Looking For a Slave

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Looking For a Slave

Hello peasants lovely friends.

In the next couple of seasons I will be looking for a pc slave that's willing to play in the Nashaki area! Though female characters are preferable (for actual plot reasons, trust me, it's for the plot) I'm willing to work with characters of either gender.

Your list of duties will include helping me plot, being loyal, keeping secrets and sealing secrets in blood, and basking in the coming wealth of as much back stabbing as the pair of us can possibly achieve. A slave of mine will be treated far better than the average slave on top of being a slave belonging to a Tower Member (giving you nearly the rights and powers of a free person!). You will be my closet confident and hopefully help to plot with me and not against me. If you try to plot against me... just don't do it.

I'm welcome to new players on the site or older players looking to make a new character. If you'd like to get invested in some early game evil without having to pay a cent yourself, then this is a good idea for you!

This thread will be occasionally bumped until roughly next Cylus (December 2017 roughly) in which case if I have no takers I'll be making an NPC Slave. If you see this post any time afterwards, the more the slaves the better, feel free to hit me up.
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Laiken Raj'ryn
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Looking For a Slave

OHOHOHOHOH PICK ME PICK ME!!!! I'll 100% make a character for this, it sounds super interesting!

*clears throat* ahem I mean uh...you're plot sounds very intriguing, and I would be happy to partake if you would have me ^-^ I have a preference for making male characters, but if the plot works better with female than I can do female, is there any race in particular you would like the slave to be? Any particular skills they should know? I'd be happy to work with you on this and see where it goes~
word count: 96
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Looking For a Slave

Hey! Glad to see that you're interested. I'll PM you with some more of the details.
word count: 18
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