• Memory • At loose ends [Cassandra please]

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Pash Raj'oriq
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At loose ends [Cassandra please]

Ymiden 2, 714, Early Morning

Order of the Adunih

Of course his mother, Ilynn, had been furious, not that she was unaware of her son’s propensity for trouble, especially when he was anywhere doing anything with his cousins, especially when he was out with Torim. Pash had washed ashore in Ne’Haer like a shipwreck, told her and Traek little, slept more than he had in arcs of precocious childhood, drank far too much, and all but eaten her out of house and home within the short span of a handful of ten-trials. Granted, her eldest had also carried all of her woven goods to the market every morning no matter how hungover, cuddled his nieces and nephews—grandchildren he had yet to give her, she chided him—with a handsome smile on his somehow sadder face, and gone to the shipyard to take up the work he’d once left behind without a complaint.

Until Torim dragged him home in stitches. Ungrateful djout, both of them, despite their slurred swearing it was just a bar fight and hadn’t been their faults, Ilynn believed none of it, the lithe woman well aware of their penchants for trouble.

Trials later and she still didn’t, but Pash had made effort to assuage his mother’s doubts, taking up watching everyone else’s littles and doing what he could around his familiar family home since his stitches prevented him from labor. Charming, of course, her eldest always knew the melodies to a mother’s heart, though what she really longed for was for him to talk to her, to share with her what hurt more than the knife wound hidden under bandages, what churned like so much stormwater flooding the hull of his chest. He didn’t. He wouldn’t. Whatever burden he carried, he wasn’t ready.

Still, he was kind enough to tell her where he was going, slipping out the door with a kiss on her cheek and a weighty portion of breakfast in his calloused hands, lagoon blue eyes warmer than usual. Mischievous, it seemed, if she knew anything by the tone of his voice, ”Off t’ th’ Order with me, da’oat. I’ll be home … later. Des’penya. Tell da’at I’ll be back in th’ shipyard soon ‘nough—”

He paused, though, precarious with a sandaled foot in the door, “—’f Torim comes a-lookin’, don’t tell him where I’m at. He still thinks it’s his job t’ be takin’ out m’ stitches.”

“I’m not playing your game,” The woman who bore him beamed at him innocently, her dark eyes narrowing as she spoke sternly to him in Rakahi. She knew him, no matter what parts of his heart he’d decided to hide from her over the arcs he’d been so far out of reach. Handing him an extra slice of bread as if she assumed he’d need it, Ilynn patted his inked bicep in a way only she could and shook her head, making sure to tease him with her own term of endearment, “I’ll tell him exactly where you are and you boys can make it all ship shape yourselves, Pa'bo.”

Qua’malu, woman.” Pash’s riposte faded into a laugh before rolled his eyes and stuffed his face, fleeing lest his mother find something else to discern in her own way.

Making his way from their family home nestled amongst a collection of others that more or less contained the collection of extended family he called his clan on the outer edge of town, close to the beach for obvious reasons, the seafaring musician meandering his course into the city proper. It was an early break, honestly, but it was easier to get himself out of the tangle of home life before everyone started their day instead of after. Truth be told, he had no idea what a good break was to show up at the Order, to ask for someone in particular—did Cassandra have duties by the break? Did she have classes? Would she even be around?

The color of her blush had perhaps lingered in his memory longer than it should have, as had the boldness of her tone with poor Torim. Of course, that and her touch weren’t all that the tall Biqaj had dwelled on, the weightier truths of her admission, of their shared confessions about magic … that had, in truth, been more in his thoughts over the past few trials than anything else. Mostly. It was easy to be distracted by the curve of a grin or the shift of nightclothes in the dark, and by Zanik, the seafaring minstrel wasn’t one not to notice, not to give in to whatever caught his fancy, whatever whispered wordless promises of being a muse—

But magic.

