• Information • [Scalvoris] Seasonal Events Archive

Seasonal Events From Scalvoris History

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[Scalvoris] Seasonal Events Archive

ImageSeasonal Events Archive
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~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Scalvoris Seasonal Events Archive

Vhalar 716
Vhalar 716
Early Vhalar brings endless rain. It various from thunderous down pours to annoying showers. The ocean can be navigated, but inexperienced crews are advised to limit how far out to sea they go. Later, a massive storm tears through the region, making sailing incredibly dangerous. As late Vhalar creeps in, the rain turns into sleet. The nights have significantly in temperature and the days are cool with massive amounts of fog rolling in from the ocean.
Seasonal Calendar
Trial 1 of Vhalar - Global Plot Event
  • The ocean around Scalvoris had been a dangerous place late Saun. Rumors were flying about 'ghost ships' causing skirmishes on the open seas. Beneath the waves, people depicted monsters with red eyes. The storms had been dangerous, so many of the mainlanders believed that the crews were hallucinating. These sightings continue into early Vhalar. Reports become more specific. A large black ship with unmarked black sails has been seen sailing around the island, pillaging ships that are daring to leave the harbor. It is said that the crew are unbeatable as they are red-eyed, shadow men impersonating mortals. There have even been reports of black Mer attacking ships.
Trial 2 of Vhalar - Global Plot Event
  • Flags have been raised around Scalvoris signaling to the sailing Pirate Lords to return to Almund for an emergency meeting. Scalvoris is preparing to act upon this ocean scourge.
Trial 4 of Vhalar - Global Plot Event
  • While sailing towards the harbor to answer the call, Gwar and The Unstoppable's crew are attacked by the shadows. Although Gwar manages to get the Unstoppable safely to port, it is not without casualties. Gwar is uninjured and incredibly upset, demanding that the Pirate Lords act to stop this menace. It is agreed that 4 of the crews will head to sea to deal with the ghost ship.
    ► Show Spoiler
Trial 10 of Vhalar - Global Plot Event
  • Rumor has begun to spread since the 4 crews have not yet returned from their mission. There is some concern that the four Pirate Lords may have fallen. The Pirate King sends Gwiona and the crew of the Burning Shores to investigate the whereabouts of the other four ships.
Trial 15 of Vhalar - Global Plot Event
  • Scalvorians are beginning to grow restless. Never before has something threatened Scalvoris in such a way, threatening their way of life. Many are disheartened at the lack of news of the pirate crews. Others are eager to see them disappear in hopes to take their place.
Trial 16 of Vhalar - Global Plot Event
  • The Burning Shores returns to harbor with the Shield of Scalvoris in tow. News of the other three vessels is shared with Scalvoris. They are in pursuit of the Ghost Ship. Additionally, news of the under water monsters comes to light. Not only is the crew of the Ghost Ship made of shadows, but several shadows have started to appear as sea creatures. The Mer have been having difficulties, which was not known to the Scalvorians initially.
Trial 15 of Vhalar - Global Plot Event
  • The Ghost Ship vanishes as do all the underwater shadow creatures.
Trial 34 of Vhalar - Global Plot Event
  • The three remaining crews that had been after the Ghost Ship return to harbor. Apparently the Ghost Ship had disappeared as about as quickly as it had come.
Trial 67 of Vhalar - Global Plot Event
  • News reaches Scalvoris of the events that occurred south in Oscillus.
Trial 80 of Vhalar
  • A massive storm cripples a ship that had been heading out of Scalvoris. A small dinghy manages to get back to Scalvoris with weakened, almost dead crew begging for help. Mer and Pirates are recruited to help the stranded crew. Other Pirate crews try to get ahead of the groups sent to help to pillage what remains of the cargo ship.
Trial 111 of Vhalar
  • The Mer around Scalvoris begin to note that there are rotting fish within the ocean. The numbers are growing. The peculiar thing about these fish is that they are still alive. There is suspicion that a necromancer is corrupting the underwater ecosystem for their own personal gain. Some have even hinted that The Reaper may somehow be involved.
word count: 749
I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be then me.
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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Seasonal Events: Cylus 717

Cylus 717
Cylus 717


Trials 1 -5[/color]]
Cylus comes in with a flurry of snow and sees most Scalvorians waking up to find their island under a blanket of snow.
Scalvoris Town is the only place which seems to have missed this. The first few days of the season are unusually mild there, with just a few small snow flurries, but not the sudden onset of heavy snow which the rest of the island sees. Scholars and academics explain this because of the underground volcano. Others say it is the Immortals showing their pleasure at the Scalvoris / Viden collaboration.


6 -10[/color]]
Heavy snows fall across the island where the perpetual almost-night weather leaves a sense of being unnerved. Travel between regions of the island becomes next to impossible without a lot of planning and preparation. The temperatures drop even further and any livestock outside of Scalvoris Town which is not in some kind of heated shelter is likely to die. In Scalvoris Town itself, because of the warmth on the ground, livestock needs to be indoors. On the 9th, the snows are so heavy in Almund that visibility is lessened to less than a foot.


11 & 12[/color]]
A massive storm centres over the island of Scalvoris and lightning strikes the water and land for two trials. Sleep is almost impossible on the night of the 11th, as the thunder crashes every few trill and a number of buildings are damaged by the forked lightning. It pours with icy rain whilst the storm crashes overhead.
It is rumoured in every area of the island that, on Immortals' Tongue during this time there is no storm and the weather is close to tropical. How anyone knows that, though, is a good question.


13 - 15[/color]]
The storm clears and the skies are cloudless. However, it is still dark and the temperatures plummet even further. Throughout these three days, the island is beset by a series of tornadoes, which seem to be centred around Almund. The more superstitious Scalvorians believe that this is suggestive of some displeasure by the Immortals, because the rest of the island enjoys cold, crisp and clear weather during this time, though travel remains difficult as a sheet of ice forms over the fallen snow.


16 - 20[/color]]
Light snow showers and clear spells mark these trials across the island. The snow which falls is enough to keep the levels at approximately the same, but at least it does not add anything. Some travel between areas of the island becomes possible because of this but only by those who are well skilled in such. A disadvantage of this almost-lull in the weather is that the clear nights mean that temperatures, especially at night time, are unbearably cold and stepping outside in anything but the heaviest furs is not a good idea at all.


21 - 25[/color]]
No snow falls for these five trials and the skies are dark and cloudy. Temperatures raise slightly which leads to some surface snow melting and then freezing again at night as temperatures drop back down. This leads to very treacherous conditions throughout the island which cause a lot of injuries and a number of fatalities. The constant almost-darkness is starting to feel never ending and one trial seems to bleed into another.


25 - 30[/color]]
The final trials of the season see small flurries of snow and clear spells. The clear spells last for a few breaks, but the snow is never gone for long. Travel between areas of the island is now completely impossible over land as the way is just too treacherous. The darkness continues but, as the season ends the moon which was blocking the sun light moves and daylight returns once more to Scalvoris. Temperatures are still below freezing and lower at night.


