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Pash shares his insanely #blessed evening news with Kali'rial.

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Pash Raj'oriq
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Everything Counts in Large Amounts

33 Ymiden, 717
A few breaks before midnight

To say that Pash flew home to his sloop would have been an understatement, a hyperbole really. Honestly, later the next trial long after sunrise he wouldn’t really be able to remember if he’d walked or ran, swam or skipped so much as that he indeed traveled, somehow, from the back entrance of Cally’s restaurant, out into the square, past the fountain, through the near-empty cobbled streets and familiar alleys of Scalvoris all the way to the well-brined wood of the docks. He flowed past the few people still out and about wandering from taverns or doing their business late in the evening like a humming, tumultuous current of warmth coursing through the town barely wrapped in the fleshly shape of a tall Biqaj with tanned, tattooed skin.

The truth was he wouldn’t have even functioned the rest of the evening at Cally’s, not really, if he’d been asked to stay. That much was obvious, and so amid the buzz of discussion and curiosity and emotion that filled the restaurant, lute still in his hands and stars in his eyes, Pash was shooed from his quiet corner and overstuffed chair in the most celebratory of fashions. There was plenty of conversation in his wake, patrons and staff alike witnesses but not necessarily in full understanding of the divine implications of all that had happened, so much of it incredibly personal despite the public nature of the interaction. Regardless, the tall Biqaj was no longer present for questions, and thus wild speculation was able to run rampant for the rest of the night without him.

He only assumed Kali would be on his sloop. The past handful of trials had been difficult, awkward, occasionally angry, and uncomfortable ever since Pash had returned from the jungle without telling her he was even going, without bringing her along after all the chaos of the Immortals Tongue. He'd gone with what he'd told himself were good intentions, but they'd been mostly selfish in the end—just chasing his own tail under the guise of wounded pride. While none of that seemed to matter at this moment—all of it sort of paled in comparison to the fact that Zanik, the Immortal of Music, had just spent some leisurely bits playing his lute, among other blessings—he knew he'd hurt the dark-haired Sev’ryn and worried she'd find her comfort as far away from him and his sloop and let that be that. Perhaps part of him, somewhere, still worried that was actually the better choice, anyway, but that part of his subconscious was totally not working at all at this moment and so those thoughts were literally the farthest away they'd ever been. Pash simply hoped she'd be on board, home as it were, as he leapt over the gunnel from the dock and onto his deck with a force that rocked the sloop and resounded through his hull with an unmistakably loud thud.

"Kali!" The seafaring minstrel shouted, not thinking about how the volume of his baritone voice could be mistaken for distress, oblivious to how he was winded and flushed from just how fast he’d traveled to get back to the docks, still clutching his grandfather’s old instrument as if he was carrying the most precious of children instead of having slung it over his shoulder as usual. His pulse still played a swift, staccato rhythm in his ears as he ducked under the boom and reached the hatch that led belowdecks, ”Oi! Are y’ here? Kali, you’ll never believe—”

In all his arcs aboard The Muse, Pash had rarely smacked his head against his own hatch belowdecks, usually when drunk or otherwise occupied. The tall Biqaj was so distracted, he managed the feat sober, grazing his forehead and sending him stumbling only somewhat gracefully down the three rungs of stairs into his little cabin, clearly resembling an intoxicated, overly excited fool, lute hugged to his chest by the hand that wasn’t desperate to keep him upright by grabbing at the counter of his tiny galley,

word count: 703
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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Everything Counts in Large Amounts

Some nights Kali didn't have nightmares, in fact, some nights she had dreams that were soft and gentle and full of wonderful things. Snippets of happy memories or imagined scenarios, either appropriate for sharing....or not. Tonight was one of those nights, curled in the soft linens of Pash's bed and maybe even snoring softly. She'd stayed on the sloop, even with their bumpy patch, because he let her and because she could. The sheets smelled of the sunkissed man, somehow of the salty ocean air and his own unique scent. Not unpleasant, in fact comforting given the trials just past.