—Calloused fingers itched distractedly at the bandage that wrapped his torso under the open buttons of his worn leather vest, the wrappings that Cassandra’s mostly decent stitches from view, thoughts darkening for a moment as the currents of his mind washed upon the broken bits of memory that was Ari’nne. Other than the woman he’d begged to share this spark with him, the woman who’d changed him, who’d led him along through feelings strummed like he played his lute, Pash’s experiences with magic were few, distant, rare.


That shared word was the flame to which his insatiable need felt consumed by, the need to know more not about the magic, no, but also about the person who wielded it. Too curious for his own good. Always.

Somewhat lost in thought, the seafaring musician found himself finally near the Order in the later breaks of morning after all of his walking. It was familiar enough, and busy already with a steady flow of both cloaked healers and their charges, citizens and those in need. Far from shy, Pash found himself someone who looked helpful and made his request for the only acolyte he knew by name, grinning as he did so.
word count: 1020
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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Cassandra Nji'Gwar
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At loose ends [Cassandra please]

2nd Ymiden 714

"Aye, I dunno. S'feels like me insides'r on fire."

The man spoke to her, frown set firmly on his face. A farmer from Treth, he'd come all the way to the city to seek the Order's help. He had said for the past six trials, his stomach hurt him immensely and caused him to miss tending his fields. This time of the arc was important for the farmer, and so Cassandra understood the urgency with which the man wanted to get back into the fields. Still, though, there were no outward signs of distress, and Cassandra examined him more closely, smelling his foul breath and checking his teeth.


Cassandra yanked her head away from the man's mouth, nearly retching from the smell. His teeth were rotting and his mouth had sores on the insides from the weed that the man chewed while working the fields. Collecting herself, since the expletive had drawn more than a few gazes, Cassandra shrugged.

"Wassat mean, then? Some sort of wishy-washy-eyed slang?"

The human man questioned her, going so far as to insult her heritage. She just shook her head and poked him in the stomach. He jerked gingerly, eying her with distaste.

"Whatcha do that fer?!"

"Chew this, qy'at. It'll help settle your stomach." Maybe a little, but it was really for her benefit while she still had to speak with him. "What does your diet typically consist of?"

He eyed her warily again, taking the leaf and chewing it. The freshness of the mint brightened his eyes a bit, and whether it was the placebo effect or not, he sat up a hair straighter.

"Well, m'boys an' I raise pigs an' chickens fer sale here in th' city. So mostly pork an' chicken. Few crops here'n there to round it out. Mostly beans." He drawled in his rural accent, slowing speaking the syllables. Cassandra, who was busier this trial than the last ten combined, kept clenching her jaw, hoping the farmer would speed it up. He obviously had no plans to do so.

"Cassion's beard, qy'at. Of course your stomach hurts you. You're not getting any fruits or vegetables in your diet. Here, take a few more of these mint leaves, and on your way back to your farm, buy some corn or apples or something. Once this passes, you'll feel right as the sea before a storm."

Without waiting for a response, Cassandra stood and sauntered off. There were actual patients that needed help, and that man was just wasting her time. Passing by another healer, she nodded, stopping only briefly when the woman raised her eyes to meet Cassandra's blue-lavender ones.

"You've got someone asking for you." It wasn't an accusation, but there was some suspicion behind it. Cassandra knew immediately it was the cut Biqaj she'd stitched as a favour a few nights before. Waiting to be shown where, Cassandra's eyes followed the outstretched hand to where Pash was towering above most of the other people. A polite smile and nod, and Cassandra was bee-lining for him.

"Es'jah, quanobo." She hailed the man, smiling. Her blue-lavender eyes turned the colour of lilacs, calmness sweeping through her. As hectic as the trial had been, seeing Pash was a comfort. "You look better in the sunslight. And without the stink of tavern and blood clinging to you. Speaking of stink... Where's Torim? Finally asleep in the gutter?"