Player Note![/color]]
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Please take the weather into account in all your posts this season.
If you want to help out in Scalvoris, consider writing the weather for next season, maybe?
If you have any questions about specific regions, or wish to explore the anomalies mentioned here, then please PM a Scalvoris mod.
Enjoy the season!
Seasonal Calender
Please note: I will update this table as events are responded to. Therefore, if you are going to be writing about a particular event, reply here to claim the event, with the link and an indication of if it's open / closed to other pcs and I will update this table so that other players can see and join in where appropriate! If the event is going to be part of a Moderated Thread, it will be identified as such. Also, if dealing with this event will have the possibility of a reward (depending on how you deal with it!) this will be shown.
1st Scalvoris Town The Viden Academy Scalvoris Campus opens its doors for the first time. This marks the beginning of a very exciting collaboration between the two locations. A large party with lots of speeches happens Open
3rd Almund A sudden and incredibly intense snow storm hits the outskirts of Almund, sheets of ice fall from the sky in sharp shards. Several livestock are injured by these and a group of children who are sledding together get caught in the storm and disappear whilst running to take shelter Open: Reward Thread ~ 3 places left!
7th Scalvoris Town Caz, the owner of the Scholars' Nook is attacked on her way to work in the morning. She is badly beaten and her attackers tell her that they want her to close up her shop and leave. Open:RewardThreadPM to Join
7th Darbyton Elliot, Chief Ranger of Darbyton puts out a call that the village is looking for more Rangers to grow it's numbers. Open
9th Almund A freak snow storm leaves the residents of Almund barely able to see past their own noses! During this time there is a call to protect the Glass Tree, which is getting damaged by the weather. Moderated
11th Immortals' Tongue Rumour has it that, during the dreadful storm which batters the island for two trials, Immortals' Tongue is completely serene. A small number of intrepid souls seek to find out if this is true! Open
13th Egilrun A tornado hits the craft village and residents work together to rebuild in it's wake. This effort takes three trials Open: Reward
16th Whole Island With some travel possible between areas, a call goes up everywhere for people who are prepared to travel and have the skills to do so in the conditions. Small groups move between almost all locations on the island. Open: Reward
19th Scalvoris Town A patch of land outside the Glass Temple spontaneously has all its snow melt and sprouts beautiful, aromatic flowers in a twenty food radius around the building. People flock and proclaim it is a sign of prosperity to come Open: Reward
19th Immortals Tongue Strange lights are seen emanating from Immortals' Tongue for a full trial. More superstitious residents of Scalvoris take this as a sign, they're just not sure what of. Moderated
22nd Havardr One of the residents of Havardr, new this season, starts to exhibit strange symptoms. Wide-eyed and ranting he begins to tell of a great rip in the very fabric of the world which will spell doom for all. He runs from the village and search parties are sent out after him. Open: RewardThreadFull
26th Scalvoris Town Seasonal meeting of the Intelligentsia takes place OpenThreadSpaces
30th Almund Seasonal meeting of the Scalvoris Council takes please, leading to a new raft of laws, edicts and announcements on the 1st of the next season NA
To Claim One of These Events!
Players are more than welcome to create threads about any of these events. If you are going to do so, please post in this thread in order for me to update this list. Once updated, your post will be deleted so that it stays neat for the next person! To claim one of these events, use the code below:

Code: Select all

[style3=max-width: 550px; margin: auto; border: 5px double #e9e9e9; Background: transparent; padding: 10px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; border-radius: 4px; color: #e9e9e9;]
[b]Event:[/b] Date and location
[b]PC(s) involced[/b]
[b]Link to thread[/b]
[b]Open to other pcs? If so, how many?[/b]
b]Anything else?[/b]
Seasonal Highlights!
Please find below some of the highlights from our lovely island during the season of Cylus. Just because it's cold, doesn't mean there is nothing to offer. Whether you are a long term Scalvorian, new resident or just visiting, there's something for everyone!

Players are more than welcome to use these as contexts for threads, ideas or just a bit of colour to get an idea of the island!
NameEvent Availability: Cost:
Scalvoris Starlight Tours Looking for romance or exploring the stars? Either way, our night time tours of the island will allow you to see the beauty of the night sky out in water where there is no other light. An experience like no others. All season, depending on weather.10gn per person per break.
Faldrass Resort During the chilly season of Cylus, why not take advantage of our hot springs? Private parties catered for and a full suite of services available. All season. Varies. 10gn for hot spring soak, attendants and extra services at different costs.
Nice Ice Inc It's freezing, so what better time to visit the ice caves of Ishallr? Guided tours given and a chance to speak to Zach, expedition scientist lead
where available and if he agrees
Daily. 15gn per person
Scalvoris 1st Annual Snowball Fight You know you want to. Teams of no more than five, this will be a knock-out event with a cash prize. Ask about it at O'Rourke's. 15th only. 2gn entry fee.
word count: 1726
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Pegasus Pug!!!
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City Moderator
Posts: 10503
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:08 am
Race: Prophet
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Seasonal Events: Ashan 717

Ashan 717
Ashan 717
Trials 1 - 70


1 -5[/color]]
ImageWhile many places in Idalos will see the effects of Ashan’s arrival in warmer temperatures, Scalvoris tends to take its sweet time. The weather gets worse before it gets better, with the last few snowstorms and freezing temperatures. Travel between areas of the island are still impossible without great risk, and the temperature isn’t yet warm, and it is still fairly dark, the sun still hiding for the most part. At night, temperatures are still below freezing. This is true everywhere except Darbyton which experiences five trials of Saun-like weather.


6 -11[/color]]
ImageAshan has begun to make an effect on Scalvoris, slowly but surely. The worst snowstorms of this time of arc are over, leaving chance for flurries at night but no more snowfalls during the trial, though the snow still heavily coats the ground. The exception to this is Scalvoris town, which seems to be warming up much faster and melting the snow. However, this brings caution to Scalvoris town, because melted snow means that, as it drops to negative temperatures each night, there will be ice on the ground each trial. Travel is possible but still risky and not recommended. The skies continue to be cloudy and dimly lit.


12 - 15[/color]]
ImageFinally, the temperature begins to come up enough for life in Scalvoris to return to normal. While it still gets very cold at night, it no longer gives flurries and very rarely drops below negative. In the trial, the snow is finally starting to lesson, covering the ground in lighter layers like powdered sugar on a confection. The ground is still very hard and the waters are still freezing, however. Travel is much less risky, but most sane people would rather be home anyway. As each trial passes, the skies begin to clear up, clouds pulling apart and sunlight bathing the land again. Plants begin to defrost, animals come out of hibernation.


16 - 20[/color]]
The weather has began to turn pleasant, traveling back to normal. This is the time of the season that the farmers will start to clear the ground ready for when they will start to sow crops, the gardeners will prepare to plant new flowers and the herbalists will tend to their herb gardens. The temperature remains chilly but moderate, and winds pick up around Scalvoris, leaving breezy trials to make the cold cut through clothing. Other than that, clear skies and pleasant trials.


21 - 25[/color]]
Whilst the rest of the island maintain with the more temperate weather, Scalvoris Town is hit by a series of tornadoes, which damage buildings and rip up trees. These last for three trials between the 21st and 23rd, then the same thing happens in Almund on the 23rd to 25th. The weather for the rest of the island is completely unaffected but it is not safe to travel in the skies over these towns during this time. This lack of mobility seriously hampers the efforts of the Elements to both get people out of the affected areas and to get in to where they need to


26 - 30[/color]]
During these trials, farmers and gardeners work frantically to make sure that everything is prepared for the planting. The weather is not helping at this time as temperatures take a sudden drop and the ground hardens with frost again. It is cold by day and colder still at night as the skies clear of cloud and the temperatures plummet. In some places, the temperatures during these few trials beging to mirror those of Zi'da and the more superstitious Scalvorians begin to wonder if this arc the planting is doomed before it begins. However, this clears on the 30th and there is a definite warmth (on land, if not in the water) for the Treid's Luck festival.


31 - 35[/color]]
Planting is happening in earnest now and it seems as though, this arc at least, the Immortals and fate are smiling on Scalvoris. The weather for these trials is perfect for planting. It remains dry and cool, but not so cold that there is frost. There is a gentle wind throughout the daylight breaks which comes in from the west and is a cooling breeze. At night the skies are cloudy which at least means that frost is largely kept at bay.


36 - 40[/color]]
These five trials are perfect spring weather ~ warm but not too hot, dry and sunny by day. At night, the temperature drops but it is still just that pleasant crisp spring air which sees people much more likely to go for walks or stay out late. No rain and mostly cloudless skies combine to make these five very pleasant trials, weather-wise.


41 - 50[/color]]
As the temperature warms, rain becomes more common. It starts with just being at night- light rains as night drops, stopping by dawn, leaving muddy mornings and dew-filled trials. The rain helps the plants, and as the trials get more pleasant, more rain visits Scalvoris. By the 48th, it begins to rain during the trial, very light showers. In areas like Faldrass, it is quite lovely and warm, while many areas of Scalvoris can still be considered chilly.