Given these things, when she heard the loud thud in the wee hours of the night, the huntress jolted awake with a start and kicked her way out of the covers. Grabbing her bow and a handful of arrows, the brunette heard Pash call her name in a tone that could have been a cry for help. Moving to the exit, she was still trying to wake up even with bow in hand as the hatch swung open. Swearing she dropped all but one arrow, nocking and drawing to aim it at the opening with bleary wide eyes and tussled bed hair. Staring with shock, she watched a figure smack his head on the hatch and basically fall through to below deck.

Breathing hard, dressed only in her undergarments and dark tresses, Kali stared at the Biqaj for a moment as if to be totally sure she was not seeing things. Lowering the bow, she loosened the tension and put the weapon aside as the panic subsided. Moving forward she put a hand on his head to check for injury.

"Pash? Are you okay? What by Faldrun's fiery ass are you doing?" Blinking tiredly, she glanced up at the color of the sky outside.

"What time is it? Is your shift done?" The Sev'ryn couldn't make sense of the situation, but he was clearly either distressed or excited. Hopefully it was the latter, she was really not ready for any sort of adventure. Not again. Not at this time of...night?

Immortal's, it was late.
Last edited by Kali'rial on Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 363
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Pash Raj'oriq
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“Oi! It’s jus’ me—don’ shoot anythin’! ‘M fine!” Pash yelped in surprise, seeing the woman bolt from bed and grab for weapons with the kind of dizzying speed of a huntress who had nightmares. He clutched his grandfather’s old lute tighter to his chest with one arm, unable to wipe the stupid grin off his face even if his forehead ached from his own distracted carelessness.

It wasn’t late.

It was early.

Far earlier than the seafaring minstrel was normally home on the nights he worked.

“It’s a few breaks b’fore midnight. I—I have no idea. I left early—” He managed almost matter-of-factly as she touched his forehead, standing close to him all sleepy and attractively mussed from bed. The tall Biqaj paused, humming for a moment as if the very thought of why he’d left early was nearly impossible to talk about.

“Zanik.” Pash blurted, lagoon blue eyes bright and suddenly flecked with gold. He said the Immortal’s name as if it explained everything, as if within the two syllables the whole of his experience that evening could have possibly been entirely contained. It didn’t. It couldn’t. He took a deep breath and tried to find his footing on the worn wood of his cabin with his entire being, finally holding the lute between them, not quite shoving it at the dark-haired Sev’ryn so much as making sure the smooth wood touched them both, Zanik came to Cally’s t’night.”

That sounded utterly ridiculous. It did. He knew it. But it was true.

Shining eyes watched Kali’rial as he spoke, so blatantly honest, the baritone of his voice far more serious than the abstract joy plastered all over his flushed face, “He sat a’ table four an’ told Trudi to—asked me—ah,” His voice trembled then, fingers curling into the frets of his instrument more at the memory of how he’d felt inside over the past fistful of trials instead of how he felt now, and if his eyes grew a little more moist in that moment, he had no control over any of it, “He asked me—me—meeeeee—t’ play a song from m’ heart.”

There. A little breaking at that word and all it had meant over the past few trials.

Pash looked at the barely dressed huntress who had not left him alone no matter how much he deserved it, who fought with him, challenged him, and yet who also held him, cared for him. Too much. He was a mess, it was true, but somehow, she made it all much more tolerable. Why she was still here when she should have been elsewhere, he didn’t entirely understand, but he was thankful nonetheless,

“So, I did. Everythin’. All that’s happened. I put ‘t all t’ music. M’ heart. I made ‘t into a song. For Zanik, Kali. Sittin’ right there. In front o’ me. An’ he listened. Listened. His voice got softer and his words shorter as he spoke of all that had unfolded in the strangest, most amazing break of his life, but he still managed to tease, blinking away the unbidden tears of all the mixed emotions and adrenaline and amazement that still flooded every blessed fiber of his being so that they ran down his salty cheeks, “An’, y’know, I didn’t think ‘bout ‘t right away, ‘cause we both know how far ahead I think half th’ time, but then he ate. An Immortal. Ate his damn dinner at Cally’s tonight. Th’ full course. Jus’ y’know with a fork an’ everythin’ like anyone else would normal-like. An’ he’s prob’ly th’ first I’ve seen enjoy every bite th’ way he did. But then—”

