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hey didn't seem to be in a good spot. Sin didn't know how much use Hart would be if this turned into a fight. That he would eventually win was nothing but a certainty if Hart hadn't been here, sword or not. Sintih glanced back to Hart and to the incoming riders to see one of them pull ahead, speeding up. He passed them quickly, simply nodding to them. Sintih kept his eye on him, shifting between the rider moving away from them and the other two riders coming up to them. Their pace was too slow for anyone to match unless they were planning on talking and when the sound of hooves behind them slowed down, Sin's attention was fully on the pair.The man looked them over as they pulled up next to them and the woman greeted them. Sin found himself a living wall between Hart and the man and woman who'd decided that they rather slow down to this horrible pace and chat with strangers than go about their business. It wasn't suspicious at all. He didn't bother to respond, it wasn't his place. While Hart didn't see it that way, the world at large, at least the part that knew him to be the bastard Venora, saw him just a little step above whatever they classified Sin as. Sin saw Hart as the brother of hid Duke employer so he had no problem to leave these things to Hart. And Hart took care of it, it seemed.
They spoke as if they knew everything about each other, like old friends greeting someone they'd not seen in some time. Apparently someone named Lyla saw Hart earlier, alone, and decided to ask these two to come after him. That totally sounded like a proper excuse to send people after strangers. Sin shifted in his saddle, keeping his eyes on the two people. He hated himself for having left any sort of weaponry at home. He'd even settle for the boots Hart was wearing now. There was something very wrong with the man, looking at him as if Sintih was a problem while wondering if Hart was alright. Sintih remained stoic, riding between the two sides of the conversation as Hart replied. He was indeed fine, nothing more, definitely nothing less. Sintih hoped that the effect of the mushrooms had waned enough for Hart to keep up proper conversation without talking about flying ships or suddenly bolting.
There was no good reason to refuse riding together, there was only one way out of Oakleigh towards Welles: the main road. But there was no good reason for them to stick together either. They were strangers and they kept giving off a bad vibe, something that made Sin's tactical senses tingle with danger. Since before they had matched pace with them and started talking, Sintih had been keeping ether points around him supplied with his own ether, connecting with them through invisible thread he could pull at a moment's notice and cover the distance. There were several ones but the main ones he kept an eye on were behind each of the riders around him, Hart included. He didn't want to use that one but he wouldn't hesitate to blink behind one of the other two should they prove him right.
Why were they so talkative? Didn't they have the good sense to know when they weren't wanted? Sin hadn't said a word to them yet and Hart had barely said four and yet they stayed right there, yapping on about all sorts of things that they figured Sintih and Hart knew about. The focus finally shifted to him, after introductions had gone around and Sintih was the only one not named yet. He thought about replying with something sarcastic or even to ignore them but then again, he didn't have to give them a real name either and it would cause less of a fuss if that was what they were looking for. "Brada. I'm just helping Hart find his way." Sin said, barely blinking at his own lie. Yludih training did come in handy from time to time. "He was so eager to leave this morning he forgot his pack. Just went back and got it for him."
There was no use in telling them Hart was in a drug addled state of non-functioning and was only on the edge of coming off of it. It was a good thing that creating the ether points wasn't a taxing endeavor for him anymore. He figured they would have attacked by now if that's what they were after. Then again, perhaps they just enjoyed toying with their prey before killing them, Sin didn't know. He wasn't about to let go of his magic, though. He wasn't a rookie. He fully regretted not having taken more time to work on his Rakahi or Hart's signing lessons or he would have used either of them to try and communicate their situation to the Duke's brother. Even just a single 'danger' sign would have done much for this situation. Hopefully, Sin thought, Hart was aware enough of the situation to know where this was going. "So? Where are you traveling to?"