51 - 60[/color]]
As the trials pass, the rain grows heavier and heavier, leaving to overcast trials and stormy nights. Gusting winds and heavy rains batter up against the houses of Scalvoris, particularly in areas like Egilrun and Darbyton, where it gets so bad that property damage occurs. Around trial 58, there are an increasing amount of lightning and thunder in these storms, but so far it’s been bearable. Luckily, the temperature is still rising so the rain is moderate to warm, sparing those in Scalvoris from the cold. However, those traveling should be careful of floodwaters and muddy roads.


61 - 70[/color]]
Storms continuing, many of the cities in Scalvoris have had miserable weather. This time of Ashan is easily the worst, as people struggle to work in the wet conditions, and some of the newly planted crops fail due to drowning in too much water. The storms cause the waters around Scalvoris to be particularly filled with turmoil, much to the displeasure of sailors and mer alike. Traveling continues to be risky and difficult.
Trials 71 ~ 123


71 - 80[/color]]
Ashan’s storms begin to slow just a bit, leading back to a drizzle most trials. During the night, the rains and winds pick up, but it is slowly improving back to more pleasant weather. The 78th & 79th are clear, dry and as hot as many of the trials in Saun. This is a very welcome relief for the islanders. At night, temperatures are cool, but the cold of Cylus is long gone.


81 - 101[/color]]
During these twenty trials, there is no doubt that the hot cycle is on it's way. The sun shines by day and the nights are warm. It's perfect for the harvest, as long as the farmers keep their fields well irrigated. There are plenty of opportunities for parties and outdoor events all over the island. There are also a few hardy (or foolish) souls start a habit of diving into the sea. Despite twenty trials of good hot weather, it's still really, really cold in there.


101 - 110[/color]]
As though realising that someone thought that the cool weather was over, clouds roll in and there is a chill over the island. Not anywhere near as cold as Cylus, but temperatures still drop significantly. There is a definite chill in the air, but the rain stays away. However, the temperature suddenly rises early evening of the 109th, which prompts those who know such things to consider, most seriously, that storms are a-brewing.


111 - 120[/color]]
Storms were a-brewing, they said and they were not wrong. Storms hit Scalvoris for a ten-trial and they are like the Immortals themselves are reminding the residents that they are oh-so-very mortal. Houses are struck by lightning, fires break out and there are a few fatalities around the island. Those who spend times out on the waters report that those storms are on Scalvoris only, around the island is warm and calm seas.


121 - 123[/color]]
The last trials of the season are the kind of weather which can be expected in the season to come. Daylight is warm and sunny, temperatures soar and it is truly the beginning of the hot cycle. These give way to balmy evenings and warm nights. The island is getting ready for the next season.


Player Note![/color]]
 ! Message from: Pegasus
Please take the weather into account in all your posts this season.
If you want to help out in Scalvoris, consider writing the weather for next season, maybe?
Thank you to Avrae who compiled some of the weather this season!
If you have any questions about specific regions, or wish to explore the anomalies mentioned here, then please PM a Scalvoris mod.
Enjoy the season!
Ashan Seasonal Calendar
~~123 Trials~~
Please note: I will update this table as events are responded to. Therefore, if you are going to be writing about a particular event, reply here to claim the event, with the link and an indication of if it's open / closed to other pcs and I will update this table so that other players can see and join in where appropriate!

Key To Colours Used
Moderated ~ a thread run by one of the Prophets of Scalvoris
Open ~ available for anyone to create a thread about. Please use the code below to "claim" it - maybe someone new will join you!
Open: Reward ~ if dealing with this event will have the possibility of a reward (depending on how you deal with it!) this will be shown. Please note that the reward is not necessarily monetary but might be fame / infamy / items etc.
Open: Impact ~ denotes a plotline which will have an impact, potentially, on Scalvoris generally. This will require mod input before you begin.
ImageImages with a blue border denote festivals which happen on this trial every arc.
Image Images like this with red borders are specific to this season and will not repeat next arc!
NB: Ashan is one of two Sandspeck Seasons. This year, that's between the 47th - 57th Ashan. PM Peg for what dates they'll be on specific beaches!
ImageDateLocationEventStatusLink/ Info
Image1stAllAshan's Dawn marks the end of the long darkness of Cylus. Scalvorians find a blossom or bloom, take it to someone they don't know and give it as a gift. In return, they are given a small candleOpenThread Open to 2 or 3 more. PM Amaris.
Image5thAllGifting Trial has the ritual of giving a hand made gift to someone you know well or a stranger. The gift is given with good feeling, or bad luck will befall you all arc. It must be a gift you have made.OpenThread Padraig & Faith. Any others?
Image13thIshallrMapping the Caves of Ishallr. In a sponsored expedition, hardy souls are mapping the "static" caves in Ishallr. Sponsored by the Universtiy in Rynmere and Viden AcademyModeratedThread
Image23rd Scalvoris TownFollowing the freak tornadoes which hit, a number of buildings are damaged throughout the town. Help out with the rebuilding effort?Open: RewardThread: Open to 2 others. PM Amaris!
Image25th AlmundFollowing the freak tornadoes which hit, a number of buildings are damaged throughout the town. Help out with the rebuilding effort?Open: Reward
Image30thScalvoris TownTreid's Teeth, as the temperatures begin to rise the superstition is that those who will start to sew crops must go and swim in the waters off Treid's teeth to cleanse them of any bad luck from the arc before, so that the harvest might be bountiful.Open
Image32ndAllA band of pirates and raiders attack Scalvoris Island. Every town, village and small settlement is attacked by marauders of the worst kind who slaughter and kidnap. Help out! Open: ImpactThread: Faldrass ~ any more places?
Image 45thAlmundWorld's End Festival:Traditionally this takes place on the Northernmost tip of the island. There is dancing and celebration this night and it is said that those who wed in the World's End Festival will have a life filled with luck.This arc the first storm of Ashan happens during this festival ~ a sign that the Immortals are watching and party goers dance in the rain.OpenThread: Kali and Pash
Image61stAllAshan's Walk marks the middle of the season. From a set point in their town / village to the main place of worship, people lay petals on the ground in honour of the Immortal Ashan. Open
Image71st All Massive storms surround Scalvoris, the lightening constantly striking the water and some boats are damaged or sunk. Whilst this is terrifying, there are no storms over any of the populated areas Open
Image77thAll Animals up and down the island start to get a strange fungus-like infection in their paws, which quickly spreads up their legs. Within 5 trials, half of the animals on the island are infected. Who will help? Open: ImpactThreadAmaris, Padraig & Faith!
Image80thAllNaming Trial is where parents across Idalos celebrate the births from the arc before and formalise the name(s) for each child. Open
Image85thAll In preparation for Ilaren's Trial, the Elements put out a call asking for people to sign up, either as a job or on a voluntary basis. Free training given to those who do!Open: RewardThread Kali'rial ~ open to others pm Kali!
Image100thAllIlaren's Trial is a trial for drinking and celebrations. On this trial it is usual for drinking to begin at dawn and to continue throughout the trial until dawn the next trial.Open
Image120th AllRalaith's Trial or "Trial of Forgiveness". In Ralaith's name grudges are put to one side and wisdom, hopefully, takes over. A large number of duels happen on this trial. Traditionally, if you wish to spend the arc without arguing or growing bitter with someone, on this trial you give a confection.Open
Image123rdAlmundCouncil Meeting on the last trial of the season.
To Claim One of These Events!
Players are more than welcome to create threads about any of these events. If you are going to do so, please post in this thread in order for me to update this list. Once updated, your post will be deleted so that it stays neat for the next person! To claim one of these events, use the code below:

Code: Select all

[style3=max-width: 550px; margin: auto; border: 5px double #e9e9e9; Background: transparent; padding: 10px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; border-radius: 4px; color: #e9e9e9;]
[b]Event:[/b] Date and location
[b]PC(s) involced[/b]
[b]Link to thread[/b]
[b]Open to other pcs? If so, how many?[/b]
b]Anything else?[/b]
Seasonal Highlights!
Please find below some of the highlights from our lovely island during the season of Ashan. Spring has sprung, the grass did rise, see Scalvoris before you dies! Whether you are a long term Scalvorian, new resident or just visiting, there's something for everyone!