He looked down to his grandfather’s old lute, “—then he got up an’ he sat with me. He asked for m’ lute an’ I gave it t’ him. He touched it. This. This! The lute shook in his hands for emphasis, though truth be told, Pash would have let Zanik touch anything he wanted, even his person, so intoxicating had the Immortal’s allure been when in his presence, “An’ he played.” Pash’s voice broke again with excitement, nearer to ecstasy at the memory of the way the song swept the room with real emotion, how the notes swayed feelings, moved hearts, through the entire restaurant, through himself, “I can’t explain ‘t. It were truly otherworldly—”

The seafaring minstrel looked back at the dark-haired Sev’ryn, not weeping but still not quite contained, bursting with an indescribable mix of joy and confusion, purpose and fulfillment, practically buzzing and glowing if that could at all be possible,

“Zanik touched m’ lute. Kali. An Immortal. This ol’ thing. He played it. An’ then I knew. It was him. He’s heard me, he’s listened. He handed it back t’ me an’ I dunno, somethin’ happened. Zanik marked me, blessed me … noticed me? Me. Loud, obnoxious son o’ a shipwright that I am. An’ he told me—he said—” Pash could not explain his prayer that evening, or the prayers he’d said for so many evenings in a row it felt like. He could not explain how much he feared all he did was meaningless, how much he longed for strength and beauty, how much he yearned for his song to be heard in the dark. He could not put into words again how he’d begged for something to change, and yet, here he had to somehow explain that he’d been heard, that the Immortal he’d asked to quite literally help him in some moment of desperation had not only heard him but come to see him, to all but touch him in a way, and to leave him changed, marked by his presence in a way that altered his existence.

“—he said what I did—” One hand strayed from his lute without a hint of reluctance, warm and worn, to brush dark hair from Kali’s face and to rest on her cheek, needing to touch someone, to touch her, in order to emphasize that what had happened was real and what he was about to say was true, ”He said what I do, what I’ve done, what I did matters. T’ him. An’ to me. It matters.”

The woman before him would understand, now, after so much struggle between them, what those words from the lips of anyone, from the mouth of an Immortal, from Zanik himself especially, would have meant to the salty bard who stood in front of her beaming and sniffling like an idiot, clearly changed. They’d somehow managed to hang onto something that meant something between them, that was bright enough and precious enough to keep her here, now, sleeping in his bed just so he could come home and have someone to share this with. Someone to see him see her, to see everything that much more clearly.
Off Topic
Sorry. This is 99% gushing pure joyous ooze and 1% mush.
word count: 1194
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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Everything Counts in Large Amounts

Looking at the taller musicians face as he answered her question about the time, Kali felt the familiar sense of calm that often washed over her when Pash was around. It was like settling down with a warm cup of tea and a cosy blanket. Or settling down in a warm cup of tea. Either way, it cleared out the panicked state she'd been pulled into and allowed her to see him for how he was.

He was like an excited child on the night before their birthtrial.

Slowly smiling, the huntress' eyebrows shot up at the name blurted from his grinning lips, waiting for him to explain with a bemused expression. As the truth of the night unfolded, Kali's eyes widened and her hand came to her lips in surprise. An Immortal had come to him, not just any Immortal, but Zanik. The Immortal of music and seduction and basically everything the sailor embodied. Listening with fascination, the brunette felt the emotion in his voice. It would have been amazing. Overwhelming. As the tears rolled down his cheeks, Kali kept herself still, not wanting to break his story with any interruption. Her heart swelled for him, knowing the sunkissed Biqaj well enough by now to see how much the event had touched him.

Looking down at the old lute between them, the Sev'ryn reached out to stroke the wood slowly with a featherlight touch, in awe of what he was saying to her. Zanik, the Immortal Himself, had touched the lute. Had played it. Part of her felt a pang of loss, sad she'd missed the event in person. Looking up at him again, she roamed his features and what other visibile skin she could see. The Biqaj had been marked, blessed. That was significant, and yet Kali couldn’t see any changes to his body. Not yet at least. As the weathered hand of the sailor reached up to touch her cheek, the brunette looked up at his eyes again, seeing there something more. Something important.