Cassandra's snark was contagious, and she knew it. But she couldn't relent. Something about Pash made her nervous, and though she'd not admit it, the sarcasm was definitely a defense mechanism. Now just to see if it worked.
word count: 635
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Pash Raj'oriq
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At loose ends [Cassandra please]

Had anyone asked, he’d admit that he didn’t like the silvery sight of his own blood, let alone the various shades of red that ran in the veins of most other races. He’d tell tale of how often he’d been crammed into some pretty raunchy taverns, squeezed between bodies trials overdue for a wash, oozing alcohol from their very pores. He’d even acknowledge that he’d grown up around the stink of tar, of pitch, of barnacles on the hulls of ships baked for trials under Saun's suns. And yet, there was something about being in the thick of the sort of trauma and illness the Order dealt with that made Pash’s tanned, inked skin crawl. It was true, he’d been smiling just trills ago, but as he stood in the waiting area, already buzzing with activity, he’d slowly, carefully found himself folding his arms protectively over his chest and his calloused fingers curled uncomfortably into the abstract, geometric tattoos that served as his visual memorabilia for all his travels.

The tall Biqaj began to feel as though he’d come at a bad time, as if no time would ever truly be a good time unless it was some break only Xuir could redeem by starlight with a handful of pebbles at the window he may have remembered belonged to Cassandra. Well, he really didn’t. He’d been rather drunk, to be honest, and there were parts of that late night that were a smudge of silver and a blur of pale smiles. Everything else was definitely more than just a little foggy.

"Es’jah y’self."

Oh, thank U’Frek’s favorable currents, Pash grinned at the blonde’s greeting, "Ze, now … y’know that’s jus’ no’ true, really. I’ll have y’know, seq’lat, that I look gant lemmy under any kinda light, but ‘specially th’ moon."

This was as true a statement as one ever existed, at least according to the somewhat biased mind of the seafaring minstrel, and he was incapable of even a trill of shame in admitting so to anyone.

"I know how t’ wash, unlike most o’ th’ folk here I see," his expression soured a bit with his admission, visually uncomfortable and never able to hide his emotions from his face, let alone from the amused emerald his eyes had become, "though it’s been a lil’ complicated th’ past few trials, nelo qe. S’ good t’ see they make y’ get dressed t’ work durin’ th’ day, eh?"

She had a dig at Torim in his conspicuous absence from Pash’s immediate vicinity, perhaps not because the taller Biqaj flustered her so much as she was more familiar with his cousin, that it was easier to tease the older man she knew better than himself. That was the wordless gift of grace he gave her for this moment, anyway, rolling his sea-built shoulders in a shrug and letting his baritone voice turn conspiratory or at least audibly coy,

"He’s workin’ o’course. Prob'ly for me one more trial since m’ da’at gotta date t’ meet for some merchant an’ I went an’ made m’self no use in th’ shipyard. I didn’t tell him I was comin’—should I have?"

Pash could play along easy enough, gaze washing over the blonde in curiosity, though he was for the briefest of moments as serious as he could soberly be, not because he cared if those waiting for someone to help them with their headache or broken toe or goiter or fever saw any of his body so much as they were, well, far less well than himself and he’d rather keep it that way, "Jus’ tell me you’re no’ gonna make me stand here with all th’ sick folks while y’ do, uh, whatever I’m here for."
word count: 656
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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Cassandra Nji'Gwar
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At loose ends [Cassandra please]

2nd Ymiden 714

Cassandra's eyes followed his mouth as he spoke, the easy way the words formed. She knew that the calmness she felt around him was likely a part of his magic, but she knew that he was damn charismatic before the magic. She nodded along, rolling sea-green eyes when he praised himself.

"Gant lemmy indeed. How'd you get that massive head of yours through the door?" She spoke a little too loudly, and a man with a misshapen cyst on his head looked at her scathingly. With a sheepish grin, she grabbed Pash by his forearm and pulled him further off to the side and out of the way.