Players are more than welcome to use these as contexts for threads, ideas or just a bit of colour to get an idea of the island!
NameEvent Availability: Cost:
Scalvoris Starlight Tours Looking for romance or exploring the stars? Either way, our night time tours of the island will allow you to see the beauty of the night sky out in water where there is no other light. An experience like no others. All season, depending on weather.10gn per person per break.
Faldrass Resort Celebrate spring with a new you! Come for a beauty treatment, or why not take advantage of our hot springs? Private parties catered for and a full suite of services available. All season. Varies. 10gn for hot spring soak, attendants and extra services at different costs.
Nice Ice Inc Spring is the time of birth and regrowth, right? So, what better time to visit the ice caves of Ishallr? Guided tours given and a chance to speak to Zach, expedition scientist lead
where available and if he agrees
Daily. 15gn per person
Scalvoris Sandspeck Chase It's Ashan! The Sandspeck phenomena happens for a ten trial this season. We hire out flying mounts to assist you in travelling across the island for a ten-trial sandspeck chase! Between 47th - 57th 10gn hire x trial
word count: 2760
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
User avatar
Pegasus Pug!!!
City Moderator
City Moderator
Posts: 10503
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:08 am
Race: Prophet
Renown: 666
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Moderated Thread for Ymiden 717: Sign Up!

Immortals Tongue Sign up

Since the Viden Academy arrived on Scalvoris, there have been lots of expeditions and exchanges. One of the things that the Institute for Metaphysics have tried to do is to find out just what makes Immortals' Tongue so unique. This place has strange monsters, shrines to all the Immortals and is generally considered to be the weirdest place on Scalvoris.

Which is saying something.

So, the Scalvoris University (as they are being locally known) sent a small archaeological team to find out what's going on. After all, Immortals Tongue has been there longer than recorded history. The team disappeared, however, it was considered that they probably weren't prepared and so a bigger team went.

They, also, disappeared.

What's happening to the archaeologists on Immortals Tongue? What about the strange lights which have been reported there? There have been strange phenomena also, reports which suggest that the normal rules of reality simply do not apply. Weird animals not seen anywhere else and plants which somehow communicate. All of these are rumours, but who will find out the truth?

This season, Ymiden 717, the Scalvoris Council, the Elements and the Viden Academy Scalvoris Campus has asked that a small group of hardy souls might travel in groups or individually to Immortals Tongue and try to cast some light on what is going on.

Will you dare?
 ! Message from: OOC Information!
This is a sign up for this seasons open plot. This will involve two types of thread:
1. Moderated
2. Solo

If you wish to undertake a solo regarding this storyline, you are more than welcome to. It might mean that you find out something interesting or useful, it might be for plot development. However, the main story will be in the moderated thread. If you want to run a solo around this story, please just pm me and let me know what you're going to do in case it clashes with the moderated thread.

The Moderated Thread will be as follows:
~ I'm not limiting the number of sign ups - but I might split into two threads, depending on how many sign up.
~ This will be a high risk plot line (if you sign up, I might gnaw you)
~ This will be a high reward plot line
~ It will span 2 or 3 threads (I will aim for 2, three might happen) per group.
~ I will post every 4 days and will have a "three strikes and you're out" policy.
~ My first post will be on the 1st June.
~ It will begin on the 20th Ymiden and will finish by 23rd at the latest.
~ It'll be fun! :)
To Sign Up For The Moderated Thread:

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 650px; margin: auto; border: 15px double #e9e9e9; background-color: transparent; padding: 10px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; border-radius: 4px; color: #e9e9e9;][style2=max-width: 620px; margin: auto; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #e9e9e9; background-color: transparent; box-shadow: 0px 0px 7px 0px #000000; border-radius: 1px;][center][googlefont=Clicker Script][font size=300]Sign Up[/font][/googlefont][/center]
[b]Name of PC claiming[/b]: 
[b]Skills Which Might Be Relevant[/b]:
[b]Blessings / Curses?[/b]: <this is important!>
[b]Any Other Immortals Who Like / Dislike You? Tell me......[/b]:

word count: 552
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
User avatar
Pegasus Pug!!!
City Moderator
City Moderator
Posts: 10503
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:08 am
Race: Prophet
Renown: 666
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Seasonal Events: Ymiden 717

Ymiden 717
Ymiden 717
Trials 1 - 83


1 -5[/color]]
ImageThe first few trials of Ymiden see beautiful clear skies and warm weather. Ymiden's Dawn is bright and warm and the season seems to be starting off in a very promising manner. Those few clouds in the sky a the cute and fluffy kind and the astronomy department in the Scalvoris University Campus of the Viden Academy are able to spend a lot of time stargazing. Temperatures are warm and it seems like winter is finally behind the inhabitants of Scalvoris


6 - 10[/color]]
ImageDuring these five trials the island is beset by a series of tornadoes and hurricanes. Most people stay indoors and those who venture outside do so at their own peril. What is unusual about these are their timing ~ they begin suddenly and without any warning whatsoever. Some reports speak of full tornadoes literally appearing in front of people and yet others speak of hurricane force winds starting trill after total stillness. There is some damage to property and livestock during this time, and some lives are lost, especially in the more remote areas.


11 - 17[/color]]
ImageFor these trials, Scalvoris experiences soaring temperatures almost worthy of Saun. This means that Xiur's dusk is well celebrated this arc. Intrepid souls also start more regular swimming and water sports now that the waters around Scalvoris are warming up. The skies remain clear and the nights are balmly. There is a general consensus that it's not going to last, but in typically Scalvoris fashion, most people agree that the thing to do is enjoy it whilst it does.


18 - 25[/color]]
Ahhh, now this is how the weather should be in Ymiden! Clear skies, warm temperatures but not so hot that one worries for one's life and cooler evenings. The 24th is Cassion's Trial and the weather for that is idyllic, people gathering up and down the island to share stories and food. The only one bit of strangeness throughout these trials is that in Darbyton there is one small field where it rains constantly. Just the field and the rain is pretty severe, although not torrential. Academics from the University go to collect samples of that water and they seem quite excited about it.


26 - 35[/color]]
These trials on Scalvoris are fairly "typical" Ymiden weather. Usually, the sun is out and the sky is clear, there are a few wispy clouds but that's all.
However, these bright and clear times are punctuated by sudden storms and the odd gust of gale-force or hurricane-force wind. These appear to be random and can not be planned for or foreseen.
That small field in Darbyton continues to experience persistent rain.


36 - 51[/color]]
The temperatures stay pretty consistent during these trials and the skies remain largely cloudless throughout daylight and night time. It's hot, but not sweltering and it cools down in the evenings. The storms abate for this time and the Hunters Moon on the 40th is one of the most beautiful in Scalvoris history. The red moon is enormous in the sky and all who have been on the island before agree that it is beyond any in living memory. Also, this weather is good for the first harvest and farmers celebrate the excellent crops again this arc.
The rain on the field in Darbyton continues


52 - 65[/color]]
And so begins monsoon season on Scalvoris. The rains start just after dusk on the 52nd of Ymiden and those who have lived there a while all agree that the first half of Ymiden wasn't bad this arc. The rain starts on the 52nd and it does not let up, not even for a moment, until just before midnight on the 65th. It is torrential and unending. As always, the gratitude festival is indoors.


On the stroke of midnight, until exactly the stroke of midnight, Scalvoris experiences one trial of beautiful, very hot weather. This is experienced by the whole island (except for that one field, still). Temperatures soar and the soaked ground gets a brief and very welcome reprieve. Of course, those who have lived on Scalvoris awhile take this as a good sign, or a weird sign or even a bad sign, but it's a beautiful hot day, so what's not to like? The heat combines with the extensive moisture on the ground, though, and it is quite misty.


67- 70[/color]]
Hot temperatures and showers with a few spotted storms mark these trials. The rain is abating and, as these trials progress, the presence of the sun is felt more and the now-familiar rain becomes less and less common. Folks and farmers begin to prepare for the heat of Saun.
In Darbyton, the farmer who owns that field is starting to get increasingly irritated by the number of visitors and the fact that his crops have been utterly ruined.


71 - 83[/color]]
The end of Ymiden is the height of beautiful, temperate weather. The sun is bright, the skies are cloudless and the temperature is hot but not so hot that it becomes dangerous. That will happen, of course, as Saun comes in but for these trials the people of Scalvoris experience some trials of truly lovely weather.

