Finance and Training

Lithrae pesters Arenma at her job.

19th of Saun 717

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Finance and Training

19th of Saun, 717
"Mugitu, esklabo!", Lithrae snapped, jerking the leash in her hand. The slave attached to the other end by his collar stumbled forward a few more steps, trying to keep the stack of boxes he was carrying balanced. Not that Lithrae was making it easy on him, by any means. She had cuffed his hands behind his back, so the five decently heavy boxes were balanced on his back, forcing him to bend over to try and balance them. He was new and had gotten snippy with one of officials at the training facility, so Lithrae had decided on this as a punishment. He knew what would happen if he dropped even one box, that had already happened shortly after they left the facility. Now the rags of his shirt were hanging off him and the boxes were pressed directly against his bleeding back. Fortunately, the boxes were tied so that they hadn't fallen open.

They were close to their destination, and if the slave had been obedient, Lithrae might have seen clear to letting him rest. But since he was mouthy bastard, she expected him move at her pace. Thus, she jerked the leash again, yanking him forward. Finally, the entered the bank they were headed for, and Lithrae directed her charge towards the person she had come to see. "Kaixo, Arenma." she said, smiling at her sister as she stopped at her sisters desk. "Prestakuntza zentroak finantza-erregistro batzuk ezabatzen ditu, eta gainontzeko batzuek azken ariketaren erregistro batzuk ikusi nahi dituzte." she said, handing her sister a list of the records she would need to bring back with her.

The slaves who came to take the boxes from Lithrae's carrier would know to put the new ones on in the same way as the old ones, one did not change a Mistress's positioning of a slaves burden without permission, after all. So, Lithrae didn't have to actively oversee her charge for the a bit. "Beraz, nola funtzionatzen du gaur?" she asked, her tone cheery. Having a disobedient slave to train and abuse always improved Lithrae's mood.
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word count: 417

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