• Solo • The Morning Rounds

Gennadiya visits Patients

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Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor
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The Morning Rounds

Vhalar10, 717

Gennadiya walked down the streets unconcerned but aware of the group of academy boys who always took to studding, in decent weather, outside of the academy along the route she took each morning. She had noticed that there was very little book studding going as she walked past. She was sure that today was a disappointment for the boys. During the hot cycle she had rarely gone out with her cloak on as it was really to warm, but as they were now in the cold cycle she wore the heavy garment to keep her warm. It covered her head to foot and revealed nothing of the blue blouse and skirt that she wore which fit her frame nicely. What she wasn’t away of was that with her hood thrown back so that her platinum blonde hair streamed down her back and the curls framed her fair features she was just as intriguing.

The young healer was aware that she was pretty, but would have disagreed if others called her a beauty, which happened regularly. She made sure she looked her best, but wasn’t trying to win a beauty contest among other women. She once had striven for such acclaim but after what she had done, her life was to be dedicated to healing others through the Order, and serving Ymiden in helping others seek forgiveness and rebirth.

This street was about the only commonality in her routes for the day. Once she came to the first major intersection she would go different ways depending on the needs of her patients. Today she was called to check on the needs of a pregnant woman. Gennadiya walked the streets at a graceful pace that moved quickly down the street and spoke of a determined direction. He sapphire gaze swept the streets to avoid any collision with oncoming tracking and more importantly inattentive travelers. Eventually she found herself in the poorer section of the town. To some from her station in life the place would appear run down and poor, but she had been out on healing calls to recognize that these people worked hard but had what they needed. The blond hair woman paused her gaze sweeping over the row of houses. These homes were far more uniform then she was used to so it took her a moment to identify the house she wanted.

The house in question had a familiar little face looking out through the window. Gennadiya waved and smiled at the boy as she walked up to the door. The face disappeared and reappeared as the door was opened. He beautiful serene face lit as she smiled with fondness at the boy.

“Hello Gennadiya.” The boy’s called as he held the door open.

“Good Sunrise, Casos.” She said in her Alto voice. “How are things going here?”

“I am good, but Mom can’t move around very well.” Cason said in all seriousness.

“That’s to be expected.” Gennadiya replied back as she walked into the room. Her smile returned as she looked upon her patient sitting on a chair. Gennadiya raised an eyebrow as her gaze settled on the rising loafs that had been quickly covered. Still with a humored smile she walked over and sat next to very pregnant woman. “Good Sunrise Balinda.” Balinda smiled warmly back even as she shot a guilty look at the bread. She was under orders not to knead bread as it amplified her back pain. Gennadiya didn’t really say anything though as the poor woman had no mother to help her in these final weeks of her pregnancy, and Gennadiya understood that Balinda’s husband had to work to bring the coin in and Balinda had to keep the house. So despite the fact that the young healer would like her patient to stay off her feet she wasn’t stupid about what the reality of it was.

“Good Trial to you Gennadiya.” Balinda said settling into her seat.

“How have you been feeling?” She asked as she took the woman’s wrist and felt for her pulse. The questions and answers continued for a while as Gennadiya worked to relieve the mother’s and help except that the child would come when the child came. The blonde haired woman was pleased by what she heard from the mother. Her pulse was strong and good, and the baby was moving as it should. True there was no way to be truly sure about the condition of the baby but these were excellent signs of good health.

After about thirty bits Gennadiya felt satisfied with the appointment and that she had helped calm the expectant mother for at least the rest of the day. Gennadiya stood up and smiling at the two of them gave her farewells and departed from the residence. She paused outside the door as it closed and placed a hand upon the door bowed her head, and prayed in the silent vaults of her mind.

‘Noble Moseke. Watch over this woman and her child as their time come closer. Bless me with wisdom and knowledge to help them survive such a trial.’ She thought and then moved away. Gennadiya main worship was Ymiden, but he and Moseke domains crossed and worked so well together that it wasn’t possible not to worship both.