Finally, the rain over that small field has stopped, too. There is a general air of disappointment about that amongst certain academics but the farmer is very happy.
~~83 Trials~~
Please note: I will update this table as events are responded to. Therefore, if you are going to be writing about a particular event, reply here to claim the event, with the link and an indication of if it's open / closed to other pcs and I will update this table so that other players can see and join in where appropriate!

Key To Colours Used
Moderated ~ a thread run by one of the Prophets of Scalvoris
Open ~ available for anyone to create a thread about. Please use the code below to "claim" it - maybe someone new will join you!
Open: Reward ~ if dealing with this event will have the possibility of a reward (depending on how you deal with it!) this will be shown. Please note that the reward is not necessarily monetary but might be fame / infamy / items etc.
Open: Impact ~ denotes a plotline which will have an impact, potentially, on Scalvoris generally. This will require mod input before you begin.
ImageImages with a blue border denote festivals which happen on this trial every arc.
Image Images like this with red borders are specific to this season and will not repeat next arc!
Ymiden Seasonal Calendar 717
ImageDateLocationEventStatus/Link/ Info
ImageAll All Throughout this season wearing anything green is believed to be detrimental to the harvest ~ this has led to stonings and killings in more violent times. Even after the harvest has taken place it is believed that anything green calls Lisirra's attention and so much be avoided for the entire 83 trials.Info Only!
Image1st AllYmiden's Dawn: 1st Ymiden marks the beginning of the summer season on Scalvoris. At dawn on the first trial, Scalvorians go and stand by a body of water and pour a cupful over their heads, symbolising rebirth and the dawn of a new time. It is considered a time for making big decisions, perhaps affecting change in one's life. Open: Reward +5 Devotion Ymiden[/glow]
Image5thAllThe Elements are recruiting! A call goes out to add to the number of troops. Free training is given and they push the fact that they are making the streets safer. Will you help? Open - Reward Training[/glow]
Image9thAllAround the island, posters are put up on notice boards and pinned to trees overnight, proclaiming that Scalvoris has too many visitors, that the University is an abomination before the Immortals and that those who are interested in a return to simplicity should seek out only those things made with free hands.Open: ImpactPadraig & Faith Any other takers?
Image 12th AllXiur's Dusk, also known as "Star Night". There is a ritual among families that the youngest and oldest must exit the house at dusk by one door, stand together until they see, and wish a blessing and dedication to Xiur upon, different stars and then must get back into the house by different means, climbing through the window if necessary. It is a sport in Almund to try and get back in the house by the most obscure means possible.Open: Reward +5 Devotion Xiur[/glow]
Image14thScalvoris TownViden Academy, Scalvoris Campus opens its next phase of the collaboration between the two sites. The Institute of Technologies which seeks out those who wish to work in the practical application of the sciences. There is an opening ceremony which is well attended. There are some protests, but they are peaceful. Open
Image20thImmortals TongueAfter the disappearance of two groups of archaeologists, the Viden Academy on Scalvoris, the local military and the Scalvoris Council have called for adventurers to help out! Who answers the call?!Moderated: Sign up thread here!
Image21stScalvoris TownJake's Revenge! Following the successful capture of "One-Eyed Jake", the scourge of Scalvoris, last season, the rumours spread like wildfire around Scalvoris Town. Looks like Jake's brother, Jack and their sister Jessie have been spotted in town and they are hungry for revenge! Will they be brought to justice or will you help them avenge their brother? Open - Reward
Image24th All Cassion's Feast:During the day, people congregate to predetermined locations in their and each bring a story, either in written form, or there are scribes to write the stories down. That night there is feasting up and down the island with large groups coming together to sit around and share tales, always leaving a space for the Immortal and a meal in offering. It is believed that Cassion visits Scalvoris at this time, sampling food and reading through the thousands of stories. Open: Reward +5 Devotion Cassion[/glow]
Image29thAlmundThe attacks on the workers in Nellie's brothel have been ongoing for a few seasons now. On the night of the 29th, one of the prostitutes does not arrive for work. Her body is found in the early hours of the morning. NB: Check the Bounties board for further information.Open: Impact
Image37thScalvoris TownIt is beginning to seem like female store owners are being targeted. First Caz and then Friedston were attacked. Whilst on her way into work, Callie Lovan of Peytr's Pots and Potions is brutally attacked and beaten. The words "Rising Again" are carved onto her back. NB: Check the Bounties Board for the old information.Open: Reward
Image 40th All Hunters Moon: The 40th Ymiden is a strange night on Scalvoris. It always has a "Hunters' Moon, where the moon is enormous in the sky and a deep blood red. Legend has it that animals hunted and killed that day and night in Karem's name earn her favour. On the night of the 39th, and often before, hunters go out and the night of the 40th there is a feast. It is traditional that only that which has been hunted or grown in the 3 trials before is eaten in that feast, which is usually a large affair in the middle of the town / village.Open
Image41st All First Harvest: On the 41st Ymiden the first harvest is collected and there is a strange tradition. The first of each type of produce is collected in a basket and offered to the Immortal Lisirra, that she might keep pestilence away from their island for another arc. Until this is finished, no one eats, in case Lisirra sees and takes offense that her offering is not the first of the trial.Open
Image46thHavardrFolks in Havardr awake on the morning of the 46th to find that the seas around them are red with blood. For reasons no one knows, the fish is the water seem to have all exploded spontaneously. This is a major concern as Havardr provides a lot of Scalvoris' foodOpen: Impact
Image58thAllEvery branch of the Scalvoris Bank is attacked on the night of the 57th in what is an obviously well planned attempt to destabalise the economy. Robbers attempt to break in to the highly guarded buildings but are thankfully unsuccessful everywhere.Open
Image62nd All Gratitude Festival: The festival on the 62nd Ymiden shows gratitude to the hunters and workers in the fields who have been tirelessly working to put food on everyone's plates. Therefore, one person in each street, or block of houses if the street is particularly long, opens their house so that everyone might welcome the rest for the field workers and have company during the almost inevitable downpour by this part of the season. If it isn't raining, it can be a garden party ~ but it always rains Open
Image77thAllThe volcano on Faldrass belches out black smoke for the entire trial. During this time strange lights are seen emanating from Immortals' Tongue. The seas are very choppy, despite the weather being calm and all over the island people just report having bad luck.Open
Image80th All Flora Trial: The 80th Ymiden is a day where Scalvorians celebrate flowers. Females wear flowers in their hair, men wear flowers on their lapels. Each town and village decks itself out with floral displays and there is a carnival where wagons parade through the town or village, decked with flowers depicting stories or songs. It is a day of celebration for young and old alike. Open
Image81stScalvoris TownMeeting of the Intelligentsia. The faction which meet together in order to pursue knowledge and knowing stuff. Everyone welcome!Open
Image83tdAlmundMeeting of the Council. Decisions are made, laws are passed. That kind of thing. Citizens are welcome to attend if they wish, but only the council may speakInformation.
To Claim One of These Events!
Players are more than welcome to create threads about any of these events. If you are going to do so, please post in this thread in order for me to update this list. Once updated, your post will be deleted so that it stays neat for the next person! To claim one of these events, use the code below:

Code: Select all

[style3=max-width: 550px; margin: auto; border: 5px double #e9e9e9; Background: transparent; padding: 10px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; border-radius: 4px; color: #e9e9e9;]
[b]Event:[/b] Date and location
[b]PC(s) involced[/b]
[b]Link to thread[/b]
[b]Open to other pcs? If so, how many?[/b]
b]Anything else?[/b]
Seasonal Highlights!
Please find below some of the highlights from our lovely island during the season of Ymiden. Summer is here and 717 is going to be a summer of fun! Whether you are a long term Scalvorian, new resident or just visiting, there's something for everyone!