"They don't make me get dressed. I just choose to treat certain people in my underwear. Didn't hear you complainin' the other night, seq'at." She winked at him, drawing him close to the stairs. When she stopped, she turned and lifted his shirt, throwing away all pretenses. Getting closer to the wound, she examined the skin around the bandage. It was whiter than the surrounding skin, and she poked it gingerly. It smarted, and she felt Pash's knee-jerk reaction.

"Difficult, I'll say. It's not infected, but it should be further along than this. Have you been engaging in physical exertion?" The question was pointed and not even remotely veiled, and when the rose-petal irises met his blue-lagoons, she paused. She was gauging his sexual activity, and she did not care if he knew it.

"Eja'yoama, I was just asking where he was. No need to be snarky, jhi'nat." She grinned at him, obviously not upset with him. Instead, she looked to the stairs.

"It's unorthodox, for sure, but if you're certain you're uncomfortable, we can use my room to treat. Come on." She grabbed his forearm again, pulling him up the stairs and to her room. The room was neat and organized, everything in its place. She carefully set the bag on the small desk, leading Pash to her bed. She instructed him to lie down on it, and when she turned to check the instruments in her Medical Kit, she allowed him to get comfortable. The same window that Torim had thrown stones at now sat open, but it was small and did not afford much light to come into the room from the suns. As she exhaled, a thin line of ether was visible if one looked closely, made easier to see in the dimmer light of the room.

"Okay. So I'm going to drop three drops of Milkthistle on the wound. It will absolutely sting. If you cry, I'm telling Torim." She grinned. "Then I'm going to cut the string and pull them out. Shouldn't take more than fifteen bits to do the whole process. Assuming I don't cut you more. I may, after your comments."

Smiling, she grabbed the stoppered bottle of milkthistle and approached Pash.
word count: 503
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Pash Raj'oriq
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At loose ends [Cassandra please]

“It jus’ kinda fits, y’know, jus’ like—“ Pash had a riposte for her, he did, raising his hands as if he was about to illustrate something inappropriate and unnecessary, but he laughed instead, only to quiet quickly at the glare her comment had attracted from someone else in the waiting room. He didn’t even want to look, but the roguish grin on his face didn’t wash away,

Ze, I didn’t complain, nelo qe. I won’t, either, should y’ treat me that way again to-trial, jus’ sayin’. D’ they teach y’ any bedside manner here at th’ Order ‘r did y’ jus’ learn what y’ know from m’ cousin an’ his tumble talk?” The seafaring musician taunted her as she dragged him away, unashamed in openly flirting with the blond who seemed capable of handling his unfiltered self, her fingers curled into the inked lines of his forearm. His expression faltered only a little as she tugged at his vest, desperately wanting to make some other comment only to wince as she poked tender flesh he’d done his best the past few trials to ignore as normal. He tensed noticeably, hand raising from his side as if he was about to shove hers away, but he resisted, calloused fingers digging into his palm instead,

“Th’ past two trials—” Pash heard between her words and he chewed the inside of his cheek, tide pool eyes warming to an amused, chagrined shade of green. She could just ask if that’s what she wanted. But she played healer instead. Maybe he’d thought quite a bit about what he’d rather been doing, but his hushed baritone was honest instead of coy, unable to come up with a wittier response other than the truth, “—ze, nothin’ too exertin’, nah. I’ve jus’ been holdin’ qy’akot nochi an’ carryin’ m’ da’oat’s cloth t’ th’ market so she doesn’t spend th’ rest o’ Ymiden pissed off at me. She wasn’t keen t’ see me come home in stitches. Too much, eh?”

Yes, the tall Biqaj cuddled babies and helped his mother. It was almost too saccharine, really, but he also knew that his acts of kindness weren’t what his mother wanted from him anymore than his admission to the spark that lived inside him was what his cousin wanted to hear either. She wanted the truth. Torim wanted what they used to have. What vices did such sweetness hide? Why had he come home only to keep making such messes out of himself?