It matters.

Kali smiled at him, a slow dawning smile. One that had seen his highs and his lows. One that had watched him break apart and come back together again. One that had fought with her, and fought for her. She saw the man now, and what the words had meant for him. To him. Tears welled, but didn’t spill, as she took a moment to find the right words.

“Pash, I don’t even know where to begin. To have an Immortal come to you, hear your prayers…it’s a blessing alone…but to have Him bless you?” She shook her head, unable to express in words what that meant.

“Oh Àìdá…” The brunette said softly, nodding with a laugh.

“It did. It does. You do.” The Sev’ryn huntress said with a wavering tone, before taking a deep breath and blinking away the tears that were coming. Pressing her hand to his own on her cheek, she raised her eyebrows.

“So, any idea what this blessing has done to you? If I have to start shooting down men and woman in the street trying to steal kisses from you…” She raised an eyebrow with a laugh, indicating that it was highly probable she would if needs be.
word count: 554
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Pash Raj'oriq
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“Don’ have a clue.” Pash admitted, watching her celebratory tears on his behalf meander down Kali’s lovely cheeks, her hand warm on his face. He had no idea what sort of abilities Zanik’s mark had blessed him with, but he could guess if their brief—too brief—time together had been any clue. Laughing at the dark-haired Sev’ryn’s additional commentary, he tilted his head to kiss her palm, winking, “Y’ don’ already, d’ you? I wouldn’t want y’chasin’ anyone. Or shootin’ ’em. If they were nice lookin’ enough, y’ wouldn’t even share a little? It’s kinda fun, that.” His grin was wicked, implying she’d be invited as well as perhaps revealing too much about his past exploits, “N’ one quite chases me ‘round now, anyways. I think I can keep it toned down, jus’ for you.”

The seafaring minstrel purred his teasing, unable to help himself considering he’d roused Kali from sleep and she was quite distracting when mostly undressed, attractive regardless of her current state,

“I s’pose we can jus’ give somethin’ a try, eh? When Zanik played m’ lute, everyone felt it. Felt it. Th’ whole restaurant. I know you’re biased an’ all, but let’s see what I can do.” Pash smiled warmly, slipping his lute back over his shoulder and moving his hands to their familiar places on his instrument. He thought for a moment, tide pool gaze studying the woman before him in the half lit cabin of his sloop, wanting to play something that would be an obvious contrast to their current mood.

He considered all the feelings he could play about, all the melodies he could choose from that would perhaps move Kali’s heart in such a way that she could describe to him if she felt something, if he could sway her one way or another, to feel. His eyes fluttered shut for just a moment, a wordless prayer to the Immortal he’d just met, asking Zanik to help him honor him with all his blessing now allowed him to do, if, of course, he could discover it first.

So, despite being in the midst of something joyous and happy, he began to strum a tune that was quite sad, notes heavy and dark. He thought about actual sadness, he felt it before he played it, digging into deep, old feelings and using them as a reference. He kept the improvised song short, watching the lithe huntress to see if she felt it, if his song indeed affected her. A normal song would have sounded sad, and she would have been able to say so, but did she feel every note in the fiber of her being? Did this song actually make her sad? Did it ache like the lingering notes as they hung in the air?

He could tell by her expression, but he thought he should ask anyway, “Didja feel anythin’? It were jus’ a song, so don’t stay sad. Here—“ Calloused fingers moved to play lighter notes, a very quiet cheerful tune as if to make up for the heaviness he’d just filled his entire sloop with, letting how he felt about her, about this evening be the thoughts and feelings behind the notes he chose. He felt as though he had to play a part of himself, to project his intentions in a way not unlike how he manipulated others threads in their tangles through Empathy, “—I were jus’ experimentin’. D’ you feel this, too?”
word count: 594
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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It was late...early...too much of either of these things for Kali to process his words in a way that made sense, blinking as he kissed her hand with confusion.