Players are more than welcome to use these as contexts for threads, ideas or just a bit of colour to get an idea of the island!
NameEvent Availability: Cost:
Scalvoris Starlight Tours Looking for romance or exploring the stars? Either way, our night time tours of the island will allow you to see the beauty of the night sky out in water where there is no other light. An experience like no others. All season, depending on weather.10gn per person per break.
Faldrass Resort Celebrate summer with beautiful people and a beautiful you! Come for a beauty treatment, or why not take advantage of our hot springs? Private parties catered for and a full suite of services available. All season. Varies. 10gn for hot spring soak, attendants and extra services at different costs.
Nice Ice Inc Summer is the hottest season, we know this! So, what better time to visit the ice caves of Ishallr? Guided tours given and a chance to speak to Zach, expedition scientist lead
where available and if he agrees
Daily. 15gn per person
word count: 2676
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
User avatar
Pegasus Pug!!!
City Moderator
City Moderator
Posts: 10503
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:08 am
Race: Prophet
Renown: 666
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Seasonal Events: Saun 717!

Saun 717
Saun 717
Trials 1 - 40


1 -5[/color]]
ImageSaun comes in with a bang this arc on Scalvoris. The second sun appears and temperatures soar, there is a heatwave which lasts across the island. These sudden soaring temperatures are hard to deal with for those vulnerable and ill prepared and farmers up and down the island have to ensure that livestock are well taken care of. The unveiling of the "Eclipse Portals" is celebrated on Ishallr where at least it's freezing cold.


6 - 10[/color]]
ImageThe 6th - 10th Saun have intermittent storms, as is usual on Scalvoris. There are usually soaring temperatures but, every now and then there will be a sudden, intense and brief storm which brings with it a down pouring of rain and, sometimes, fork lightening striking the ground. Chrien's night is one of clear skies and intense heat.


11 - 15[/color]]
ImageSoaring temperatures continue as the storms abate. The heat is unbearable and Faldrass resort reports record numbers of people coming to stay. Whilst this might seem odd, it being next to a volcano, the resort has utilsed coldstones and all their rooms and public areas are beautifully cool. People flock there, but avoid the beaches filled with the orange sand.


16 - 20[/color]]
The middle of Saun is so hot that it is hard to describe the heat; it has gone way beyond hot and during these last 20 trials, there have been a number of deaths from heat stroke, the medical clinics and Order of the Adunih are full to bursting with people who have become dehydrated and / or unwell because of the heat or who have passed out and injured themselves. Bluewater dip on the 20th is attended by almost everyone on the island, in a desperate attempt to cool the heck down.


21 - 24[/color]]
The heat does not abate during these trials, but there are many, frequent lightening storms. These storms are incredibly intense, but even the rain is hot and they do not do anything to cool down the temperatures.Throughout this period, nearly a dozen people across the island die in storm related accidents, either from falling trees, being hit by lightening etc. The heat continues to be unbearable and the storms add danger to it, also.


25 - 29[/color]]
The heat continues for the Souls Meal festival and temperatures get hotter still, not really even cooling at all in the evenings, now. Children and the elderly are a rare sight on the streets of Scalvoris now, because it is just too hot for them to be safe. People in Scalvoris Town suffer more than in Almund, due to the fact that Scalvoris town is hot underfoot usually anyway. The folks in Almund think it more of less serves them right.


Souls' Light Night sees a single nights' reprieve from all the heat. As the evening starts, the temperatures drop and a cool breeze blows in. Those who go and celebrate do so in a warm, balmy evening. All across the island, folks breathe a sigh of relief and pray that the dreadful heat has ended.


31 - 36[/color]]
Fooled you! Or so the weather seems to say. After one pleasant evening the soaring temperatures return and the scorching heat continues.It's really not funny any more and folks aren't enjoying it. Though, there are always interesting ways to cool down and Zach, the expedition leader for the Ice Caves, is starting to get a bit irritated by people turning up to "his" place just to cool down a bit


37- 40[/color]]
Hot temperatures and showers with a few spotted storms mark these trials. The heat does not abate and the rain does little to cool it. On the night of the 40th, it is as though the second sun is determined to go out with a bang and the worst storm in a long time is experienced across the island. Those who have lived here a long time see this as a bad sign and worry about what weirdness 1st Vhalar will bring.


ALL PLAYERS[/color]]
Please ensure that you take the weather into account in all your writing this season.
Want to help out in Scalvoris? Consider writing the weather for next season!
~~40 Trials~~
Please note: I will update this table as events are responded to. Therefore, if you are going to be writing about a particular event, reply here to claim the event, with the link and an indication of if it's open / closed to other pcs and I will update this table so that other players can see and join in where appropriate!

New This Season!
: I haven't put lots of "plot points" in this thread. There's the bounty board and the rumours, and we're going to use those for players to pick. Instead, as the season progresses, I'm going to update this thread to include those plots you guys write about. So PLEASE, make use of the Impact Thread system and post ANY and ALL threads which MIGHT impact Scalvoris even a little! I'll then transpose them here! PLEASE use the Impact Thread!! Thanks!

Key To Colours Used
Moderated ~ a thread run by one of the Prophets of Scalvoris
Open ~ available for anyone to create a thread about. Please use the code below to "claim" it - maybe someone new will join you!
Open: Reward ~ if dealing with this event will have the possibility of a reward (depending on how you deal with it!) this will be shown. Please note that the reward is not necessarily monetary but might be fame / infamy / items etc.
Open: Impact ~ denotes a plotline which will have an impact, potentially, on Scalvoris generally. This will require mod input before you begin.
ImageImages with a blue border denote festivals which happen on this trial every arc.
Image Images like this with red borders are specific to this season and will not repeat next arc!
Saun Seasonal Calendar 717
ImageDateLocationEventStatus/Link/ Info
Image1stScalvoris TownThe Scalvoris Campus of the Viden Academy announces that Kristoff Manyon, previously Dean of the Institutes of Science and Metaphysis has been appointed Chancellor of the University here. A range of new appointments are made in light of thisOpen: Information
Image1stAll The Glass Trial is an important one to Scalvoris. To greet the new sun, all Scalvorians leave an offering of glass for the Immortals. This ritual is carried out for protection and good luck. In an unsurprising Almund-like manner, the Scalvorians of that particular region do this by gathering together in an inn or other public space, drinking themselves senseless and smashing the glasses. Open: Reward +10 fame[/glow]Open Thread: Almund
Image2ndAll Ishallr Result. Those who had previously explored the Ice Caves of Ishallr, as identified in the Hall of Fame are now aware, as is all of Scalvoris, what they found. The portals they discovered were permanent and the runic stones "set" them in place. Where there is a stone, there a portal appears, linked with one of the other stones. This now means that there are two portals in Scalvoris, one of which links to Rynmere University and the other of which links to Viden Academy. This allows for free movement between these places for University staff only, with prior consent of the Chancellor. Link Information
Image4thAllThe first ever flutterbus departs from Scalvoris, bound for Desnind! LinkInformation
Image 5thAll Rainbow Sky: The 5th sees a very strange phenomena across the skies of Scalvoris. The alignment of the suns is such that the sky, for the entirety of the trial, is covered in rainbow clouds. In all of Scalvoris' recorded history, it has never rained on this trial. The residents of Scalvoris celebrate by holding dances on the beach from dawn until dawn the next trial. Open: Reward +10 fame[/glow]Thread
Image 10thAll Chrien's Night: The 10th Saun is a night dedicated to Chrien. People go and swim in the waters, the Mer and Biqaj especially tend to go all out on this evening. During the night, it is acceptable and even expected to play tricks on each other, although the severity and malice of these tricks is usually tempered. Offerings are places on small boats, just larger than the palm of a hand and put to the water in the hope that no spite befalls the residents of Scalvoris this arc.Open: Reward +/- 10 fame +5 devotion Chrien[/glow]Thread
Image15thAllThe waters around Scalvoris turn blood-red, as happened in Havardr last season. This lasts throughout the whole of the trial and a number of strange things happen, boats are overturned suddenly, whole schools of fish simply wash up dead on the shore and the volcano on Faldrass belches out bright green smoke!Open: ImpactThread!
Image20th Treid's TeethBluewater Dip: this is a festival where, once again, natives of the island dive into the waters around Treid's teeth. This time, though, it is all of the residents and there is a swimming and boating gala, races and other frivolity. Over the past 100 arcs, the Pirate Lords have held this festival, now that they are gone, who knows what will happen?Open: Reward +/- 10 fame[/glow]
Image25th - 30th AllSoul's Meal: It is a strange superstition throughout this season that lost souls are commonplace over Scalvoris, moreso even than usual, and so it is considered appropriate to set an empty place setting on the 25th Saun ~ 30th Saun for the dead to sit. Not doing so might cause them to stay all arc, in the hope that someone notices they are there. Each meal is begun with a dedication to Vri during this time.Open: Reward +10 devotion to Vri[/glow]
Image30th AllSoul Light Night: The end of the Soul's Meal period. On the night of the 30th Saun, the people of Scalvoris light lanterns, even though it is Saun and they take the lanterns to the local graveyard at 8pm. There, they sit together, young and old, in large groups and they have a picnic. In between each living person there is a place for one of the souls who have not yet passed over. They stay until the last lantern, which symbolises Famula's lantern, burns out. When the last candle flickers out, the living leave the graveyard, leaving the lanterns behind which are collected the next trial. The belief is that the souls then go to Famula and are given peace.Open: Reward + 10 devotion Famula[/glow]Thread 1
Image35thScalvoris TownMeeting of the Intelligentsia. The faction which meet together in order to pursue knowledge and knowing stuff. Everyone welcome!Open
Image31stAllThe flutterbus arrives in Scalvoris, bringing visitors from Desnind! Information
Image37thScalvoris TownThe Institute of Languages opens in the Scalvoris Campus of the Viden Academy. There is no doubting the success of this venture, or the growing relationship between the two places.Open
Image40thAlmundMeeting of the Council. Decisions are made, laws are passed. That kind of thing. Citizens are welcome to attend if they wish, but only the council may speakClosed: Council Members
ImageEnd of Season All "Safety's Sake": A further, unspoken ritual is that those who have lived on the island a long time tend to stock up on supplies towards the end of this season. All of the really weird stuff starts 1st Vhalar, after all.

