[Scaltoth Jungles] A Brisk Morning Stroll

3rd of Vhalar 717

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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[Scaltoth Jungles] A Brisk Morning Stroll

"Shurrup," she replied, not at all graciously when he said that her blood reflecting on her skin was nice. He took her hand and turned it over and Vega watched him, wide eyed. Like a flash of lightening? Her frown returned and she shook her head. Yeah. An' my freckles are a dot to dot of an Immortal. You're such a dweeb." As always her eye colour betrayed her emotions, showing what she was really feeling, not what she was pretending to. Awash with different shades they might be, but she focused on frowning at him. "And gerrof, too." She gave him a half nudge, half shove; it was generally good natured. Mostly.

Once she'd got the water and it didn't look like anything except, disappointingly, water, they agreed that the thing to do was to try and get the stone and he did. Vega watched carefully as he did that and then looked at him with a wicked smile. "It's all a bit disturbingly normal, innit?" What was she expecting, she wondered. Something to jump out and bite them? Would that be better. "I mean. You know. That's ok, sometimes. But yeah. Let's test it." Risks she might be willing to take, but equally she didn't want to put themselves in unnecessary danger, either.

He agreed, though, that it was a good idea to go and get things and Vega nodded. He told her about the jar, then added that they should get something to chip off the wall. "Anythin' else?" Vega grinned at him. "Want me to get a brush an' tidy round in 'ere? Or you know, a snack for you?" She stood with a chipper grin and was just about to step out again when she turned around. "I meant what I said, Arlo. Life's too short for regrets. If you get yourself into any trouble in 'ere while I'm gone, you'll regret it cos I'll pound you." Her grin was pure mischief as she ducked back out of the waterfall and then dived off the rock, pointing her hands together to cut into the water and then utilizing that momentum to swim. She made it across and back quickly.

Slipping back in a few minutes later, Vega put down the jar, in which she'd put a small bag and a hammer and chisel. "That all ok? Your hand didn't turn green or drop off while I was gone?" She didn't think it was likely to, but then again who knew? Frankly, in this place it seemed like almost anything was possible. Vega solemnly handed him the jar and she took the hammer and chisel. After she'd chosen a good spot to get some of the glowing light things out, she lined up the chisel and struck it. "Well cahoots, Arlo, look." She didn't really need to say that, because the glowing glittering stones around where she had hit had all changed colour into a vibrant green which slowly changed back over the course of the next minute. "Have you ever seen stones what do that before?" Vega glanced at him and motioned to the water, moss and stone in there. "Did that do anythin'?"
word count: 545

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Arlo Creede
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[Scaltoth Jungles] A Brisk Morning Stroll

And why not a connect the dots to any given Immortal, Arlo thought, but chose not to suggest out loud. As often as not, he liked pushing his luck once he was able to get Vega's back up. He liked the way her eyes swirled with color when she was riled. Even if sometimes, that liking turned out to be to his detriment. He liked the freckles anyway, even if she didn't.

The water though, once he scooped some out of the small pool, did appear to be as ordinary as water from any other of the usual places. "It might turn out to be different, were we to drink it," he suggested, but then frowned as he'd let that small sample dribble out of his cupped hand and back into the pool. "Probably living a little too dangerous though." Maybe they could tempt some random other creature to drink it? A rabbit? A squirrel? Just to see what happened, that was.

He ended up pushing his luck after all once she'd ducked under the waterfall and dived back into the pool. He'd promised not to get into any trouble while she was gone, but called out once he heard her break surface from her dive. "A little something to eat might be nice! Long as you're out there!" Grinning then, chuckling at his own mischief, Arlo took a seat and waited for her to return. And when she did? "What took you so long?"

When she asked, he turned his hand over, palm up, studied it and shrugged. "Impossible to tell for sure in here, what with everything glowing blue." But somehow he was disappointed. Sure, he'd rather not turn permanently glowing blue or green head to toe. Would have been nice if there was more to it. "The way I see it," he decided as he took the empty jar, stretched out on his belly again and reached into the water. "We've discovered this stuff. Ought to be ours to name." Whichever the case, he snagged the two rocks he'd had once before, filled the jar with water, dropped them in and screwed on the lid.

Meanwhile, Vega was whacking away on the wall and had already knocked off a few chunks. He tilted his head curiously and watched as the places where she landed the blows, turned green and spread out in a sort of concussive wave before settling again. "I haven't. But it seems like its the same color green as the moss when its out of the water and exposed to air. Still glowing though. I wonder if there's some sort of, I dunno, some sort of minerals in the water that causes it? Not just the water but the rocks here too?"

Neither of them were chemists, or physicists, or people who studied rocks. Any more was beyond him. He'd be curious to see if the moss kept glowing after they left the little cave behind. Or if it was removed from the water and allowed to dry. For that matter, to find out if the sparkling bits in the wall had actually been glowing on their own, or had simply been reflecting the light from the pond. Or, maybe from being exposed to the minerals in the rock itself. Either way, now they'd gotten what they wanted, judging from the sunlight outdoors it would be nightfall soon. Better maybe, if they were to turn back and head home again.
word count: 589
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[Scaltoth Jungles] A Brisk Morning Stroll

Name: Vega

Location: Scalvoris
Location: Scaltoth Jungles
Location: Waterfall in Scaltoth Jungles
Rumour: Scaltoth Jungles contains a fountain of youth?
Discipline: Not thumping someone when you really want to.
Endurance: Pain from battle.
Endurance: Psychological torture
Endurance: Travelling in the jungle when injured
Endurance: Sudden dip in cold water
Strength: Using momentum to pull someone into water
Strength: Swimming is good for building strength in your arms
Swimming: Lowering yourself into a pool
Swimming: Treading water
Swimming: Breath control underwater
Swimming: Using your hands to cut the water

Loot: +1 pretty shell
Injuries: No new ones!
Fame: +1 for discovery of new flora

Points: 15
- - -
Name: Arlo Creede

Location: Scalvoris
Location: Scaltoth Jungles
Location: Waterfall in Scaltoth Jungles
Rumour: Scaltoth Jungles contains a fountain of youth?
Caregiving: Dealing with a difficult patient
Discipline: Dealing with an impatient individual
Discipline: Coping with boredom
Endurance: Sudden dip in cold water
Fieldcraft: Identifying spots to stay warm / safe
Fieldcraft: Consider the resources in your environment
Fieldcraft: Take samples of unusual stuff to learn what's safe
Fieldcraft: Determining what is, and is not, safe to drink
Medicine: Treating cuts and scrapes
Medicine: Treating bumps and bruises
Swimming: Treading water

Loot: +1 stone, some moss and a sample of the glittering colour-changing stone from the wall.
Injuries: N/A
Fame: +1 for discovery of new flora, +1 for taking care of Vega

Points: 15
- - -
Comments: Oh my goodness, what a lovely thread! I adore Vega & Arlo's relationship. It's so fun reading their banter and the underlying tones of love/attraction that they haven't quite realized exist. I definitely laughed at Vega's ridiculousness and Arlo's response to it, and smiled at the times when you made it clear that they really care about each other. I also enjoyed their exploration of the waterfall!

I added in some extra location knowledge since, according to your CSes, your characters don't have any knowledge of Scalvoris! My only other note would be to remember to put some points into the Swimming skill so that your characters are able to swim at least at a Novice level.

Overall, great read! Definitely looking forward to your next one.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thanks!
word count: 393

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