Any talk of Torim seemed to get Cassandra’s attention, and Pash couldn’t help but be amused. She seemed to enjoy giving his cousin a hard time of things just as much as he had his whole life, it was true, and yet before he could tease her further, she was leading him away from the proper treating areas of the Order and up the stairs. He laughed,

Qes, well, I don’ want t’ cause any trouble, but Immortals only know how y’ stay ’s well as y’ do with a waitin’ room like that.” His words were serious but his expression was more than a little coy, standing for a wordless moment at the threshold to her her room and curiously taking in its tidy, meager contents. He didn’t hesitate so much as hover, feeling as if he’d already overstepped his invitation before he even followed her in. Well-kept. Ship shape. He couldn’t complain, really, but he might have smirked at her with obvious interest as she told him to not just lie down on her bed, but get comfortable.

He may have made almost too much a show of himself, to be honest, going so far as to tug off his vest while her back was turned, folding it quickly to set neatly on the foot of her bed before he did as he was told with a mockery of obedience. Settling in with his calloused fingers laced behind his head and his sandals off, he was definitely comfortable, too much so, all cheeky grin and visible trouble as if he was there for something completely different, as if he expected there’d be further undressing and not just of himself if he had any say in the matter. He didn’t and he knew it, but the expression on his face spoke otherwise, no matter how well he could pretend to contain his curiosity.

The seafaring musician wouldn’t have complained either way, but he didn’t say the innuendos that washed against the roof of his mouth as his tide pool gaze noticed the strange effect of her breath, lingering longer than was polite on her lips, which were admittedly attractive on their own standing, but surely there was something more to what he noticed,

“Cry? Jus’ ‘cause I’m sober, Cass, don’ mean I can’t take some ipi pain.”

The blonde approached him with the bottle and her warning of more discomfort, smiling at him anyway,

“Only fifteen bits, eh? I can work with that if y’ can. ’S that as long as y’ get b’fore someone starts t’ come an’ check on why you’re missin’?” Surely, she was going to hurt him and it would be all his fault, all but begging for it with his inability to get a hold on his self-control.

It was easy to play, though. Cassandra made it easy. Like getting drunk with Torim, some things just happened without him having to think about it, and it was clear that some people were easier to forget himself around than others. And that was, as far as he concerned, just fine by him.
word count: 963
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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Cassandra Nji'Gwar
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At loose ends [Cassandra please]

2nd Ymiden 714

Cassandra's eyes flashed molten orange for a brief moment as she cast a glare at Pash, returning to their languid blue-lavender after only a moment of staring at him. She was particularly touchy about her "bedside manner", considering she really was never taught any. Still, she liked to think that she was a calming influence, and Pash's teasing burned her for just a moment. In response, she dabbed the milkthistle on a bit harder than she needed to, sending a sharp pain through Pash's side.

"Careful, bija." She glared playfully at him now, the rose-petal gaze finding the stitches on his side again. Bija, or a slang term for an unmarried Biqaj, typically referred derisively to a sexually promiscuous member of the opposite sex, whichever they may be. Cassandra broke the glare with a grin, looking back at the stitches with a practiced eye.

"Qes, can't imagine your da'oat would be too happy to have you show back up with a cut in your side and some surgical string holding you together. Though, with Torim, could she have expected less?"

Cassandra chuckled. She knew that Torim could be quite charming when he needed to be, and rumours be damned. Most members of his family likely saw him as a dedicated and hard-working Biqaj. Especially those who hadn't been drunk with him, or had never seen him sling slurs at other drunken sailors hoping to find himself a fight. Cassandra remembered the last time she'd been drunk with Torim, and she'd found that she could not punch very well. She did manage a quick blow that distracted the combatant long enough for Torim to lay him low. Still, though, Cassandra found that Pash was far more calm. She could only imagine he backing Torim up, and it brought a smile to her face.

"Smooth talking from you, sailor boy. I bet you tell all the girls fifteen bits is enough, qes?" She grinned at him. "But how many of them can leave you bleeding in a hospital, where nobody else would lift a finger?" The warning was playful, but clear. She did not mind being flirtatious, and she found she could relax around the tanned Biqaj man, but she was not interested in being cast aside when it was time to put back out to sea. She did not care for anything substantial, but she was more than vrung, that much was true.