To Claim One of These Events!
Players are more than welcome to create threads about any of these events. If you are going to do so, please post in this thread in order for me to update this list. Once updated, your post will be deleted so that it stays neat for the next person! To claim one of these events, use the code below:

Code: Select all

[style3=max-width: 550px; margin: auto; border: 5px double #e9e9e9; Background: transparent; padding: 10px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; border-radius: 4px; color: #e9e9e9;]
    [b]Event:[/b] Date and location
    [b]PC(s) involced[/b]
    [b]Link to thread[/b]
    [b]Open to other pcs? If so, how many?[/b]
    b]Anything else?[/b]
Seasonal Highlights!
Please find below some of the highlights from our lovely island during the season of Saun. Two suns, no night? Saun 717 is fun time, right?! Whether you are a long term Scalvorian, new resident or just visiting, there's something for everyone!

Players are more than welcome to use these as contexts for threads, ideas or just a bit of colour to get an idea of the island!
NameEvent Availability: Cost:
Scalvoris Sunslight Tours Looking for romance or exploring the depths of the ocean? Either way, our anytime tours of the island will allow you to see the beauty of the place out in water where there is at least a little wind and the water is cool. An experience like no other. All season.10gn per person per break.
Faldrass Resort Celebrate summer with beautiful people and a beautiful you! Come for a beauty treatment, or why not take advantage of our cool springs? Private parties catered for and a full suite of services available. All season. Varies. 10gn for cool spring soak, attendants and extra services at different costs.
Nice Ice Inc Summer is the hottest season, we know this! So, what better time to visit the ice caves of Ishallr? Guided tours given and a chance to speak to Zach, expedition scientist lead
where available and if he agrees
Daily. 15gn per person
word count: 2258
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
User avatar
Pegasus Pug!!!
City Moderator
City Moderator
Posts: 10503
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:08 am
Race: Prophet
Renown: 666
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Vhalar 717 Seasonal Event Sign Up

IT2 sign up
In Ymiden, the university sent two groups to find out what had happened on Immortals Tongue. Before that, two teams of archaeologists had disappeared without warning or trace. So, two groups of hardy souls were sent by the University, the Council and the Elements to find out what had happened.

And that was where it all went wrong.

One group didn't make it into the ruins; the group fell apart from stress and pressure. Of the other group, only four made it all the way in, with others dropping off along the way or leaving. Four souls began the exploration of the underground ruins.

Only two made it out alive

In Vhalar 717, what happened to the archaeology expeditions is still unknown but in Scalvoris Town, as one individual looks down and sees a strange growth on their arm, events start to unfold. The university has put together an expedition for anyone who is willing to go.

If you help to find out what is going on in this place, then you will be greatly rewarded. This reward, however, is commensurate with the risks.

Will you dare?
 ! Message from: OOC Information!
This is a sign up for this seasons open plot. This will involve two threads. One of these threads will be run by Peg and will be on Immortals Tongue, the other one will be run by Ent and will be on the mainland. Rules are as follows:

~ We're not limiting the number of sign ups
~ This will be a high risk plot line (if you sign up, we might gnaw you)
~ This will be a high reward plot line
~ It might span more than 1 thread per group.
~ We will post every 4 days and will have a "three strikes and you're out" policy.
~ Our first posts will be on the 1st October
- You can sign up to both threads with different pcs
To Sign Up:

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 650px; margin: auto; border: 15px double purple; background-color: transparent; padding: 10px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; border-radius: 4px;][style2=max-width: 620px; margin: auto; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid blue; background-color: transparent; box-shadow: 0px 0px 7px 0px #000000; border-radius: 1px;][center][googlefont=Clicker Script][font size=300]Sign Up[/font][/googlefont][/center]
[b]Name of PC claiming[/b]: 
[b]Which Thread?[/b]: Immortals Tongue / Mainland
[b]Skills Which Might Be Relevant[/b]:
[b]Blessings / Curses?[/b]: <this is important!>
[b]Any Other Immortals Who Like / Dislike You? Tell me......[/b]:

word count: 428
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Scalvoris Calendar 717: Current Season: Zi'da

Arc 717 overview
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Arc 717
Previously, on Scalvoris


This is the repository of what has happened in Scalvoris. Think of it not as a calendar which the mods put up and then it's just there for you to react to. Instead, this calendar is going to be a dynamic record of what happened, when. Be that a moderated plot, a thread players came up with, whatever it is. It's going to go here.

So. What we need you to do is to make full use of the Impact Threads. When you have completed a thread, pop it in there with details, and one of us will keep this calendar updated. People have started doing that already, and it works really well. Which is thanks to you, the players!

Why like this? Well, the aim of this is to make Scalvoris' calendar and story more dynamic and player focused. If you're looking through here and you notice that something happened in Cylus that you want to pick back up in the current season - well do it! Drop one of us a pm if you've got any questions, but lets see how this goes!?

NB: I've taken out any festivals / information things which didn't get responses - I've just kept in a list of things that might impact the future or have links for keeping track of the past. Thank you!


1st Scalvoris Town The Viden Academy Scalvoris Campus opens its doors for the first time. This marks the beginning of a very exciting collaboration between the two locations. A large party with lots of speeches happens
7th Scalvoris Town Caz, the owner of the Scholars' Nook is attacked on her way to work in the morning. She is badly beaten and her attackers tell her that they want her to close up her shop and leave.
7th Darbyton Elliot, Chief Ranger of Darbyton puts out a call that the village is looking for more Rangers to grow it's numbers.
11th Immortals' Tongue Rumour has it that, during the dreadful storm which batters the island for two trials, Immortals' Tongue is completely serene.
13th Egilrun A tornado hits the craft village and residents work together to rebuild in it's wake. This effort takes three trials
19th Scalvoris Town A patch of land outside the Glass Temple spontaneously has all its snow melt and sprouts beautiful, aromatic flowers in a twenty food radius around the building. People flock and proclaim it is a sign of prosperity to come
19th Immortals Tongue Strange lights are seen emanating from Immortals' Tongue for a full trial. More superstitious residents of Scalvoris take this as a sign, they're just not sure what of.
20th Almund One Eyed Jack is captured by Anos, a concerned citizen. Everyone sleeps a little better in their beds!Thread
22nd Havardr One of the residents of Havardr, new this season, starts to exhibit strange symptoms. Wide-eyed and ranting he begins to tell of a great rip in the very fabric of the world which will spell doom for all. He runs from the village and search parties are sent out after him. Thread
26th Scalvoris Town Seasonal meeting of the Intelligentsia takes place Thread