With a squaring of her shoulders Gennadiya was off again to her next patient. Her boots clicked as she walked across the cobbles and her skirts swished around her ankles. She didn’t have to go far but she was waylaid before she there. A housewife named Tralion stopped her. Gennadiya willing stopped.

“Good Sunrise, Tralion.” Her alto voice called across the street as the woman tromped her way through the crowd. Tralion was one of those tanks who was never ill, but she had a brood of children who seemed determined to see who could do the most damage to themselves without actually dyeing.

“Good Trail Gennadiya” The woman said briskly as she came to a halt. Behind her was her daughter Jalion, who Gennadiya had treated for a broken leg a few months back.

“Good Sunrise Jalion” the young doctor said to the girl.

“Good Trial Ma’am.” She said with a impish smile. Gennadiya smiled back and turned to see what Tralion needed.

“Hanso has burned his hand trying to steel backed bread from the oven.” Tralion blurted out. “ I wrapped it last night but it’s seems to be getting worse.”

Gennadiya’s expression turned worried as she began to ask other questions about the burn. She listened intently her expression sympathetic. As she heard more she could tell it was a bad burn, but the damage had been done. Now they just need to keep it healing and not becoming sickly. With some careful instructions about cleaning it and what to anoint it with to help speed up the healing. Gennadiya looked sternly at the mother.

“He has to keep it wrapped up for a couple trials at least. He can’t use that hand until the skin is stronger even if it doesn’t hurt.” Tralion nodded her head in agreement with Gennadiya. “I will be by tomorrow to see how he is doing.” She patted the woman’s shoulder in genuine concern and continued on her path. She always started her trail arriving on time to her appointments, but usually finished her appointments arriving late. She refused to run though so returned to her quick but graceful pace.

Another five bits brought her to her next appointment for the morning. She paused at the door of an older house and sighed as she looked at it. She knew any day know this patient pass away but she was going to make sure it was as pleasant as possible. With a firm knock she waited for the door to be opened. Eventually it was opened by a middle aged woman. Gennadiya smiled for a moment at the woman but then dropped the smile as she saw the expression on the woman's face.

"Has he died?" She asked as she came in.

"I can't tell. At one moment he seems dead and at the next moment I think he is moving." The woman said with a chock in her voice. Gennadiya nodded gravely and put a hand on the the woman's shoulder before walking over to the bed. She moved with a grace that soothed those around her. Her whole poster was focused but calm. An elderly human lay on the bed. His skin looking pale and drawn. Gennadiya put a hand on the man's pulse and held still to feel the man's pulse. "Good Sunrise Destrin" she whispered to her elderly patient. She focused and eventually felt the soft thud of his pulse.

"He is still alive but has slipped into a coma. He most likely won't last much longer. I would suggest calling your siblings Greda." She paused as the woman nodded. "I wouldn't bother to give him his medicine any more as it won't really help."

"I can't tell know if he is alive or not. How will I know when he actually passes?" She asked with worry on her face. Gennadiya nodded and showed her a couple methods to check for life in a coma patient. Gennadiya stayed longer then was necessary talking with Greda but she could see that the woman was in need of comfort and support. Eventually Gennadiya wished her well and departed.

She slowly began walk away thinking about Destrin. So often people thought about healing as a doctor rushing in to save the gravely sick or injured and Gennadiya had seen and helped with such situation, but often it was just helping people with every day trials. Some doctors wanted the glamor but Gennadiya enjoyed the close personal interaction and friendship that would come along. She looked up at the sun and realized she had better get back and see if she had any one else who requested help. She smiled as she walked back.
word count: 1693
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The Morning Rounds



What an interesting and intriguing character Gennadiya is! I like how you portray her, it's like she's gliding gracefully through the normal day to day lives of the people, bringing a little bit of hope to them. I really like how you write her and her gentle and compassionate nature. She understands what being a doctor is, and that really shines out. Lovely thread, I enjoyed reading it. PM me if you have any questions!


XP: 10

Fame: +3 (good deeds, being seen etc)




Medicine: Identifying a Coma
Medicine: checking for fetal movements
Psychology: Remembering and using your patients names.
Medicine: Collecting symptoms information and identifying without seeing injury.
word count: 116
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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