"They won't be worried about me. Stitches are a delicate procedure, and all the bodies would only distract me. Wouldn't want to have to reapply them, would we?" As she examined the stitches, she grimaced. The light through the window wasn't anything spectacular, and she was having a hard time seeing some of the smaller cross-stitches she had used. Hesitating, she looked up at Pash with pleading deep green eyes.

"Do not be scared." And with that, she concentrated her inner Ether around her right hand, the one on Pash's side. Pushing some of the Ether into a swirling ball around it, she illuminated it using Brilliance, causing a light source to hover just inches from the wound. The light did not burn, nor did it even feel hot, but it lit his side enough for her to see. Her left hand deftly grabbed for a scalpel, and she set about carefully cutting each string so that they were easier to pull out. No blood followed, so that was a good sign.

"Fifteen bits, max. Looking more like five, seq'at. What shall we do with the remaining ten bits?" She grinned mischievously at Pash, sliding the string through flesh that was growing attached to it. It pulled, but only stung a bit. No true pain, thanks to the milkthistle.
word count: 641
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Pash Raj'oriq
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At loose ends [Cassandra please]

Pash hissed in obvious pain at her angrier dabbing, legs shifting as if he considered scooting away, the blond making it forcefully clear that he’d strummed a nerve in his joking. He smirked at her word choice, unable to escape his resemblance to the comment, though it was perhaps easier to hear from Cassandra's far more pleasing lips than, say, from family. She may have been teasing him with its usage, but his parents were not,

"Ze, it’s true. We’ve got a long history o’ gettin' in unsavory sorts o’ trouble, an’ our family knows ’t. I s’pose m’ folks keep hopin' it’ll be different as th’ arcs pass b’ our hulls, but they don’t." The tall Biqaj smirked, the baritone of his voice self-deprecating as if there was a hint of guilt that his choices often washed up on childish shores no matter what his age. It was, admittedly, one thing to have a good time and find it interrupted by someone else’s poor behavior, but it was another to willingly make stupid choices and pay out those consequences. Perhaps Pash didn’t always differentiate well, too curious, too distracted, to hungry for the sensation of every possibility. Perhaps Pash didn’t always care about the outcome, either, his stream of hedonism often waded in at the expense of his own well being,

"Nah, I’m always in ’t for th’ long sail, but sometimes, y’know, it all depends on—tsu—leave me bleedin’, eh? There’s worse fates than that, nelo qe." If he’d stepped on her feelings with his comment about bedside manner, her playful warning received an even more caustic riposte, cutting short the humor he’d started with just like the scalpel in her hands found its way through string. His gaze darkened like a pair of stones dropped into the sea, and it was hard for him to hide the expression of drowning in non-physical anguish for a heartbeat or two before he blinked the anger away.

It was one thing to cease breathing in a puddle of one’s own liquid stardust and another to have entire internal organs removed by the force of someone else’s unseen hand. Because, quite honestly, the hull of his chest still felt like an empty cavern and no matter how easy it was for the seafaring musician to fall into familiar games, to let his body do the talking when his heart felt missing, there were no stitches to sew up the gaping hole in his tangle of feelings where delicately corded threads of beautiful things had once been, no salve to numb the sharp, slow pain of healing, "You’ve got no idea, seq’lat."

Whether she did or not, Pash couldn’t help himself, hardly one to go about conversation with a filter. He didn’t apologize, either, choosing instead to chew the inside of his cheek and look away for a trill or two, the weighted grey of his irises intense and brief like a storm in Saun.

