the silly girl would learn was by doing and so Celeste maintained. Had she known Valeria's thoughts on her match with Xander, strangely that would have led to an honest and blunt answer from the heiress, but she did not so she simply sat and kept her face in a carefully schooled expression.

"Ah, yes, Darcyanna Venora. She was the one who was recommended to me," Celeste said. Darcyanna Venora, who played the piano? That was perfect. "And if she comes with your recommendation, too, then she will be who I speak to." Not this simpering wretch, Celeste thought, no. The woman was beautiful, there was no doubting it, and charming in her own naive foot-in-her-mouth sort of way, but she had something about her. Not least, come to think of it, the way that she seemed to be almost... glowing. Like there was a sort of golden aura around her. That surprised and unnerved the young Andaris woman, for if it was magic, she wanted no part of it in her home.

It wasn't the light, or the way that was coming into the room, she was sure, but Celeste shifted position, moving just slightly to make sure. No, it wasn't the light. The woman had a kind of strange glow to her. Was she a secret practitioner of Domain Magic, and, if so, was she actually practicing it here? Celeste did not like that thought, not at all. Celeste wondered just what was going on here, but she knew that she had to protect herself, both physically and her reputation. What was the best way to deal with this? "Well, actually, we asked for no gifts, but money and we donated it to fourteen charities, two in each Duchy." But then, the woman started talking about spirits, also.

"Yes, we will be attending," Celeste said with a smile, looking at the glowing, subtle aura around the woman "in actuality, of course." Spirits? Strange glowing auras which were beautiful and entirely entrancing? No, Celeste Andaris had been through too much in too short a space of time for this. She had experienced numerous attacks on her life, from trusted servants to guests at her engagement party. Come to that, the woman who had attacked her in Krome glowed, and Celeste really wasn't prepared to take any chances at all. "I... Lady Burhan, I am afraid you will have to excuse me," she said, leaning forward and ringing the small bell on the table twice in quick succession. Lin, the Baroness' personal assistant came in immediately, looking between the two.

"Lin. I'm sorry, but I'm feeling rather unwell. I'm afraid I need to go and rest. Lady Burhan, please forgive me." Lin Scotfill looked at what was happening and nodded. "Of course, my Baroness." Lin motioned and two of the house staff came and helped Celeste up and out of the room.
Off Topic
If Val's "glow" is still active, then Lin would CERTAINLY speak to her about it, but that's up to you!! Sorry, I couldn't ignore it twice and it says in the description its visible etc. The last person who tried to kill her glowed, too......
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[Astedia] Ladies' Day (Celeste)

It was strange to think how excited she'd been about this meeting. Oh, she'd been rather stressed earlier today but she'd still been quite enthusiastic about being here. Now though, the girl was feeling rather despondent. It felt as if she'd ruined everything and had succeeded in making an adversary for life - a powerful adversary. Politics had never been the Burhan's forte, she was beyond hopeless at it, and she wondered why she'd ever allowed herself to regard this encounter optimistically. She ought to have been scared out of her wits but instead, she'd been as giddy as a child. What a fool she'd been!

When Celeste talked enthusiastically about the pianist, the blonde's mood slumped further but she tried to soften the blow by telling herself that it would be good for the Venora. She'd found that she quite liked the young woman and as such, she could feel happy for her for having such an opportunity. Unfortunately, it didn't stop her from feeling incredibly sorry for herself. Honestly, if the Baroness wanted to then she could probably ensure that the noblewoman never received another work offer again. The Andaris woman could blacklist her although she didn't believe that she had any reason to go out of her way to do so. She might dislike her, a fact that was amply clear, but she probably wouldn't do something so actively malicious. No, she'd advance things for Darcyanna while leaving Valeria to deal with her own matters. Having Celeste's endorsement would have been truly excellent but there was no point dwelling on what might have been.

"She's very talented although I'm not sure that she realises how good she is. I think she deserves the recognition though. I'm sure that whatever business you wish to conduct with her will work out well for all involved," the blonde commented, telling herself that it was good that she'd managed to put in a positive word for the Venora. Let Celeste view her as stupid for passing up the opportunity, or promoting another over herself but it had been her mistake to make and it wouldn't be for nothing: she would learn from it.

She sat quietly, watching the brunette closely and wondering if she'd ever be able to emulate her behaviour. She was so composed, the epitome of elegance and good breeding. She was a beautiful young woman but she was more than her a natural features or the persona she presented. It was clear that she was a strong woman and perhaps under different circumstances, they could have gotten on because she would have been an excellent person to be able to emulate. Alas, Valeria would probably only ever be able to regard her from a distance though.

"A very noble endeavour. I'm sure that it made a great deal of difference to many people. It's probably something that should be done more, especially as the nobility has so much more than the average commoner," she remarked, straightening a portion of her skirt. "Although there are nobles who don't have as much as they'd like everyone to believe they have although I'm sure the Charity Gala will reveal as much."

The young woman chewed her lip, contemplating saying more when the Baroness excused herself, ringing for a servant. The natural duration of Eye of the Beholder was reaching its limit anyway but she released her hold on it, allowing its effects to dissipate so that the glowing aura waned and then disappeared altogether by the time the woman entered to see what Celeste wanted. The blonde didn't have to fake concern as her companion explained her ill-feeling, her brows knitting together as she looked on, hoping that it wasn't some issue with the baby.

"I hope you feel better soon, Baroness Andaris," she told her earnestly, dropping a curtsey as the young woman was led out. Well, it seemed that her nightmare encounter had come to a premature end. Most likely, she'd been shown out soon.
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[Astedia] Ladies' Day (Celeste)

Valeria Burhan


• Skill Knowledge
◦ Cosmetology: Sometimes less is more
◦ Cosmetology: The importance of scent
◦ Politics: Remember your place
◦ Acting: Thinking happy thoughts to fake happiness
◦ Politics: Provide diplomatic answers
◦ Politics: Casually name-dropping acquaintances in conversation
◦ Politics: Humbling yourself can be detrimental
◦ Rhetoric: Praising another
◦ Elithem - Eye of the Beholder: Not effective in close political conversation
• Non-skill
◦ Location: Astedia Estate
◦ Celeste Andaris: Baroness
◦ Celeste Andaris: Pregnant
◦ Celeste Andaris: Seems to dislike Valeria
◦ Celeste and Xander Andaris: Charitable
+5 for attending a summon from another Noble
These points can NOT be used for Domain Magic

Skill Points: 

Celeste Andaris


• Skill Knowledge
◦ Cosmetology: Scent is very important
◦ Intelligence: In noble families, scandal lasts a long time
◦ Intelligence: Know everything you can before a meeting
◦ Intelligence: Tiny details can be the difference between winning and losing
◦ Intelligence: Seek alternative viewpoints
◦ Intelligence: Glean information by pretending to know something, then others will assume you do.
◦ Intelligence: Gather names and details in a circuitous manner.
◦ Politics: Remind people of their manners
• Non-skill
◦ Valeria Burhan: Glows.
◦ Valeria Burhan: Says she can sing
◦ Valeria Burhan: Friends with Ivy Gawyne
◦ Valeria Burhan: Friends with Darcyanna Venora
◦ Darcyanna Venora: Plays the piano.

+5 for arranging a meeting with another Noble
These points can NOT be used for Domain Magic

Skill Points: 

Wow Celeste is a stone cold bitch :P so many back handed compliments, I love it :)

Poor Valeria, with her smelly soap. I imagine she’ll come back later smelling all glamorous and make Celeste eat her words.

Art credit to Yoshitaka Amano
word count: 283
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