"I don't...I mean...sharing...you mean...oh. Ohhhh...." The meaning of the well travelled Biqaj's words suddenly clicked as she took in the wicked grin on his face, and a deep blush crept up from her chest and over her face as the realisation he was speaking from experience brought altogether inappropriate images to mind. The Sev'ryn had barely had a whole season with the sailor, learning all the new and wonderful things he had to teach her. The idea of having another person in the mix was completely outside of her realm of knowledge. Maybe it could be...fun...but the brunette wasn't sure she was ready to share the sunkissed minstrel just yet. Laughing awkwardly through the flush on her cheeks, Kali lowered her hand from his face to shove his shoulder gently.

"Stop looking at me like that or we'll never find out what Zanik has given you." It was true, standing now almost painfully aware of the fact she'd forgotten she was naked from the waist up, the purr in his voice was enough to send a delicious thrill up her spine. As if to emphasise her need to know what had changed over the desire in his violet gaze, the young Sev'ryn used her hands to pull her dark tresses over her shoulders to cover her breasts and crossing her arms with a smirk.

As the bronzed man settled the lute into position, she watched his fingers move across the frets and over the strings. The song was not what she expected, a sombre tune that carried with it a tone of sadness. It wasn't just the sound though that touched her, something about the notes strummed heavily within her own soul. It brought up the sadness that was buried under duty and discipline, deep in her subconscious yet to be truly understood. Kali'rial took a breath, gasping as tears welled hot in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks without warning. Immortal's, she hadn't felt this way before, not that she could ever remember. All the excited tension and innuendo had left her within trills, and her heart felt like it might have been ripped from her chest.

"Immortal's I can't.." She whispered, turning away from the man and moving forward to lean a hand against the small table with the other pressed to her chest. Thankfully, the musician stopped, changing tact to play something much happier. Much more beautiful. The music made her aching heart suddenly soar with happiness, excitement, wonder and love. It wrapped her in warmth and light, and brought a smile to her face even as the trails of her tears were still wet on her cheeks. Turning back to him, Kali'rial closed the distance between them with a soft laugh of delight, slightly trembling hands gently resting on his own to still his strumming.

"Yes Pash, yes I feel it. All of it." Her periwinkle eyes looked into his, searching his face with wonder and a hint of unabashed desire.

"You've been blessed bard, with something very special. Something powerful. Something uniquely you." The young woman's voice had become slightly husky, her current mood written entirely on her features. The happiness, excitement, wonder and love still sang in her veins, burning brightly for the Biqaj and his newfound blessing.
Last edited by Kali'rial on Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 598
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Pash Raj'oriq
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Pash chuckled at Kali’s embarrassed shove, unable to keep his eyes from wandering at her defense, though she moved her arms to block his view and he was forced to focus on his instrument instead, still grinning.

His music clearly had an effect on the dark-haired Sev’ryn, and he watched in wordless surprise at just how much the short, sad tune broke down the amusement they’d just been sharing. What he may not have seen was the very faint, golden glow that surrounded him while he played, not unlike the soft glow that the Biqaj was already known for in the moonlight. Only he was indoors and the color was different, a visual manifestation of his Elithem mark and a sign that he was indeed channeling more than just himself into his music. Was the emotional effect lessened in a crowd? Was Kali more affected because of their emotional connection or because she was listening alone?

Somewhat horrified that he’d made her cry in just a few bars of music, it was all he could do to change the mood with his intentions and his tune until she moved closer and placed her hands on his to stop him from continuing. He hummed, thoughtful, both excited and somewhat surprised by the discovery of what had been granted him through Zanik’s blessing. The tall Biqaj moved to slip the lute from his shoulder, leaning in for a lingering kiss as he did so,

“Aye, blessed indeed.” Pash laughed tauntingly, brushing past the far underdressed huntress to place his instrument where it belonged in the tiny but well-organized space that was his sloop’s cabin and his home. He didn’t have to take but a step or two, practically able to still touch her, and once he’d set the lute down, his fingers moved without hesitation to the buttons of his shirt—he wasn’t going back to work and he was home early and Kali was clearly awake. The seafaring minstrel couldn’t really grin any wider, aware of the tone she’d taken and finding any idea of celebrating in the way that the dark-haired Sev’ryn was implying a somewhat fitting offering of thanks to the Immortal of not only Music but also Seduction and Strength,