The sudden change of subject was welcome, and while Cassandra warned him, he couldn’t help but be more than just a little surprised. Unafraid so much as fascinated, the seafaring musician made a noise of disbelief and interest that didn’t quite escape his throat as she produced light from nowhere, eyes bright blue and wide. His magic was unseen, subtle, and though he saw and touched the ether constructs of feelings as threads in a tangle, he couldn’t bring those things to life in the way the blond appeared to pull light from darkness. He hardly felt the tug of his own flesh while she worked, watching first the glow and then her face, curiosity devouring his anger like the half-starved animal it was,

"Vjan—" her magic, the spell, the result of manipulated ether itself as his calloused fingers attempted to touch it, distraction briefly stemming the outpouring of his angry hurt and stopping short his usual flirtatiousness like pressure on a wound, "—show me more."
word count: 687
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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Cassandra Nji'Gwar
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At loose ends [Cassandra please]

2nd Ymiden 714

Immediately, Cassandra recognized that she'd triggered something in Pash, and she regretted it. He was careful with his agony, but she could sense in behind his eyes. The rapid shift of his eyes and the expressions on his face belied his true thoughts, and so Cassandra didn't push it. Instead, she focused on removing the stitches one by one, using her hand as a source of light.

She expected Pash's reaction to the use of her ability, and she smiled as his eyes sprung open. She waved the light back and forth in front of him, watching the blue orbs follow the illuminated Ether around her hand. Standing, she walked over to the hearth and spent a few bits lighting a fire. Turning to smile at Pash, she took off the long shirt she was wearing over her underclothes. The heat quickly filled the small room, and she rushed to open the window so as to not stifle them. With a wink, she sauntered back over to the fire, leaning her face close to it.

The view for Pash was an exquisite one. Ample curves clouded his vision as she leaned close to the fire. From her mouth, a thin tendril of Ether came out and merged with the shimmering air in front of the fire. The heat on her face nearly overpowered her, but instead, she memorized it. She could feel the heat stinging her skin, but instead of allowing it to truly burn her, she retracted just in time. Drawing forth Ether from inside her, the misty substance was directed over the long shirt, encompassing it. Focusing, Cassandra Transmuted into the cotton The Warmth of a Fire. A strange scent drifted into Pash's nostrils, like burning pine, as she did so, and when she was finished, she sat down on the bed next to him. She raised a hand to wipe away a layer of sweat from her forehead.

The shirt, now shimmering in its Transmuted state, had shrunk slightly. One of the sleeves was now shorter than the other, and when she smiled at Pash, obviously more tired than she was, she had a proud look in her eye.

"You want to know what I can do? Touch it." She sat there, in her underclothes, waiting for Pash to reach out and touch the etherically enhanced item. When he did, it would be warm to the touch. "I've never tried to use heat before..." There was a hint of exhaustion in her voice.
word count: 424
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Pash Raj'oriq
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At loose ends [Cassandra please]

She’d created light from nothing as far as Pash could tell, for his understanding of magic was as limited as it was new. He’d never considered what kind of external, tangible, or visual effects of knowing magic in other forms, through the lense of another spark, were even possible, the Empathy he’d been Initiated into being a magic of invisible manipulation and unseen feelings. Cassandra focused on her work for a brief moment, removing his stitches though he wasn’t watching her despite how their closeness would have otherwise bordered on distracting, tide pool gaze still curiously examining her magical glow, which had no heat or substance … as if it was literally just the purest characteristic possible: light.

It seemed her expected return for removing his stitches this trial was just to tease him, however, and that in as many ways as possible. Where he normally would have paused to examine his healing flesh, he couldn’t look away: first from the light she showed him and then the blonde herself as she slipped away from him and her bed, crossing her small room to the equally small hearth. For Immortal’s sakes—no one needed a fire in Ymiden, he wasn’t an invalid after all, and he opened his mouth to question her intentions, only to shut it as she began to undress, removing her shirt.