Image1stAllAshan's Dawn marks the end of the long darkness of Cylus. Scalvorians find a blossom or bloom, take it to someone they don't know and give it as a gift. In return, they are given a small candleThread
Image5thAllGifting Trial has the ritual of giving a hand made gift to someone you know well or a stranger. The gift is given with good feeling, or bad luck will befall you all arc. It must be a gift you have made.Thread
Image13thIshallrMapping the Caves of Ishallr. In a sponsored expedition, hardy souls are mapping the "static" caves in Ishallr. Sponsored by the Universtiy in Rynmere and Viden AcademyThread Impact leads to opening of the Eclipse Portals.
Image23rd Scalvoris TownFollowing the freak tornadoes which hit, a number of buildings are damaged throughout the town. Help out with the rebuilding effort?Thread
Player Impact28thScalvoris TownThe previously incurable disease, Lightbane is cured by Faith, one of the healers at the Order of the AdunihFinal Thread in Series
Image32ndAllA band of pirates and raiders attack Scalvoris Island. Every town, village and small settlement is attacked by marauders of the worst kind who slaughter and kidnap. Help out!Thread: Faldrass Impact is that some of the pirates are stopped. Not enough, though and they are still a threat!
Image 45thAlmundWorld's End Festival:Traditionally this takes place on the Northernmost tip of the island. There is dancing and celebration this night and it is said that those who wed in the World's End Festival will have a life filled with luck.This arc the first storm of Ashan happens during this festival ~ a sign that the Immortals are watching and party goers dance in the rain.Thread
Image77thAll Animals up and down the island start to get a strange fungus-like infection in their paws, which quickly spreads up their legs. Within 5 trials, half of the animals on the island are infected. Who will help? Thread ongoing
Image85thAll In preparation for Ilaren's Trial, the Elements put out a call asking for people to sign up, either as a job or on a voluntary basis. Free training given to those who do!Thread
Image100thScalvoris Town & Almund Padraig & Faith solve the case of the break outs at the Menageries, making sure that the Elements are not short of flying mounts and keeping Scalvoris saferFinal thread in series


ImageDateLocationEventStatus/Link/ Info
Image5thAllThe Elements are recruiting! A call goes out to add to the number of troops. Free training is given and they push the fact that they are making the streets safer. Will you help?
Image9thAllAround the island, posters are put up on notice boards and pinned to trees overnight, proclaiming that Scalvoris has too many visitors, that the University is an abomination before the Immortals and that those who are interested in a return to simplicity should seek out only those things made with free hands.Thread
Image20thImmortals TongueAfter the disappearance of two groups of archaeologists, the Viden Academy on Scalvoris, the local military and the Scalvoris Council have called for adventurers to help out! Who answers the call?!Thread This failed and the two teams dispatched returned home unsuccessful and with lost lives. It will be recommenced Vhalar 717.
Image21stScalvoris TownJake's Revenge! Following the successful capture of "One-Eyed Jake", the scourge of Scalvoris, last season, the rumours spread like wildfire around Scalvoris Town. Looks like Jake's brother, Jack and their sister Jessie have been spotted in town and they are hungry for revenge! Will they be brought to justice or will you help them avenge their brother?
Image29thAlmundThe attacks on the workers in Nellie's brothel have been ongoing for a few seasons now. On the night of the 29th, one of the prostitutes does not arrive for work. Her body is found in the early hours of the morning.
Image37thScalvoris TownIt is beginning to seem like female store owners are being targeted. First Caz and then Friedston were attacked. Whilst on her way into work, Callie Lovan of Peytr's Pots and Potions is brutally attacked and beaten. The words "Rising Again" are carved onto her back.
Image46thHavardrFolks in Havardr awake on the morning of the 46th to find that the seas around them are red with blood. For reasons no one knows, the fish is the water seem to have all exploded spontaneously. This is a major concern as Havardr provides a lot of Scalvoris' food
Player Impact57th Scalvoris Town & Mountains Faith is kidnapped in the streets of Scalvoris. Padraig, Pash and Kali go to rescue her. This leads to the discovery of a high powered undead creature high in the mountains of Scalvoris Thread1, 2 and 3
Image58thAllEvery branch of the Scalvoris Bank is attacked on the night of the 57th in what is an obviously well planned attempt to destabalise the economy. Robbers attempt to break in to the highly guarded buildings but are thankfully unsuccessful everywhere.
Player Impact61stAlmundA slave is blamed for a murder of a prostitute - this means that slaves in Almund are treated a little worse than usual and also that whoever is actually attacking the prostitutes isn't found. Thread
Image77thAllThe volcano on Faldrass belches out black smoke for the entire trial. During this time strange lights are seen emanating from Immortals' Tongue. The seas are very choppy, despite the weather being calm and all over the island people just report having bad luck.


ImageDateLocationEventLink/ Impact
Image1stScalvoris TownThe Scalvoris Campus of the Viden Academy announces that Kristoff Manyon, previously Dean of the Institutes of Science and Metaphysis has been appointed Chancellor of the University here. A range of new appointments are made in light of thisUniversity Link
Image1stAll The Glass Trial is an important one to Scalvoris. To greet the new sun, all Scalvorians leave an offering of glass for the Immortals. This ritual is carried out for protection and good luck. In an unsurprising Almund-like manner, the Scalvorians of that particular region do this by gathering together in an inn or other public space, drinking themselves senseless and smashing the glasses. Open Thread: Almund
Image2ndAll Ishallr Result. Those who had previously explored the Ice Caves of Ishallr, as identified in the Hall of Fame are now aware, as is all of Scalvoris, what they found. The portals they discovered were permanent and the runic stones "set" them in place. Where there is a stone, there a portal appears, linked with one of the other stones. This now means that there are two portals in Scalvoris, one of which links to Rynmere University and the other of which links to Viden Academy. This allows for free movement between these places for University staff only, with prior consent of the Chancellor.Location Opens! Link
Image4thAllThe first ever flutterbus departs from Scalvoris, bound for Desnind! Location Opens! Link
Image 5thAll Rainbow Sky: The 5th sees a very strange phenomena across the skies of Scalvoris. The alignment of the suns is such that the sky, for the entirety of the trial, is covered in rainbow clouds. In all of Scalvoris' recorded history, it has never rained on this trial. The residents of Scalvoris celebrate by holding dances on the beach from dawn until dawn the next trial. Thread
Image 10thAll Chrien's Night: The 10th Saun is a night dedicated to Chrien. People go and swim in the waters, the Mer and Biqaj especially tend to go all out on this evening. During the night, it is acceptable and even expected to play tricks on each other, although the severity and malice of these tricks is usually tempered. Offerings are places on small boats, just larger than the palm of a hand and put to the water in the hope that no spite befalls the residents of Scalvoris this arc.Thread
Image15thAllThe waters around Scalvoris turn blood-red, as happened in Havardr last season. This lasts throughout the whole of the trial and a number of strange things happen, boats are overturned suddenly, whole schools of fish simply wash up dead on the shore and the volcano on Faldrass belches out bright green smoke!Thread!
Image30th AllSoul Light Night: The end of the Soul's Meal period. On the night of the 30th Saun, the people of Scalvoris light lanterns, even though it is Saun and they take the lanterns to the local graveyard at 8pm. There, they sit together, young and old, in large groups and they have a picnic. In between each living person there is a place for one of the souls who have not yet passed over. They stay until the last lantern, which symbolises Famula's lantern, burns out. When the last candle flickers out, the living leave the graveyard, leaving the lanterns behind which are collected the next trial. The belief is that the souls then go to Famula and are given peace.Thread


During the season of Vhalar, the following major events took place on Scalvoris:
Return to the Immortals' Tongue: thread ongoing
An attack on the Menagerie! here ~ an attack on one of the Menagerie animals leaves a bounty on the head of the unknown attacker!
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Last edited by Qit'ria on Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:47 pm, edited 12 times in total. word count: 868
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