“Unfortunately, you’re kinda’ biased,” the baritone of his voice was teasing, and despite the warm violet of his gaze, it was clear his mind was still working, words still spilling from his lips as he thought through things. This seemed to be his habit, after all, “So, while Zanik can somehow manage t’ keep th’ eyes ‘f e’eryone in th’ room on him in a way that wasn’t jus’ casual-like, you in turn already have more ’n jus’ eyes for me. But I wonder if I can do that, too—y’know, more than I already do, that is—t’ get peoples’ attentions as if I’m somehow their kinda’ pretty.”

Not that he wanted to, at this moment, do such a thing for anyone else, but was it even possible to appear more attractive to someone who already desired him as she did? Could she see something, anything more or different, about him when she was already pleased with all she’d seen?

For even himself, in the Immortal’s presence, couldn’t entirely help but feel the tug of desire that seemed to radiate from Zanik, his attractiveness otherworldly and captivating in a way that was simply beyond words. Here in the cabin of his sloop, he clearly did not need any assistance in garnering Kali’s attentions or captivating her with his good looks, eagerly freeing himself from his shirt with a more heated sort of chuckle, stepping closer to rest warm, sea-worn hands on the tanned skin of the dark-haired huntress’ hips and invite her towards him with all the intentions of picking her up and carrying her back to bed, though not to tuck her in for sleep.

No, they were decidedly not sleeping.

“I think it’s only right then that we give Zanik a lil’ show o’ thanks, eh?”
word count: 699
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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I love this thread - it's great to see Pash so excited and almost overwhelmed with that excitement. The little details like him bumping his head on the way in were really well thought out and I really enjoyed reading how his words were tumbling out all over the place. One slight point I would make is that you can't really seduce someone you're in a long term relationship with and claim that devotion for Zanik. In this instance, the dedication of the act to him, so soon after the blessing being given means I've given the 2 points, but that wouldn't be something you could claim in day-to-day threads. I'm sure you know that, but just thought I'd make it clear in case there's any confusion. Fab thread, I love the way you write and the very honest way that you play Pash. Great stuff! If there are any questions or if you feel I've missed anything, do drop me a pm!


XP: 15 (may not be used for magic)

Devotion: Zanik: +2
Fame: None


Bump on the forehead!


Rhetoric: Sharing your blessing story with enthusiasm
Musical Instrument: Lute: Playing sad songs is sad
Musical Instrument: Lute: Changing your tune on the fly
Seduction: That blessing glow, though
Seduction: Wandering eyes

Elithem Mark Knowledge:
Musical Enchantment (Minor): Playing emotional songs makes others emotional
Eye of the Beholder (Minor): Just a little more irresistible

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Kali’rial: Will stick an arrow in intruders
Kali’rial: Dangerous when surprised
Kali’rial: Looks good all the time
Kali’rial: Always glad to be excited with you



As I said to Pash I love this thread! It was great seeing Kali that strange mixture of bleary eyed "huh" and "wowzer!" Beautiful writing from you and a really honest portrayal of your pc. I've changed your mark knowledge because you can't have specific knowledge about a mark if you aren't marked yourself, so I've just put it under your "Pash" knowledge. Hope that's ok. Lovely, really lovely thread and I look forward to more from this expertly written character! If there are any questions or if you feel I've missed anything, do drop me a pm!


XP: 15 (may not be used for magic)

Devotion: NA
Fame: None




Detection: Hearing danger in your sleep
Discipline: Prepared to fight anytime
Short Bow: How to release without firing
Seduction: Use of suggestive tone
Seduction: Innuendo

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Pash: Blessed by Zanik
Pash: Clumsy when excited
Pash: Easily distracted by nudity
Pash: Shares special moments with you, even when it's late
Pash: Elithem Mark: Playing emotional songs makes others emotional
Pash: Elithem Mark: Just a little more irresistible
word count: 471
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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