Pash found himself confused for a curious bit, for Cassandra seemed to walk toward him and again he considered something witty or suggestive to say, grinning lopsidedly despite the realization that he wasn’t particularly sure what was wordlessly unfolding in some unexpected fashion. When he’d asked for more magic, this was not what he meant but he wasn’t about to complain, not really. It was fine, whatever was going on, and he quietly began to say so, baritone warming to the perceived occasion even as he tried to even figure out what he should be anticipating in the first place,

"Look, Cass—"

Oh, she stepped past him to open her window and said nothing, but the seafaring musician bit his bottom lip to cut his own words short. Again, the blonde didn’t stop moving, and he sat up to watch her, denying himself the urge to reach a hand out and snatch her for clearly she was now just taunting him, the ruddy glow of the fire dancing over the enticing landscape of pale skin she was obviously just toying with him by even revealing. It was enough that he almost didn’t notice the strange effect of her breath—almost—having to drag his now-violet gaze from mundane flesh to strange ether. While Pash didn’t at all understand what she did, Cassandra clearly did something to the shirt she held in her hands, leaving a scent like a campfire, charred pine.

In a fistful of heartbeats, which had, admittedly, increased in both volume and tempo in the tall Biqaj’s pointed ears, the heat-flushed blonde had sat next to him, holding the shimmering shirt between them with a glowing, cheeky grin on her face,

"Touch what now?" His expression was wry as he exhaled the breath he’d been holding, tone coy but not as playful as he would have been otherwise, given that Cassandra wasn’t exactly propositioning him in an expected sort of way so much as inviting him to experience her magical abilities in an admittedly intimate one. He did as he was asked, gingerly at first as if he expected the shimmering cloth to burn him as a fire would, but it was only warm. Unexpected again, it seemed as though she’d chosen the cozier effect of a flame and not the dangerous one to borrow, if that’s what she did. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but his smirk said it for him, calloused fingers brushing hers even though he couldn’t help the questions, always hungry,

"Y’ took th’ warmth o’ th’ fire?" He could take feelings, too, but not sensations, not qualities, nothing physical or tangible. Pash’s question may have implied he wanted to know if the fire was still warm across the room, as if she’d literally stolen it, but he didn’t really consider her so powerful a mage given the hint of personal expenditure that seemed to wash over her face, "So y’ borrow … somethin’ from one thing an’ can give ‘t t’ somethin’ else? I can do that—"

The tall Biqaj considered his words carefully in his offering of an exchange of sorts, wary of feelings like a beaten dog was wary of his master, but also rather taken with both the blonde for reasons that were more than just the physical interest her closeness and willing flirtatiousness would have otherwise invited,

"—sort ‘f. With emotions only. I can see them, change them, even take them for m’self ‘r give ones that aren’t t' someone else." Had he not been so distracted and aware that touch increased the effects of his own magical abilities, his words probably would have soured in his mouth, aware of just the extent of those possibilities in ways he wished he wasn’t.
word count: 875
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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At loose ends [Cassandra please]

Pash Raj'oriq

Skill Knowledge:
Deception: Sweeten deception with good deeds and kindness
Medicine: Checking for infection
Medicine: An adequate light source is always useful
Persuasion: Love your mother
Rhetoric: Playful banter
Rhetoric: Magical honesty
Seduction: Can we use your room instead?
Seduction: I’ll show you mine if you show me your … magic
Surgery: Removing stitches
Surgery: Disinfecting a wound before removing stitches

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Domain Magic: Transmutation
Transmutation: Brilliance, making light from nothing
Transmutation: Borrowing qualities
NPC: Cassandra
Cassandra (NPC): Is a Transmuter
Cassandra (NPC): Green cloak at the Order of Adunih

Static NPC: Cassandra.
A scar on Pash's torso.
Skill points:
15/15 Points cannot be used for magic.

I enjoyed reading this thread. It was good to have a break from the Etzos themes. Your narrative to set up the scene was very well done and painted a very clear picture of the bard. The dialogue confused me, specifically the different languages, so I had to read it twice. Nymph has been leaving OOC notes with translations of things, which I found really cool. Perhaps consider it? But, maybe its just me, *shrugs*. You two are very good writers at this stuff, I learned a few things. have a good time!
word count: 211
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